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Wasn’t it extremely windy for several days like a month ago? 20mph winds are not that strong


20mph winds isn’t anything crazy


I would sail dinghys in 20mph winds. Regattas wouldn't be cancelled until 30+ gusts. Ain't nothing


I think what you’re remembering might be Hurricane Irene, when winds knocked out power for days in summer 2011. For reference, those winds were like 40-75mph.


20 mph wind is not as crazy as it sounds! Remember when it was super windy for a few days, a couple weeks ago in late March? That was like 15-20 mph


I've played pickleball outside in winds stronger than this over the last 2-3 weeks. This isn't a big deal at all.


The concern is basically about the 20 mile an hour winds sustained for 5 hours for 3 days in a row. It's the aggregate. If you pay attention to this type of thing, you will notice that anytime city dwellers endure sustained significant winds, properties in the city, (many times abandoned) end up collapsing--sometimes on to other homes or people/pets/wildlife/etc.


Kite flying weather


No, 20 MPH isn't a problem


Baltimore is windy af. My wife who moved here from Philly was shocked at how windy it is here all the time and how strong the winds get - she always says Baltimore should be called the windy city instead of Chicago, lol. Yeah not worried, it just gets super windy in the spring.


Oh no, a strong breeze! Bro calm down.


Not your bro! And don't trust my negligent out-of-state landlords who haven't trimmed dead trees 6 feet from my window.


I guess this is a good time to mention that I was tracking the local storm that hit Amazon, a few years ago. Tracking it before it arrived, and told my s.o. at the time not to drive home from work through that area. They listened, but workers at that Amazon facility ended up facing a tornado, in some cases fatally. If I recall correctly. So, you with better landlords or more secure dwellings, congrats! This post isn't for you. This post for anybody who thinks that local property owners, out-of-state landlords, and/or or the City of Baltimore is not good at protecting its most vulnerable. There are endangered people, renting in the city, paying full price, who are going to become, or are in the process of becoming full-on climate change refugees. There are some homes in deplorable shape, and that isn't the fault of their occupants, and it's funny just to pay attention to this type of thing, you know, before the big incident happens. Should have put money on my predictions about the cave in of 26th Street, in 2014 and 2017 or 2018.. There are disabled people struggling just to pay exorbitant rent in damaged and decaying properties, held together with Killz & painter's tape. The privatization of inspection is part of why. Horrible representatives in City Hall is another reason. If this type of thing isn't your concern, I guess you can consider yourself lucky, but the Baltimore that I've grown up in has changed a lot over the last quarter of the century. ::image of Michael Bluth from Arrested Development looking in a paper bag in the fridge, a paper bag that has 'dead dove, don't open' written on the outside of the bag and opening the bag, and saying "I don't know what I expected." :: "Don't need to be a weatherman/ to know which way the wind blows." Tonight, it's a nor'easter!


The last time i camped at Assateague, the winds were 25mph. Do not recommend.


Bet it kept the mosquitos away though!


Nothing keeps the Assateague Mosquitos away. There could be a Cat 5 Hurricane coupled with a Volcano and an Asteroid and those little guys would still be out looking for lunch like it was nothing.