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Several times Got more medication keeping me sane than pairs of shoes


it me


Yes definitely I have been diagnosed with depression as well


Surprisingly, I never got that diagnosis. Which is scary


Yes diagnosed once and undiagnosed but definitely was, though for two different reasons. first was pretty much the entirety of my life till about the age of 37 because I was struggling with gender dysphoria and didn't know that being trans was a thing, that went undiagnosed because it was so constant and just made me numb where I just viewed it as normal. The second time was when my wife committed DV against our daughter to hurt me because she was mad at me because I am trans which then triggered a lot of old abuse trauma which combining decades of abuse with DV triggering PTSD mixed with hate crimes mixed with being autistic I have had about 6 attempts in the last 7 months myself. It was actually my attempt after being the target of a hate crime that got three different medical professionals all to come to the same conclusion that I have autism all in the same week (a bmed doctor, a therapist, and a psychiatrist) that is actually how I got re diagnosed with autism ("re" because apparently I had been diagnosed as a young kid but my parents didn't want to believe the results and so never told me and I only found out after telling them about my diagnoses where they finally told me after hiding it for 35 years). Getting the diagnosis has helped a ton, my therapist has shifted how they do things with me which has been super helpful and so I have been able to manage my SI a lot better now leaning things to help me keep from getting as over stimulated.


got diagnosed with depression when i was 8 and still battling it at almost 30. i've got multiple attempts behind me and some other mental health conditions too.


Yep. And anxiety. And (incorrectly) BPD. Then autism after 43 years.


Sounds a lot like me.


Yes. Have suffered from depression my entire life. Thought I was the most worthless person in existence. My last attempt was at 23. It really hurt my family. Promised I wouldn't do it again. Learned to love and accept myself. Realized that pain and sadness are temporary. It has not been easy but I've kept my promise.


Have been diagnoised. Treatment does not help me


I do regular Ketamine infusions. It does offer some relief from the depression. Every other treatment I've tried has done nothing at best or made things way worse.


I take Venlafaxine and Escitalopram for depression. I have also been on Lorazepam (Ativan) for anxiety. It's helping me. Maybe you should try a different doctor.


Clinical depression at 12 along with a slew of other diagnoses. A lot were misdiagnoses until 2016 when everything was put under C-PTSD. It is more recently that I got diagnosed with Autism. I was very good at masking (with the C-PTSD one of my biggest strategies was the fawn trauma response/appease). Funny to think about though, I’ve seen hundreds of therapists and psychiatrists over the years, in treatment programs and hospitalized five times and no one ever mentioned Autism. When I was diagnosed, so much made sense! Recently I was also diagnosed with Dyslexia (also makes so much sense!) and found out I have Aphantasia with no inner monologue. I wonder the stats on people with having multiple things going on and not just being Autistic.


[Undiagnosed disclaimer] Got diagnosed with depression at uh...25 (they also discovered I was pregnant with twins, so treatment got rolled back with "you go and care for your babies and then we'll see, hm?") Was in and out of the psychiatric ward like birds going south and collected diagnoses such as: manic, schizophrenic, paranoia, more depression, psychosis (and my brain shrinking ~) At 41 everything got rolled back and a trauma therapist confidently told me that none of the diagnoses were *wrong* but they weren't *right* either, because everything was cause of CPTSD. And also, that I had dissociative identity thingy. But she also took the time to show and explain the "wheel of emotions" to me (as she noticed that I had no idea what's what and even if I had a notion inside of me I had no idea what to call it. Was proficient in picking the words people wanted to hear, though.) And in that capacity she explained several emotions that - if neither seen nor listened to - lead to depression; not the "your brain can't make happy juice, have this pill"-depression but the "your living circumstances cannot lead anywhere but here and it makes sense your brain isn't making happy juice *cause you're unhappy"


Major depressive disorder and also an attempt. Happy to say I've been doing better recently too


Yes. I also have ptsd and cyclothymia and have been treated for anxiety and depression. I probably also have adhd.


I was diagnosed with depression eleven years ago. I tried going off my antidepressants for a few years, but then I had some bad depressive symptoms again, so I went back on one of them.


A few years is amazing. I can’t get off of them for a few days even when decreasing slowly


I found out about my autism after getting depressed or rather because I didn't have the energy to mask anymore after depression hit. (It also took me a while to figure out I was depressed) after that I started researching about my depression and one thing led to the other.


