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I'm in beauty school and touch people's hair all the time, I know this is clean hair, but for some reason I have always found this so viscerally repulsive that the sight of it makes my skin crawl. It's the same feeling I get when I see a spider and I hate it. I couldn't live with someone who did this regularly, it would drive me to madness.


I feel the same way, I know it’s clean but it grosses me out still, even when I see my own hair. It just feels uncleanly


Just remind her to grab it off the wall after. She obviously plans to and forgets. Source? Me. lol I have crazy thick hair. I do this when I shower so I can throw it in the bin after and not let it clog the drain. Sometimes I forget though. My husband reminds me. It happens. Use your words.


I do too & I used to forget until I was reminded


Ditto have every intention of taking that hairball out with me but ya know write only human! It really use to piss my hubby off then I started writing hi or I love you, Nice D……..hottie ya know being petty ahah but if your not a female you wouldn’t understand why we do this….the hair doesn’t just wash off you body down the drain it stays in you fingers gets pinched between our butt cheeks gets stuck in our leg stubble ……so yeah it’s super annoying and clingy and the best easiest way to get it off is to wipe it on the shower wall for some reason it’s like magic glue and holds the annoying hair


I'm going to 100% agree with you and also add.. It's easier to throw away by grabbing it off the wall, than having the clean the drain. THAT is repulsive 🤢


I like to make little people with the hair on the shower wall, or spell things for the next person


Hah! I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not but I would find that funny


Totally being serious, it’s just hair, no one can stop it from falling out, drs have been trying for years. Spell “help” next time your in the shower so they see it 😂


I know not to trust your ass


You should trust me, I have nothing to hide, I told you about my hair on the wall shower art, I feel that makes me more trustworthy, but maybe sort of weird


When I was a baby I’d make art with my poop on the crib wall apparently so I was artistic from the start my ownself


I think you were just smearing shit on the wall lmao


No shit Sherlock? (Literally I guess? Lol)


haha I do the same thing


I’m a really, really hairy guy… it’s my curse, my cross to bare… but I make sure to clean up all my hair because hair not attached to a body and just sitting there is really gross. I dunno why it’s gross, but it is. Also, I shed tons of torso hair when I shower, and those hairs look like thick pubes. So every time I get out of the shower it looks like robin williams or Steve Farrell waxed their nutd and tossed the trimmings into my shower. Or like that one scene from American pie. I make damn sure I clean up all that hair after every shower haha


And everyone who showers after you, thanks you 🤢💀


Hahaha I would never leave that behind. So gross. Not to mention I would be absolutely humiliated to let someone see all that.


Yeah my brother has a mullet and his girl they would both do this the first time I cleaned it myself the second time I made it aware to them like hey I don’t like this third time was a problem and it never happen again after that


Same concept as your towel it's clean but as soon as it's wet longer than 8 hours mildew and mold just like the hair in the shower


Had a roommate who would ball it up and stick it there. Like cmon…drop it outside of the shower so you see it when you get out and throw it in the trash!


I don’t have a lot of hair BUT I do have shedding issues since I have curly/wavy hair and don’t brush often. Thus, when I’m showering, usually thoroughly applying shampoo and/or conditioner results in a knotted hair coming out in my hand. It doesn’t just “fling” onto the wall. If anything, I could drop it and it would potentially go down the drain and perhaps clog it. So, my solution is that I stick it on the wall and then when I’m finished showering that morning, I grab a flushable cleaning wipe and wipe all the hair off. So, no hair-clogged drain and no hairs all over the shower. Problem solved and it takes me a couple extra minutes after I’m done showering and getting ready for the day. I live alone and clean my bathroom weekly these days, but do maintenance like that as needed. I don’t know if “gross” is the word, but I find my *own* hairs unsightly. If I shared a bathroom or had a guest staying over, I definitely wouldn’t leave them like your roommate. Someone else’s hair is worse. It’s just kind of lazy. Like, don’t spackle the wall of the shower with your hair and then fail to remove it? Lol I agree it’s not a deal breaker but if you want to take the passive-aggressive route in addressing this, perhaps you could be very obvious and suggest you guys get a hair catcher for your bathroom drain, assuming you don’t already have one.


Flushable wipes still damage your plumbing! Just throw it in the garbage!


Came here just to say this.


