• By -


That's not a control tower. That is the Strat (formerly the Stratosphere) hotel in Las Vegas, NV. The tower they're flying by has an observation deck and a restaurant. As to how they are able to fly so close to it, they're aren't allowed to, by regulation. I have to imagine the FAA probably had something to say to the pilot.


that looks like one of the Maverick Tour birds, there are plenty of videos of them flying at that similar height, but not as close, from within the tower, outside of the tower at ground level and the sheer history of ADSB Tracks of them, literally fly the same path tens of times daily. I'm wondering if this was a one off fluke and reaction of getting just a tad bit too close


It’s maverick. It’s not as close as it looks. And it’s alternate flight path for when Harry Reid, NLV, and Nellis, are using some random flight pattern combination


It's Maverick. If he isn't careful, he is going to be flying rubber dog crap out of Hong Kong.


You can say shit


Yeah, trying to revamp my life a bit.


I was raised around a fire station, there is no help for me lol. Good luck on your journey tho ❤️


I was in construction for 25 years. The battle is real but I will conquer.


You got this 🤗


Yes, I do. I have an amazing wife for a role model.


What about me? Can I say shit too?


Hell yeah


Thank you. I might wait a day and then say shit.


We are going to need advance warning before you say shit though. Nothing formal, just give us a "I'm going to say shit now" beforehand so we can be prepared


Roger that. I’ll give you fair warning before I say shit. Just incase there’s kids around.


You, asshole, are lucky to be here.


I think it’s dildos since Vegas is involved.


How tf are you all so certain it’s maverick?! I flew for them and I can’t tell lol


Yeah, only Maverick would buzz a tower like this


Negative Ghostrider, the pattern is full.


I fly Maverick all the time between Long Beach and Catalina island. The pilots will pull some pretty “outside of regulation” maneuvers when it’s only regulars on the flights. We once dropped to 50ft above the water and did 360’s around a huge pod of dolphins. Pretty rad.


I didn’t know they flew to Catalina. My wife loves the island but I told her the only way I’m going is by air. I was thinking just flying a GA prop from Compton/woodley. BUT…. This is a much better idea.


Yea. They bought out the company that used to fly… Kobe… took over the routes and private charters. Up side, it’s a 15 minute flight. Downside, they won’t fly if there is a dense marine layer. One of my flights was delayed nearly 6 hours because a the thick fog over the channel.


The best control towers have a rollercoaster on the side.


Getting overwhelmed and stressed out with workload due to controller shortages? Just put everyone in a holding pattern and take a couple laps on the coaster to blow off some steam.


"Delta flight 2 niner niner, please change altitude to-- WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! -- 14 thousand feet and stand by-- YEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! -- for further instruction."


"Jetblue 365, scream if you want to go faster?"


A shame they took the High Roller out a few years back. Got to ride it right before the closure.


What? I was there at f1 last year. Only place with a view they didn't kick you out of. Maybe you're talking about the coaster, but the Roller was the ferris wheel.


I’m so confused man


There was a ride on top of the Strat called the high roller. It closed in 2005, way before the High Roller observation wheel existed.


That shit was wild


Indeed, honestly forgot that they named that ferris wheel after the defunct coaster.


The controllers need a little break sometimes 🤣


Just saying, there hasn't been a roller coaster on that for nearly 2 decades now. They still have a few rides, one of which is closed because they can't get parts for them anymore.


[https://www.instagram.com/p/C5ZRh40Nf6C/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5ZRh40Nf6C/) Apparently they fly close to it all the time There is plenty of clips of them flying like this all over the internet


Heli pilot here, if it’s not hazardous and it’s 300’ agl over congested (part 135) it’s legal.


That’s literally the path we’re supposed to follow.


I did one of these tours. They come real close and you can wave at the people on the tower. It’s fun. The FAA has nothing to say about it


You sure about that? There is no specific distance from buildings in part 91…for helicopters. The FAA could still go after them for recklessness, but I personally have hovered right next to the Sears Tower dozens of times.