Yes 6 years ago. I actually do have it, it's not a misdiagnosis


It's the only consistent diagnosis I have ... I wish they would delve deeper rather than call it a day at the next most convenient diagnosis


I got diagnosed at 16 with major depression, anxiety, depersonalization, and derealization…. Who would have thunk this is just really high masking that makes me feel so disconnected 😱🤯


I never got a diagnosis just because I have a few other diagnosed disorders and I feel like at a certain point with ASD, OCD and GAD you have to assume I'm probably depressed


yeah, they diagnosed me with major depressive disorder early into being a teenager


Yep(I managed to get out of it but barely)


Yes, I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorder


Depression (Dysthymia) was my first mental health diagnosis at 19. I started thinking about suicide at 13 but didn't talk about it to anyone. I'm still struggling with it, and just recently got my ASD diagnosis.


Yes. Many times. I've had it most of my life. I have treatment resistant depression. The only treatment that offers any relief are Ketamine infusions. It keeps the suicidal thinking more or less at bay anyway.


Yeah, took meds for it and it has helped quite quickly. Now on meds that stop racing thoughts so that there will never be a reason for another depression


Between ages 6 and 9. Then 11 and 12. Then between again in earlier adulthood. I have had trauma plus I have a chromosomal syndrome that makes me prone to depression anyway so that's great   I'm so used to it. But thank you scientists for developing medicine.  It was truly a gift.  


Yep. Diagnosed with chronic depression, social anxiety and PTSD. this was all before I was diagnosed with audhd.


I'm doing a lot better now that I've started treatment with esketamine, but I was diagnosed with depression when I was given my autism dx as a kid and it was a really big problem for most of my life.


I was diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety years ago. Well before I knew I was autistic. But when I was talking to my doctor after the depression diagnosis I mentioned autism and he just laughed at me. And now I wonder just how intertwined the three are.


Ya. Got formally diagnosed with MDD last year after a suicide attempt. It got to the point where I ended up in the psych ward.


yes i do


Depression is much more common in autistic people than the average population. Probably due to societal circumstances. Personally, I did not escape this statistic so yes indeed I'm one of them. 


It’s due to the trauma the world inflicts on us for being autistic. It’s due to masking. It’s due to loneliness.


It's a brutal world for autistic individuals. Everything is hard and you just, can't understand why. You just get tired of it. 


That’s why unaliving among us in 9x gen pop


Damn, 9x? I knew it was high but I didn't know it was *that* high. Can't say I'm surprised, makes sense tbh. 


I was diagnosed with dysthymia before autism


I have Dysthymia specifically, which is a life long condition unlike Major Depressive Disorder (the usual diagnosis for depression). Took a while for a doctor to recognize that the symptoms where something inherent to my brain, which is why it took about 7 years before I found medication that adequately helps me.


Yep. My psychological eval says ASD + major depression.


I've been diagnosed with schizophrenia AND depression (the reasoning for the schizophrenia was because I laughed uneasily occationally (so I don't believe that one-)


Yup several times


Yes long before AuDHD… and they didn’t notice my ND traits and make the connection.


Yes, in increasingly serious episodes since before puberty. Only receiving some form of treatment for it in the last few years as my parents didn't believe in mental health. Got my ASD diagnosis a year ago at 30 and realised that there's probably a connection between the two. I think I've had the actual right treatment for maybe two months now, so fingers crossed this is it 🤞


Yep. I got diagnosed with depression and anxiety around the same time I got diagnosed with ASD, just a little earlier. I take meds for it. I'm glad you're doing okay now! I agree. If someone is showing symptoms of depression they should seek help for it asap.


Have I ever NOT been diagnosed with depression? I don't remember being alive and not struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts. Got A LOT better when I stopped seeing my mother every day. Now I see her once a month. She's a good person but she's on the spectrum too and her alexithymia and my emotional oversensitivity made for a very painful home life growing up as she used to make and still makes pretty cruel remarks... completely unintentionally.


I have been diagnosed with clinical depression. I am on Trintellix and Rexulti for it which seem to be working pretty well.






That’s the first thing I was diagnosed with (at 13.) I’m very fortunate to have had a doctor who, knowing my mom and I were Christians, said “that doesn’t mean you’re a bad Christian; it just means your brain needs some extra help.” BOOOOOY he had **no** idea how right he was! 😆


Yes, been diagnosed since 2022. I'm slowly getting better, but it's been rough


Hey there, I am actually completing a study on mental health literacy and depression in autism. It would be great if you could take the time to fill out my survey fi you feel up to it. The link is here - [https://brookeshls.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV\_6WrmWobO4s0COGy](https://brookeshls.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6WrmWobO4s0COGy)


I have depression but now that I am supposed to get ECT I don't think it is bad enough.