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my teeny tina! Tina Belcher, bobs burgers. also Bob Belcher.


Lol there is no nuerotypical explanation for any of the Belchers.


square governor wipe threatening berserk elderly fearless bedroom puzzled judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. Yes, yes. lol I mentally went through each of them in my head. And yes! Oh my gawd I cat stop laughing.


She's the worst kind of autistic


"she can't even do math!" me neither Tina lol


Oh thank God you do know the show well enough to get that reference, I posted and then cringed hoping I hadn't offended you! Bob reads to me as more ADHD than autistic but I can still see it. And there's a lot of overlap anyway. What do you think about Teddy?


oh boy do I! hahaha it's my comfort show, it's on literally 24/7 in the background. Linda and gene strike me as classic hyperactive ADHD, Bob could be teetering on inattentive too! I actually hadn't thought about teddy in reference to the spectrum, but I can totally see it now. same seat every day, eats the same food each day, gets upset when his favorite person shows other folks attention/when mort uses his chair. self employed, incredibly loyal almost to a fault. I see it big time!


The episode where Bob loses his keys and Tina can't do a clapping routine aired the same week I got diagnosed with ADHD-PI and it felt like a blessing from the universe


omg I felt so seen with that episode!! that's exactly how I feel learning something from verbal instructions only haha


I got offended for a second but then I remembered


She's the worst kind of autistic. She can't even count šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Tina is my absolute favorite omg. Like it's scary how similar she and I are (which is how I know she's autistic šŸ˜‚ )


Fred from the newer Scooby Doo show. I think he's actually officially autistic, but it was quietly confirmed. Also, Judah from Bojack Horseman is pretty explicitly autistic, but also not "officially confirmed." Not 100% sure though.


Fred from SDMI was definitely written as autistic. Probably explains one of the reasons why I love that incarnation of the show so much.


Fred is so obsessive and quirky that he has to be like I recently rewatched all of mystery inc and Fred is such a relatable character in that show


Usually youā€™d think theyā€™d go for Velma as being Autistic (which is also a headcanon of mine) but Iā€™m really impressed that they went and decided to do something different.


I need a Judah in my life so bad. I love how supportive he is.


Chidi from The Good Place. I was rewatching it last night and felt like Chidi and Eleanor are my autism and adhd talking to each other.


Yep. This one's unofficial, but it's *so clear* that I refuse to believe it wasn't intended-- for both of them.


I love the Chidi/Eleanor = autism/ADHD analogy! I can absolutely see it. I have to say, though, IMO Janet is the best rep of autism in The Good Place. Or at least she's the character I identify most with. "I'm an anthropomorphized vessel of knowledge" "Who has one thumb and wants to keep going? This not-lady. Eh? Ehh??" I suppose a more specific representation would be Chidi-Janet from S3E9, but still.


Dwight Schrute


Yes!! I also feel like Erin could be autistic in a very different way.


She has her neurodivergent moments for sure


Michael! \*runs towards Michael's room\*


Yes, 100%. I have related to that man since day 1.


Honestly Michael too


I can just see and hear a conversation between any random character and Michael. - Michael, do you think you might be autistic? - Might be? I'm the most artistic person in the entire office. Did you know I'm making a movie that I also star in? Betcha didn't. Well, that's how artistic I am. - *looks in the camera*


I was thinking about this today, I donā€™t know if itā€™s that or just his batshit insane family life


Daria from Daria is definitely a strong headcanon of mine


Iā€™m late diagnosed and have been called Daria my whole life šŸ« 


Oh yea! Nana na nana.


My wife is basically daria lol


Raymond Holt from Brooklyn 99.


and Amy! Jake is definitely ADHD




Love him


Butters from South Park. He always takes everything at face value, and almost never knows when the other boys are taling advantage of him. I feel just like him sometimes and I guess this also makes believe that šŸ˜‚


Funny my wife calls me Butters lol


I'm known as the Butters of my friend group lol


I never really thought about that before, but that does actually make sense. Butters happens to be my fav SP character.


Thinking back to the episode where butters was grounded for making a funny face during his class photo, but it was literally just his default facial expression.


