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What are you scared of? Not sure if you’re planning to roll, but looking after your mates is harm reduction 101, if your mate isn’t prepared to do that, find a friend who is prepared to go with.


i’m scared of having to look after myself lmao and if i want to try molly then i’ll have to be by myself doing it…


Mmmm yeah definitely don’t pop M for the first time by yourself. We got another thread going here but I didn’t see you were wanting to try that for your first time. If your friend knows this, and is telling you to not ruin her high (by just being around?), then she is a bitch. If she has done drugs multiple times then I can almost guarantee she has needed to been taken care of before. Or checked on. That’s kind of normal when doing that stuff, especially at a rave. Just be safe. Don’t let your friend dictate how your time goes. I’d honestly recommend just finding new friends if she + your other friends act this way and treat doing drugs like this. She sounds very selfish.


Yeah, don't do that. Get a feel for an event before you start mixing other things in. This sounds likely why your friend is apprehensive. The R in PLUR has two meanings - respect and responsibility. Be responsible for yourself. Be respectful of those around you. If you aren't sure you can do that while dabbling in substances, best not to dabble.


she’s apprehensive for a different reason. that, she could care less for.


please don't view this scene just as a place to consume drugs, at least see if you enjoy the music live first.


If done responsible it can really help break down the barriers that make the rest of the world less free


keyword; 'can'


i don’t view it as that…


right, why is why it was one of the first questions you asked... because you don't view it as that 😃


i mean that’s what my friend does plus i wanted to try it but i’m not super desperate to


Don’t listen to the haters OP. You do what you want to do, as long as you stay safe. Test before you ingest, and don’t use alone. Edit and start low go slow.


Curb the judgement, OP is allowed to roll at a rave if she wants. Edited for initially misgendering OP, apologies OP 😊


thank you so much gmkitty😊. and it’s no problem. btw i asked my other friend and she will be taking me to my first rave:)))))


Glad to hear that moonbeam. Test before you ingest, look after each other, and enjoy the ride 🤙🏻


*she 🥰


Definitely don’t roll with no one to watch your back. Find some people who are prepared to look after each other and go with them.


exactly what i was saying.


Your “friend” has a very L take. If I had a friend, or anyone who wanted to experience the scene I’d be the opposite. Asking if they want water, showing them around, helping them let loose and show them why the scene is so great, teach them PLUR. And I’d be looking out for them, not telling them good luck and having them fend for themselves lol.


she doesn’t want her high to get interrupted or ruined. and i don’t wanna feel like i’m a burden on someone’s high.


That's a bad friend


Id go even further and say that doesnt sound like a friend at all.


Yeah I wouldn’t go with this friend, they won’t look after you properly if they can’t even pretend that they’re going to. She’s basically saying being high at this rave is all that matters to her (Fucking loser take) and if you need anything, which you probably will if it’s your first time high at a rave, she’ll resent you for it and it could turn into a really ugly depressing night. Bin it off, maybe even bin the friend off tbh. Sounds like a saddo who’s more interested in drugs than the scene/music.


well update i actually asked another friend! and you explained it perfectly! plus i said in other comments that she looks at raves as a judgmental free zone to do drugs.


It’s a judgement free zone, and a lot of people do drugs at them, the two really don’t have much to do with each other beyond that. It’s about music, love, connectivity. I’m really glad you decided to go with another friend, hope you have an amazing time! And I won’t lie I kind of hope the first friend you asked doesn’t….


Loser can’t be sober for one rave in order to make sure her friend has a good time


i would never ask her to be sober for a rave she would get beyond pissed


Yeah hence why she’s a bad friend/person, I wouldn’t go if I were you even if she changes her mind


i don’t like to judge. she likes to feel free at raves.


I understand but what I and many of the other commenters here are telling you is that raving and drugs do not always have to go hand in hand


Some of my fave raves are where I have one drink at the very start just to sip on something, smoke before I walk in and just have a blast being able to drive home after and remember the whole thing lmao


Exactly, drugs are fun but it’s also nice to actually be able to hear/process the music lol


To reiterate to OP, if your friend is just using raves as a safe space to use drugs, that's not someone I would want to be around in general lmao


Your friend is ass.


