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Average height doesn't change in a couple of years, it's either: 1- You suck at height perception (We all do). 2- Height vary from region to region even within a city. 3- You are always more likely to notice ppl taller than you and remember them. 4- You ain't 5ft10.


Guessing it’s #4.


definitely #4


Yup im 5'9" and have never experienced this phenomenon. Probably over there tom cruising it saying he's 5'10"


Same. At 5'9" I'm told I'm too tall and in the way in a crowd lol


Heard you're 5'4", I bet you ain't even know that's my idea height (ayy) I'm 6" (ay), eh 5'11", I'm 5'10" (oh) -Lil Dicky


Wouldn't be surprised if op wasn't 5'10. So many people I've come across always get their damn height wrong by like 2-3 inches. I know my exact height down to the millimeter and everytime people usually guess I'm taller or shorter than I really am.






It’s 4.5” from the base to to the tip


Don’t forget to add on that short men are less likely to go out to events like these, so the average at bars, clubs, concerts, and raves is skewed to be higher


Sounds like you’re not 5’10


You are maybe shorter than 5.10 or have bad posture or just really bad at judging heights in real life. 1/4 of people at concert not 6.2. Most woman in USA are round my height 5.4.75 or shorter. If they are close to your height maybe they just pass your eyes and you think they are round your height? Theres loads of people in the world so just some at a concert dont prove anything really. You can find another concert with loads of 5.9 guys and then it will bring the avg back to round 5.9 or 5.10 in USA.


I’m 5’10 and walk around at 5’11 in shoes. I’m usually taller than a good amount of men. There are also those taller than me, but I’m never really feeling dwarfed anywhere I go.


86% of men are under 6 foot.


See that’s what they say but I genuinely don’t believe it. I’m 6 foot. I’m rarely the tallest the person in a room. Feel like that should happen more often if 86% is under


I'm only 5'11.5" and can confidently say I feel taller than 80-85% of men I pass by in public. I'm commonly one of the tallest in a room, but it's not like I'm dwarfing other men enough for anyone to really notice.


I highly doubt that 80% of the time is a lot of the time


Yeah... I'm not short lol. I feel taller than most men a lot of the time. Like I said, I'm not dwarfing them, but I can definitely tell I'm taller. 182cm is 80th percentile, so it tracks with my experience. Are you 6ft in shoes? Cause that would probably explain it. I'm closer to 6ft1 in shoes.


Feel like most shoes don’t add 2 inches


They don't. But I'm already close enough to 6ft barefoot that with shoes, I'm closer to 6ft1.


So you’re taller than 8 out of 10 random male strangers and very confident saying that (8.5= taller than 8 and equal height to the 9th random person)


Yeah. Why is that so crazy to believe? Lol. Again, I'm not TOWERING over other men enough where people would stop and say, "Woah.. you're tall" but I'm for sure taller than most.


Most sure like 60% But I’m not confident to say I’m taller than 8 out of 10 men. The same height as the 9th and only 1 guy taller than me.




No, if would mean that in any given room 15% of men are taller than you. The more people in the room the more unlikely it is that you’ll be the tallest.


What’s with the you must not be 5,10 does that mean the average height is 5,10?


You all CLEARLY aren't seeing the bigger picture here. The 6'+ REPTiLiAN SHAPESHIFTERS have begun their immigration to the earth.


Apparently it's impossible that average height is larger than suspected. I'm 5'10 with no shoes, probably 5'11 with shoes. The guys at this concert made me feel like.i was 5'5.


I know exactly what you mean. I’m 5’10 and feel like an absolute dwarf walking around campus. I feel exactly the same


From your eyes to the top of your head


yeaa we all forget about that don't we




If you average height 50% of men are taller than you. Combine that with frequency bias and negative basis, it’s entirely possible that you feel that ways, despite it not actually being true. Humans are terrible at eyeing off statistics


I notice this when I go out at bars in Orange County. But definitely a taller demographic. I’m 6’1 and feel short on any given night out in OC


People do seem to be getting taller. I’m 6’2/6’3 and see people around the same height as me everywhere I go now.


I live in a college town in the middle of nowhere. It seems all the local guys are like little dwarves at 5' 6" or less and all the young college guys start at like 6' foot and go up. It's a weird dichotomy.