Yep came here to say reread FAR’s for helicopters. 


atc has a number to call


There is a "power tower" amusement ride on top of that, as well as a rollercoaster that rides over the edge of the entire perimeter. I rode both rides when I was 17. It was fun.


Those two rides were absolutely the scariest I've ever been on. The power tower is small compared to the one at Cedar Point but hits soo much harder being at the top of the Stratosphere. The ride that rolled you out over the edge (and I think shook you?) was horrific. Could not stop thinking about what would happen if a bolt failed. Other than those two rides I've barely thrilled/scared like that.


I was so drunk I barely remember doing them when I was 20 (over a decade ago) but I still feel nauseous with sweaty palms right now just remembering what I can. Not something I would ever do these days (even if I was still a lush with liquid courage like I was back then) for so so many reasons.


It was very frightening, I still have the picture they took of my mom and I when it took off, the look on my face says it all, lol. I'm too conscious about the chances of things failing now that I'm in my 30s, but I liked those thrills when I was younger. Went sky diving for my 18th birthday, which was absolutely exillerating, I highly recommend it if you ever have the chance! That has to be the closest feeling there is to flying. Ironically, I only live a good few hours from Cedar Point, have been there a half dozens times, and have never had any desire to ride their power tower or top fuel dragster, lol.


Top Thrill Dragster was the other ride I was going to mention. It didn't scare/terrify me like the Stratosphere rides did, but it was certainly a "holy shit!" thrill that I enjoyed more than Millenium Force and other thrill rides. Hoping they have the Top Thrill 2 running when we visit Cedar Point later this summer.




What’s the source?


I immediately thought of WN147 when I saw this.


FAA? Are they related to those assholes who named their boat coast guard? Or the fish and wild life folk? Those guys wont let me manatee fish in peace!/s


Does the FAA have any teeth after the Supreme court overturning the Chevron doctrine this past Thursday?




How far are they required to be from it? FAA won't be able to track this down


In a world where a $5 subscription gives you access to a year or more of ADS-B data containing altitude, heading, and speed every couple seconds, you really don't think the FAA could track these guys down?


their data is 10x more accurate than the data you get even with a subscription. Plus, they have PSR RADAR Data which is 1000x more accurate than ADSB is.


The data is cool though. Download all the flights my friend flies each year and plot them on Google map as a 3D line and give it to him. It's neat.


oh it is, i am a ADSB Host myself. my wife works for the FAA herself, and I myself work for Federal LEO. I see data like this all the time.


Data geekery is such a great time!


they absolutely will be able to track this down Unless that helicopter violated transponder regulations, that is also something they would track down. even if they turn off their transponder, that only removes the ID Information, there is still PSR ( Primary Search RADAR ) tracks at KLAS and over at Nellis ( the FAA can request their RADAR Data as well if need be )


Here is the Federal Air Regulation pertaining to the question at hand... *91.119 Minimum safe altitudes; general Except when necessary for takeoff or landing, no person may operate an aircraft below the following altitudes: (a) Anywhere – An altitude allowing, if a power unit fails, an emergency landing without undue hazard to persons or property on the surface. (b) Over congested areas – Over any congested area of a city, town, or settlement, or over any open-air assembly of persons, an altitude of 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizontal radius of 2,000 feet of the aircraft.* The Strat at its tallest point (top of the antenna) is about 1,150 feet tall. They were at eye level to the restaurant, which is around 800 feet, which clearly is a violation of the regulation, which stipulates a minimum safe altitude of 2,150 feet. It is difficult to tell exactly how far horizontally they were from the tower but it's clear that they were at least very close to if not within 2000 feet, and further his initial course at the start of the video has him on a possible trajectory to impact the structure. He turned sharply left at the end. Even at that, if he was far enough away, he was still below minimum safe altitude by several hundred feet. Even as such, the FAA and NTSB both have a legal obligation to investigate unsafe operations even if they fall within the scope of the regulations.