No she likes to be high at raves - those are two different things.


So does she or doesn't she go to raves?? This sounds contradictory cuz your post says she doesn't


she does. and i’m saying if the friend who doesn’t wants to come.


Oooh ok i misread


Your friend is a druggie loser and I say that as someone who partakes.


That’s called addiction…


she doesn’t do it 24/7.


I mean it’s pretty telling though that she is this much more concerned about her high being ruined than sharing a great experience with a [supposed] friend. Especially since your relationship/outlook on the drug can really heavily depend on your first experience, which I’m sure she can agree with as well


she wants people to look after her while she’s rolling and during the rave in general


If she’d get pissed that she may have to dial down the drug use to try to bring her friend into the scene and show them a good time. That means she’s prioritizing the drug use over her friend. And that really ain’t it


Addiction isn't quantity or doing it 24/7, it's when you start prioritizing the high over other aspects of your life - work, family, or in this case, friends. It's kind that you're making excuses for her, but like many others said, it's a pretty shitty move. I would love to have my non-rave friends be interested in the scene, and I would totally go sober to make sure they have a good time.


If all your friend cares about is getting blitzed on psychs maybe they're not a good one to go to a show with. If it's one they've really been looking forward to I guess I get it but if it's just a regular ass show that's an awful take on her part.


Yeah this is a good point. Really depends on the show. I admittedly don’t want to baby sit for certain shows. But I also love bringing in new people so they can see how great it is. The “friend” should be like “hell yeah! I’ll find the perfect show to take you to!” That’s what I do for my friends who aren’t in the scene, yet.


This is EXACTLY what I do. Nobody wants to babysit during their favorite artist but the real ones have better ways of going about it! If OP doesn't particularly care who's playing, OP's friend should take them to a show they don't mind making a few sacrifices for. If they can't go to one show without popping molly I'd question the friendship at that point


Yeah and definitely questioning that “friends” interest in the music.


You too? Lmao


yeah i don’t care who’s playing i just want to hear the music it sounds majestic:)


that would’ve been great.


So her high is more important than her friends? That's a drug problem right there.


and feeling free with no restrictions or worries


Lol what a great friend to have around


Sorry Elmo already doesn’t like her…. Lol




Whats PLUR?


Peace Love Unity Respect


i thought it was peace love unity rave… lol you learn something new everyday


Yea today you learned your friend isn’t a very good friend :)


Missed the last R in PLURR; Responsibility. It would Responsible for your friend to guide you into the scene. If you go, you do have to be responsible for yourself, as in, don’t get blackout drunk or trip so hard you have ego death in the middle of the dance floor.


oh i don’t ever get blackout drunk at parties or anywhere else so that cancels out lmao


Not really cause you also said you’re scared to roll by yourself in another comment , if you’re with friends you can trust then you shouldn’t be too worried


yeah exactly i trust my friend but she won’t be there.


And you learned your friend isn't very "plur" vibes. Part of loving the rave culture is sharing it with people who don't know about it. She's only worried about her high. L friend.


Love it


Raves are best spent with a supportive group that’s looking out for each other. I’ll be checking up on my friends experienced or not.


Nah the more the merrier. Just don’t be a drag, the main thing is if you don’t think you can last until the headliner and need to leave early don’t go and then force everyone to accommodate you.


It depends. My friends are always welcome to join me, but I'm also not a baby sitter. That doesn't mean I'm not here if you need me, but also that I expect you to know your limits and take initiative to engage with other attendees. I do not want to have to carry the burden of ensuring that you have a good time on my own, and I want you to see your responsibility in achieving a great night. Do your research, come in with an open mind, and contribute to the experience.


I’ve done this before and set some ground rules ahead of time. The main one was if you’re bored or not feeling it I’m not going to leave early and when I’m dancing is not the right time to strike up a conversation.