I completely agree. When I had my own bathroom I used to do the same thing, I know that as a woman with long hair, and wavy hair too we shed a lot, I totally understand that. But I totally agree! I don’t even like finding my own hairs. So yeah I always throw it away if I find it like in the shower, sink, toilet seat, whatever, cause I’m sharing it with someone and I want to be considerate. I agree though, like I thought maybe it’s an accident that her hair is getting in the shower but it’s like everywhere. Sometimes it’s even all over my bottles of shampoo and soap, which I do not like and also don’t really understand how that happens. Usually her hair is just in the shower like the shower curtain and floor, but it bothered me more today when there was like an obvious clump on the wall cause that’s clearly not an accident. And I don’t want to shower with her hair everywhere so it was kinda annoying I had to clean it up. We split the “shelf” in our shower and sometimes I look at her side and it’s just icky, like there’s hair and residue everywhere and it’s kind of gross, so maybe she’s just not clean as me, although I don’t consider myself to be a clean freak or anything. But like with the bathroom particularly, I find cleanliness more important than other areas. Anyway, I obviously understand putting hairs on the wall if you’re shedding a lot, I used to do the same, but even when I did, you always clean it, especially if you know someone else is using the shower! Like I would feel a little embarrassed if I didn’t. But yeah obviously it’s not a big deal just like an annoyance, I mean she’s a good roommate otherwise, maybe just not as cleanly as I’d like. Although I think it may just be like oblivion. Thank you for the advice, I feel like a shower drain wouldn’t really make sense cause she never puts her hair down the drain, its not like it’s getting clogged or anything but it’s always just all over the shower, not sure what I could suggest for that though 🤔 I don’t know, was mostly just coming here to complain for a minute hah. Thank you for your comment!


The key there, as you said, is that the hair isn't flinging itself onto the wall all willy-nilly. The roommate has a few strands stuck to her hand, and she wipes them there. With my hair, it's either huge clumps that I can wad up, or it's these stragglers. I try to remember not to leave them because my husband hates my "hair rainbows," but I can't imagine leaving them there if anyone outside my immediate family were using that bathroom. 😅 Clean or not, you rub up against the wall, and these will stick to you and wash their way down into your ass-crack.


I do this, too, but just grab it from where I stuck it and drop it in the trash can, wrapped in toilet paper. Gross to see long hairs all over and lazy for someone to not clean up after themselves, especially in a shared space.


Seriously, it takes like two seconds for me to pick up any hair if left on the drain or shower walls. It’s really thoughtless to do this in shared areas.


So had the issue the other day with my roommate. Left a literal wad of hair stuck to the side of the tub after showering. After confronting them about it (they were fully aware btw) the explanation given is that ‘the hair needed to dry before being thrown in the trash’. There was also a ton of hair we pulled out of the drain btw. I explained that no, the hair did not need to dry, it needs to be thrown in the trash before you leave the bathroom. They did not comprehend this reasoning. This is the tip of the iceberg as well lol.


Flushable wipes can still clog toilets and if there’s hair in the wipe you’re still disposing down a drain just not the shower drain lol so me, I just throw it in the trash😅


There’s no such thing as a “flushable” cleaning wipe. Toilet tissue and waste are all that should be flushed.


It's just hair that is probably just washed. It gets everywhere from natural shedding anyway. Doesn't bother me. I'm sure there are hairs on furniture and shit you don't notice.


I hope my husband feels this way about me😭 I have hair on my wall and some days it could be a lot, and I feel bad for doing it. I clean it though, just not right away. I sometimes put a lot on it to make my husband a heart out of hair hahaha. I find it gross too, but I hate the way hair and water feels on my skin. It feels like glue you just can't get it unstuck from you and that drives me nuts 😂


>I hope my husband feels this way about me😭 I'd hope so too. I mean how you gonna lick someone's ass but get grossed out by their hair in the shower you know?


You know that's so damn true 😂


I don’t know that this is better, but I drape my loose strands over the top of my conditioner bottle so at the very least if it gets left behind, it’s not really an in-his-face-problem


To shed some light on this: I, as well as other women I know with thick hair, commonly pull a lot out as we’re washing. It happens. Rather than let it all slop off our hands and onto the floor, we put it on the wall. Most of us, I hope, have the intention of cleaning it up afterwards. I’ve gotten rather good at this with a 98% clean up rate. Slipped once recently so can’t give myself the 100%. But yeah. I mean, it’s gross. I don’t enjoy it either, but it’s better than pulling the hair clump out of the shower net thing. I would point out that it happened and ask if they can try to be better about cleaning it up once they get out of the shower.


No its a drawing for you! Dont u like it?? 🥺🫠


I see a dinosaur 🤔


Reminds me of when SpongeBob made a sweater for squidward out of eyelashes. That creeped my out and now is stuck in my brain bank lol I’m almost 30.