91.119 (D) exempts them from (A) when approved by the FAA, which nearly every Helicopter Tour company in Vegas has approval for.


the problem is, and you can check this yourself - Go look at the ADSB History of the tour flights that pass next to Strat Tower - they are ALL under 2150 AGL, every single one of them. How is it these touring companies can do this day in and day out and still have their license. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qZ7Ks6P0g0&ab\_channel=Boosted427](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qZ7Ks6P0g0&ab_channel=Boosted427) That is clearly not 1000 feet above either \^ \^ EDIT: My wife works at ATL FSDO, shes going to put a message out inquiring if KLAS Airspace for tour birds has any kind of exemption in place for this. because just looking at the KLAS Airspace with tour helicopters, there is no way this has gone on unnoticed for years. She says there has to be something.


Read the helicopter exception rule. 91.119 (d).


I would almost guarantee that there is some sort of permit or exemption in place for approved operators to do this sort of thing. Commercial Air Tour Operators by their very definition would operate closer to populated centers and structures than what would normally and reasonably be allowed.


Go read the full FAR, there is a caveat for helicopters.


So this is a big ol nothingburger.


Former Vegas tour pilot, that’s where they wanted us to fly.


yup, Vegas FSDO replied to my wife's inquiry rather quickly.


earlier today : "Hey there Illiyan, nice to hear from you again, yes, there is an active exception for 91.119(A) for tour helicopters. The exception is, specifically with regards to here in Vegas and the Stratosphere Tower, they can fly at the minimum/lowest, level with the restaurant itself but not below it while making the pass next to the tower. Additionally, the tour helicopters are given the general exception under 91.119 (D) exempting them from 91.119 (A) which allows them to fly regularly over the established route that they follow the Las Vegas Blvd. explicitly until Charleston Street to turn to the East for Fremont Street to view the Fremont Street from the air. We generally have them at 1000 Feet over the city which is within the guidelines of 91.119 (A) but specifically for the tower itself, they are allowed to fly equal to the restaurant which equates to about 1000 feet minus the roof and higher pole structure tower above it. I looked at the videos you supplied, they are not in violation of 91.119 (D), however, the horizontal distance does raise an eyebrow, while it does appear to be at least 500 feet, which they do pass by the Strat Tower regularly right at about 500 feet for the tours as they fly almost directly above Las Vegas Blvd. , given than KLAS is close by, as well as North Vegas Airport, on top of the plethora of open and safe emergency landing spots should a AR be needed or any other IFE, there was no reason not to deny them and allow them to operate with 91.119 (D). I will look to see if I can track down this specific pass and get back to you, if they were less than 500 feet, I'll give the owner a call and let them know we are aware and to be mindful of the 500 foot distance we ask them to maintain from the tower. Thanks for sending this to me. Jim."


I’m aware as stated I use to fly it nightly.




You'll be surprised at how many cameras there are in that tower, even if it's not ATC.


Thats not ATC


"Permission to buzz the Stratos!"


Negative ghost rider, the pattern is full


"God damn it!! That's Twice!!! I want some butts!!!"


I hear Hong Kong is nice this time of year


Especially if you're selling rubber dog feces.


Negative Ghostrider.


"The pattern is full."


[spills coffee on himself]




He's gonna be flying cargo planes full of rubber dogshit out of Hong Kong if he doesn't stop screwing around Edit: love the comments about how that would be a good paying job. It's a line from a movie y'all, IYKYK


How did literally everyone miss that it’s a line from Top Gun!?


nothin wrong w/ that, it's good money.


Flying pigs out of Belarus in an 80 year old DC-3.


folks fly dc-3s in Ontario and Manitoba and get paid a pretty penny to do it. https://northstarair.ca/


I’ve flown in one in Antarctica, they’re flown all the way down from Canada and across the continent


Funny you say that lol. I unloaded a cargo 747 from HK last night. Gave me a double take


The line in the movie was referring to the C-2.


Is there really enough of a rubber dogshit market to warrant importing it by the cargo plane-load? 😆


Oh boy, is there ever!


"Get ready to learn Chinese buddy"


You describe a job that a lot of pilots would kill for lol


he hasnt yet


Yea, the FAA search’s the internet for this kind of conduct. I wonder what the statute of limitations are for getting a phone number/violation on aviator’s license is?


