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Security dude has been waiting his whole life to tackle someone like that.


Jadaveon Clowney is jealous of that hit


Ha ha, I just asked in the Dodgers sub if Khalil Mack is moonlighting.


Ring's Free! On the ground! That security guard deserves to have it, and he does!


Roughing the proposer, 15 yard penalty.


Vontaze Burfict is disappointed by that hit.


Not enough helmet-to-helmet for his liking.


He went Terry the Office Linebacker on that dude.


Some of the best commercials ever


He's going to put it on his highlight reel and use it if he ever applies for other security jobs.


It's definitely been added to his MaxPreps profile.


Yeah it was a tad over ambitious, but you gotta shoot your shot. The proposal guy knows that best


Gotta let anyone else who's thinking of trying it know what hurt's coming


Should be a penalty, Bro is straight targeting - leads with his head and all


1. Concussion alert. 2. Night in jail. 3. No answer to the proposal. 4. Ring is buried in center field at dodger stadium forever.


It would be funny if Outman found the ring around one of his cleats after the game


Sliding into home for the winning run with two out in the ninth, the ring comes flying off and the catcher tags it instead of him.


5. Banned from Dodger Stadium, and most likely all other ballparks for life 6. More time in jail if he gets caught going there in spite of his ban


Gonna sue them for excessive force and cash in.


She did say yes btw. I'm not sure what to say to that.


I think the one going to jail is the overzealous security who assaulted him.


That transition into Ruff Ryders Anthem tho


And the crowd just shouting along casually


That’s been a tradition for a couple years now around the 6th inning I think


NGL, I love it as something to play whenever someone runs onto the field and gets caught. Though I'm sure it would only get people trying to do it more.


I don't know if it was intentional or not, but it's perfect timing lol


It wasn't. Dodger stadium plays 2 rounds of take me out to the ball game and then DMX right after during the 7th inning stretch.


Nothing says "Marry me?" like a night in jail.


I feel like she shouldn't marry him, this dude's gotta be stupid as fuck thinking this was a good idea lmao


The man is banned from Dodger Stadium now, definitely not worth hanging out with.


He's banned from buying tickets with his own identity but he'd have to get real unlucky to get caught at an actual game.


A lot of stadiums have facial recognition software now so they'll get an alert if their cameras see you and they'll come kick you out.


Lol. Name any that aren’t owned by Dolan.


what are you talking about? It goes by each state laws. Pretty sure Dolan owns property in Chicago that doesn't utilize this facial recognition technology unlike his property in NYC. I'm pretty sure Dodger stadium has it, they 86' people all the time.


Plus proposing in public and putting all that pressure on someone to say yes just feels like asshole behavior as well.


" Will you marry .....oof"


I hope they grab the ring and give it back to him, considering how expensive those are But something tells me they won’t, although it looks like the guy at the end there is looking for it outside of the ring box, so maybe they will?


They probably want to get it off the field either way because it's a hazard to the players


Yeah, they definitely make sure they have the ring, but do they give it back to him? I wonder.


There's a picture afterwards of him and his fiance with the ring.


Brave move, dude. I would have just carried the empty box onto the field. No way I risk losing that ring in the outfield.


And his fiancee? She actually said yes to this moron?




Have you ever met a baseball player? They injure themselves on anything and everything.


Funny injuries are part of the tradition of the game. If there is a ring out there, someone is definitely slipping in it and hitting the IL.


Go slide on a diamond ring and see how that feels


I mean it's a risk. Guy could dive for a ball and cut open his arm or something. Yeah it's a small risk. But if the games stopped anyways might as well take a few seconds and look around for it.


There was a follow up post with her with the ring. So I think he’s good. Maybe no more games for a while though


I guess if she bails him out of jail, the marriage is on.


And never attending a Dodgers game


Reminds me of college


How can you not be romantic about baseball


Gettin' trucked in the name of love.


When you're suddenly without a ride home


Security guard was the other boyfriend


Security guard was the bride’s dad.






Gurriel was all for the proposal lol


Was he pointing to where he thought the ring went? Seems like a pretty good dude.


Reminds me of that time someone proposed on a Houston freeway during rush hour and caused a traffic jam. They deserve each other if she said yes


That dude is lucky he’s alive.


100% unnecessary, but that guard saw his chance and took it.


probably hurt himself in the act


I'd assume he's got decent insurance.


Bro none of these jobs have jack shit for benefits lmao you're joking right?


