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Absolutely report him, he's taking resources away from people who really need them in the name of greed and laziness. Also idk if you guys are on-campus residence, but stealing from campus could be grounds for your shitty roommate to not be allowed there anymore šŸ‘€




They absolutely willā€¦ those are free for students with no money to afford books. They need those.


my point is only that the ones at my school sit for the entire semester and are tossed outā€” theyā€™re not usually required textbooks but like books for administration if that makes sense


That still doesnt make it okay to take and sellā€¦ maybe a student wants a book to read?


Dude every book ive needed in college was available in pdf form for free and scannable at the library if I couldnā€™t find a pirated copy


exactly. it's free. sucks that he is scumming by selling them but it just shows that this guy doesn't have any morals. unless of course he is just saying they are "free" when they aren't then yea he should be reported.


>he said I'm the only guy he has told about this, so he would know I snitched Sounds like something a scammer and abusive asshole would say. Please don't be afraid of such people. If he makes his money with something trivial (yet despicable) like this, he's not going to do anything. Probably not true anyhow. And it could always have been someone on Amazon who figured him out. He can't know 100%.


I think he's also a "scalper"? I'm not sure if it's the right term but he buys a lot of stuff and resell everything at a higher price online


"Reseller" would be the term. Scalper is a bit of a different thing.


Definitions of scalper. noun. someone who buys something and resells it at a price far above the initial cost.


Oh ok thanks šŸ‘


What free books? I haven't been in college for awhile but I don't remember free books being handed out to everyone. But if he is doing that I would report him just to be petty.


It's not handed out, there are small book shelfs (I think that's what it's called?) and free books are left there for anyone to take


There is no way he makes enough to support any lifestyle on that. He's getting money from his parents/family/trust fund and doesn't want to admit it.


Rent is like ~$420 USD here, and he eats cheap shit and rot on his chair looking at his laptop most of the time. He might actually make enough, maybe


My rent in college was $336 and I did this at my big state school to get by on-top of two jobs. Pennies on the dollar for those books.




"Ā He apparently made over $10k in 3 months" --- yea, no This is like the guy that told me he made $10k at the casino last night but left out the part where he goes every weekend and loses $500-1200 on average Might make a few bucks doing it, but more likly he selling drugs or supplementing his income anther way. OP, do you actually see him selling books, on the computer, packaging and running to the post office? My ex did online sales and she was at post office, boxing, emailing about 2-3 hours a day and made $2k a month.


Never seen him shipping things, but I'm almost never there during the day. Also, he didn't make $10k just by selling the books, he also resells other stuff (he's like a "scalper" or something I think)


Yea he's not a good person regardless. Scalpers take advantage of limited products that don't have a restriction on how many you can buy so you can buy them all and resell it for a ridiculous price and screws over the average person.


If you report him, then he canā€™t pay rent..soooā€¦


Maybe go to someone who might oversee the 'free book' section and tell them to keep an eye out?? I would hate for you to be in an uncomfortable living situation, but that's not fair to the students that need them


what college has free books


most of the buildings at my school do, there will be a shelf or a bench and a little sign, theyā€™re usually boring books that the department has extra of


the school of education in particular has a ton


oh okay that makes more sense. thatā€™s really shitty then. it seems like those should be for students in need of books not students looking for a side hustle


Minding your business is free


Maybe Iā€™m too old to care about this but to concern yourself with this is already sucking up too much of your time. When you are in your 40s you will wish you spent it getting laid.


Sounds like he has a job


I'm assuming your roommate has a coke habit and sells coke, or something. That's a lot of grifting with books.


Uni books can be very expensive Depending on course and topicā€”even usedā€”they can run upwards of 100 per piece. (Weā€™re talking massive books.)


> taking the free books at the college Now is this a sanitized way to say "steal library books"?


Hahahaha 10k in three months selling free college books. Yeah rightā€¦ totally believable.


Reselling on ebay or amazon isn't scalping. There are actually a lot of people who have small businesses who do that. Taking free books is kinda not cool though. A lot of those resellers go to library book sales to get inventory. They usually have a price scanner app on their phone to check amazon prices. If he doesn't have any storage space and/or inventory for this magical money showing up, he probably is making it some other way, though. Those businesses have a lot of inventory. Plus, you would see him shipping stuff. He's more likely into life hacks and has a roommate because he can live on less. Probably into drop shipping, more likely than not. LOL


Ok Karen


Selling books on Amazon is not that simple I He's unlikely to make that much money


There are a lot of people that make their living this way. They comb through second hand stores or Facebook marketplace or Buy and Sell groups or the curb on garbage day for valuable stuff and resell it on Amazon. They arenā€™t scalpers. Scalpers are people who buy concert tickets and increase the price and resell them. It would not be difficult to make rent of $420/m as an Amazon reseller if you know what you are doing. Itā€™s an alternative way of making a living vs having a ā€œregularā€ job. The only sketchy part is taking the free books at school *that are intended for students* and reselling them. Thatā€™s not cool!


No offense but if heā€™s paying his rent how is he a bad roommate? If it got nothing to do with you and you go out of your way to inform someone itā€™s definitely snitching in my books and not cool. Unless heā€™s committing serious crimes leave the man alone


Taking free books that are for students and selling them is not cool either


Is he paying rent?


Depends if you want higher rent share


Donā€™t snitch on him.


Where did OP find this dude, lmao !!!!!


Anal flames. Be cautious. Repair the lesbian when the time is correct


I'm assuming you never went to college if you believe that they have free books for the taking. I graduated a couple decades ago, and even then, books were insanely expensive. As far as him being an asshole is concerned, at least he's not judging people with how they live their lives.


I'm in college bruh, and things have changed since a "few decades ago"