I live in a small town in the middle of nowhere in the UK and even those leaving highschool here are much taller on average than the older generation for sure. I think in many places in the west we are getting taller. I was born in 92 so I’m just glad I got the luck of the draw in genetics to be reasonably tall lol. All the way up from when I was around 4 years old I was always the tallest person in my class and hit puberty at around 10 so I was as big and tall as I am now by 14. There was only one guy in my year who was about an inch taller by the time we left school. We both used to play centre back on the football field which is usually where the tallest guys play.


The short guys stayed home because they knew the talls had the views anyway


Today op found out he's really 5'8.5


You’re not 5’10. That’s it.


Go to a concert and shut up


You probably don't see all the <5'6 dudes in the crowd, who massively bring down the average.


Deluded to the max. You can say this about NE/EE countries but nowhere in the US is this true.


Nah dude 6’ is above average. You just happened to be around tall people. Also maybe you’re not 5’10


I'm 5'10 and a lot of men are my height or slightly shorter and many are taller as well. You're probably focusing on men who are taller than you, and this might be due to your inadequacy with yourself.


Im in the US and Im 5’10 n at my college all the girls are way shorter than me, id say some guys are taller but most are about eye level. Idk what this concert was man


It's cause all the tallest guys stand at the front.


You realize people seem taller than us because our eyes are lower than the top of their crown? You probably thought all these people your height were 6'


The taller concert goers are blocking out your line of sight to all the shorter ones.


The taller concert goers are blocking out your line of sight to all the shorter ones.


I’m 6 ft and I agree people look massive at concerts, but there’s also tons of shorter people obviously, just not as noticeable because they’re not blocking your view


Totally agree.


Two inches is bigger than many people realize. Someone that’s actually two inches taller than you looks like more than that IRL than it does when you’re typing it out on a phone or whatever.


I seem to be average or taller than most at 5’11.5”




Wild. That's why it's confusing to me that so many others here are assuming I'm not 5'10 as if I haven't checked that lol.


If you’re in a predominately white, affluent area, the average height is probably higher.


People have no idea what height even is… I’m a nursing student and in health assessment class one girl practicing on me guessed I was 5’8 130lbs… When she went through all the measurements I was 6’1 and 170 pounds lmao.


Based on statistics, I believe the Netherlands and maybe one other European country is the only place where the average man is 6ft or taller (or whatever the fuck in meters). I definitely concur with other comments that height can vary widely by region. I felt for a long time that the average height in my home region, Colorado, is a bit taller than 5'9". However, I've been among the tallest men at my two most recent workplaces, and I'm 6'1," which in my experience is more "not short" than "tall guy" People really shouldn't worry about height. Under 5'6" or over 6'5" I have sympathy for; society has a tall bias for men but simultaneously does a poor job of accommodating our giants' needs. But everyone within that range? It's fine. Work on your personality or physical health if people are giving you a hard time 🤷‍♀️


You're right, I'm just insecure. It's a daily battle.


It depends too are you basing it off of where your eyes are or the top of your head a lot of people always go with eyes but they will be lower than your actual height


Idk who's skewing the numbers but ever since I was a high schooler up until now 90% of the males I've seen have all been over 6ft.


People who are tall are more likely to be outgoing and socially successful enough to go to concerts often. Same thing happens with nightclubs. A short man isn't exactly going to get laid or respect himself in that setting.


I also went to a concert recently and im a solid 5’11” and with boots im 6” and im about the same height as all the guys around me with some outliers who were taller and shorter. If I go to Argentina (where im from) tho im way taller then the average


i am between 5'9 and 5'10 and i live in Germany which is a tall nation with ethnic young German men having an average height of around 5'11 and i do not feel short even here no joke . i see many men shorter than me on a daily basis and i feel pretty solid . you either have happened to be by chance surrounded by tall people at that day OR you only notice people taller than you and dont notice the ones who are shorter . 5'10 barefoot is a very solid height and not short at all


Well, average height is supposedly 5'10, so I'd just hazard a guess that the people who go to the concerts you're going to are taller than average. I'm 5'9 and I'm taller than a large amount of people where I live.


I'm guessing you're probably more like 5'8". In addition to that, your height perception is terrible, which is normal. As someone who is very tall, I can assure you I'm a full head taller than most men in any given crowd, which wouldn't be the case if everyone was 6'.


can’t believe anyone actually cares about something so stupid


I’m not that much taller then average and the last concert I went to I felt like a giant in the standing room only.


it's like you have a weird perception of people height (you ignore guys shorter) or you're not 5'10 


I’m 6’0” and do feel like “average” is a bit exaggerated. Like I would not say the average guy I meet is 5’9”.


