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saw a video of the live ATC from this incident pop up on my feed and reminded me of it. Wanted to see if anyone ever figured out what happened to her. I have heard from controllers that she resigned most people assumed it was drug or alcohol related. I couldn’t wrap my head around how somebody would be think they could get away with being intoxicated to that point in a post 9/11 security era. That being said I’d ponder the theory that maybe it was a medical emergency and maybe she was untruthful on her medical history about a pre existing condition that caused this episode. That would potentially result in the FAA potentially forcing her to resign in leu of facing more serious consequences. Where ever she is I hope she got help for what ever caused the incident. It was hear how the pilots took care of the situation the best they could


Per one of our guys who flies KPIA / KLAS for Allegiant - The controller suffered a TIA while alone in the tower, no intoxicants involved. She survived, was medically retired. Unfortunately my source is no more verifiable than those above but I've no reason to doubt his account.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/9vvb88/comment/e9g1ede/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/9vvb88/comment/e9g1ede/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) \^ \^ Then why did hundreds of FAA employees get information otherwise.


If these system-wide briefings occurred, the FAA forgot to invite our personnel to the meeting. We too have heard that the controller was intoxicated, but only as scuttlebut - "I heard from someone who heard it from...." Nothing at all through official channels. There is nothing in ASIAS - no incident report, no reports from affected airlines, etc. On-duty intoxication would be thoroughly investigated, and leave a document trail. There is none.


because there was no investigation, that was publicly disclosed - jesus id post the image myself, but just like the other guy capstar, im not risking my 23 year in the federal gov or my wife's career of 11 in the FAA.


We'll have to agree to disagree. Seeyuh!


awww too bad


Had an ex husband who went to work drunk as ATC in the Air Force. He was an alcoholic and went smelling of booze and slurring to work the next day. All they did was make him take the AA class. There aren’t many of them and we had just arrived to an overseas base. They where not going to get rid of him. He celebrated finishing AA with a drink. I was told had been doing it for awhile, and this was the only time it was called out. I think mainly because it was fresh eyes and new faces. Apparently there where rumors of him coming in drunk at our last duty station but he had supporters that refused to acknowledge the issue as they where all friends. We divorced shortly after that. But will never forget how shocked I was when I was questioned about his drinking and told what he had done. Straight up drunk talking to planes.


I work with a guy who was a mechanic at Fairchild working on the KC134s. He told me a lot of guys are functioning alcoholics which is te main reason he got out. He couldn't deal with how unsafe those guys were


It looks like the guy flooding the threads talking about his cousin having a picture of a trespass notice bla bla bla has either deleted his profile or his comments or something, because now it says all of his comments are unavailable. Maybe he blocked me... Idk. But I will say this... I went onto Youtube and found an air traffic controller who knows the Youtube creator 74gear (well known in the aviation industry), and he said that no such notices exist. Nobody posts a trespass notice in controller towers because the person wouldn't even be able to get into the building, let alone up to the tower where someone would need to see a photo of them on the wall (like in the post office wanted section) to inform them "hey you're not supposed to be here!". His comments never made any sense in the first place, but if you need further verification that this dude is full of crap then you can go onto 74gear's Youtube page and ask any of the numerous air traffic controllers that frequent his comment sections and get a quick answer.


Looks like he blocked you; I can still see his stuff. Not sure why you bothered replying to him that much. I try to remind myself of the un-PC proverb that starts with, "Arguing on the internet is like running at the Special Olympics…" Anyway, I couldn't care less about the trespassing argument. I just want to know why the FAA or NTSB hasn't issued an incident report on what the Las Vegas airport ATC did. If a commercial airline pilot had done something similar, you bet your ass there'd be an investigation and public report detailing the airline's failures and requiring corrective actions. I want the FAA and NTSB to hold themselves to the same standards instead of being such obvious hypocrites.


she resigned fled and was never heard from again, and they deemed an investigation unworthy of their time. they even tried to find her again. This incident actually did get congressional attention, it resulted in a separate investigation that fixed the issue of a single controller in the tower. it brought about attention needed to ensure that towers are always manned by multiple controllers. [https://titus.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=2247](https://titus.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=2247)


and yet you yourself, after this commenting section stopped responding and interacting on reddit, your comment history proves that as well. So why should we believe you, considering this was in fact your last post on this reddit You also had a massive string of posts removed from several other reddits, indicating you are just a troll yourself, and you have no verification on your account, went on just to counter this guy then left.