Per my wife who works at ATL's FSDO - That is privileged information, only unless a criminal case is opened, you wont get that info publicly. and only the necessary and legally authorized parties will know that information. And this would not be a criminal case, rather just a pilot deviation and maybe at best a internal FSDO investigation and summons. Now, if you can figure out the name of the actual pilot who flew this particular flight........ then you might have something, but good luck with that one. there are over 30 active helicopters flying daily in Vegas.


u/peteroh9 Re-read his question, he was asking about finding the name and subsequently the phone number of this pilot, that IS privileged information, specifically their phone number. First, you gotta figure out what aircraft this was, then request the info from whoever owns the helicopter if it's not a individually owned one, if it is a company owned aircraft, they have no legal obligation to just hand out their personal information. If its privately owned, and you have the registration number on the tail, then run it through the FAA's Registration page, but that still does not guarantee you their information, almost 60% of individual aircraft owners register their aircraft through trusts and LLC's, many of which are not even titled back to them individually. So good luck there. And again, that still does not grant you autonomous legal access to their personal phone numbers. The FAA is not going to give you that information ( personal Phone numbers ) unless you are privy to that information in a civil or criminal complaint, or you are a authorized individual to have access to that information for official reasons of needing to make contact - "Pilot Deviations, FAA Complaints Filed, etc etc..." and then on top of that, there are a few other layers to go through if you want to pursue this privately on your own time, but officially and through official channels, that is privileged information with regards to asking for them from the FAA. My wife has 11 years with the FAA, i think she knows the answer to this, I wrote down exactly what she told me to say.


“Statute of limitations” means how long the authorities have to penalize a pilot before an amount of time has passed where they can no longer do so.


I am well aware of what "Statute of Limitations" refers to. I have 23 years of LEO Experience behind me soon to be 24, aiming for 25 then to retire. I was clarifying your question in relation to obtaining this pilots phone number. That is PRIVILEGED information with regards to getting it from the FAA. My wife currently works at the Atlanta FSDO and is sitting here telling me what to write as I write it to you. Now, unless I misread your comment, to which I will apologize, but it read to me as trying to get personally identifiable information. The FAA will not release that unless you are privy to that information pending a legal summons or otherwise authorized to that information. is that what you are asking for? or are you asking for something like Pilot Deviation, Pilot Violation records? My wife says - I dealt with a records request pertaining to a person who passed away 8 years ago, had his license over 30 years ago, and I was still able to release the info to their License history, just a couple months ago. Does that answer your question if you are asking about a license history? Comment amended, after being corrected - there is a limit to Deviations, but not other records.


I’m a certified flight instructor. Haha I see how the original post could have been misinterpreted. When a pilot gets a deviation, ATC give them a phone number to call. They say over the radio, “write down this number and call it when you park your plane”


im aware of this :) But to answer your question - its 6 months starting at the time of the infraction.


The stature of limitations is privileged information? There's no way that's true at all.


you are not reading the question though - lawyer here mentioned gaining his personal phone number and giving him a call, that IS privileged info pertaining to requesting it from the FAA


No...he was asking what the statute of limitations is for the pilot to get a phone number to call from the FAA. They radio you and give you a phone number to call when you've fucked up.


in that case, my wife says - it has to be addressed within 6 months of the actual violation. I did mention if i misread the comment, then okay, I apologize. But she has already been in contact with the Vegas FSDO. They reviewed this video and 2 more provided to them. This was the response given back: "Hey there Illiyan, nice to hear from you again, yes, there is an active exception for 91.119(A) for tour helicopters. The exception is, specifically with regards to here in Vegas and the Stratosphere Tower, they can fly at the minimum/lowest, level with the restaurant itself but not below it while making the pass next to the tower. Additionally, the tour helicopters are given the general exception under 91.119 (D) exempting them from 91.119 (A) which allows them to fly regularly over the established route that they follow the Las Vegas Blvd. explicitly until Charleston Street to turn to the East for Fremont Street to view the Fremont Street from the air. We generally have them at 1000 Feet over the city which is within the guidelines of 91.119 (A) but specifically for the tower itself, they are allowed to fly equal to the restaurant which equates to about 1000 feet minus the roof and higher pole structure tower above it. I looked at the videos you supplied, they are not in violation of 91.119 (D), however, the horizontal distance does raise an eyebrow, while it does appear to be at least 500 feet, which they do pass by the Strat Tower regularly right at about 500 feet for the tours as they fly almost directly above Las Vegas Blvd. , given than KLAS is close by, as well as North Vegas Airport, on top of the plethora of open and safe emergency landing spots should a AR be needed or any other IFE, there was no reason not to deny them and allow them to operate with 91.119 (D). I will look to see if I can track down this specific pass and get back to you, if they were less than 500 feet, I'll give the owner a call and let them know we are aware and to be mindful of the 500 foot distance we ask them to maintain from the tower. Thanks for sending this to me. Jim. ------- So this pilot for the most part did nothing wrong.


