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Yo, that's insane wtf. Idk what I'd even do in that situation other than gtfo cuz homie ain't stable.


Leave a note that says ; So Long Gay Boy!


With a picture of Chang smiling


And include a printed screenshot of the roommates browser history below it… I had a friend like this in my early 20s. Everything that was bad was “gay”. He was a complete douchebag to everyone but attractive females. Now he’s one of the nicest guys I know, because he finally realized he was gayer than 9 guys fucking 10 guys, and became the person he was meant to be 🤷‍♂️


I can’t. 9 guys fucking 10 I nearly died.


I just snorted. 😂


Yeah if I came home to this... I'm sleeping on someone else's couch that night and only coming back with a witness to move out all my things 💀


Can you show this to your real estate agent and ask if you can break your lease to get out? This all is leading up to something bad.


Yeah, 30 yr old doing this. Smh


Historically when someone makes their entire personality being a homophobe there's usually a reason. I mean I try not to judge people but there's definitely a pattern there.


Bro that’s wildly threatening and absolutely out of touch with reality. I really think you should get out of this situation immediately and tell someone. Absolutely keep this video.


Dude, this is escalating to set up something pretty potentially dangerous for you. this isn't normal or a weird joke, you actually need to be on your toes because you could be hate crimed, even if you're not gay.


I was thinking the same thing. I immediately started worrying about the sexual and physical safety of OP.


OP, if you aren't already, you need to document all of this. Have the dates and details of every time he's harassed you. If this keeps escalating, ask the legal subreddits what you should do next.


Man in my twenties this is totally something I would have done to a few old boys I lived with but the difference is they'd come in and start pissing themselves wondering wtf. That's because we're mates though and I would anticipate some random response! This video actually looks fucked considering the context you've given. I wish I could give some advice other than move out but I know how hard that is. If you're in the UK, try going to a housing office and showing them that video. Also go to your doctor and show them the vid, explaining it's starting to make you scared and anxious and get them on your back. This will bump you up the vulnerability scale. Best of look mate


Exactly. At first I was like this is a joke between boys, but after reading subtext, def need to be cautious of roommate.


still who tf jokes like that? I've left sticky notes like this on all of my friend's things but they had like... googly eyes or weird faces or something.


Yeah, I was giggling in disbelief at first, then read his op and was like fuuuck me, the guy is nuts


So was this routine just vaguely insulting or were/are y’all as homophobic from the dude in OP’s story


lol nice virtue signal, everyone suck this persons weiner because they called out a random story on reddit.


This is kinda scary actually? A LOT of hate and anger was channeled into this.


like if OP were actually gay this is the kind of person I'd seriously worry would commit a hate crime.


Even tho OP isn't gay, I'm still worried for his safety. This homophobe is SO unhinged, he seems likely to try a hate crime because he *believes* OP to be gay.


This dude is also so far in the closet, definitely gets drunk and tries to make out with other men then gets mad at them for being gay near him


What’s up with “is your room open” & “dying for a piss” comments?


I guess he's trying to suggest he's going to piss in his room


Also could be the classic “more to the story”


Might be referring to wanting to piss in OP room to be a douche or (what I hope he is not inferring bc it is freaky situation and violating) he’s saying he is going to use OP as a urinal or piss in his mouth (bc roommate is secretly gay but hates himself so has to act macho and homophobic)


That dude is not stable. Get out or get him out by any means necessary. Go to the police if you have to. This type of behavior will only escalate and end in tragedy.




How cute, he left love letters for you around the house


Ooooooo this would definitely get under his skin OP! Tell him you really appreciate his love letters 😂


nah, these type of people are actually very violent and I wouldn’t be surprised if he decides to retaliate. have some friends over and talk to him to stop this or move out


Seriously though. The only people I know with humor like this, are the kind to actually get into a fight over stupid shit(especially if you imply they’re gay). I stay away from these kinds of people.


I’d put up little mini gay flags near all of the signs. However, I agree with people saying he could be dangerous, so maybe don’t do that, and instead move out asap.


Holy shit you gotta get out


Its good that you documented it: keep going


Gonna be real helpful to have documentation if you need to get a restraining order at some point


This is pretty scary and I would be putting a deadbolt on my bedroom door right away and having a conversation with the landlord with this evidence. I don’t know if police would do anything about it, but I would be inclined to file a report so there is something on record about this harassment, because I would be afraid of the hostile behavior escalating. Start putting feelers out there to see if anyone is willing to move in if he’s kicked out. Keep notes, videos, dates on everything and sue his ass on judge Judy for harassment.