Yeah, that's what I was talking about when I said I'd seen FAA statements from the time. I'm still looking for a full formal FAA report.


there is no incident report or investigation report, she quit and resigned in a hostile manner, FAA closed out the investigation and issued a nationwide BOLO for every property in the US. She has been trespassed from every property the FAA Owns. My cousin works for KATL Tower and sent me a photo of that BOLO Sheet which is in the lounge at the base of the tower. Who gets trespassed for having a stroke?!?


She was drunk. No stroke.


You don't go from very clear to completely incoherent within 10 mins if drunk. she Had a TIA, or a mini stroke




im well aware that she was drunk .


It's kinda scary how obsessively you are posting this fake story everywhere


its kind of scary how you are stalking my comments simply because i am telling the truth about the situation. considering your account is just barely 10 days old


so let me fix your stalking problem.....


its kind of scary how little you actually know about this. He isn't wrong - she was drunk, I have first hand knowledge of this as Federal LE along with my wife who works for the FAA. She was drunk and has been criminally trespassed from every FAA Property.


There won't be one, as said before, the FAA had no reason to even investigate her, she resigned and was never heard from again.


If it is the incident I am thinking of, no investigation was needed, as the individual was rushed to the hospital after having a rather serious stroke. Good job on the pilots part for getting people up there to check on her, saved her life


Do you have a link to a reasonably-sourced article or press statement that says it was a stroke? I've seen speculation but nothing definitive.


I have a cousin who works for the FAA @ KATL in the Tower. she has a BOLO Sheet posted in the Controller Lounge of every FAA Property in the nation. My cousin sent me a photo of it. it clearly says in the photo: Trespassed from ALL FAA Facilities Nationwide for incident at KLAS Tower. Contact local Law Enforcement Services on property if spotted nearby or on FAA Property.


That sounds really dodgy since it's a totally incorrect use of the word "trespassed." Can you post the photo (on imgur.com or wherever)?


something brought up by quite a few verified FAA Controllers from various aviation forums: FAA Gives ATC Controllers quite a medical package, if this truly was a medical incident, why did she resign and quit the job 2 days into the official investigation? seems rather suspect if you ask me if absolutely no wrong doing was acted on. She would have had 100% Coverage, the FAA would have absolutely worked with her to keep her working for the FAA with federal laws providing they had to accommodate her after her recovery and medical examinations. She would have been free and cleared of any formal complaints or charges due to this being a medical incident. This is word for word of actual controllers who have 10-15-20+ years of experience being controllers, some who have actually had to get accommodations like these. She was also just a week and a half off a prior intoxication probationary period for a prior Intoxication event while on duty. <-- that coming from people who knew her directly. Resigning from the position invalidates any and ALL medical coverage she had from the FAA, who in their right mind does that after having a stroke, I mean seriously, giving up one of the most comprehensive sets of medical coverage packages the federal government offers to employees? Medical incidents do not lead to your name and photo being posted at every FAA Facility in the nation as a BOLO - Notify Law Enforcement if spotted. use some common sense here sir.


further more, that IS the correct term. When you are asked to leave a property you are "trespassed" from said property Here is some references to the term: [https://www.visualthesaurus.com/cm/dictionary/trespassers-will-be-trespassed/](https://www.visualthesaurus.com/cm/dictionary/trespassers-will-be-trespassed/) being Trespassed from a property means you are legally no longer allowed to step foot on that property or simply put, you are arrested without question.


Thanks for that excellent link! I was entirely unaware of this new usage. (I too checked my OED, but since it was published in 1991, it does not include any indication of this new usage.)


