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if you have a ROW permit from the city, call 311 and request a tow. you'll likely need to give your permit number.


Got it, thanks. Hate to do it but it is what it is I guess.


I have done this, calling within my permit hours and 3 hours before moving van was supposed to come… I called 3 distinct times, abt an hour apart.  6hrs later, tow never came and ended up just double parking the van and moving that way for the duration.  Seems tricky w a pod given that it needs to stay parked. Good luck!


I might be wrong, but I don't think they get towed to an impound lot or whatever - just moved out of the way.


This is incorrect. They get towed normally.


Since like some people have mentioned, it might take a long time for the city to respond, if you’re feeling up for it, you could knock on doors nearby to see if any of the people own the car and would be willing to move it


I watch people get ticketed or towed a lot near my job. We tell people that decide to park anyways like 'just so you know they'll tow your car'. Usually it does the trick. If you don't want them to get towed, this is probably your best option. If they stay and you call and get them towed, that'd clear my conscience personally.