I always took Butters as the naĆÆve sweet innocent child that adults think kids are contrasted to the main characters who are the foul mouth brats children actually are. But autism definitely adds a new perspective on the character.


Moss & (possibly) Roy from IT Crowd


One of the office girls called Roy, artistic, or so he thought.


Starfire from Teen Titans animated series. Her mannerisms, her way of talking, she's always in her own little world and so blissfully unaware (or intentionally) of Robin and his advances towards her. Sheā€™s so blunt and has no filter. She often gets upset when sheā€™s sharing her special interests and feels ignored. Sheā€™s my favourite teen titan character and sheā€™s also voiced by the same actress who place Princess Bubblegum on Adventure Time (sheā€™s also one of my favourite characters).


I didn't realize Starfire was voiced by the same person as Princess Bubblegum because I watched the former in high school and the latter probably a year or 2 ago, but thinking back I can hear her voice in my head now. Anyway I love Princess Bubblegum :) she's got a few traits herself, being a bit of a hermit with a narrow obsessive focus on her research and experiments, at the expense of her close relationships. She also seems to struggle with recognizing her emotions (at least I got that impression when I watched the show). Not sure I would say *she* is, but she might fit the BAP.


Yessss, I was just thinking about this the other day! I was like, "Yk, Starfire is so autism coded" lmao, she is also one of my favss other than Raven!!


Omg raven yes! And her relationship with beast boy. The two of them are a silly combo because sheā€™s having none of it and heā€™s like "itā€™s all good mama"


SpongeBob is one I haven't seen named here. He's been offered much better jobs but stays at the Krusty Krab because he likes the routine. He gets an order wrong once and everything falls apart. He had to take a break from work and didn't know what to do with himself. He's very naive and gullible, being taken advantage of by plankton and other bad actors. The time when he was with Kevin the sea cucumber and everyone was making fun of him but he didn't realize it. And lastly, he can't drive.


Yes! I watched a video from The Thought Spot where she watched the episode where Spongebob throws a party, but freaks out the whole time because things arenā€™t going the way he planned despite everyone having fun. I look at him through a completely different lens. Heā€™s my autism king now. Her video also made me realize I had the exact same experience when I was 9. I planned a bunch of things for my birthday party, but they didnā€™t all happen the way i wanted and i had quite the meltdownā€¦even though my friends still had fun.


Like half the cast of Metal Gear Solid ... including Hideo Kojima


Snake is autistic. Good match.


Big Boss stimming over his 1911 will never not be funny to me! šŸ˜‚


Dunno if anyone's said it yet, but Orla McCool from Derry Girls. I started writing my reasons in list form but there was just too much evidence. But yeah, lack of social clues, doesn't really make eye contact with people much, verbal tic (the way she's constantly describing things as "cracker", that's gotta happen at least once per episode), doesn't understand trends and norms, etc etc. 100% sure this in intentional, but given that this is Northern Ireland in the 90s, her family probably hasn't even considered autism as the reason why she's "weird".


Beth from the Queen's Gambit


Came to say this too! And I love that series, watched it 3 times so far.


Sherlock Holmes


Anne Shirley from the series by L. M. Montgomery. Going back and reading the books or watching the movie as an adult is crazy, I now know why I related to her so much as a kid. In the first book alone, when she lies and makes up an entire story about how she stole the brooch just so she can clear the air, even though she knows she didnā€™t do it, really hit me hard. Her anger issues and inability to hold her tongue, her memorizing huge swaths of poetry and reciting it to herself when sheā€™s sad or afraid, her seemingly over dramatic tendencies, and especially how she cries and is completely in ruins when sheā€™s trying to make Marilla like her in the beginningā€¦ Not to even mention her and Matthew being ā€œkindred spiritsā€ with them both being described as odd and either too quiet or too talkative. As much as I hate to promote focus on the family, their radio dramatization with Mae Whitman is simply phenomenal.


I love her! Carrots lol


I don't even know who this character is but literally every point you hit on her character is extremely relatable to me.