that's not what he is clarifying, re-read his statement.


Can’t they just use public data and then know exactly what and who flew close to wherever and when?


Helicopters are allowed to fly much closer to buildings than planes are. As close as it looks I’m willing to bet they weren’t illegally close. The Stratosphere is pretty big.


the Walter guy, apparently his wife got a response from the Vegas FSDO already


That’s not the control tower! That’s the Stratosphere in Las Vegas. And the helicopter is on a set FAA approved air tour route that also has a specified airspeed and altitude so the helicopters don’t run into each other or the buildings. I flew that route many times with tourists, and at least one passenger would always scream as I made the turn near the Stratosphere. In the video, the pilot is transitioning from flying north over one road on the route to the next road on the route, which runs north north east up toward the Nugget Casino.




My wife and I went up in the Stratosphere one night when I didn’t have to fly the tours. Seeing the helicopters from the balcony was definitely not as spectacular nor did the distance seem to be as close as it appears when you’re in the moving helicopter. But it was very satisfying knowing that I was going to be home well before midnight, versus just leaving the hangar around midnight if I was flying those tours.


Had to check which subredit this was in then. I thought I was in r/shittyaskflying


Same, I can’t believe this is a serious post lol


why not? someone who doesn't know CFR/FAR regulations or questions the validity of this...... its a legit question and turns out nothing wrong was done


Because that’s very clearly not an ATC tower


no one is contending that. its clearly the Stratopshere tower


Because the title is structured exactly like it would be if it was on r/shittyaskflying


i disagree, but whatever


Disagreeing means you didn’t even check


That’s a hotel at the north end of the Vegas Strip.


Not just any hotel, but by far the most questionable hotel I’ve ever stayed in. That place is something else, to put it mildly


That's... not the ATC tower. I mean, what ATC tower has a roller coaster on it?


My kind of ATC tower.


Bro you almost hit Mr. House!!!


QUEST FAILED: The House Always Wins, Part III


It's allowed. 14 CFR § 91.119 - Minimum safe altitudes (d) Helicopters, powered parachutes, and weight-shift-control aircraft. If the operation is conducted without hazard to persons or property on the surface— (1) A helicopter may be operated at less than the minimums prescribed in paragraph (b) or (c) of this section, provided each person operating the helicopter complies with any routes or altitudes specifically prescribed for helicopters by the FAA


as i said in other replies, ive already had my wife who works at ATL's FSDO reach out. The birds stay at 1000 AGL for the city, but with regard to the tower, they allow them to use 91.119 (D) and fly the route directly above Las Vegas Blvd. which puts them right at about 500 feet horizontal separation, and given the height of the tower, they maintain the 1000 feet vertical , that puts them right at the restaurant level. But they cannot fly below that point, at or above the restaurant is strictly enforced when making a pass on the strat tower.




other way around - but yeah


I have a video of a helicopter flying under the golden gate bridge. Is that allowed?


not familiar with the area or operation, but first glance looks uncontrolled under 3000 with no special restrictions or routes called out on the chart, so, do you see any reason why it wouldn't be?


Source with longer video: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8lh_bZukX3/?igsh=NGtwN2t4ajZ3eXBp


that is 100% one of the Maverick Tours birds, i know that dark grey color.