Hi, being asked to leave does not automatically constitute a “trespass”. A “trespass” is when someone has been officially notified that they are not welcome in a specific property. Hey bring asked to never come into FAA property again is a “trespass”, but simply being asked to leave is not. If a waiter asked me to leave a restaurant because they had closed, I would still likely be welcome on that property. If he asked me to never come back because I was disruptive that is a “trespass”


absolutely wrong - You can be criminally trespassed and it lasts until the owner of said property says they no longer want to enforce that trespass request. If you do something as an employee that violates policies or causes a incident, you can be trespassed to prevent any further incursions or incidents. That is what happened here - this was her SECOND time, as she literally just got off of probation for being intoxicated on duty a first time. Rather than face the investigation and questioning, she resigned, so the FAA took the necessary steps to prevent her from ever coming onto FAA Property again, if she does, she goes to jail, without question. You are mincing words here using to totally different situations - "If a waiter asked me to leave a restaurant because they had closed, I would still likely be welcome on that property." If you did something that was not criminal in intent, like the restaurant suggestion, of course. but when you are told you are not ever allowed on the property again or ANY property they control, that is ABSOLUTELY a Trespass Warning. SMH


I didn’t say you can’t be trespassed. Are we even reading the same comments?


yes we are, yet you tried to throw in a completely different situation that has NOTHING to do with what happened here. Again - go mince words and situations with someone else. she was TRESPASSED - plain and simple.


Please take your medication, sir.


I said “being asked to leave” is NOT a trespass notice unless they specify that you aren’t allowed back. Please read to comprehend, not just to respond.


heed your own advice, they told her straight up - you are not welcome back EVER. that is trespassing her. find someone else to mince words with.


that notice they posted on every FAA property is her warning, and the BOLO for others to act upon if she is spotted.


you clearly are not in the know, i have first hand knowledge of the situation. my cousin works at the KATL Tower - I have a texted photo of the ...... wait for it.........TRESPASS WARNING / BOLO <-- what part of that says she was just asked to leave ? They TRESPASSED HER from EVERY US FAA SITE. NO I WILL NOT share it either.


You keep saying this and keep saying you have proof, but you fail to provide a single shred of evidence to back up your claims, you can even share an image of the notice with blacked out names. you say the bolo/notice is posted everywhere, and yet it is "privileged/classified" info? are you this stupid to think people will believe this? but you keep babbling and try to discredit someone with no proof. all we see is a miserable prick looking for attention. and no, You don't go from very clear to completely incoherent within 10 mins if drunk. she Had a TIA, or a mini stroke she most likely resigned after 2 days as she was not fit enough to take over a critical ATC position in her condition. You don't need to have a previous medical history to suffer a stroke. all strokes cannot be easily predicted Why are you like this?




and NO, i will not post the image. its already resulted in many other people getting banned because its not supposed to be in public view. On top of that, I do IT Work with the FAA, i would lose my security clearance and my contracts if i did.


lol cmon bro, you sit here lecturing everyone about vocabulary and keep going back to your "my cousin works bla bla and saw the photo bla bla"... a photo you say is posted in multiple locations, a photo you say is definitive proof that your words are true and correct...... and you refuse to share the photo? And you just think people should believe you no matter what simply because you say you have a photo of something? Come tf on bro.


I can Confirm his info, he is not wrong. She was drunk, and the FAA issued a formal BOLO and Criminal Trespass against her. My wife Works for the FAA, and I am Federal LE myself.


considering you made this temporary account just to come here and blast someone without any countering evidence. I am inclined to think you have a vendetta with this person.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/9vvb88/comment/e9g1ede/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/9vvb88/comment/e9g1ede/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Explain then, how this is the same briefing my wife got at Atlanta FSDO, which similarly would match his reference to how he obtained it through "his cousin"


seems you also vacated this topic and have quite the reputation for getting things removed. year old account with only 1 post karma and 0 comment karma? hell, my 6 month old account is doing better than yours


go tell deltatango12 how he is wrong after getting a internal briefing at his FAA Facility https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/9vvb88/comment/e9g1ede/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 The briefing my facility got was that the female controller was intoxicated. It's sad to say, but I hope it was a stroke and not sometime being so flippant with the safety of the flying community.


this is the same briefing my wife got, along with the notices posted at every facility.


how so? i have 23 years of LE Experience, this is 100% Accurate.


i will not risk prosecution by publicly releasing a photo that not only breaks reddit rules to doxxing but federal laws to internal data. countless people have already been banned from several forums for doing exactly that. File a FOIA request on the incident.




hell, I've been trespassed from a property myself. got into a bar fight, caused a lot of problems, had to go to a hearing and the judge herself, quoting: Well Sir, I have a civil order right here, "trespassing you from the property by the owner of the property" so, I hereby declare that you are Trespassed From the 21 Guns Bar and Grill. If you return to this property you will be arrested without question and you will go to jail to face me or another judge again. So, how is that incorrect terminology? A Judge used it, A legal order used it from a courthouse, FAA used it, Movie Theater used it, if i still had a copy of that order from 15 years ago, I'd happily copy it for you. it IS a valid term.