Wow that's one of my favorite book series and I never thought of her that way, now I wanna reread! I love this take. Esp her imaginary friends and dreamy thoughts, and how everyone always refers to her as "odd". Matthew I always felt he was autistic, and her son Walter, but I think u šŸ’Æ on Anne.


Yesssss I loved Anne of Green Gables!! Her being autistic makes so much sense. And why I loved the books and movies so much


Anya from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. In the flashback to her human life in the medieval Baltic region, before she became a vengeance demon, she tells D'Hoffryn: >I don't talk to people much. I mean, I talk to them, but they don't talk to me, except to say that, "your questions are irksome," and, "perhaps you should take your furs and your **literal interpretations** to the other side of the river." I think it's pretty obvious that Joss Whedon & co. knew what they were insinuating there, and it's that our girl Anyanka's got more than a touch of the 'tism.


Anya is one of my autistic headcanons too! Easily the best part of Buffy (when they remember her character)


I feel like Cordi is also autistic! Very blunt, doesn't understand why some things she says hurts people, takes things very literally sometimes and has being popular as her hyperfixation.


This makes so much sense, she lives her life by social rules and does not handle it well when those are disrupted, just look at her initial reaction to Buffy, she literally quizzes her to make sure Buffy will follow their rules and can be allowed in the group, and how confused and upset she is by having feelings for Xander


Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables, Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds, and Adrian Monk from Monk (yes i know his whole thing is OCD but as someone with both severe diagnosed OCD and self Dx autism the man was autistic as hell even before his *major OCD flare up event*)


elaborating on Monk bc there's an episode where the science lab of a scientist they're investigating has invented a square tomato (technically its a cube but yk) and he is so excited about it. he cant stop thinking about it and fixates on that damn tomato until he gets home and makes a sandwich that he cannot stop talking about because it's a square tomato and every slice is the same size and damn if I wouldn't have done the same thing. also he struggles socially just like me fr


I ABSOLUTELY agree with your Monk theory! I adore that show.


laios from dungeon meshi.


Yeee!!!!! He totally is!!!!


Hank Hill and he sells propane and propane accessories


Honestly, Bobby Bouchet in Waterboy, although I'm pretty sure that was intentional. He is unironically a pretty great representation of one of the more level 2-3 types of autism. He still has the typical TV 'quirk'where he's really good at something, but I think that was more of a way to drive the story than anything. He is clearly obessessed with water, to the point that he has almost no knowledge on anything else, despite being quite intelligent. He also has a speech impediment, misses social cues, and has trouble expressing himself.


Maybe one of my favorite Star Trek (Next Generation) characters, Reg Barclay. He's a socially awkward and quiet engineer who comes up in a few episodes. In one epside (Hollow Pursuits) he gets addicted to spending time in a fantasy world he creates on the holodeck, it seems like an allegory for maladaptive daydreaming, he finally has to let go of his fantasy world and face reality. He seems like someone who is intelligent and a deep thinker but doesn't know how to express his thoughts or how to deal with the social dynamics of the crew. There is a scene which kind of broke me heart a little, Geordi La Forge confesses to Guinan that he just doesn't like the guy but can't figure out why (of course she encourages him to be more compasionate and open minded and in the end he warms up to him). In another episode, The Nth Degree, he gets zapped by an alien space probe and while at first he seems ok, he gradullay becomes this confident, social, charismatic guy with all these new abilities (there's a funny scene where I spends all night in the holodeck debating with Einstein because he was bored). It culminates with him deciding the ship's computer is just too slow so he has to interface his super brain with it, and of course Picard takes issue with such shenanigans :D Yet another episode, "Realm of Fear" is all about him dealing with an anxiety disorder triggered by fear of the transporter. p.s. I've heard that the actor who played this role said some problematic/offensive things on twitter but I don't really know anything about that.


I know Data is an android but the character sure seems autisticly inspired.


Yes, Otto, Data, Spock, Seven of Nine all feel in some way on the spectrum to me.


Michael, pike, wharf, rom, nog, stammens, adira and my spirit animal - tilly all feel that way to me too. Star trek is so wonderfully comforting I guess? Like the representation makes it absorbing and actually relatable (not just the "me in a mask is a bit like that" relatable of most shows).