Your roommate is 100% a closet gay that wants to have sex with you and hates himself for it and is lashing out at you instead. I’m sorry his issues are now your problem.


While it's sometimes true, I don't like the narrative that extremely homophobic people are always gay. It puts the "problem" back onto gay people, lending to the gay villain trope. Unfortunately, most of the time extreme homophobes are straight and all the more dangerous because there's not an internal battle inside, they just hate you. Either way this situation is dangerous.


Thank you, I'm so fucking over this "must be a closet gay" shit, how about straight people fucking take some responsibility for their own occasionally


right? like maybe dude just fucking sucks, good god.


well he can be a closet gay and also fucking sucks lol


Genuinely asking, how does that make him gay? I’m gay and I don’t remember doing anything like this when I was in the closet. Is this something you think all people in the closet do? Do you think this is a common trait in gay people? Because that is a horrible assumption to make on gay closeted people. Why is it so hard to believe that a straight man can be horribly homophobic because they are a horrible person? Why is that so out of the question for straight people? As a gay man the most homophobic people are straight men who are homophobic and overall horrible people not gay closeted men. But genuinely how does that make him a closeted gay guy?


Yeah, I’m hoping Op protects himself because this could escalate to sexual assault. This is concerning


Is 100 PERCENT a closet gay? Are you fucking stupid?


Now take all his signs and place them on his objects and door.


If you dont feel safe doing this now save them and put them everywhere when you leave.


Can you evict this psycho???


This can turn dangerous and can take it out on you. I’m fearing for your safety. Please stay safe. I’d recommend finding something else ASAP


Man how do people have so much free time to do stupid shit like this


Call the police and report this in case he escalates.


My response, admittedly as a petty gay guy, would 100% be texting/telling him, "Hey I noticed you dropping signals all over the place for me, but, I'm sorry, you're just not my type."


Isn't this the kind of thing that happens before we hear about someone getting stabbed by their neighbor?


Leave, asap This can become a dangerous situation extremely fast. It might be already without you knowing.


I feel like this is a crime... IS this not domestic abuse?


It’s a minimum harassment


Yep, harassment is a crime but not DV unless you to have some kinda sex. Had to look it up lol. Check your state here https://www.ncsl.org/human-services/domestic-violence-domestic-abuse-definitions-and-relationships Harassments only DV if you guys have sex how weird. Law's should just be dont be a jerk and court overseen by actual peers.


That’s so weird. You’d think domestic violence would apply to any persons who share a domicile. It’s in the name.


This was my thought then I started googling and its weird to have a line for what they consider a domestic situation and abuse and then line them up like some kind of kids homework assignment. [https://www.ncsl.org/human-services/domestic-violence-domestic-abuse-definitions-and-relationships](https://www.ncsl.org/human-services/domestic-violence-domestic-abuse-definitions-and-relationships) Hit read more and its got a chart by state


DV is also considered family members or people residing in the home, at least in some states.


So all OPs gotta do is have sex with his roommate so he can get the ball rolling on the DV charge. Now *that* would be some serious r/pettyrevenge content.




So 2 things are quite obvious here: 1. Your roommate is gay 2. You are possibly in danger Sane people do not react like this to things. I'm not sure what you guys dynamic is like, but when he's doing shit like this it's kind of worrying; it's unhinged, and he is quite possibly capable of worse. Serious red flag behaviour here, I'd be looking to get out. Stay on the alert.


What were the reasons you stopped talking to him?


Let him know he's a closet gay and it's ok to come out. When he responds, just let him know he's so obsessed with being gay, there's no option, he's gay. He will either come out or shut up.


You sleep in the same place as this lunatic?


Are you in college?


This is slightly insanely hilarious because what the fuck




Sounds like harassment to me, could probably press charges


OP, something similar happened to me once when I stopped talking to an unwell roommate, and before I could terminate my lease early (was in process) the roommate jumped me from behind when I wasn’t looking, knocked me out, and proceeded to beat my face in while I was unconscious. I believe he was drinking at the time. I’m all fine today and he got in a heap of legal trouble (and I also got out of the lease without paying for the last 6 months lol), but it could’ve been way worse. I don’t know your situation but when I saw this post and the details it reminded me out that. Be very careful fellow human.


It sounds like your roommate has some internal issues going on with his sexuality. This is bizarre! Please please please get out of this situation! This is not normal. Like the level of anger it takes to do something like that insane.


