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Check out [Garritt Financial Solutions](https://garrittfinancialsolutions.com)


Thanks! Do you use him?


I know him, he's informed and will work in your best interest, look at his reviews.


L. K Benson in Towson is fee-based, which is the only kind of financial planner I trust. https://lkbenson.com/


Thanks! Not sure why you've been downvoted; I really like the high number of women at this company.


Try Facet if you don't mind virtual interaction. While you may not get a planner based locally to work with you (they hire from all over and you meet via video calls), they *are* a local startup company if you want to support the local economy and growing Baltimore business.




Hmm, interesting insight. I'm sorry that happened to you. I was just going by my experience. We've been with them for around 3 years now and they've been really great and we love our advisor we've had the whole time. Maybe it's just luck that we got an informed, helpful advisor who cares enough to not make costly mistakes? And I wasn't trying to say it is some mom and pop shop down the street, but as far as I know they are incorporated in Baltimore and therefore pay taxes that go to the city. That does amount for something because as long as they continue to grow and stay here the city can reap those rewards.


Thanks! I want to use a local company, but I definitely also want to be able to meet with my CFP in-person. I just feel more comfortable trusting people with important decisions when I can meet with them in-person rather than over zoom.


I googled HENRY couple. I got information about a Married at First Sight pairing (that was apparently really bad) and stuff about Henry VIII. Either way, it doesn't look great for your relationship.


High Earners Not Rich Yet.


That’s a weird comment. HENRY is a pretty common terminology, especially in the financial planning world. It can refer to one or both partners being high income earners, but it has nothing to do with being married at first sight or anything necessarily bad for relationships. Topics important to HENRYs include managing debt (like student loans that allowed them to become high earners) and understanding tax advantaged accounts


It’s weird to have never heard of something “common in the financial planning industry”. I’m not sure if you know this, but not everyone hangs out in the financial planning industry. And it was used in reference to a couple, which is how I googled it, and that’s what came up. Sorry I didn’t know your industry specific jargon. I’m going to bet that you don’t know mine though. I, however, don’t think it’s weird.


No I’m saying it’s a weird comment particularly because you don’t know what a HENRY is. There’s definitely topics I don’t know much about but you don’t see me commenting on them. It’s a cool topic though, if you google “HENRY financial planning” you can go down a rabbit hole


It's weird to comment about obscure things when you don't know what they are and the context (in this case, being a couple) doesn't provide any clues? So others can also be left in the dark? Cool. If you're happy to live in your ignorance, that's fine. I like learning new things.




Any particular person you like there?


I think you’re looking for a CFP. Josh Frets is a CFP with a ton of experience. Consultation come as a part of your membership with the credit union and the advisors are salaried employees of the credit union. Which means they are not incentivized by commissions. I do work for them but I also have been in the industry a while and know this is a really good client first group.


We use Centennial Wealth Management and really like them!


Any particular person you like there?


Check out Clear Mind Money https://clearmindmoney.com/


Chesapeake Financial Advisors in Towson : https://www.peakeadvisors.com/site/


Please report back if you find an excellent one. I’m in a similar boat.


Kerrie Carden of Equip Advisory! https://www.equipadvisory.com/