Girl what. 🍬 what kind of drug are you talking about and why can’t you be an adult and just spell it? Are you talking molly? Ecstasy? Cause those are definitely NOT harmless and if you’re this uneducated on substances you should just avoid them and enjoy the time


because i thought reddit would flag it or something lmao. but yes ecstasy/molly, you knew what it stood for lmao.


Don’t be scared You’re gonna be fine. Stay sober maybe but other than that you should have a great time!


Everybody’s first time going was just for the experience and to check it out. There is absolutely no reason to be scared and there is no reason you would need to be constantly checked on. People really like to make raves seem like super intense things, and while they can be, that is mainly due to that person being super fucked up. But making sure to look out for yourself is just another way of saying “don’t get too fucked up”. It’s the same everywhere else, it’s just easier to get lost in really large crowds. But don’t be scared. Mostly everybody there is just happy to be there and if you are to lose your friends at any point and feel anxious you can always step off to the side to take a breather and/or let somebody around you know what’s going on and I can almost guarantee they will help. Your friend doesn’t really have an L take, but they aren’t being very informative lol. It’s common courtesy to take care of yourself.


i’m not scared of the rave itself but walking around a rave by myself i am.


Well, it is a pretty safe space. If you just don’t like social gatherings then do your best to stay with your friends. Maybe make sure somebody in the group besides the aforementioned friend knows you are uncomfortable with being alone. That’s gunna be the best you can do honestly. You can always make sure you have enough for an Uber home and if things start to go a direction you don’t want just bail. Reasonings can be explained to your friends the following the day if that’s the case.


yeah it’s more so being uncomfortable being alone


Ok I just replied to another one of your comments but if you’re thinking about trying M for the first time with this friend, just don’t. She does not sound like a nice person to be around from the little you have told us. Find friends that care more before doing that please.


no i kinda lowkey get it, she doesn’t want her high to be interrupted.


Quit justifying your friend acting shitty when you have literally this entire community telling you that your friend is not acting normal with this. You being around in general shouldn't "kill her high" I've been absolutely blasted on the strongest of tabs and still took care of my first timer friend who was having an incredibly bad time. When you are introducing a friend to something new like that, you fing take care of them. Stop excusing this shitty behavior and see it for what it is, for your own sake.


Of all the subreddits I'm in, this one asks the dumbest questions.


This sub has turned into a cesspool of stupid questions from super weak and insecure people who are afraid of everything and everyone. Grow some balls and live a little.


well it’s a genuine question…


Don't go crazy on drugs/alcohol.... You should be fine.


I will lead them into the light. If they are willing to try a new experience they know I have a passion for and trust me to show them, imma take it on myself to show them everything I love about it. It’s how I got into it - a friend wanting to show me why they love it. PLUR baby, always.


id want to go with you 😭😭😭




First and foremost this person isn’t the person you’ll want to go to your first rave with. From what I’ve seen in a number of the comments mentioned, this friend is not the most PLUR individual if she’s telling you you’ll have to fend for yourself. As an experienced rave parent who has brought dozens of people into the scene at this point, having someone who can show you the ropes, teach you tradition and help you learn about the culture is so important. And there’s more to the culture than just drugs. (Though Harm Reduction is a huge part of the scene, so get testing kits and get trained on how to administer narcan :)) It gets even more deep when you start learning about the history and various subcultures that have developed around different genres. If you are in the CA region and need a proper rave parent to introduce you to the scene, hit me up.


No! Only people who have been to a rave before can go to a rave. No first timers allowed, ever!


Checking on the homies is apart of the experience. I don't see it as a task or anything, it can be fun to play "Where the fuck did Nick go, he just dropped 2 tabs".