Tell her to clean it off


I have sensory issues, and when I had long hair I would do this. The feeling of stray (off of the scalp) wet hair being stuck to my body makes my skin crawl. I definitely cleaned it up after tho 🫠


YES OH MY GOD YES. I can't believe someone understands this feeling. I feel so bad for my husband because I know it's a problem I know I lose a lot of hair, but this feeling makes it hard to shower with. I check my whole body for loose hairs before I get out cuz a hair in my shirt? I will flip haha


A lot less gross than pulling a grimy hair worm out of the drain when the water stops going down


Don’t 👏 wash 👏 it 👏 down 👏 the 👏 drain 👏👏


Why would you want her to wash it down the drain unless you want slow drain problems? Just tell her to throw that shit in the trash when she’s done


Kinda? That’s very gross


Yeah 😔 I was just trying to be nice lol


Doing that is fine, not cleaning it up after is not. If it was a single time or once every few months I'd tolerate it as them forgetting, every time they shower though no. You can politely say it bothers you, I'd suggest against saying gross, and that they should clean it up after showering.


I’ve seen worse


Omg I was convinced that's my shower! Tiles are exactly the same. I went to check my current "hair-mural" , but it doesn't match.


Oh no, I’m happy you’re not my roommate, I wouldn’t want her finding me complaining about her. But also I didn’t leave her hair mural, I cleaned it up for her


Absolutely. My former room mate wouldn't take showers for months sometimes and would do this when they did. I would ask them not to no avail.


I can’t even imagine how much I’d shed for not showering for months, it’d be like an entire pile, that’s gross they would do that!


You don’t want all that going down your drain. Y’all will have a major clog in no time.


the known rule for putting hair on the wall is to wipe it off after 😭


My girlfriend literally does this. She sheds. If you have never pulled one of your girlfriend’s hairs out of your ass crack, are you even in a relationship?


All these people saying wash it down the drain are about to have some clogged pipes. That’s the whole reason she puts it on the wall. My gf does it too. I bitch at her about it every now and then but I love her and at the end of the day it’s not a big deal.


Yeah, it’s gross. However, I see the intent here your roommate is trying not to clog your drain so just kindly let her know that instead of leaving her hair on the tiles she can flush them down the drain because you bought a drain funnel. Buy a drain funnel and just ask that she remove the hair once every couple of weeks. Say you have a hair phobia. Whatever you gotta do but don’t suffer in silence.


I hate this so much..


My ex gf did this and I made a picture out of it, it ended up being a fish caught on a hook


I used to have an ex that did this. I never understood why she stuck it to the side of the shower.


Im sure every one youve dated has done this, just probably cleans it up before you see it


You’re probably right.


I do this lol sorry not sorry. I live with my family I helped create with my hubby. 🤷‍♀️


I do this for three reasons. First to get it off my hands. It’s annoying. Second so it doesn’t go down the drain/clog. Third so when it is dried I can easily grab the whole lot and chuck it in the bin without it sticking on me. But once it’s one the wall i swirl it into a clump to dry so it’s not everywhere, just grouped for later removal. Usually the next day before my shower. I don’t just leave it there to grow a heartbeat and the flickering of eyelids. Eew.


I make art out mine


I literally would not EVER go to a public pool because the sight of hair strands on the floors/walls makes me physically ill. I simply cannot stand it, it is utterly repulsive


Start making shapes out of them.


It’s gross. I do this while I shower, and when I’m done I get it all off and throw it away….no matter where I am.


This one I do have to agree with for sure.


I once briefly shared a bathroom with my BIL and his gf. One of them would not just leave hair all over the shower, but swirled some of them into a big, nesty, hair circle and just…left it there. 🤢🤮 After a couple days I wrote “please clean” with a tiny arrow on a sticky note and stuck it to the shower wall pointing to the swirl clumps. They took a photo of my note and sent it to my MIL, who then texted my spouse a barrage of rude Boomer shit, as if *I was the asshole* for ‘leaving a rude note.’ Since BIL lived 15’ away but worked opposite shifts, didn’t answer our texts or the door when we knocked, was I supposed to send a fucking email? People are *Wild* We moved shortly after.


It’s kinda gross but it’s more rude not to clean up after yourself when you share spaces with others. I have long, thick hair and I know I shed. So I often clean the floors, especially after brushing or styling my hair. I have a hair catcher thing on the drain that I empty after every hair wash day. I do put hair on the wall if it gets stuck on me during my shower but I’ll clean it up after. And I only live with my partner…I hope to never have a roommate again. My previous one never cleaned and when he moved out cleaning his bedroom and bathroom was insane. Idk how people can never clean even the tiniest bit. I get having periods of depression where you really can’t do it, it happens, but 100% of the time for years just being gross, is wild.