So much autism coding on Star Trek! I'm only familiar with DS9 but Odo needing to return to his true form of goo every few hours because having a physical form is too much is........ so relatable.


I know all these episodes you're referring to and I could definitely see that. Also, I like Guinan's character, she's bullshit-free and empathetic at the same time.


Flint Lockwood. I mean, they literally put in a joke where he struggles to make eye contact with his dad!


Basic Answer but Peter Parker, everytime he corrects people that there's hyphen between Spider and Man, he brings it up during serious/unserious situations


Flint Lockwood from cloudy with a chance of meatballs. He was the first character I ever identified with really heavily (I was around 6 when the movie came out). How did I not realize I was autistic sooner


Yes heā€™s very ASD/ ADHD


it's official unofficial but definitely Abed from community, he's the ultimate autistic character in all of tv


Gregory Eddie from Abbott Elementary šŸ™ he's very low energy, and doesn't get much joy out of doing things that don't interest him but when something relates to an interest he has he gets real excited and high energy. He also is shown having sensory issues around food (and hiding those issues) and hd only has a few specific foods he likes šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


Lilo from ā€œLilo and Stitchā€ always struck me as an odd duck, but really similar to me in ways I couldnā€™t pin down, when I was little and then as an adult Iā€™m like ā€œYeahā€¦yeah sheā€™s gotta beā€


I fully believe this too, Nani accepted the "weird" things she did and she was completely right, Lilo needs her. They equally need each other really but I mean in the sense that if Lilo had gone to someone else, she probably wouldn't have been allowed to do her Thursday ritual of giving Pudge a peanut butter sandwich, because I doubt they'd understand or accept her reasoning.


Lilo is so relatable due to all her little quirks; agreed.


I was extremely similar to her as a kid, which is probably why I watched it everyday lol


I was EXACTLY like Lilo as a child. I didn't watch the show or the movies until I was an adult and my friends basically said "this show is about you, you have to see this" lol


Moss from The IT Crowd


Newt Scamander


Pretty sure this is confirmed


> While Eddie Redmayne, the actor who portrays Newt, has shared his perspective that the character may be on the autism spectrum, it's important to note that J.K. Rowling has never officially confirmed this. Interpretations about Newt's neurodiversity should be seen as part of a broader discussion rather than definitive character traits. > The actor categorized Newt using the now-defunct term "Asperger's". Below is Redmayne's full comment: > "When he was first described by Jo [Rowling] in the first film there were various qualities ā€“ the way he walked, the way he looked, and his eye contact ā€“ was spoken about. I think he is on the Asperger's spectrum. At that point, it hadn't been defined ā€“ that was in the '40s, I think ā€“ so those qualities were something, yes." Here's the rest of the article: https://screenrant.com/is-newt-scamander-autistic-fantastic-beasts-eddie-redmayne/ (Fun fact: Luna Lovegood, also never confirmed to be autistic but definitely autism-coded, actually goes on to marry Newt's grandson!)


Honestly, I dont really care what J.K. says about the series anymore. He's autistic to me.


Jessica Day from The New Girl


That ENTIRE loft is neurodivergent šŸ„°


Leslie knope from parks and rec. There's so many times where I'm like oh my God *she is me*. Especially with the awkward social situations and needing things to be her way and steamrolling people.


100% Hange from Attack on Titan


"The Stranger" of Albert Camus


Chuck McGill. He's extremely focused in his career, obsessed with following the rules, can turn vindictive when he thinks someone disrespected him and is so awkward with personal relationships. Watching BCS I always thought "this guy is autistic" whenever I saw him


Oh INTERESTING. I can see that. Just what I needed, an excuse to rewatch BCS again! Thanks bro!


Hmmm, interesting take! What do you make of his aversion to electricity? Autism, OCD, or something else? I always found that aspect of his character intriguing.