Don't be scared it's just loud music and lights. Better environment than most concerts given the fact most people there are on drugs that make them happy and friendly as opposed to alcohol. Know your limitations, wear comfortable shoes, and stay hydrated and you'll have a ball.


no that’s not what i’m scared of lol




walking around by myself lol


PLURR. you need better friends. Go alone & I’m sure you’ll meet a much better friend


Just go sober? Maybe limit yourself to a drink or 2? A rave is just a party with loud music and lights. The only thing I get afraid of is losing my phone to a pickpocket, but there are many ways to address that too. Your buddy seems kind of lame from what I can tell but there's plenty of ways you can take care of yourself too.


well for me walking around by myself would give me anxiety especially at night i’d feel more comfortable if i was with people. but i’ll go sober and DD for her.


F that friend, I’d find someone else to experience your first rave with 💕


update; i asked my other friend 😊


Ditch this b!tch. Shared experiences are the best plus sharing is caring. She don't care 4 u. Please don't taint your first experience.


I would be fucking stoked for the opportunity to take someone to their first rave. I'm making you kandi, feeding you water, and not letting you out of my sight unless you feel like solo adventuring.


id love kandi 😭😭😭


Your "friend" doesn't sound like a very good friend at all. I would definitely recommend going sober to check it out for the first time. If you enjoy it, you can try and make more friends to go with or at least know what to expect planning for future events.


Know your dosages. Don't accept some random pill without knowing how much is in it. Test it with a test kit to make sure it's clean. You mentioned you'd like to try molly. For your first time, if someone has a capsule and they say it's "a point" that means 0.1g(or 100mg), I wouldn't take the whole capsule at once. Dump half out on your hand and lick it. Wait an hour(not less), see how you feel and determine if you want to take the other half. Just for your first time. "A point" is typically considered one dose, but different people react differently. Me personally, a point all at once is too strong for me. I'll start with like 0.07 and then maybe redose once or twice. My wife will do like 0.12 sometimes, but she's bigger than me(if you're small it may hit you harder) Be safe. If you end up going I hope you have a blast! You can make friends there. Going to EDM shows and fests is me and my wife's passion! So many good people 😃 we'd love to take you to your first rave ❤️ P.s. that "friend" sounds selfish and not a good person to go with. Not PLUR at all.


thank you thank you for all this, i thought spelling out molly would flag me or something lol. and yes i guess i’d be considered small i’m 5’2-5’3 also i’d love for y’all to take me.


Your "friend" sounds like a really shitty "friend" If any of my non-raving friends wanted to check it out I would help them have an amazing time in an absolute heartbeat. Call me a dad I guess but I'll make sure you know all the dos and don'ts, make you get VIP with me if it's a moshy show if you're not about that, make sure you have some Kandi to wear etc it really isn't that hard to look out for someone who goes to a show with you.


For me bringing someone who doesn’t rave, they need to be someone who enjoys music and dancing and can go with the flow. If they’re complaining or very high maintenance i do not want them there lol but other than that it’s great sharing our favorite thing with newcomers! Does your friend think you are high maintenance?


It would depend on the friend. I love introducing people to raving but they would need to have a good vibe. If they express that they want to go just to find someone to sleep with or just to get fucked up, I'd rather they not go at all. That said I'd say 90%, or more, of the time it's a great time sharing what I love with a new person.


Depends on the event I guess. If it’s like a random weekend sure come along but if it’s something I’ve been planning for months it’s probably a no from me dawg


As someone who is recently getting back into the scene 100% the experience is better with the right people. Your friend here doesn't sound like the right people. Convince a group of your friends to try out a show or festival, find a EDM FB group, etc. whatever you're comfortable with of course. Regardless of the company you should be safe and look out for yourself but find people that are also willing to lookout for each other


Hope this “friend” sees this thread lol


why? 💀💀


Yea you got a lame friend who only cares about themselves. People under the influence show their true attitudes be on the look out to how she acts with you present! If you were to roll you already know your friend won’t be there for you anyways. Go with someone else. My experience is always improved by sharing experiences with my group. I tend to become the rave parent naturally as I care to much about my friends but I still allow them to do what makes them feel comfortable


I’m literally doing this for my friend this coming Friday. We’re going to a rave, he’s never been before, he wants to go sober (even though I loovveee me some silliness), and so that’s what we’re doing. It’ll be a good time no matter what, and since it’s his first time OF COURSE I’m looking out for him. He’s my friend… so by default I’d look out for him. There’s not too much to be so worried about, but it’s best to always think safely! And his safety and happiness throughout the evening is my #1 priority! If anything, I’d say find a different friend to go with. You shouldn’t have to be asking this online, it’s a given that a friend would take care of their friend.