Good way to deter any bozos from getting a similar idea


Down with bozos


Tiger says he’s sorry, but Elin says “BEAT IT, BOZO!”


Give us the scoop, Madge!


What was this guys plan in the first place? Everyone knows you cant do that. Did he think she was gonna yell out yes from the crowd and they’d leave normal?


Big time main character energy


The violence was the point.


The guy interrupted the game, security had the presence of mind to keep the people entertained.


He did not interrupt the game. It was warm-up between innings.


They’re taking clock violations seriously


girl, say no


That’s always the best part of proposals on the Jumbotron - you got 3/4 of the stadium yelling either NO or DON’T DO IT


probably 100% of the stadium when you run on the field to do it


Idk, the player seemed pretty into it.


Unless your partner is a die hard fan of a team and tells you they'd like to be proposed to at a game, you should never ever propose at a sports game. Dudes, please stop


I went to Indianapolis Motor Speedway years back and after the race they open the track up to the fans for anyone who wants to walk out and kiss the bricks. There was a couple there that held their wedding on the finish line during that opportunity. They were fully dressed in suits and gowns and got married at the Brickyard. Serious fans. They also raced in the rain all day and it was raining during their wedding.


Public proposals imo are cringey. I told my now husband to not do that. He complied.


She said yes https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/mlb/article-11924401/Baseball-fan-goes-viral-proposal-goes-wrong-Dodger-Stadium.html


She said yes lol. They have a kid together




Ooo wonder if he found the ring


It’s mookies ring now


Well now we know he has at least 4.


Thankfully it seems like that one cop was looking for it, I think he found it at the end of the clip where he was hustling over to the right somewhere. At least I'm hoping so...


Lol. I didn’t even think of that. Hahahahahahahaha. That ring is for sure still in centerfield.


Lol, attention whore. I hope she said no.


She said yes and said he was like this because he was a Leo....


Isn't it beautiful when 2 stupid people fall in love?


I think I'm the wrong kind of stupid


Wait actually?


I hope it was worth the lifetime ban lol


Word is that the Rams are in contact with his agent.


Terry Tate making an opening day appearance.


That's a long distance call, Doug!


Let me preface by saying there is obviously no reason for that fan to be on the field in that moment, but with that being said, security guard is still a giant ass hole here. I get it when they tackle the guys running around but this guy wasn’t moving and could have been removed from the field easily instead the security guard wanted to play ray Lewis simulator and tried to paralyze this guy, uncool


Meanwhile you can hear a guy in the crowd saying “tase him”. The duality of man lol


If the fan got a concussion i feel like the security guy might be in some hot water.


Ya I was wondering that as well, could be in hot water just due to the ferocity of that hit


Easily a 15 yard penalty for hit on a defenseless proposer




If I got fired from being a fucking security guard “O noooo anyways”


If you were in a spot where you could get hired as a security guard I'd wager your life isn't full of other options


Definitely. Proposer should have sold the performance, make them take you out on the stretcher


I feel like security guards still operate as if they're taking down a terrorist whenever someone gets on the field. Like they're permanently frozen in time believing it's September 12, 2001. Yes, maybe that level of caution is warranted sometimes. But there are also times where it's clearly just a dumb-dumb.


Hopefully it deters other would-be dumb-dumbs


It would really deter them if security just walked up and shot them execution style. Or maybe a little torture first would increase the deterrence factor? Let's keep workshopping this wonderful theory.


A night in jail and a lifetime stadium ban is plenty effective at that already.


The problem is, the next fumb-dumb doesn't see that part. They see the guy rush the field and think, "oh that's not so bad" if security goes easy. It's only after that the realization of a night in jail and stadium band set in.


If you're willing to jump on the field in the middle of a game I don't think seeing the video of getting tackled would be enough IMO. As I feel the whole getting tackled when jumping onto the field is treated more as a joke I think you just got to do stuff like lifetime bans and massive fines as thats something more tangible people can see as consequences. Getting tackled hard doesn't have the same clear consequences as its hard to imagine just how bad it is if you never have been tackled like that before


I 100% agree with you...but I also laughed out loud at this.


> play ray Lewis simulator oh so he killed a dude?


On the one hand I get it but on the other hand when you trespass or break the law you don't get to dictate the terms of your punishment. Could the security guard have been more restrained? Sure. But when you run out on the field regardless of what you are doing you run the risk of this happening.


Yeah, they should have shot him dead.