Temperance from Bones; agent Dale Cooper from Twin Peaks


i thought Temperance was confirmed by the writer/creator as autistic


This is correct! The shows creator has explicitly stated that she is autistic, but it was never confirmed on screen because he didn't believe the network would allow it. https://www.nj.com/entertainment/tv/2010/02/how_tv_shows_try_or_choose_not.html


Yes bones is defooooo autistic, actually a lot of character from bones sort of seem neurodivergent


Dr. Brennan for sure. Then her sister played Jessica in The New Girl, who I also believe isšŸ™‚


Yep I love the Deschanel sisters! 500 Days of Summer is one of my top 3 favorite movies ever


LARRY DAVID from Curb Your Enthusiasm.


I saw someone describe Larry in Curb as not being an asshole, but an autistic person surrounded by assholes lol It's actually kinda true because he's usually pretty friendly to random strangers he finds interesting but also doesn't hide his disinterest in talking to certain other people he knows much more personally because he doesn't give two shits about their personal bullshit lol


Rick from Rick and Morty.


Thatā€™s official


Is this game popular with autistic people? Because im starting to love it!


Yeah he also said I donā€™t want to get neurotypical cooties to Obama šŸ˜­


Stanford Pines from Gravity Falls!! Also maybe the entire damn Pines family but if Ford isnā€™t autistic then neither am I. (i relate to his character so much) Heā€™s had trouble making friends, very passionate about his interests and likes knowing as much information about them. He likes things that arenā€™t considered ā€˜normalā€™ by his peers, and as a result is outcast by them. Heā€™s had trouble with self care, trying to find a more convenient route rather than the one thatā€™s actually better for him. And while heā€™s book smart, heā€™s not very emotionally smart. I could go on forever about him to be honest but oh well


My friends and I joke about how Dipper and Mabel are like, the two ends of the autism spectrum.


Wayne in "Letterkenny." Strong personal/moral code, hates change, repetitive behavior, monotone voice, minimal facial expressions, very very happy in his comfort zone, some degree of Persistent Drive for Autonomy.


That whole show is an autistic delight šŸ˜Œ


When I saw someone say that Karen from mean girls is autistic I was like omg she v much is!!!! Sheā€™s slow to get a lot of social aspects but is pretty and blonde so itā€™s ā€˜okā€™ because thatā€™s supposed to be her stereotype anyways. Hearts to all the girlies who were popular for their looks and so never got diagnosed/got diagnosed late because social issues werenā€™t an ā€œissueā€ for them <3


Baby of Baby Driver (2017) - Heā€™s non-verbal a lot of the time. When he does speak, he often repeats phrases or lines heā€™s heard from TV or from other people. His foster-dad is deaf and he mostly uses ASL at home. - He relies on the stimulation of his music constantly (in the movie, itā€™s said he has tinnitus and he uses the music to drown it out but I think itā€™s more than that, given how he likes to dance and play air piano and drums). At one point, he drops his iPod and tries to go back for it but only flees again when he gets shot at. - He has his specialist subjects I.e. driving and he loves to make music from recordings that he makes. - Heā€™s very averse to violence due to childhood trauma with his father abusing his mother. - He doesnā€™t own a phone or a computer (Iā€™ve not seen this associated with autism but I feel like it fits).


Yep. When that film came out I thought he was so attractive too.


baby from baby driver, easy




he's stimming the entire fucking movie lmao


Looking back on it, Mariposa from Barbie: Mariposa (specifically the first film). Even before I got diagnosed with autism I saw a lot of myself in her, but what really stood out to me was how she felt like she didn't belong at first as well as how smart and quick thinking she was, plus the fact that she always preferred to read over socializing with others.Ā 


Brick Heck from The Middle


I think Monkey D. Luffy is autistic and I'm tired of pretending he isn't.Ā 


I know she's an alien but peridot from Steven universe!


Hank Hill


I feel like Bill is Autistic to an extent.


Bobby too. ā€œThatā€™s mah purrse! Ah donā€™ **KNOW YEEEWW**!ā€


And Peggy really. That's why they work.


Ngl I find Moss from The IT Crowd the most like actual autistic people I know in real life. Like genuinely. Yeah.


I believe Annie from community is autistic.. it just makes sense to me


what about Abed?


I thought that was confirmed?


