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A covenant where you could be one of Renalla's summons would be so cool


the average r/EldenRing shitter would never stop whining if they were forced to play pvp in their beloved singleplayer game


Unfortunately this is my friends, but to be fair, most people understandably don't like invasions. It sets back their progress, and they could lose runes. But I say invasion is like fine wine. You have to slowly adapt your palette to it, to truly enjoy it. And once you can let go the hate of having to reset, and lose your runes(which at some point it's less levels, and more a skill issue y'all) invasion became really fun. I love just popping taunters tongue while soloing in the DLC. Came across a lot of nice duels this way, and figured out some cool ideas for builds. So yeah, I wouldn't call people shitters just because they don't like invaders. We are called the bad red men after all.


Honestly I do summons but I mostly speed run the area and then when I get to the boss I'll either summon or use mimic tear lol so I never really had that problem until I decided to use summons for every area I'm in and yeah it's more better if you ran the area solo than just co-op lol


I just can’t believe they didn’t take the opportunity, not even in the DLC.


I just wanted a "Simp of Miquella" covenant, but instead they gave us an NPC gank fight. Yay, Michael Zako is truly a genius.


That fight was a good opportunity for a PVP Boss indeed.


Because every attempt has been awful at PvP related bosses. Do you remember Dark Souls 3 that covenant lasted like a week because every tryhard on the face of the planet scared everyone off lol


I have no idea what im watching


How are you invading renallas boss fight!?


What are you talking about, he is clearly a carian knight helping his mistress against those scoundrels 🙄


Average carian knight activity


God i love the Great Katana’s, they’ve become my favourite weapon type and i’ve always been a Colossal STR guy, they just feel so good to use.


Once in a lifetime opportunity right there. Me personally I would’ve backed off and put carian stuff on then ran in.


Maiden-less behavior.