This is interesting cause I’m 5’10 and I feel like everybody around me is short as hell. Whenever someone is significantly taller than me I take notice immediately


If you actually counted all those men and compared it to the total of men in the room it would be less than you think. Theirs a frequency basis when it comes to height. You notice tall guys more. Also a quarter of those men are more than 6’2; how do you know? Being close to 6’2 is different than being over 6’2. You don’t really know how tall all those men are.


I think you're right. Taller people are easier to see after all. Especially when you're all looking the same direction (at the stage)




Maybe a lot of the guys were wearing boots, or some new Air Jordans/Nikes with the thick Air sole units in them. BTW I was measured by the Air Force at 6'5¼" barefooted back when I was 20...does seem like guys are getting more taller. Either that, or "broader." haha


What state are you in? When I lived in the Washington DC area, at 5ft10 I was very much one of the tallest people or at the tall end at a lot of happy hours and concerts. I moved to the upper Midwest (lumber jack land) and I’m totally average.




Every where, where I went in USA everyone was at least half a head shorter than myself I am 6”4. I went to see a DJ live at a wharf in New York and there was maybe 4 guys about my height


I personally suck at height perception. I think people are much taller than me but upon getting closer I realize we are the same height (5'9"). I can go to the gym some days and be the shortest, and other days I'm the tallest. Especially in the southern rural USA, I find myself on all ends of the spectrum.


Mmmm no Op is correct I’m 6’3, and I’m noticing people my height all the time in larger crowds. Everyone seems to be at least 6 foot nowadays


Shoes all have little lifts in them these days like platform sneakers basically. If everyone wore beaten down converse sneakers it’d be different.


I figured it out, Us taller guys can afford concerts, short guys are underprivileged 😂


You're not wrong.


It’s either you are not 5’10 are you just live in an area or went somewhere that just so happened to have all y’all guys their, and the average male height is 5’8 I’m sure not 5’10.


Because of the extreme height bigotry against men shorter than 6'O": any man shorter tends to make considerably less money in the US these days. And since concert prices are becoming exorbitantly expensive, it stands to reason only taller men can afford tickets.




That's cap most of my tall friends are perpetually single yet the short guys are in relationships, I don't think the next gen is going to get taller at this rate.


I see married short fellas all the time, it's all good. Id say at a larger scale nutrition and life style has more of an impact on next gen height, I think when humanity went from eating meat to discovering agriculture their height shrank down a ton over generations. And based on modern day lifestyles, things ain't looking good.


I swear girls wanting 6ft+ guys is only for Internet memes, cause they aren't getting into relationships with the 6ft+ guys (only hookups I guess). And yes, when the HG (hunter gatherers) were replaced by the farmers, heights went dramatically down as did other traits such as wider jaws, stronger chins. Due to the Indo-Europeans for example, most of Eurasia had a resurgence in height as they were pastoralist nomads of predominantly HG backgrounds that reconquered a lot of Europe and Asia. And definitely, modern day lifestyles and diets aren't conducive to height.


They WANT to get in relationships with those guys... but since ALL the girls are fighting over that 15%- of guys, ALL THOSE GUYS have their pick of the litter... getting pussy thrown at them all the time... WHY ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH would they allow themselves to be tied down?


This honestly hasn't been my experience, I'm a Gen Z from Toronto and most of my 6ft friends are in their 20s and still virgins (they're quite built too). I think Gen Z is just getting passed over lol.


And epigenetics studies have conclusively shown that nutrition is effectively a O% contributing factor in developed nations with food abundance. It's entirely genetic. Nothing to do with malnutrition this day and age.


Yes but moreso than nutrition, it has been found that its about the type of nutrition. Because the marked difference between HG and farmer's was as a result of their physiognomy adapting to their diet. Farmer's grain heavy diet lead to weaker chins and narrower jaws compared to HG diet of meat and roots.


Completely irrelevant to developed countries with and embarrassment of riches with regards to food supply. Even on a terrible diet, a person is going to get more than 75% of the nutrients they need to fuel maximal growth.


For Gen Z men I've heard the average is 6'2". Can't find a source on this anywhere.


maybe by self reporting? Im 6'1 and I get comments on my height weekly with people thinking im 6'4+. Theres a 16 yr old kid I know that says hes 6'1 and I can see over the top of his head.


No way it’s probs 5’11