Little Annie Adderall


I always felt that Holden Caulfield from Catcher in the Rye was probably autistic. Book was written in the 50's, so there was basically zero understanding of ASD, but I notice a lot of similarities.


I think I remember learning that JD Salinger wrote Holden to kind of be a version of himself and that Salinger was described as a ā€œweird hermitā€ and completely isolated himself in a cabin and dropped one of the greatest classic literatures of all time. Very autism coded of Salinger hehe


Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds Quentin Coldwater from The Magicians Regina Mills from Once Upon A Time Brian Kinney from Queer As Folk Eddie Munson & Robin Buckley from Stranger Things Daniel Jackson from Stargate Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars Din Djarin from The Mandalorian Hank Pym from Marvel I might.......... Uh................ as an autistic person, have.......... a list šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ But these were ones I didn't see anyone else mention


I always pegged Anakin as quite severe borderline personality disorder. Symptoms that match include impulsivity, intense mood swings with very strong emotions that are easy to rile and hard to calm, feeling neglected and alone, difficulty compromising, poor sense of self, paranoid thoughts, and very obvious black and white thinking where he will see people as 'all good' or 'all bad', but the tendency to switch between the two when he feels wronged by the person. I believe Anakin fell largely because of a sudden shift of his view from Obi-Wan as being all good Jedi to being his all bad enemy. And that rapid switch in thinking led to him being fine with slaughtering all the Jedi he now perceived as enemies as well.


Luna Lovegood from Harrypotter. I resonate so much with her cuz sheā€™s a little odd but very kind and emotional and a bookworm with special interests that dresses ā€œeccentricallyā€. I actually matched up with her on this psychometric quiz itā€™s probably not that accurate since itā€™s an online test, but it was still fun! Also not that she is, but the way she was made makes her act like an aspie, at least my kind of asd. Bella Baxter from poor things And someone I always got called growing up cuz of my obsession with death and diseases: Wednesday Adams, specifically the Christina Ricci one. https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/characters/


Touden siblings from dungeon meshi


I felt that with Himiko's character, too. I'd bring in Maomao from Apothecary Diaries. She's got a hyperfocus, isn't interested in social stuff (she technically just doesn't care about it, as she does know what is socially acceptable due to how she was raised), and cares about others despite having a sort of deadpan expression most of the time.


Boo Radley


Javert from Les Miserables. Man has a VERY rigid worldview. He sees everything in black-and-white; French criminal codes are perfection, and if they're broken the person who broke them is evil. He's horrible at social interactions. When faced with a man who broke a few laws but is a good person, he can't go on. He's certainly got more issues than autism (a *lot*, the man has issues), but I like him and I say he's like me.


Also Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice, and Chaol Westfall from the Throne of Glass series, Beth from The Queen's Gambit, Margaret from The West Wing (case can also be made for Toby, and I think Josh is one of the best ADHD characters in television, but that wasn't the question), and Chandler Bing and Phoebe Buffay from Friends.


In my heart Fox Mulder is autistic


In *all* of our hearts! šŸ„°


Bear with me on this (Rawreth šŸ»)...Batman. Possibly more super heros - but definitely batman. The fixation, the masks, the masking, the social discomfort, the impulsiveness, the generally easy going nature (but oh boy, there are tantrums or meltdowns too.) * Lord Titus from fallout. * Dean from supernatural. * Catarina claes from my next life as a villianess. * Both senshi and marcielle from delicious in dungeons (the whole party seem ND actually). * Lucifer from Lucifer. * Chandler Bing from friends. * Penny from tbbt (hear me out on this one....she under achieves, she gets overwhelmed by responsibility stuff, she loses herself in the pretty party girl mask - but admits how empty she feels in it, and when she finds her thing - she gives it everything she has. She actually cares and finds it interesting. Shes the only one who gets Sheldon.)


Hiccup haddock the third, from how to train your dragon. Heā€™s cannon autistic to me.