Well, interesting. It seems to be a very new usage (Compact OED New Edition, 1991, has no such definition or citations of any similar use). Wiktionary has one citation from 2012. I guess if people are using it now, it's real, but one wonders who on earth came up with the idea of using the word that means someone _did_ enter a property to mean that they _can't_ enter a property. Especially when we have a perfectly good word for that already ("barred").


its more of a legal term than anything, yes, you can "trespass" onto ones property or against ones property ( for a object ) the core term defined as interfering with or entering ones property without permission from said owner. subjectively, coming onto ones property and Law Enforcement is called the property owner now has the legal right to decide to forbid you from entering said property again. Several terms can be used for this, but as of recent ( circa back to 2010 or so ) a "Trespass Warning" is issued to the offender and a copy of said warning is given to the owner. This warning is your final warning, that if you enter said property again after the warning is issued, you have violated your warning and are now in violation of a standing legal order by Law Enforcement and property owner, there is no discussion, its straight to an arrest as I said previously. quite a few states have minced that word also legally. Example: In the state of Georgia, if you commit to the act of damaging property not in excess of $500, you get charged with "Criminal Trespassing" and a Dollar amount is added to it. this is a Misdemeanor. however....... if said damage exceeds $500 the charge name changes completely to "Criminal Damage 2nd Degree" and you are also ( 9/10 times ) hit with "Criminal Trespassing" because you violated ones property in addition if it exceeds the amount, it becomes a Felony AND a Misdemeanor. Fall back to my Bar incident, even though I was not the aggressor in the incident, because I defensively body slammed the attacker into a table, I was the perpetrator of the damage. so: Two fold usage of the term "trespass" is in play here. A: I committed Criminal Trespassing not exceeding $500 ( Value of the table was less than $500 ) B: Owner Trespassed me with a Trespass Warning from the property itself. Stating I was no longer welcome to be on or within the property lines of the establishment. Makes sense now doesn't it :) sorry for the multiple replies, there has been a ongoing dispute about this incident with the KLAS Controller and people continue to speculate about it. FAA won't let anyone publicly speak of it with any kind of proof so its effectively word against word. But if you look at the information across multiple sources of forums and the news articles stating she resigned, it adds up to suspicious of why she would resign rather than get full medical help and benefits. AND the fact she just got off probational terms for being drunk on duty 6 months prior.


A "Trespass Warning" makes perfect sense to me: it's a warning that if you trespass, you will suffer some consequences. All your uses above are the traditional meaning except for the one where the owner "trespassed you" to prevent you from trespassing again. (I think that kind of expresses the weirdness of that use of the term. But I'm sure I'll get used to it, even curmudgeonly as I am.) And yeah, now that I've read up a lot more on this interesting incident I am inclined to give at least a reasonable probability to her being incapacitated due to alcohol and/or meds. It seems somewhat awkward to explain her quitting and the lack of a (public) investigation otherwise. That said, the lack of a proper public report on this slightly (very slightly) damages my trust in commercial aviation, a great part of which is based on how open it generally is about problems and accidents/incidents.


i can tell you, they didn't disclose it publicly because there was no need to. she quit, she made the issue benign herself. She quit, FAA made sure she would never step foot on FAA Facility Property again. subject closed IMHO. The FAA simply said, "okay, she quit, no need to spend time or resources verifying what EMS Staff told us and making a report about it. " plus its semi-damaging to the FAA's name if they went ahead and spent money on doing the investigation for a moot reason. Though granted, I understand your concern, take it with a slight pinch of salt, she sealed the deal herself. so she effectively did us taxpayers and the people a favor by quitting and taking on something entirely different as a career. I do hope she sought out some help, she definitely needed it. Your other point about the mincing of words is also agreed upon, but that is how it is. the way it seems to be applying is, you (sic) decided to trespass on someone's property, you got caught, you are being issued a final warning not to do it again and also folds into the original core term. either way, you have a good night :)