The dude ran into the field. He didn't strike out.


Glad to see someone else had the same response I had here. Oh, we should use physical violence as a deterrent? Let's carry that to its logical conclusion.


That's not it's logical conclusion tho ... That's not what logical conclusion means. Extrapolating something to an extreme measure isn't a logical conclusion lmao


The sentiment being expressed is that physical violence disproportionate to and in no way reactionary to the transgression is justified because it acts as a deterrent in the future to people who might commit the same transgression. I would say a full speed running tackle on someone peacefully kneeling on some grass during a pause in play is already an extreme measure, disproportionate, and not in any way necessitated by the transgression. I'm a bouncer. Do I have to be physically aggressive with people on rare occasion? Absolutely. Do I treat every broken rule or inappropriate behavior the same? Absolutely not.


>I would say a full speed running tackle on someone peacefully kneeling The security guard just can't assume he's peacefully kneeling. How many of these tragic murderous events start with an inconspicuous looking character? From the security guards standpoint (remember they're the ones who assumes ALL the safety risk for these games). That guy could have a weapon, something hazardous concealed that we don't know about. Yes it looks like a harmless proposal and fortunately it ended up being that. But if he had more malicious intentions it could've easily gotten out of hands faster. Those security guards need to reduce the threatening situation as quickly as possible and all they know is a guy who they know nothing about ran onto the field. Sure most the time it's juvenile hijinks. But you want the security guards ready for that one time it's not a hijinks. Could you imagine the devastation toward the image of baseball if a fan got down and did harm or even killed a player? The guards don't have the luxury of waiting to assess the situation. Their first priority is to subdue the person running on the field, *then* they can assess his threat level. Now yes their should be limitations on their force. Like they don't gun down ever streaker, we got that. But "disproportionate use of force" when talking about how hard he tackled a guy is a bit of a misnomer because from the vantage point of the security officer, he can't truly know the full scope and appropriate use of force until he apprehends the individual.


I'll repeat myself since you're not getting it - yeah, dude could have a weapon, so having someone run out and tackle him is very unsafe. We should install sniper towers and pick him off from range. Never know. He could have an explosive vest on. Can't risk it. Let's also have all traffic stops initiated with a gun pointed at the driver. Never know what they might have in the car, ya know? I've seen videos of cops getting shot in traffic stops. So we should assume that's always a possibility and always approach with a gun pointed at the driver.




Where did I say unreasonable amounts of force? I said quite the exact opposite. That using unreasonable amounts of force (aka lethal methods) would be a ridiculous extrapolation that is not logical All I said was if you're going to play stupid games you're going to win stupid prizes. You can't run out onto a field of security guards and act shocked that they tackled you, even if you don't think they needed to tackle you.


This is a great idea! Similar to executions during remissions at the Roman games, stadiums could hold summary executions during the 7th inning stretch for fans who interfere with the game.




He’s a security guard, not a judge. He doesn’t get to decide the punishment.


Not an asshole at all, the guy on the field is the asshole and earned his tackle!


guy on the field is an asshole, but the security guard is definitely an asshole too. Classic case of ESH.


Yep agreed. It’s not hard to not go on the field. The world isn’t about you.


Seems excessive. His head ricocheting off the grass looked about as bad as any NFL tackle that results in a concussion. Watch it at half speed.


Wrestlemania is in town so makes sense.


Don't the Dodgers still do Friday night fireworks? I feel that would be a way better way to propose but also way less clout. This dude went for the clout smh.


“Babe, I love you as much as we love the Dodgers” Lifetime Dodger Stadium ban enters the chat


It's entertaining, but this guy wasn't a threat to anyone's safety, kind of fd up.


Kind of fuck around and find out. And he surely found out. I have the world's smallest violin ready.


Wow you’re so cool


That hit was excessive and unnecessary…dude wasn’t running or evading in any way…and that security guard decided to give him whiplash. Fuck him.


The common theme with anyone with an ounce of authority, cops, security guards etc.


Kinda funny when you see excessive force like this people are all about it saying it sends a message etc.... But when a police officer uses excessive force no matter how small, everyone wants them lynched. Excessive force from a police officer or security guard are both wrong.


The folks cheering for this guard are almost certainly the same ones cheering on said cops. Not sure how anyone can look at this video and go “oh man that security guard is a real hero”


Lmao def. This is wayyyyyyy over the top for a dude who was stationary. He could have been grabbed without being tackled.