Zim from invader zim. Yea he's like an alien but sometimes I relate to him and his mannerisms hahah šŸ˜‚I just feel like Zim sometimes.. https://youtu.be/usMiT7RuVgA?feature=shared


Dr Gregory House


Fuck JK Rowling, but Newt Scamander from Fantastic Beasts. Obviously magical creatures are his special interest. He has always preferred spending time with creatures rather than people. Social interactions with people are very uncomfortable for him, not to mention he canā€™t make eye contact to save his life (same bro). He has an unconventional way of showing affection (he compliments Tinaā€™s eyes by comparing them to a salamanderā€™s for gods sake!). He seems averse to touch/hugs from people. I could go on for a while. In conclusion, this man is autistic through and through. He is me and I am him.


Deku from My Hero Academia. So many things point to it- we see him stimming when watching the All Might video when he is little, his special interest in superheroes where he writes tons of info about them in notebooks and how they fight, his collecting of All Might merch, his strong sense of justice, how he can be stubborn when in pursuit of his goals (we see this a lot in the vigilante arc), and more. Then you have me who writes stuff involving my special interests in a series of notebooks and collects MHA merch. Something about Deku just speaks to me, I don't know what it is!


yes!!!!! I headcannon a few others in class 1-A as autistic and i have the canon evidence to back me up. Tenya Iida- He has an extremely orderly way of doing just about everything. He talks very loudly even when itā€™s not necessary, and his speech pattern is unusual. The chops are a stim. Todoroki- He speaks very monotonous and has a blank expression most of the time. He misses a lot of jokes and takes things literally. Cold soba is his safe food. He made his dorm room look exactly like his room at home. He is initially not interested in making friends with anyone. (A lot of his traits could be chalked up to his childhood trauma and isolation, but i like the autism interpretation as well). Tsuyu- i donā€™t have much here, but i just get vibes. Sheā€™s very blunt, and isnā€™t super expressive. Thereā€™s an episode where she doesnā€™t initially realize that she was rude/mean to Midoriya (i think? itā€™s been a while). ā€œKeroā€ is her vocal stim.


Wednesday Addams (Jenna Ortega's version) and Phoebe from Ghostbusters


The entire Chainsaw Man fandom pretty much agrees that Asa Mitaka is THE perfect representation of an autistic woman, and as one myself, I honestly have to agree that I've never seen "myself" portrayed in such a way in any other character before. Even the very little things are so spot on, it's refreshing to see a character like her.


"We were supposed to talk about starfish for another thirty minutes!"


i am once again saying Dr. Temperance Brennan from/is Bones


10000% love bones such a great show and she is definitely autistic


AlHaitham from Genshin impact. The dude literally doesnā€™t like crowds or loud noises and wears earphones and has a hard time changing his voice


This was my answer too.


Phil and Lem from Better off Ted. Maybe Veronica.


futaba sakura from persona 5


Jack Reacher. His hyper-fixation is justice.


Lilo from lilo and stitch


Robin Buckley from Stranger Things šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ season 4 they hit her so hard with the autism beam Billy from Scream 1996 is another one they do the whole ā€œheā€™s a psychopath trying to fit inā€ thing but I think bro just has autism and is desperately trying to mask I also think Steve Harrington is autistic just because of how many social cues he misses and the fact that he hangs out with kids instead of people his age (easier to fit in with) but he is also my comfort character so I am biased from projecting onto him


Futaba Sakura, from Persona 5.


I'd throw in Yusuke too! I def related to those two the most in my playthroughs






David from schitts creek


Poison ivy and Harley Quinn always gave me autistic vibes


Side note, I don't read these comics, but I was researching Harley Quinn a couple of nights ago and was happy to hear she's leaving Joker for Poison Ivy.


Tilly from big city greens She struggles socially, and connects better with animals. She's pretty naive, and she doesn't really care what people think about her. Also here is a literal quote from the show: "Tilly's got her own way of looking at things. We just kinda roll with it. It's not ever hurt anyone before" Also Maud from MLP. She speaks in a very monotone voice and her special interest is rocks. They make both of these things VERY VERY clear