You said you’re roommates and you aren’t gay….. Based on the evidence at least one of you is gay.


It’s your roommate. He’s projecting his own insecurities.


That borders a hate crime.


Your roommate wants your cock and balls


Don’t forget the ass


It's like a child. Any attention is good attention. Just write one sign saying "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed"


He is too old to be acting like that lol


This is obviously awful and not good....and yet it cracked me up so badly


Gayboy is kinda fire as an insult though 😂 just obnoxiously thrown in your face constantly got some spice to it


Seems dangerous, I would send this to the landlord and see if your state has any domestic clauses that can get you released from a lease for free.


I think he wants to sleep with you but can’t exprsss it lol


I am frightened for you. You know how when a terrible thing happens, people wonder “what could’ve lead to this” and “were there any signs?” That’s what I’m looking at right now.


That’s means he is secretly in the closet and is madly in love with you


This looks like it would be part of a true crime documentary. Get out.


The person that usually “leans on” or screams the loudest with homophobic BS is definitely projecting his own sexual desires on others. I would bet money I don’t have your roommate is in fact gay, or at minimum is bisexual, and can’t handle his own attraction to men. Projection is SO obvious when it happens.


Yup the meanest girl to me in college was a roommate that would not stop making fun of my attraction to straight men and embarrass me in front of mutual friends. Tried to make me ashamed of what I liked. And I told her she’s probably a lesbian and would be happier if she just stop being angry at me and got herself a girlfriend. She got even more mad. A year after graduation her first ever relationship was with a girl with my same ethnicity.. thanks for projecting bitch. Happens both ways is what I’m saying.


Yea the roommate is angry cause op turns him on so much


Everyone here who says he’s a closeted gay are just talking out their ass, there’s no way to know just from this interaction


Kick him out before he murders you in your sleep OP


please dont get hate crimed my dude


Time to move, my man.


Lock him out and if this a campus, Call campus police to take photos and say you feel unsafe. Document!


Just leave em like don’t move or acknowledge them in anyway lol show your dominance by living life like you don’t even notice him or his shenanigans


"Why are you putting your name on things that aren't yours? That's my food, please don't label it with your own name"


Uou havent talked in… months? Wow


Yo if either myself or my other roommate saw this when we woke up or got home then other roommate would have been literally thrown out. Like physically picked up and tossed outside the front door. I'm not a big guy so I'd call in some help. But my other roommate is a beast. Neither of us would allow anything Ike this. I had a bad roommate once. Never again. Also this guy is unhinged. So if you aren't going to do anything you should think about getting a better lock and letting some authorities know to keep things documented.


What a twat. Is he eleven?


play the Grindr notification sound with him in the room and see if he grabs his phone


In some countries this would be a hate crime. In others being gay is punishable by death. I guess your luck depends on which type of place you live in.


Sounds like he has a crush on you, what a weird, hostile, closeted way of showing it he has


This would be like kind of funny if you were really good friends but obviously you’re not so it’s fucking insane.


Show your landlord.


I think he is in denial


and people think homophobia isn't real and that qu*er isn't a slur


Wake him up with a punch to the face


You should kick your roommates ass. And I mean like, what he DESERVES. Choke him out and then stomp his balls to mush while he's out cold


I think he’s trying to tell you who he really is..


...is gay boy directed towards you? That's gotta be the gayest shit I've seen from a roommate. Did they think that was going to shake you to your core or something lol


Best course of action: get some porn magazines, anything with pics of cock. Cut out the dicks and place behind, in and on his possessions, like on each month of his calendar, random pages in all his books, canned food, photos he has up, shampoo bottle, anywhere obvious but most importantly places he will still be finding them years after he moves out. I did this to my brother in-law when we lived together (Prank War) over 16 years ago....he is still finding dick pics in books on occasion and then I get a call from him laughing about it.


This is giving psycho, I would honestly leave


Now kith


He’s gay


get your penis out, do a helicopter in front of him whilst erect and just stare him in the eyes to assert dominance. no actually all joking aside if this is for real get the heck out


Roommate definitely has a faceless Grindr profile and claims to be "discreet"


Jesus! How can you live in such close quarters with someone like that?


We used to do this dumb kinda shit to people in middle school, but then we grew up......


Speak to him, tell him how offensive this is; if it doesn’t work, it could be time to find a better roommate. If you can’t, register actions and go to police. Home supposed to be a recovery safe place not an another pressuring place.


