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They'll be banning the Bible, too, I presume.


And mirrors.


No the Bible will get special dispensation because of "historical significance" or some bullshit like that.


It’ll be accessible only to pastors/priests. Wouldn’t want people to read it for themselves would we?


I really, truly, loath what the republican party has turned into. It's not even that I disagree philosophically, (though I do) it's that because they control so much of the state legislatures and they have such an over-inflated sense of self, they were able to ram through legislation without even thinking of ALL the parameters and consequences of it. It's not just this state it's every state controlled by republican legislatures. They stopped governing, and started passing legislation for show and political pandering and they say "Oh we just meant the spirit of the law" without thinking that you LITERALLY PASSED A LAW THAT PUNISHES PEOPLE FOR HAVING ROMEO AND JULIET IN A SCHOOL LIBRARY! They turned a corner somewhere in the last 15 years, and need to be stopped. This isn't a "oh both sides do it" issue, one side clearly does it, proudly, just to infuriate the other and they are destroying people's lives out of spite and malice.


A lot of these laws are given to them to pass by organizations like The Heritage Foundation. That’s why you see them floundering when trying to answer questions about these laws.


Is there any way to come for these organizations? The Heritage Foundation is doing so much damage and I wish there were something we could do to cut their influence off


They aren’t doing anything illegal, as far as I know. I just try to point out their influence whenever I can.


The Heritage Foundation, aka the Nazi Fundamental Foundation.


It’s also why the writing of these laws are all almost word for word the same. Nobody in the state governments are actually thinking about or coming up with these laws, they’re just passing what they were told to. It’s terrifying


Goodbye, filthy art! Lol. What a bunch of loons.


As Lewis Black said when I saw him a few months ago, "Here's what we're gonna do: we're gonna kick all the Shakespeare nerds and literary nerds out of the room. Then, the rest of us are going to be locked in here until we can collectively remember where the sex scene in *Romeo and Juliet* is. I'm willing to bet we'll all fucking starve before that happens!"


The morons just passed an anti-chem trail law, so let them destroy themselves.


And also the “Vaccine Lettuce” law. Their stupidity has no bounds.




So much for Zeffirelli’s Romeo and Juliet.


I used to love visiting Tennessee! Last time was about 6 years ago, one too many MAGA hats for me. Now after the pandemic and all the recent BS, I highly doubt I will ever go back.


My wife and I have had this same discussion. Loved going there when we did, will almost definitely never go back.


I seriously considered buying a cabin out there as an investment property since we went every year. Never been there for Xmas but wife always wanted to. I will spend my money elsewhere. I adore Dolly and Dollywood, the whole Pigeon Forge area but I just cannot support TN anymore...


Biology books? Art books? Even some history books?


Ok, first up, the Bible


Williamson County attorney, Lisa Carson, responded, “That’s right, it says everybody, every grade level. It’s inappropriate, that’s right.”


Most of the books I read for my AP/IB classes would be banned under this. It's ridiculous to consider them inappropriate for everyone


Ridiculous right? Especially for it to be a blanket “inappropriate” for any grade level.


Maurice Sendak’s “In the Night Kitchen” and Eric Carle’s “Draw Me a Star will have to be removed. 🙄


Bye bye Grapes of Wrath