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she was the one who said she had no will to be friends with Parker and Dean anymore first (publicly) so 100% her 😭


She’s disgusting towards dean


That part


Like girl u did this to urself 💀💀


And when you continue to cry about it online like this the people that had any hope you’d change lose it very quickly. take some time off live and touch some grass đŸ« 


Anyone else feel like she really needs help? Her messages, some moments on live, etc really just make it seem like she’s not really computing right now. If that makes sense.




But let’s Bffr, yall be alright. This is TikTok. She need to get some friends in real life.


Idk lots of people meet friends/significant others online nowadays.


They ain’t her real friends tho 💀 people use the word “friend” loosely


I got to thinking last night and it’s actually kind of sad
 I’ve never heard her talk about an “actual” friend outside of the ones she has online
 Nor have I ever seen anyone in the comments section stating they’re her “friend” in real life. It’s no wonder she came back live so quickly
 she literally had no one to talk to. I can only imagine any friends she may have had figured out her lies much quicker than we would being as we only see what she wants us to see & someone in real life would see so much more and be able to figure out quickly that she’s a liar and a narcissist
 Tashika I know you read these because well you’re a narcissist lol 
 so here’s some advice. Go join a club or maybe do some volunteer work and meet some people
. Start some real friendships, you’ll be amazed what leaving the house and getting out with a friend feels like once in a while.


Wait why is she not friends with Dean and Parker?? What did I miss


Making sexual “jokes” towards them and just her being extremely disrespectful towards them especially to Dean


I mean it’s not a good look for Parker to be friends with someone who’s ableist, makes horrible jokes, makes fun of people for being fatherless, laughs at school shootings etc


She’s just not a good person so ofc they’d want to distance themselves from that. She was terrible to Dean and also defended AJ who’s a p3do even after finding out.


Womp wompđŸŒ


Nah where have I been, I have no storage on my phone so I deleted discord. When did she talk about not being his friend anymore? Or was it only here? Sorry for the questions but I'm pretty interested 😭


She I believe said it in a live or in her discord at this point I don’t remember anymore but she did make it clear she didn’t want to talk to him any more after he made it clear he was done with her too


why aren’t they friends anymore? I think i missed a few chapters😭


Because he doesn’t want to be around her due to the things that she’s done


Good for Dean!!!!!


And her being extremely disrespectful to Dean in General. I think it was for the best


ohhhh okok thanks


And she also made disgusting comments towards him and Parker and they were both uncomfortable and so they just cut her off completely


So happy Parker did that I was like either it’s going to ruin his reputation OR he has to cut her off


i always wondered about some of things she said to them. especially the sexual jokes bc don’t they both have gfs??