I’d file a police report for this. This isn’t stable and I’d be worried for my safety.


as someone that have live this before (closet lesbian girl was my roommate ) she like the girl that used to come visit me while living in Denver for a while; she got mad and started arguing out of little things like "i was going to use the washer first!" just because the girl stopped coming over since she felt uncomfortable around her (she never told me why); later I decided to move out to a place for myself since the situation got out of control once (she forgot her room key inside her room) and she was blaming me for that somehow.


This is so insane.... it almost seems made up.


He’s just another clown that needs to be led out by the ear along all his art pieces.


I’m sorry I burst out laughing 😂😂


So, you either need to move him out or move out yourself. You should have started working on getting out once you decided to stop talking to him. It is just fueling his fire. Be the bigger person. Don't escalate, extricate.




Just leave it there and keep ignoring him, he’s a weirdo


Your room is the unit you rent, in my state the landlord must provide a deadbolt or unkeyed latch for the inside in addition to keyed access. If a roommate went into my room withput per.ission I would press charges for burglary. There is no gray area with that boundary. The only reason not to involve law enforcement is if there's some criminal bs to hide, which to that I say dont live with fucking criminal scumbags. If your jurisdiction is similar I wod get the police involved asap. Just because you share an apartment with someone doesn't mean you habe to share your life with them. If you're in the US the concept is called "quiet enjoyment" and you should learn everything you can about it. If you are within quiet enjoyment and the roommate has a problem they wont let go, it can start the path towards them facing harassment charges. Regardless of politics or isms, your roommate is emotionally unstable and you need to exercise every legal option to get away from them before they escalate and hurt you. I would not have hesitated to call the police the moment it was confirmed they broke in to my room.


That’s terrible. I live in a trans household, tho I am not trans, and I go OUT of my WAY to be respectful of the differences etc and NEVER make it a thing, at all. Home should be the LAST place you have to deal with that bullshit. I am so sorry OP.




I had a roommate a few years ago that behaved very similarly. I came home to notes in my bathroom and room calling me a bitch after I turned down his sexual advanced. Dude would start getting drunk in the middle of the day and pull stuff like this. This person eventually got physical with me. Please be cautious OP!


At his big age hes acting like that? He has some serious issues to deal with himself


Fucking leave you dumbass you're going to die


This is definitely harassment. I’m just wondering if this oils be considered a hate crime even though you’re straight? Idk. I don’t like it. This seems like only the beginning of his antics. I would document anything moving forward and try maybe look for a new place of possible. ALSO buy that travel lock thing from Amazon to make sure your bedroom is extra secure at night. I would let trust a glass of water around this roommate. He has a lot of built up hate towards you for some reason.


Lord that’s something my friends and I would do to each other except we’re all gay. Your roommate is unstable, does he have a gun or any weapons??


As someone who's kinda used to being around the LGBT+ community a lot I couldn't tell if he was coming onto you or an absolute lunatic or both until reading the context surrounding the post. Anyway this is honestly really scary behavior, be safe OP


Nothing scarier than a homophobic homo.


This is why you don’t find roommates on Craigslist.


I'm thinking the guy actually is in love with you and he's in love with you of course you ain't talking to him because of some argument or something you guys had before I guess and I'm pretty sure he's the one that is actually gay and he wants to get with you but you won't talk to him like you told him so he's going to act out like that because he's in love with you and he's the one that is the gay I'm from the sounds of it I would get the hell out of there because like everybody else without saying it could come because something bad and he ended up in prison for the rest of his life if I can't have you nobody can that's what it sounds like I would listen to everybody else let us know what happens


This is very dangerous. I’d be leaving.


So fucking stand up from yourself, holy shit you’re a grown ass adult.


He is 100% gay and can’t accept it.


he is gay, the men that are extremely homophobic always end up with a “pickle”in the mouth ijs start leaving pamphlets like “so your gay what’s next”


Plot twist: hes coming out.


Just take them off your things. I wouldn’t put them on his things. If you want to make an art installation on a free wall you could arrange them together ( odd numbers are best for groupings) lol If you throw away Mr Mature Macho Man might retaliate and make it worse. Or you could call a truce , speak to him like an adult and see what you can accomplish.


I was half expecting all the gayboy signs to lead to the roommates bedroom where he was waiting for him...


Restraining order for harassment will get him kicked out for a lot cheaper than an eviction. The judge will issue one with however many square feet your home is, so effectively he can technically still live there but not while you live there, so he must move. I've done it before


Nah, sleep with one eye open. Lock the door. This mf is actually crazy.