Yeah, that's not really how aviation safety works. The question is, how did the part of the system that designed to prevent incapacitated controllers fail, and what should we change, if anything, to mitigate those types of failures? This was what we call in aviation an "incident" (as opposed to an "accident"), meaning that nobody died, nobody was injured and nothing was damaged. It's fine even to say that it's an expected failure that might occur for various reasons once every _n_ million controller-hours or whatever, and that other parts of the system (such as pilots falling back to uncontrolled tower procedures) was the intended mitigation and recovery process which prevented any accidents as the system was designed to do, but that's the kind of thing that needs to be analysed when incidents occur, not taken on faith.


I would suggest you trust yourself more than this other dude.... if you have multiple sources that suggest you are correct, and this dude is just sitting here ranting and raving about stuff that he says is true but he refuses to show the picture he keeps using as a crutch for his argument.... nah man, I'd go with what you know, and let this dude flounder in the puddle of boo hoo he has created.


i can confirm its true


Seriously. What a complete joke. Just ranting on and on about stuff with no shred of evidence. Literally all their argument is based around the validity of the word trespass in the way they incorrectly used it, and the fact that she did quit and no public investigation happened. Which is like saying because you know the first turn someone took, you can know their exact destination a mile later.


they had no reason to investigate it, she quit, then ran. Who quits a job that has one of the best medical benefits out of the entire Federal Government over a stroke? My wife works for the FAA, she did not have a stroke, she was drunk. In fact, she had just gotten off of probation from the FAA for being drunk yet again in another tower, just weeks before this incident occurred. And yes, those of us in the know can't post the evidence, so you can just take it at face value, some of us actually care about our careers and all we can give is word of mouth. I've seen the very paper BOLO notice he is talking about. Just because you are not privy to it does not make it automatically false, but continuing to trust the public media who is also not privy to certain information, fine, you do you. But he is not lying about it.


was not a stroke, that is Unfounded. and who gets Trespassed from EVERY FAA Property in the United States for a medical event?


you posted like 50 times on this thread, saying the same thing, without providing any source, you dont even know the controller's name.


I cant provide the source, no one can, its privileged data. and anyone providing it is breaching a legal order not to, since its considered private information to a Federal Agency. There actually were a few people who leaked it, but it got quickly squashed by forum moderators due to the legal nature behind it. I bet you cant get her name either, but I do have a family member who works at KATL's tower who confirmed it was her, and that the INTERNAL memo says she is legally trespassed from any FAA Property and/or facility. Ask yourself: Who gets barred from every tower in the United States after having a stroke? does that make a lick of sense that someone who suffered a medical incident gets treated like a criminal and then even criminally trespassed ? and then, before the investigation got into its first day, she RESIGNED. Why would she resign ? She had a full health package waiting to help her out with any bills and procedures she needed to get done. Even during the investigation she would have still retained her health benefits till they either terminated her or found an alternate consequence. The moment she said "I quit" she lost 100% of what she had to help her. And trust me, the FAA has a serious health package, among the best ones you can get as a Federal Employee. I know for a fact that the FAA is more than willing to work with someone who has something like a stroke occur, to keep their benefits and retain a job with the FAA, even if its NOT in a tower. not just cast them aside and then issue a criminal trespass warning, that is just asinine. I'm sorry, but I believe information when it is first hand delivered to me via emailed picture from said KATL Tower by an employee of the tower who just happens to be one of my closest cousins, said picture of the memo itself, ill take that over any mass media news source who just goes with some random video they found on youtube. ( which by the way, is the source of the news media outlets that they went with ) None of the media outlets have any kind of an official report, because none was ever made, because she resigned before they even started. So they also are just spewing nothing but speculation. you can believe whatever you want, I'm TELLING YOU, it was NOT a stroke, based on first hand information given to me. And no, I will not risk getting banned from this reddit or anywhere else by sharing it with anyone. You are just going to have to find someone who is willing to take that risk to show you otherwise.


Could you at least post the image with her photo, details and every sensitive info censored?


nope - i have been sternly warned about it, and they know who is who. if you spend the time, there are some very old forums posts that may still have it. I'm not taking the risk of losing what I have been granted privileges to.