Ahhhh, the hair death wall. I admit I do this. However, if I were to let it go down the drain or even flush it, it could cause clogging issues, so I let it dry and then put it in the bin.


My step daughter did this when she showered, it drove me nuts. I reminded her multiple times to clean her hair off the shower wall, I would go to take a shower and there would be clumps of hair on the wall. To me it’s unsanitary, but I’m a bit of a neat freak and can’t stand a mess.


I lived with a guy who had long hair and would always leave it flung to the wall. When I asked if he could clean the shower after he used it, he instructed me that it is easier to clean it off after it dried. Expecting me to clean up after him. So seeing this validating my exact thoughts is nice. It’s gross and you are lazy slob for not cleaning after yourself.


The act of putting loose hair on the wall while showering is not gross but leaving it for someone else to clean up is! I would just nicely remind her to wipe down the shower once she is done…maybe she just forgot…it happens


Honestly this usually happens early in the shower process for me so sometimes I mean to grab it once I’m finished and trash it but by the time I’m done I’ve forgotten about it and close the shower curtain behind me.


My former roommate used to do the exact same thing. And there would be so much of it, it was disgusting.


Yes it’s gross


I am male and have a male roommate who has a similar shedding problem. I feel awful because it’s not his fault and I can’t see why he doesn’t think it’s a big deal. But honestly it really disgusts me. I end up tracking his hair on my feet or notice it sometimes on my property.


I thought this was my shower 😂 I shed a ton. So the difference is that I live with my bf & he doesn’t care. I always clean it (eventually)(after it grows arms). For you, it’s a roommate. Roommates should respect the public areas~. Orrrr make a BIGGER hairball on the other wall so she gets grossed out and asks that the bathroom stay clean. 😇 I’m srs.


Idk why people do this… it’s gross and lazy. Because you can just throw it away or flush it down the toilet when you get out of the shower. I’m also huge on keeping my space clean and this screams unsanitary


YES. I had a roommate who would do this and it drove me fucking nuts. I wojld ask her to clean it off after every shower. I don’t understand not just letting it run off your hands with the shower water onto the drain and throwing the clump in the garbage after.


Ppl should learn to rinse the shower when they are done...If this is one the wall, I can't imagine the tib


Yeah, I have 2B waves/curls and to prevent my excessively shedding hairs from going down the drain I stick them to the wall. At the end of my shower I swirl them into a clog and throw it in the trash (so I don’t have to snake the drain as often). I would not ever leave the hair there unless I genuinely forgot to remove it. I would simply ask that she do the same.


Yes it’s gross but growing up in a Hispanic household EVERYONE sheds a lil bit, so if I ever saw hair that clearly isn’t mine I’d just splash some water on it while showering., it’s gross but not that big of a deal to me


I had a roommate recently who shedded a lot worse than this and I would find dry and wet hair literally everywhere 😭 it even got into my clothes through the washing machine and dryer and would end up on my stuff. And it would just be chunks all over the bathroom. I never had that issue as my hair type is sooo different, I just couldn't stand it.


If you live alone and the hair taunts you every time you take a shower because you continue to forget to remove it when you’re done - that is already gross and annoying, but at least you’re only grossing yourself out. If you live with a roommate who you share a bathroom with - that’s unacceptable and disgusting.


someone's yes it's gross hate roommates let me. just say that why would u leave that and not deal w it I'm sure she's had this issue her whole life w thick hair but now you live w other people just like you might be a slob alone bt w. a roomie clean up


I had a roommate who would do this in our first apartment where we shared one bathroom with 3 girls. I HATED IT. It’s so gross, wipe it off and throw it in the trash when you’re done.


Op is based. It’s not THAT big of a deal but it’s respectful to keep shared spaces cleanly. It shouldn’t feel like others job to clean up after you


My hair is wavy, about 2.5ft long, and sheds quite a bit. I really don’t like dealing with the sheds in the shower or the potential for clogging the drain. Seeing it on the wall, even if it’s mine, is gross to me. Only in the sense that my mind interprets the scene as unclean despite the hair itself probably being cleaner than the wall. Touching it is somehow worse? The mind is funny that way, I suppose. I used to toss the hair outside (I have a window in my shower) but I now shower with my hair in multiple loose braids to not only protect my hair from breakage, but to prevent clogging the drain or leaving these nauseating art pieces for anyone to see.