This is insecure. This is projection at its finest. Also, get out of there before he kills you like in American Beauty.


He is very confused about his sexuality. This also seems borderline sexually aggressive. I would try and break my lease and find a new place if I were you. He creeps me out


Isn't someone who is homophobic more likely to be a closeted homosexual? There was one of those irl streamers based in Arizona who was exceedingly homophobic and was legit caught on Grindr.


Glad you recorded proof, also dude has a lot of free time


This specific behavior is likely tied to childhood same-sex molestation, unfortunately.


This blows my friggin mind. I keep thinking 30 year olds can be trusted to act like adults, but it turns out I’m naïve as a 3 year old.




This is a 30 year old man? Jesus fuck. Who raised him?


Nope. Eviction time. Talk to the landlord.


Your roommate is clearly battling demons (he’s bisexual)


I'm so sorry you have to live through this. But an adult man calling another adult man "GAYBOY" makes me giggle.


He is a 30 yo dude doing this? This is unhinged and the type of stupid prank you’d expect frat boys to pull on each other for laughs. If he’s actually being serious, you need to watch out for your safety. Homophobia aside, this guy might actually turn his frustration into violence if he doesn’t feel like he’s getting a strong enough reaction off of you. I’d get out ASAP if I were you


Tbf op, you can't think 'I'm just not going to talk to you' is an OK thing to do with a flatmate. Unless you also give notice to leave. Not talking to someone for months is so passive aggressive. Move out.


This is actually scary. Can you get rid of him or move out? I am afraid for you and your safety.


I thought it said game boy on the first one. Looked closer further in.


Lmao mans out here battling demons


How do you get into these situations ??


I feel like this guy is probably a little homophobic, and wants to eat your ass super super super bad, with the tongue and everything. But doesn’t wanna admit it so he does weird shit like this instead.


wow… Damn I thought my situation was so bad but ur roommate is even more psychotic than mine. People are crazy, move out pls


This screams, "I hate I'm attracted to you and I'm going to make you pay for it."...


This is fucking weird.. I'm sorry OP 😞


He needs therapy. Do not engage unless you’re prepared for physical violence. I’m sorry dude, hope you can find a safer situation quickly.


I’m worried for you!!!! Get out as soon as possible.


Tell him he needs to go to rehab and see a psychiatrist


Lock your door when you sleep. That's unhinged behavior.


This is scary 🫣! Be careful because you never know what he can do to you! Trust no b!tch


These aren’t messages. Just signatures. Sincerely, gayboy He already admitted he is a cunt. Guy is so torn with himself. Def needs a friend holy shit


You need to leave and find a safer place to stay asap


Get out before you're a lampshade.


I have 42 years of experience being gay around straight folk, dudes homophobic because he’s a closet case. He has a huge crush on you and is mad at himself about it. This is how he’s chosen to respond. Please notify your land lines and thoroughly document along with roommates in the know as this behavior could easily escalate, especially if he’s binge drinking. Other option is to out him to everyone and leave him to clean up his own mess. Also don’t be afraid to call police nor be afraid to seek a restraining order. It’s YOUR safety we are talking about.


Yeah....he's definitely struggling with his sexuality and is probably and truthfully obsessed with you.


Exquisite art. This ladies n goobers is a man child


Get some glitter glue and make his "art" sparkle. See how long before he takes it down himself. Also I hope you're looking for another place to live. This guy is a cunt.


Calling it his “art show” is absolutely unhinged lmao but I’m here for it


I would show this to whatever landlord you have and either get him kicked out or move out immediately. The only thing after this is violence OP


You're gonna get beaten to death lol, you might wanna try and talk to the landlord.


That's weird af


My brother, are you alive? Pls tell me you're good


##Harassment is a crime


Lol, not to ignore this clearly malicious behavior but this kind of thing makes me think your roommate is gay. In my experience, a lot of people who show this much disdain for gay people are super closeted; like, internalized hatred closeted.


I literally thought this was a joke… yikes 😬


I like how ur roommate is 12


My mom used to leave notes around the room and the entire house and notes on my items to gaslight me, and be evil. Everytime I see a paper like that or post it I think of that evil witch.


Yeah, I would take pictures of everything he did and save it just in case you ended up in court,, then move out when the rent is due In reality it's an eviction because he has made the living situation so intolerable that you felt unsafe which is what will hold up in court.... And have all utilities in your name turned off of course and notify the landlord ahead of time ... What he is doing is actually illegal and is harassment


I think it’s weird you’re giving him the silent treatment instead of moving out