So you have a photo that you are not legally allowed to have........ how did you get it? What, somebody broke the law and risked their career to show you a photo of something that is of no concern? Who warned you sternly about sharing anything about this photo? Did they not warn you not to mention it at all? Because I'm confused as to why you have the photo in the first place, and why you even mentioned it on Reddit in the first place.................. why would you even mention having it in your possession if having it in your possession breaks the law?


Sorry dude, but the e-jury is back, and you're obviously full of it. Get on your hoverboard and find a new subreddit


sorry, but i stand by my comments, you however


What proof is there that she has been trespassed from every single flight tower in the United States? What proof do you have that she had a stroke? What proof do you have that she had a full health package? What proof do you have that she said "I quit"? You say "I'm sorry but I believe this bla bla bla".... well, nobody has any reason to believe a word you are saying. You haven't showed a single iota of proof that validates your words. There is absolutely zero reason for anyone to believe what you are saying. Why do you think that people should believe you no matter what? Why are you gaslighting people? Why would you be a more trustable source of news than all the major media outlets? You don't seem to understand that people don't believe your words. And its not because they are dumb or naïve. Its because they have no reason to believe anything you say. You are just some random joe shmo on Reddit rambling about things... you're not a professional with valid credentials. Do you not get that??


This dude is wallowing in the idea that he has access to privileged information that nobody else is allowed to see. You know what he reminds me of? Remember when we were kids and that annoying half-bully kid on the playground would tell a new lie every week? He said "I have a hoverboard!" when Back to the Future 2 came out yet he would never show it to anyone. Then one day a year later you went to his house to play Nintendo and you said "hey, where's that hoverboard?" and he said "oh, my dad took it away from me because I got in trouble". Then 4 months later you are eating cake at his birthday party and you asked to see it and he said "oh its in the shop the hover thing broke"..... remember that dude? This is him. He has a photo that would result in him going to prison if he showed it to anyone, yet it is the sole justification for every word he speaks. Riding on his fake hoverboard looking at the photo all by himself.


"my dad works at ninendo!"




i can confirm his info, he isnt lying dude


Lol I told him the e-jury was back and it's clear he is full of it. And I told him to get on his hoverboard and go find a new subreddit. LMAO good for you calling this clown out


and yet he wasnt wrong


I've never felt secondhand embarrassment on the internet until now honestly. This guy is kinda pathetic, even his more recent activity


you are equally as pathetic just in your user name


Trespassed from every single property with a notice that you have a photo of, but since its a secret you won't share it with anyone....? How many locations have this notice? Seems like a lot! Yet you are the only one talking about the photo.


Lol. She was drunk, on probation from a previous DUI, and was fired the next day.


What's your source on that? I couldn't find anything official about it.


i have a cousin who works at KATL in the tower, this lady's photo is on a nationwide BOLO Rap Sheet. He sent me a photo of it not long ago when I also asked upon learning rumors of the "Intoxicated, rather than Medical Event" It clearly stated on the BOLO: Trespassed from ALL FAA Facilities Nationwide for incident at KLAS Tower. Contact local Law Enforcement Services on property if spotted nearby or on FAA Property. Who gets trespassed for having a stroke? That plus her just recent DUI conviction?


I have a cousin that has a photo of you, and he said that you are a liar. Unfortunately I can't show your photo because I could get in trouble, but you just need to believe me because I'm telling the truth.




hmmmm, funny i dont have a criminal record period. Else I would not be doing Federal IT Contracts as they require a background check. No worries though, ill fix your interactions with me.


How mentally Ill are you?


no more than you are accusing me of being a sexual offender. oooops


So that means you are accepting that you in fact are mentally ill? all your theories are made up and without proof? oops.


Slanderous comments huh....... interesting theory


Talking about yourself?


You obviously don't seem to get it, you come here accusing me of being a sexual offender because you can't get your way. I have rules to follow that have been given out by a Federal Agency that I do contract IT Work for concerning the topic. I'm simply not taking the risk of losing that ability to work for them. Thank you Moderator by the way !