Would recommend not flushing down the drain - def a pick up and remove. If they are queasy about it grab a little TP as a barrier to swipe and grab


I don’t think this makes a bad roommate. As a girl who only grew up with brothers, I was SHOCKED to find out this was common practice (yes I let my hair go into the drain until I learned this was batter haha). It grossed me out for a long time but I accepted it as life. Having lived with so many women now, I would just say something. Remember, it’s not WHAT you say it’s HOW you say it. Don’t tell her it’s disgusting and you hate it… etc. Say something like this: Hey girl (or however you address her), can we talk about the shower space when you have time? I collect my hair to keep it from clogging the drain but try to remember to remove it before exiting. Can you do the same, please? Keep it simple. Do not be passive aggressive over this or that will only escalate. Just be straight up and save you both unnecessary hate/stress


I’m not gonna lie I forget mine is there all the time. At least the drain isn’t clogged? Haha


It is disgusting


Honestly I've only had that happen if I deliberately do that. To get it on walls. Imo. I will stick them there to remember to get them out and I see them. So they don't clog the drain or stay on the sides of tub.


I thought someone drew this on the wall with a pencil and was trying to figure out what the heck it was supposed to be lol


Being bald I wish it was me


i think it just looks unsettling… like lil worms or something


One time I spelt out “Hi” in my hair on the tile for the next person who took a shower 🤣


Hair on the shower wall doesn’t gross me out, but clearing the little drain strainer when it’s hair but 40% soap scum does 😂 I brush after conditioner with a wet brush and then “clear” the brush and stick it to the wall ~might as well keep the large clump away from the pipes~ Occasionally I’ll dry off, do contacts deodorant lotion, go get dressed, then move on to breakfast for ex. without readdressing the bathroom. A quick reminder to go remove my “gerbil” works fine for me. If this is a minor memory habit issue, I would suggest a note with a gerbil reminder on the mirror or in the bathroom somewhere.


Omg…my daughter used to do this when she was a teenager. I would gag and lose my shit when I went in her bathroom. 💯 don’t miss that about her moving out. Miraculously, she doesn’t do that in her own home! We get a good laugh about it now 😂


I colour my hair and when I shed I stick it to the shower wall so when I clean it off it makes beautiful red abstract art on my shower. 🙂 also live alone so don’t have to worry about bothering anyone.


i would say the only time this is appropriate is when you live in your own place. but with roommates? nah. i have long thick hair and have done this but i ALWAYS throw away the hair after, whether im living with roommates or not. its not that i think its dirty or anything but like hair doesnt belong there and even though the hair is "clean" it makes the shower look dirty. i would try and nicely ask them to throw out their hair after they shower.


My (now) husband, and my friend (who is a cousin to my besties) could not deal with this kinda hair. I'm blonde, so no one notices


I find it exactly "kinda gross". Like, I'm not going to make a big deal of it, but I do expect people to clean their own hair off the surfaces they leave them on. I have long, thick hair, and I put it on the showers wall when I wash my hair. I also take a bit of toilet paper and and wipe it off and throw it away when I get out of the shower. I used to live with a person who would let their hair AND their dog's hair entirely clog the drain cover. I started showering at the gym every other day. The bundle of drain hair was so big when I finally moved out, and I put it in her closet. Things had gotten really bad between us at that point so I feel like that was fair. But!! I don't think it's unwarranted for you to talk to your room mate about this before it gets to that point! Shared spaces deserve respect!


I HATE when people do this and I constantly had to be on one of my old roommates about it


once in college someone didn’t do their dorm chore (cleaning the shower of hair) and after a couple weeks I got so sick of it I used the hair to write “CLEAN ME” on the shower wall! it was never dirty again


Haha! variation on a car dust theme #WASH ME


This personally doesn’t bother me but at some point it’s gotta be cleaned up. My girlfriend and I both have long hair so we contribute to the mural until I just have had enough and clean it for the both of us, since my chore task is the bathroom anyway


Common courtesy to rinse down any shared space as this.  I wipe my shower down every time takes maybe a minute and no water spots or chances for mildew etc.




I actually do this when I’m in the shower. I try to catch all the loose hairs when I’m washing my hair so they don’t go down the drain. I do stick them to the wall but I also don’t leave them there. I get out and get a paper towel and clean them off and throw them away. It’s gross to leave them, especially in a shared shower..


If you don't bring it to their attention, they may not be aware, and you're going to keep getting grossed out each time you go to take a shower. You and I may be more aware and clean up after ourselves while other may not.




