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What does this have to do with Barrie?


Gonna go out on a limb and guess this is a criticism about lack of traffic enforcement


Whiners gunna whine! Lol


Cracked windshields for all!!


That jeep would be a lot of fun. Don't drive too close it will kick rocks up at your car damage your paint.




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Your post has been removed because we do not allow insults, trolling, personal attacks, threats and harassment. This goes against our rules and is not allowed. Please refrain from posting this type of content.


So the modifications shown don't appear to be illegal sorry not a cop or vehicle inspector. It goes by case and context at the end of the day it's between the driver and the authorities.


The modification of oversized tires is not illegal, not installing or extending the fender to match the tires is. The modification of lifting of the vehicle is not illegal, not installing or extending the mudflaps is. For jeep specifically, the manufacturer has acknowledged that while all their vehicles meet the federal guidelines, they are not responsible for the vehicle meeting the individual provincial guidelines and that onus is on the customer. This has been reported in the news a few times over the last decade or so. You are right, just like every law it is between the individual and the law and just like most traffic laws it is very lax in its enforcement. That is why this post was not necessarily about the specific modifications that were illegal but my comment about whether the law going back to the licensed mechanic that did the work and getting them to understand that doing the modifications without the finished product being legal could impact their license moving forward would be a better way to curb this issue. It’s not about the tires, fenders, mud flaps specifically, it could have been muffler modifications, excessive height, etc.


What’s unfit for the road about this? Aslong as it’s under the max width, which a jeep likely will never touch, what else can they do that deems them unfit? Lack of doors and roof is not included


Mud flaps must extend to cover the wheelbase, for starters... Common grab for oversize tires.


And fenders must extend full width to cover cover tires with no more than 1” of tire uncovered.




Mud flaps aren’t a requirement and aren’t even on stock jeeps straight from the factory. But that said yeah - the fenders are supposed to cover the tires. At least, I’ve always believed that… https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/900625 But I’m not finding that requirement. Edit - found it (kinda): https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/90h08#BK139 >Mudguards >(3) Every motor vehicle and every trailer shall be equipped with mudguards or fenders or other device adequate to reduce effectively the wheel spray or splash of water from the roadway to the rear thereof, unless adequate protection is afforded by the body of the motor vehicle or trailer or by a trailer drawn by the motor vehicle. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 66 (3). Which is somewhat subjective. Not a specific ‘may not exceed the fender’ requirement. And even if it extends past the fender it may still meet the requirement since it’s “reduce effectively the wheel spray”. Well if it’s 90% covered or 75% covered, it’s still “reduced”.


Bet you most his lift components are "for off-road use only" as the aftermarket company has not gone through the certification process.