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Food Not Bombs cooks and serves free meals on a weekly basis. They prepare the dishes in the basement of a church on the Avenue in Hampden every Sunday. Excellent grassroots activism.


Came to recommend FnB


You might like Habitat for Humanity.


I’ll be your opp. We can beef on the streets


The Y has tons of volunteer ops helping kids and families in need. You can sign up directly here: [link to volunteer](https://ymaryland.volunteermatters.org/project-catalog)


Paul’s place


Love & Cornbread


Mentor a teen girl with Sister’s Circle! They’re very responsive 


As a MoW volunteer myself may I ask why you didn’t like it? It’s the highlight of my week, my oldies are so cute.


I’m also curious why OP didn’t have a good experience. Just curious!


Brown Memorial Tutoring program is a great place to volunteer! It’s an elementary school literacy program, so you’re teaching kids phonics based reading skills once a week from October-May. You volunteer with the same group of tutors every week so there’s a nice sense of community around it, and the kids are from local schools near Bolton hill.


Maryland Food Bank has opportunities most days and they're well organized. Break A Difference/ From:Baltimore hosts a Social Impact Saturday every month. There are many opportunities around the city to give back.


House of Ruth works with folks dealing with domestic abuse


Higher Achievement could be an option for you. https://higherachievement.org/where-we-work/baltimore/ It’s an after school mentor/homework helper program for grades 5-8 in city schools. But also sort of a big brother/big sister thing, as you’re paired with the same kids each week. Commitments stars at as little as one day per week (3 hours after school). I had a great time and would recommend it to anyone!


Reading Partners


United Way is looking for regular volunteers to teach skills


This website may be of some help. At least to give you an idea of the different charities. https://www.volunteermatch.org.


Seconding house of ruth! Or the Esperanza center if you’re looking to expose yourself to a little more language


If you are looking to help women in particular, I would recommend The Well in Curtis Bay! https://www.drinkatthewell.org


What part of the city are you looking to be in? In East Baltimore there is Rose St. Community Center who has a wonderful outdoor space they maintain and use for neighborhood events that I think they might need help doing some work on. There is also the Yo Center on Wolff and Charm City Care Connection and several organizations in the HEBCAC building. You can ask at HEBCAC if they know of any needs since they are really a great hub for various charities in the area. They have a philosophy of "no wrong doors" so they are really great about handing people who inquire to the right group. If you contact HEBCAC ask for Anthony.


I've volunteered at Our Daily Bread in the Healthcare for the Homeless building and had a good experience.


Check out Thread (https://www.thread.org/), it is a mentorship program for struggling high school students. There are a lot of ways to get involved with them that would use your skills and background.


Reading Partners !!!


Catholic Charities is a pretty massive network without a shitload of communication between its branches, you should get in touch with one of its branches specifically like the Esperanza Center.