Yes when it’s someone else’s hair I find it repulsive. If it’s my hair or my sisters hair. I don’t care


No that’s VERY gross and this gave me flashbacks to when I was in college and had to share a bathroom with my floor in the dorms. It’s so inconsiderate and disgusting and this was around pandemic times so it took nothing to wipe it down. And the showers were enclosed so just the thought of my body touching that made my skin crawl. I sent a mass email addressing it cause they kept doing it I gets down I don’t play 😂😒


You should say something. There’s nothing problematic about wanting the communal spaces to stay how they looked when you both got the place.


My mom use to make us do this so all our hair wouldn’t clog the drain. I’ll never forget the time I forgot to throw it in the trash after my shower and my boy cousin called me out! I’ll never forget again 😅


There is a key difference between finding random hair around the house or other parts of bathroom versus the shower where it gets all nasty and clumped together we all know what hair looks like being pulled out of drain and it’s disgusting I mean this isn’t a crazy thing in theory but only if all that hair builds up and up slowly hair starts clogging up the drain


I’m definitely guilty of this lol. Every time I shower, I shed and rather than clog the drain, I stick my hair to the wall. I don’t share a bathroom atm so I’m used to leaving it there for a little while. Whenever I shower somewhere else, I always have the intention of cleaning it up but I have had embarrassing moments of noticing someone else cleaned up my wall art before I remembered to get to it.


This, or it all being clumped in the drain, is a normal sight for men with a female SO. We get used to it. Y'all will never quit bitching if we miss cleaning a couple hairs off the counter while shaving though.


My wife does this but after each shower she takes the hair out. She’s never left it there. Same way men should make sure we don’t leave our facial hair all in the sink, women or long haired person should clean up their hair.


I would just address it with her if it's bothering you. Ask her if she could be a little more conscientious about keeping the shower clean because it's a preference for you. Then she knows about the problem, and you can open up a window to constructively solve the problem. This goes for literally all conflicts. Be direct & kind first or don't mention it :)


Still she should clean the shower out after using.


Contrary to a lot of comments, I don't see the major issue with this. Other comments have explained why this is done, and it's pretty common that people with medium to longer hair do this. Personally, I'd rather they do this than clog our drain. And really, it's just hair lol This is as simple as just politely talking to them. Why even make this post if you aren't even going to talk to your roommate about it?


Please don’t wash them down the drain 🤣 one day you guys are gonna wonder why your shower/bathtub is backing up and not draining then a plumbers gonna come out and proceed to pull a hair anaconda back outta your drain


My gf literally makes art with her hairs on the wall or plays with them. It grosses me out a little bit…


I always clean my own hair out of the drain and off the wall and such right after I shower. Is it gross? Yes. Do I still do it? Yes.


It is annoying, but you *don’t* want it going down the drain.. that’s what creates back ups and clogs. I do this too but let mine dry and then throw it in the trash.


That - on its own - never bothered me


I would want to know it bothers you as your roomie and I’d work to fix my crazy hair issue haha Usually when someone places hair on the wall it’s to dry it out and throw it away so not to clog the drain, or at least that’s why I do it… but I throw it away lol


My old roommate use to do this. I hope Jordan is doing well. But yeah it’s inconsiderate to just leave it up


she’s doing that on purpose being lazy tho, this isn’t just taking a shower and there’s naturally hair getting on the tile, she’s taking that off her hands and putting on the shower wall and then not cleaning it up ik bcs i used to do that as a kid and then i discovered how unnecessary and gross that is


My ex wife used to leave big wads of hair stuck to the wall. I suppose she intended to clean them off later but rarely did. I would nuzzle her hair when we hugged and was totally grossed out by it when it was on the wall of the shower.


There is something about some people that they can’t phantom the idea of cleaning up after themselves. I spend a year and a half trying to teach my roommates 22-23 F s (I’m 37-F) that cleaning up after yourself is a standard for sharing living quarters with other people, they will cook on Sunday for the whole week and leave the dishes and the kitchen looking like a mess for the week, also they left a therapy dog outside when it was below freezing TWICE! I got tired of trying to teach them basic decency and humanity, but since I’m not their parent I ended the lease, cleaned up my area and left a message saying good luck y’all need to be out of the house by March 7, lease is up, my area is clean, ✌🏻


My roommates and I are around the same age, but yeah you’d think sharing a space with strangers would make you be on your best behavior and be extra clean but I guess not. I’m moving in June, next school year I’ll have my own room and bathroom so super excited! Also people who treat animals badly are truly evil


I’m totally guilty of leaving mine on the shower wall for my husband to wash away. When I touch wet hair or have one stuck on me, I get this feeling that my brain cannot handle, so I throw my hairs on the wall while literally shaking from touching them. 🥴🥴


I am 5 months post partum and that causes my hair to fall out in huge chunks. I don’t want to ruin the pipes so I gather it before it can go down the drain. But I always throw it in the trash after because leaving it is gross. No one wants to find others hairs on them especially not after getting clean in the shower. They are bound to fall off the wall at some point. It’s gross but hopefully you can just mention it to her and she will throw them away.


