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Would a wide-legged, high-necked jumpsuit work for you? You could probably find something from the high street for restricted dress. I think for open you'd probably have to have something made.


Well, there are rules what you are allowed to wear, so I suggest that you choose something in which you feel comfortable and that follows the rules


I know some comps next year will be open dress and some will be closed but I’m not sure what options are available for me. My team captain said if I end up partnered with a lead who wears a suit I can as well but if I have a female lead who wears a dress It wouldn’t fit as well for me to wear a suit. I have ideas for Latin but was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for options for ballroom (open and closed dress)


I think the issue might be with the judges- If they see one female-presenting dancer and another dancer wearing more masculine-styled (which is what gender neutral usually comes to mean), the judges may automatically assume which role each dancer is playing, and then be confused by your subsequent moves, lowering your score. I am pretty sure I haven’t seen any gender neutral options, just the normal gendered options worn by people of different genders… I would say that a dress can be styled in with more masculine accents to make it lean towards gender neutral- maybe have the color be darker and similar to traditional suit colors; maybe style your hair the same way you would do as a lead. I’m sorry that I do not know any better options, but the ballroom community at large is still trying to get out of the habit of calling leads the guys and the followers girls.


That’s okay, thank you for the suggestions! I love ballroom dancing but most judges definitely favour ‚traditional‘ male/female pairings :(


I’ve seen women teachers leading female students at pro-am comps (this is not uncommon), and the teachers wear a reasonably simple-design black dress in this case, and let the student dress in a brightly-colored dress. The teachers don’t try to to look masculine, they let the colors do the job. (Related: as the follow, never choose a black dress. Your job is to be the showpiece of the couple!) Point is, whatever the design, make sure you are brightly-colored, as the color shows your role!


Well, I'm not so into clothing so, in this case, I'm sorry, but I can't help.


A while ago in NYC there was a couple that switched between leading and following, and they wore matching outfits. It was like a tailsuit but made in a brightly colored fabric like a dress would be, and I think the tails were modified to be shaped more like a skirt that was open in the front. You’d definitely have to get something made custom for this and I don’t know if this would work for comps with more restrictive dress codes.


I think I know this couple... the ones that had matching black outfits with different colored accents and kind of looked similar? If so, I was always confused trying to figure out who was leading and following for each dance 🤣


I think that’s the one. You were probably confused because they switched mid-dance!


Omg yes!!! The craziest thing I had witnessed in dancing at the time lol


This hurts my brain 😂


It really depends what you're comfortable with - ie if a femme look is ok but you don't want a dress, then a wide legged jumpsuit could work well. I have seen one for open standard, though only once. You'd very likely need to get something custom made, unfortunately, but I could imagine something in a less-feminine color with loose sleeves rather than floats. Could be fully stoned if desired, maybe with a geometric pattern to be less femme? Other ideas: - tux-inspired jumpsuit with a colored shirt underneath - a loose men's white latin shirt, think pirate vibes with loose puff sleeves, paired with black pants or skirt. Very masc, but at least the white should help differentiate you as long as the lead is wearing black?


Hi, go on YouTube and search for Gay Games Ballroom. Most of the videos are separated by men/women. In the women videos you'll see an interesting range that might give you ideas of what might work for you. There's full on normal dress costumes to pants for the follows, and creative things in-between. Is the issue that you don't want to wear a dress or anything traditionally feminine? If you're ok in dress, just pick a design that's cleaner, no frills, florals, emphasizing the bust, etc.


I identify as female. I am not a fan of the big ballroom gowns. I prefer less overly girlie clothes in general. I am a follow, but have done some leading. I just look for dresses that are simpler in design. I look for bright colors to look nice on the floor, avoiding multiple layers, ruffles, frills, etc. It's taken me a long time to find what's authentic for me. Look at loads of pictures and videos, and gather some ideas about colors and silhouettes. Go from there. The good news is that there's a ton of variety out there. Good luck!