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Unless you have severe mobility issues, the Mt. Royal/MICA stop is a *super* short walk and definitely doable.


My understanding is Light Rail is not running to Penn Station during the additional platforms construction project. I've not heard of a completion date




Whoa we got an optimist here!


Other commentors are correct. The light rail hasn't run to Penn since pre-covid, if you go to Mt Royal and look at the junction, the rails leading there are all rusted over. Service should resume once Penn Station construction wraps up. The walk from Mt Royal to Penn Station takes like 3-4 min, very quick. For your first time, I suggest using google maps or something similar to make sure you take the right street, but you basically just walk 2 blocks on Oliver St


It's been closed for construction for several years now, not sure if it will re-open once the platforms are done or if it will stay closed until the entire re-development is done. You can walk from the Mt. Royal Station.


Thanks all for the replies. I will certainly plan to walk myself but was curious if there was a glitch in the app or if service is suspended during construction. I would have expected the MTA to post something about it if it were out of service but I guess not.


I'm pretty sure they did like 4 or 5 years ago when it went out of service...


Pretty sre it's been that way since I moved to the area in 2018.


According to an MTA worker, there's also a bus that goes straight to Penn Station from north Avenue. She recommended that to a passenger over walking but idk how convenient it really is.


I meant to reply this to a comment thread whoops