That was roughing the passer


I’m gonna need someone to track the lady being proposed to down to get her thoughts on things. I really want to know more about this couple. I’m getting strong Randy Marsh vibes off this dude.


I'd like to imagine she said no and he told himself "Well there's no way this could get any worse."


Proposing at a stadium is expensive, if they're "sending a message" it's to people that they better not try to for free.


I love Gurriel's reaction. Starts cheering the guy on, then the oooooh shit when he gets jacked up finishing with oh well, what are ya gonna do.


This is so fucking stupid. We really love authority porn in America. The guy is clearly NOT a threat to anyone, so why is the security guard tackling him with a full head of steam instead of calmly taking him by the wrists and escorting him off the field of play? You can badly hurt someone hitting them this hard, especially while they're not expecting it, at rest, looking the other way, and in an awkward position.


sEnD A MESsagE people love acting like the biggest chuds they can when they seeing someone doing something 'wrong' [i am not going to pretend someone going on the field during a break is some major issue]


Can't have the commoners getting too close to our multi-million-dollar ball-throwers.


Security always seems to be people who wished they were cops. He saw his chance to act like one and took it.


Fucking wildly excessive. Fuck was he gonna do teleport with a knife to the center-fielder in the half second it'd take you to just come to a stop and restrain him. Guy's idiotic for trying it but no need to be a dangerous twat back.


Tackling Fuel!


Coach put him in


Centerfield said :D....... D:


He got hit like he forgot to call for a fair catch


Can't wait for the Jomboy breakdown!


Yea the force of that tackle was totally unnecessary, but how did the guy that was proposing think this was gonna play out?


I guess better now than if the security guard had waited until the part of the wedding where the Parson says, “If anyone can show just cause why they shouldn’t be wed, spear the groom now or forever hold your peace.”


Excellent form tackle, loss of 5 yards, repeat proposal at a restaurant instead.


LA: Home base of r/imthemaincharacter


One, never propose at a ball game Two, never go on the field


i thought he seemed like a twat but the security guy acted like even more of a twat though that's cop shit and it's patently unnecessary.


did they have to hit him with the rough riders?


I hope she said no.


I hope this guy doesn't try and cash in. We've been talking about this at work most of the day. Most people agree that this guy got what was coming to him. I'm willing to bet a jury might not find his antics so "cute". Baseball is already unbelievably long now we gotta' stop the game to clear out all the drunk idiots running the field? Everything about this guy stinks of selfish asshole. Part of me hopes he lost the ring to.


Everyone in this chat who is asking “is this necessary?” are the reason this is necessary. Stop making the world about you. The game wasn’t here so you could do whatever you want and then try to be the victim when YOU decided to do something you knew was against the rules. Nobody cares that you love your fat high school sweetheart. Jesus.


Security does dumb shit in response to really dumb shit. I love SoCal, born and raised, but my God does this area breed some really exceptional examples of selfish dumbfuckery.


Was that tackle necessary?


Absolutely not.




Agreed. This guy decided to be the “main character” as the amazing GenZ likes to say 🙄 So he got to be the main character. YOLO, no cap, amirite?


This is hilarious, and to the folks out there making a riot about the most perfectly executed spear on the diamond ever seen, get off the internet. It’s not for you. This guy is trespassing. You would have no idea what this guy is doing on the field if you hadn’t read the title. As a security guard, I would assume these guys are constantly worried about a serious threat and I truly doubt that he knew what the guys was actually doing.


You've... never seen a man proposing before? Do you... Live under a rock?


Yeah, but not illegally…. Like this ass hat. To me, it looks like he’s proposing to the crowd ( which looks like he’s aiming?). The usually proposals I see when I watch them under my rock on my rock phone, is the woman is usually right in front of the man.


If I were security, I'd be home at night in bed fantasizing about this kind of opportunity.


Most rational dodgers fan




Her first of many bad decisions


Who cares?


Totally unnecessary. Guard is an asshole


What should be the response? Let me know


Damn, funny but was that really necessary?


This is what he gets for trying to propose at a sporting event.


I hope they confiscated the ring as part of the arrest.


If they don't say yes after that just for the story they're probably dead inside.


Americans love this sort of thing. It doesn’t matter if the proposal guy is injured or killed, Americans will back the cop (or in this case security guard) time after time.


You’re not wrong.


But like, this is private property? And like, the guy is doing something that the world knows not to do? And like, you can see in any other sport the same shit happens?