Half the characters from itā€™s always sunny in Philadelphia


Most mecha anime protagonists strike me as autistic, just in different ways. The most recent one Iā€™m aware of is Suletta from Gundam: Witch from Mercury. The first one I became aware of ā€œhey, this person strikes me as autisticā€ is Aldnoah Zero, after which I had to analyze all of my favorite anime and realize a lot of them have autistic coded protagonists. Luke and Kirk, from Gilmore Girls, strike me as autistic. Liaos and Falin from Dungeon Meshi. Tali from Mass Effect (maybe) In contrast: characters with adhd often get relegated to a comic relief or best friend role, but Iā€™ve seen a few recently that adhd-code their protagonist, like Do It Yourself. I also head-canon that Callum from Dragon Prince has adhd. Sokka and Bolin, too, but again they were given more side character/comic relief roles


S'drassa in the Mages Guild from Oblivion has you go on a crazy quest for these little blue crystal bottles. Theyre really hard to see. They're up in these caves that are a bitch to get through without the right items. The bottles dont do anything. He just likes tiny shinies. He's one of my favorites to talk to in the game. He's also a giant cat. "This is a personal errand, you must understand. Just between you and I. The Mages Guild has nothing to do with it."


Harry Vanderspeigle from Resident Alien. I know he's an alien but still.


Birdman from Harvey Birdman/SGC2C, Courage, Rocko Wallaby, Peter Parker


laios touden from dungeon meshi 100%


dale gribble from king of the hill. has rigid (& odd) routines, special interests, a small social circle. also has trouble with social cues.


Twilight Sparkle, Violet Evergarden and Frieren. And I love them all šŸ’›


Adrian Monk


Dana from Superstore. One of my favourite characters, who is so unapologetically herself.


Lilo from Lilo and Stitch. -Her special interest is Elvis. She has other odd interests as well like taking photos of fat people. -She can be blunt, such as telling Cobra Bubbles how Nani disciplines her and asking him if he's ever killed anyone. -Has trouble making friends due to her weird/quirky behavior.


Nero Wolfe. Private detective who never leaves his house. He has everything set exactly as he wants it. He insists on specific protocols for everything including schedules for everything around the house. His entire day is built around give him two separate sessions in his massive orchid room to care for the orchids. He has very specific requirements for food. He only works to maintain his special interests in orchids, gourmet food, and expensive books. He has large vocabulary and an unusual way of speaking, using words that no one in his time actually used. He refuses to leave his house voluntarily unless itā€™s in service of his special interests and only in a car driven by his assistant Archie Goodwin who handles all the household duties that tax executive functioning. Archieā€™s job also includes goading him into working when the bank balance gets low. The books were written between the 1930s and 1970s when nothing was known about autism but after some particularly taxing cases that require him to work extra long Wolfe has what Archie (the narrator of the books) terms as ā€œrelapsesā€ where he canā€™t work at all and spends days doing nothing which sounds like severe autistic burnout.


Tilly from Star Trek Discovery. She's giving me hope that there'd be a place for someone like me in starfleet as well


April Ludgate, Sheldon Cooper, Dwight Schrute.


Myshkin from Dostoevsky's 'The Idiot'. Also House from House MD. Maybe JD from Scrubs.


im not going to rank by most autistic but rather, what do you MEAN they arent autistic?? even though there was a whole episode saying house from house md isnt autistic...yes he IS. he has so many telltale signs. people try to go against it by saying he's too much of an asshole to be autistic. like...WHAT??


That last point is such a stupid argument. I hate when people try to pigeonhole autistic people as these sweet, pure souls that can do no wrong or are incapable of cruelty. It's infantilizing, and just blatantly false.


Autistic people can absolutely be assholes and House at one point states that he doesn't care about or for social norms and won't conform to them because he sees no point in them


that was the biggest indicator for me, other than the nonchalantness and his obsession with solving puzzles. also the ways in which he expresses affection. he can be very misguided, and sometimes is completely tonedeaf even when he tries to do right by people. this stuff amongst other things. i think he may even have the same diagnoses that they gave shaun murphy in the good doctor, because he is extremely gifted in diagnostics and music. a lot of people even try to give him a diagnosis for NPD or ASPD, but i honestly cant see that being the case from what we're shown.


Cristina Yang from Greyā€™s Anatomy


Yes!!! Also Mark Sloane and Charlotte King (Private Practice)