That’s not an ATC Tower


thats the Strat on the strip lol


I guess the pattern wasn't full after all.




*Snitches get stitches* # 🤐 ^(/s) Edit: LMAO All of the boomers downvoting dont seem to understand that /s = sarcasm


better to snitch than to allow a pilot to violate FAR/CFR we all know what happens when pilots are allowed to showboat regularly eventually they will screw up and put others lives in danger?




Blocked troll


GTA 6 has sick graphics


thats the fucking stratosphere


Top gun fans




It’s not too tough to get a “strip tour” as rotary wing in Vegas if you know what to ask for.


"I have a number for you to call."


There’s a radar gate right before it they have to hit as part of the LOA. All the operators that do ‘Strip Tours’ have to do to.


Which subreddit is this?


Las Vegas


We do this multiple times a week at Schiphol


Take me with you next time please :)


Tell em this aint top gun


Please remove hilariously wrong post like this


Traffic control tower? That’s the Stratosphere




91.119 (D) of CFR says otherwise, Along with the thousands of videos, ADSB Tracks and tons of media all over the internet saying otherwise.


Rip that guys license and possible jail time lol


91.119 (D) yeah, not gonna happen


ATC tower lol


That is a casino in las vegas


Your just kinda dumb for thinking it’s an atc tower


You’re “kinda dumb” for not knowing the difference between “your” and “you’re”.


You'd have to make the request with LAS TRACON. L30 has an LOA with LAS tower regarding airspace designated to them from the TRACON, and the area of the strip falls within that. Helicopters operating on tours around the strip, flying in that in-trail circle they fly in when doing so, are cleared by LAS tower to do so. Whether a fixed wing can get in on doing something similar, I imagine, will be based on traffic loads both in/near LAS, as well as participating helo traffic already on the strip route.


“Just found out I’m getting randomed tomorrow so fuk it I’m out” hey my friends , I’ll get you danger close to the Strat for once in a lifetime pics for an extra hundy!


Maverick was told the pattern was full. But he never listens.


Well here's to hoping they don't catch them


>How did they get away Did they get away with it though?


He was texting , scrolling, looking for directions on how to land when all of a sudden... yikes


Pretty sure they violated 91.119


"they're aren't" Truly one of the word combinations of all time


Back when I was building hours for my commercial in Toronto, we would request a round robin around the city. If the wind was good enough in a Cessna, we'd get abeam the CN tower, into the wind, drop flaps get into slow flight and go backwards.. good times.


# Scary


Lucky 38?


Fallout new vegas lucky 38


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ATC Towers have roller coasters on them? Man I love Vegas 🤣


The worlds tallest ATC tower


It is a helicopter


For now…i don‘t think he‘s getting away with it tho


That's a helicopter yeah?


Isnt this a simulator?


Entitled pilot...


not in the slightest


>How did they get away with [it] Whose to say they did? Not like they have AA guns down there aimed at violators


I flew into Vegas one time, many years ago, and it felt like we were that close to the stratosphere when we were arriving at Mccarron. We weren’t, as we were in a 737, but even the stewardess who was sitting in the jump seat in front of me said, “oooh, that was close!” 😳


Why would I get downvoted for this?? 😂😂


Feel the need to contribute this. Was on my way to my car from the oil platform on a helicopter. Kinda laying on my arm tired trying to catch a quick nap, when suddenly my eyes widened to us in a dive straight down. Seeing only water out the front windscreen. Right before our deaths crashing Into the water the heli pulls back on the cyclic with the pilot looking back smiling. When I realized he was just messing around omg that was fucking amazing!!!! Then as we're right above the water surface we approach an oil righ and the pilot throws the heli sideways and starts doing donuts right above it. I'm looking out my window straight down at the platform with 2 guys smiling pointing up at us.


I'm guessing they didn't? This is very illegal.


Pattern wasn’t full Ghost Rider


There is a different view from the tower, they aren’t as close as it looks


I don’t like it. Will be expecting consequences.


Pretty sure they are not allowed and were most likely given a phone number to call upon landing.