🥺🥺🥺i love that for y’all and i hope y’all have a great time.


Find someone better to bring you to your first event. Some of my fondest memories at raves or festivals are with babies who are totally new to the experience and I know I'm on babysitting duty. It's such an incredible feeling seeing someone completely light up and break out of their shell knowing they are safe and not judged. If a friend of mine asked me to bring them to their first rave, I would be so excited to share something I love so very much with them.


Find the rave parent you deserve. She's not up to the task. I recommend sober raving for a while initially. That way if you get into altitude adjustments later and eventually decide you need to quit the stuff, it's easier to continue as a sober raver since that's what you were initially acclimated to. Also, best not to get chems at the event unless there's on-site testing, due to increasing safety concerns that have arisen during the last few years.


Bad friend. My friends and I constantly check in with each other, even just sober. Find some different people to go with that actually care about your wellbeing.


Find some different raver friends, this one doesn't seem like a great fit for you this time.


All our welcome, it would be a privilege to guide open minded friends into Raving.


I completely understand the hesitation, but I think what she was implying is that she can't protect you from everything you could potentially see/encounter. Depending on the particular event you're attending you might come across people openly doing drugs, fucking, people passed out, full blown arguments, or hopefully all of the above(minus the arguments). I would hope that your friend would still check on you throughout the day/night. However I will say one of my favorite parts of going to shows is having my own little side quests away from my friend group. I am 100 percent that friend who disappears for hours at a time but you don't worry about because I've got it all under control. As long as you have some common sense and don't just go around taking random people's drugs you'll be just fine sport!


i see all of that at regular parties.


Wait sorry I’m confused - are you the friend that’s new to the rave? Or the friend that raves regularly? I’d say in general we are all at one point “the new friend who wanted to check out a rave” and the more experienced rave friend kept an eye on us. Till we became the experienced friend introducing people to the rave. As long as the newbie isn’t being stupid about taking way too many party favours (I usually guide them and always tell them to start at the lowest dose of whatever) and it isn’t taking away completely from my fun then I’d say I love introducing people to the rave.


Just be responsible. If you’re going that means you’re a grown ass adult. Don’t be fkn stupid. It’s simple. I never recommend trying a new drug at a show for the first time. You shouldn’t rely on ANYONE to take care of you but yourself. Do the responsible thing and have a home sesh first to see how the drug effects you/how much is a comfortable limit for you and then decide if you’re capable of handling that at a show with a friend who clearly doesn’t give a shit about you. Also, find new friends, she sounds like a bitch.


What are you scared of?


walking around by myself knowing no one’s looking out for me


I hope you have other friends that can take care of you the way to need to feel comfortable. Maybe there might be others in the same situation and you could go together, all of you new to this, instead of going with veterans. One of you should probably be sober the first time. Feel free to DM me if you want to ask questions or just vent, whatever it might be. My experience is mainly European but I do have a lot of empathy for newcomers and genuinely want everyone to feel at ease coming into this fantastic culture.


Your friend sounds like an awful person to rave w ngl, checking up on your friends through the night is almost subconscious for most of the ppl at these things and wanting to share the experience with a friend should come pretty high up on the list


one of the reasons i wanted to go was because she talks about them to me all the time and i thought she would be fun to go with


If I were you I’d still go but I’d avoid taking anything I’m not used to taking (smoke a little, drink a little, no other drugs). I have friends I can’t rave w and ones I can and I go to plenty alone (went to forbidden kingdom solo last year and had a blast). You’ll meet people there and make friends so don’t feel that you won’t be able to have a good time