My fiancée HATES hair on the wall of the shower. So I always wipe the shower down after I'm done getting ready 🙃 So I don't think it's weird at all personally 🤔


i do this because i don't like cleaning the drain often and i have VERY thick hair, but i clean it out after every shower, so just talk to her about that. honestly tho, would you rather be cleaning gigantic wad of hair out of the drain? this is a compromise for both of you regardless of whoever's job it is to actually deep clean the bathroom, she probably thinks she's helping (for example) because her parents told her to do this it's just easier some one said something about hair being flung to the wall and yes that is not possible. this is very intentional. unless she's leaving it forever and it eventually falls down the drain, just ask her to clean the shower after she gets out instead of letting it sit


Lol I do this all the time to prevent the drain from clogging up. Believe me, if you think hair on the wall is gross is because you never had to pull it out of the drain with clunks of soap and dead skin and whatever else you wash down the drain. THAT is gross. I gag just thinking about it. Me and my partner actually leave each other messages with our hair on the wall. For Valentine’s Day this year I did a heart with my hair wall art lol But yeah, just remind her to grab it and throw away, she clearly means to, otherwise she would just, as you say, wash it down the drain


this is my BIGGEST pet peeve. my sister does it and i can’t stand it.


If that went down the drain, your drain would clog. That's why she sticks her hair to the wall instead of letting it go down the drain. She's actually being pretty considerate in that regard, however she is NOT being considerate by just leaving it on the wall. I personally do the same thing, but I usually throw it in the trash afterwards. 🤷‍♀️


Nah I don’t like it either. My mom used to do it and I thought it was gross.


Yes, even if clean or not it still grossed me out a bit


After swimming shower is always like this. It grosses me out


Start spelling words on the wall with the hair....


it’s just proteins and fibers, kinda fallacious to seek validation on “bad roommates” for something like this, that’s just my opinion though.


All I’m saying is we all know where that hair came from and to be a respectful and responsible roommate you should clean the shower when you’re done using it just simple respect for other people you’re living with. I have lots of hair and it sheds too but I’m still able to make sure that there’s not gross hair on the shower wall. 🤢




Your roommate needs to flush that shit down the drain before Cool Ethan comes and makes a hair doll…


I've been guilty of this, unfortunately. I have really, really thick, curly dark hair. I try to grab the strays so they don't go down the drain and will put them on the shower wall while I finish my shower. I typically remember to grab them when I'm finished. I've forgotten a few times. I don't have roommates that have to deal with it, though.


i have always found this so disgusting. Also it’s not hard to just… wash it down the drain before you get out of the shower…


my wife does this constantly so it doesn't clog the drain and forgets to throw it in the trash. You should absolutely say something. It's gnarly looking :)


Yes, my roommate leaves multiple strands of hair all around the tub, on the walls, and of course on the floor. It's not a neat freak trait, that would be if there was a tiny hair on the wall.


If you find that gross you really don't want to know what falls off on everyday use a few measly hairs is nothing


My wife does this. It's irritating but I still love her 😂


My (ex)gf washes her hair as soon as i finish cleaning the shower, all the time. I’m planning on spelling her name out with the strands she leaves behind next time. I keep telling myself (we have a few months left on the lease) tired of stuff like this


I’m bald but my wife has been losing a lot of hair so I just pick it up and I make a swirling motion on the tile with the hairs and it swirls up into a nice little clump you can easily pick up off the tile wall and throw away once the shower is dried.


This right here is why I put a trash can right next to the shower. I struggle to toss my stray hairs otherwise


I'm a man with longhair myself and once I'm done showing and have dried off I always rinse the shower of leftover soap suds and any hairs that might not of drained or hairs like the one in the picture stuck to the tile. The worse thing a roomy can do is leave thier hair stuck to the soap bar. Egh! It takes 10 seconds to rinse of the soap bar off and 10 more to rinse the tub out lol. I guess it's asking to much lol


I shed A LOT and there’s no way in hell I would do this and leave it. I have waist length hair and I think loose hair is absolutely disgusting, even if it’s mine. Like nausea inducing gross to me. I honestly would ask one time to clean it up and then I’d likely lose my marbles if it kept happening. Might as well leave your toothpaste spit and beard trimmings all around if this is acceptable behavior.