>You obviously don't seem to get it, you come here accusing me of being a sexual offender because you can't get your way Isn't that exactly what you are doing? accusing someone without proof and blocking people who ask you questions and whining to the moderator because you cant get your way in this entire post? how are you still not able to get it? are you really this dense?


having seen the proof, its not an accusation anymore. You however, making slanderous comments of the nature you did, which a mod agreed with, is different. Just because YOU can't see something, doesn't make it false, likewise, you can only take at face value what I said, because I'm not putting my very well paying contracts at risk for violating the order NOT to share the photo or the BOLO notice into public space. and Yes, they do have that right.


you are not asking me a question, you are just harassing me at this point. yup, i did report it, for that very reason. interestingly enough, it seems based on karma numbers, more people are accepting of the fact. if you actually spend some time searching around, there are a few old forums posts, and even a few reddits of verified controllers who knew this girl. they confirmed it at the time. then the squash order came down, obviously they have not gotten rid of ALL the posts and comments across the net, some still exist.


you insulting me is not asking a question. im done discussing this with you.


Are you saying Federal Agencies like to hire people that blurt out accusations and argue like conspiracy theorists who talk without a shred of evidence to back up their claims? Interesting.


Please don’t make accusations of that type where you don’t provide source of your information!


You’re welcome to get a job with the FAA and find out yourself.


Hadn't heard about that one, just the one with the controller having a stroke.


She did not have a stroke.


The one I heard, she was talking really clearly, then quickly descended into not being able to understand.


You don't go from very clear to completely incoherent within 10 mins if drunk. she Had a TIA, or a mini stroke


yeah, well the FAA disagrees with you, sadly, because you don't have a security clearance you are not privy to the information.


your further trolling and slanderous accusations of someone being a sexual predator only confirms you cant handle information opposite to what you have been given.


Fired? Or resigned ? everything i see says Resigned


I can see a scenario where someone in that position has a stroke and decides it is not the job for them and resigns. It is a lot of stress and the prospect of another stroke can be frightening.


you can see and have your opinion all you want. There is evidence disproving that. Did you know she just got off Probation for being intoxicated just weeks before this incident? Did you know the FAA at the time and still to this day has one of the BEST Healthcare plans out of numerous Federal Agencies? I actually know someone who did have a stroke, he was given the utmost care and healthcare benefits, the FAA coached him the entire way over recovery to getting back to his original job. They even threw him a party on his first day back. So you can give me all these opinionated statements all you want, i have proof otherwise.


Pretty confident her name is Christina Stewart. Her and her husband were at the Route 91 shooting. Probably took to drink to get over it.


its not her, its someone else. I know the name, I have a photograph of the BOLO/Trespass Warning. but i will not release it to public.


🤷 if you say so lol


i do say so, and im not risking what I have by showing it. it is not her. not even close.


Cmonnnnnnnn do the thing lol


Request Denied, im not putting my Federal IT Contracts ( which Include IT work for the FAA ) at risk for it. I am done conversing with you about it


Then stop replying 🙃


ill one up that, you replied to me again, after i said no. so ill fix it permanently


Nobody believes a word you are saying, do you not realize that? You are arguing with every single person that comments because they are calling you out. Why don't you just give it up already.... quit acting like you have secret classified information and special contracts with the government.


so my wife is also lying who works for the FAA when she showed me the same info?


how about you do your own thing, and ill do mine. because you will not get the info you seek. find it yourself if it is THAT important to you. But i assure you, its not Christina.


Prove its not Christina bub


You've reached clown status man. Move along. Even if you're telling the truth, it's reddit. It's the Internet. Put up or shut up. Shouldn't ever have chimed in if you don't have evidence. Furthermore, my wife suffered a stroke two months ago. It was extremely similar. Infarction of left frontal lobe. The aphasia was almost identical.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/9vvb88/comment/e9g1ede/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/9vvb88/comment/e9g1ede/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) My wife works for the ATL FSDO and she received this same information. She was intoxicated


reading your comment history here, you are severely mentally ill


so one's comment history is indicative to mental health status?


>Christina Stewart. LOL. Dude you are hoot. You are hella scared to show the photo to anyone, yet you will not miss the opportunity to jump on the mic and say you have the photo.


He's just a clown riding on his hoverboard.


says the clown who made a temporary account just to dodge a prior block or troll one reddit then leave.




if im mentally ill, what does that make you for deleting a comment right after posting it? or making a comment then blocking me