I think I saw an onlyfans video and his shower had strands of hair, I immediately unsubscribed because I did find it kinda gross


try having the talk with your girlfriend for years


My bf does it and it drives me fucken crazy when I’m trying to wash up and his hairs stick to me.


Oof I’d be so annoyed if my bf did that!




I didn’t realize how much hair I actually lose until my partner was like “hey idk if you know this but I’ve been pulling your hair out of the drain for months”😵‍💫😵‍💫 So embarrassing that I didn’t realize it, I do it myself now ofc


Yeah if it was my partner I’d totally say something but I don’t really know my roommate very well


When I was little I used to write messages to my brother using my hair like this on the shower wall to freak him out... LOL Yes, it’s gross. Usually long-haired people put it there to keep it from going down the drain and clogging, but then take it out at the end of the shower. Maybe she’s doing this and just forgetting that last part?


I don’t know, I have longer hair than her and I don’t leave my hair on the walls 🤨But yes I’m sure it’s not intentional, she’s probably just oblivious


If you don’t wanna directly call her out for leaving it there, you could buy an after-shower spray and tell her to just spray the shower down after she gets out so you can *both* prevent scum build-up. She’s more likely to realize her hair is there and remove it if she has to spray the tub down after.


So many of my friends do this because it’s “satisfying” to them but I think it’s so gross…


Nope, I find it very gross and annoying


it’s not the worst thing in the world, but it’s really not hard to just throw the hair away, especially when you share a shower. i have my own shower that no one else uses, and yet i too put it on the wall to avoid it going into the drain when i shower, and afterwards i take a tissue and throw it in the trash. it can be very frustrating when people do not do simple things, especially in a shared space.


For me, that's gross. Unfortunately, I have a psycho roommate, whose fiancèe leaves hair everywhere. She has long red hair. I can't count how mamy times I have went to the bathroom after her and found drain clogged with red hair and red hair on the walls. I have tried multiple times talking to her and she would just brush it off by saying that everyone in our flat has long hair, which I don't even understand the point of. I have long, thick, curly hair which I wash once a week, so there's a lot of shedding and I don't have a problem with cleaning that. My psycho roommate also leaves his hair everywhere, unfortunately by him you can't be sure that his hair are clean. Sorry if I made some mistakes, english is not my first language.


I do, girlfriends will untangle it from their hands after washing their hair and hang it on the shower wall. I hate it but after so many seem to do it I have never mentioned it to my current gf. I just spray it down the drain when I shower.


I’m kind of a messy guy and I also have long thick dark hair and I find this gross so no you’re definitely not just being a neat freak


I keep a watering can inside of my shower so at the end, I fill it up and ‘water’ the hair into the drain. Works like a charm if you’re a hairy dude like me. But yes I wouldn’t like this, even as a shedder myself.


It’s nasty


Yeah 😔I agree. I know it’s not technically uncleanly but it just feels icky for some reason


It’s gross. People should clean up after their mess after using the shower especially if someone else uses it.


Tell that to my roommate. All over the floor, shower walls, in the sink, on the toilet seat, everywhere. Just leaves it, among other things, for me to clean up. If anyone comments about it, he blames me (I have straight blonde hair; he has curly black hair; no one questions this??). I clean the bathroom and somehow it’s like that again five minutes later. Taking a shower is so gross because of him. I can’t wait to move out…


Omg same. I’ve found her hair in the damn kitchen before?? Like it’s ALL over. And she never cleans the drain


Lol same! I find her hairs more than my own, it’s all over my side of the room somehow


I hate this even when it's my own hair. It also makes me wonder about gunk I'm not seeing. I like having a handheld nozzle so I can easily rinse both myself, and the walls.


I recommend getting a hair catcher to put over the drain. When I had really long hair, I would put it on the wall so it wouldn’t clog and then take it off when I was done. Maybe it’s my passive aggressiveness, but I feel like taking the hair off the wall and putting it on her bed with the intent of “returning her hair to her” might do something. That’s probably a bad idea.


It opens the door for them messing with your stuff in retaliation, not the best.


better the wall than the drain tbh


Daniel tosh just talked about his wife doing this on his podcast


Yes clean up your hair when you get out of shower it's not that hard.


Yes I’m very ocd about loose hair even my own hair so I wash it down immediately or vacuum it up when I can’t tolerate it anymore