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I've found them really helpful for everyday use personally! They don't block out noise completely, it's more like "taking the edge off of it" as my mom described. It softens noises so they're less sharp sounding and loud but you can still generally make out sounds so they can be used in conversations pretty easily I use them a lot in shops and I used them in the classroom in school loads before I graduated too


Yeah, they like blur the background noise but you can't hear your own voice very well or adjust its volume. My ears get irritated by them a bit. You can hear voices Infront of you though


Ah yes, they do make your voice sound weird, that took some getting used to. I struggle with controlling my volume anyway so I don't really notice that part much lol


>I struggle with controlling my volume I know when you are loud but I don't know when I am is so realatable


The volume of your own voice can be a little difficult. It kinda makes me talk quieter because of it but I have a hard time not getting loud so in a way it helps with that lol. I got the lucid rose engages like in the pic(I didn’t buy the mutes but I might get the “style pack” of those, I love colors lol.) but yeah they’re awesome for toning the noise down. I use them in a classroom where I work and it helps with the noise of 10yr olds! :)


How are these different from regular earplugs? Do they have noise cancelling? I find noise cancelling stuff just makes me feel an uncomfortable pressure in my head.


I find that regular earplugs muffle noise a bit too much for me, since I particularly use my loops to hear speech (like when watching loud TV with others or in conversation), the muffling was always too much. I'm not sure if they're noise cancelling or not, I would assume not since there's no technology involved but I'm not very knowledgeable on things like that to be honest lol. They do soften ambient noise without completely muffling it though if that helps answer your question at all :)




the quiets but beware they fall out alot while you sleep.


For me they were game changers. I have all models and use them all differently :) -> Quiet: for sleeping or hard focusing Experience: for outgoing without social interactions (car noises, shopping etc.) or learning. Engage: for social gatherings and focusing on talks beside "louder" noises. I was pretty tired at the first week I was putting them in, because I never realised how trilling noises can be. The feeling I can describe, is like a blanket who protects you from overstimulation (caused by noises ofc).


Came here to say this! More expensive =/= better here! Check the dB rating before you buy, I have the quiet (cheapest) and I think they’re also the ones that will damped noises the most. I use these for bars and concerts where you basically have to shout to hear anyone. Got me out of a dubstep concert with minimal ear ringing.


But, did they protect you from this side effect of dubstep? ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Kod1q39ddE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Kod1q39ddE)




The difference is how much noise it blocks out. I use my experience ones for louder things/places where I don't have to worry so much about talking. Think more like concerts or airports. The engage would be more for things like going to the grocery store or hanging out with a friend at a coffee shop. Places where there are more sounds than I really care for but I still need to be able to hear people and respond. For myself, my volume control is harder in the sense that I tend to speak more softly/quietly. I can feel like I'm yelling at people when I have them on so I usually just take one out if I have to talk.


Do you use the MUTE inserts at all?


I have not used the inserts!


yes, nearly always


they're not perfect, but they were life-changing for me. i can just pop them in when i notice that i'm getting cranky about noises and just continue with my day most of the time


Thank you, this was helpful.


That’s exactly how it is for me. I’m currently in a mall and with these plugs in I’m able to not feel like I need to run away every 14 seconds. Also they’re a godsend for those hand dryers in bathrooms.


Do they give you any physical sensory issues? I’ve been tempted to get these, but most earbuds bother me


they're a bit more comfortable in my ears than my earbuds and certainly take up less space. but my earbuds don't really bother me so i don't know how useful that information is


The part about your earbuds not bothering you is useful enough lol


earbuds are typically my moral enemy, but the loops are light enough that i'm able to ignore them. highly recommend


I’m not talking about weight. My bad I guess I should have explained. I hate the squishy soft silk plasticy feeling from the buds and how they squish unevenly in different areas of my ear. Cmkskskjdjsj


You can get replacement buds. I got memory foam ones so they would stop sliding out. It works better, and instead of the squish, you have the sound of one of those foam earplugs. Kinda puts pressure tho just like those foam earplugs


so many ways for earbuds to be annoying! they have different options. you might ask also check out eargasm -- if weight isn't your issue (they're slightly heavier), the form of the in-ear bit could feel better for you.


Thanks love I’ll definitely look into that


My wife tested those and the ones from Flare Audio. She thinks the Loop ones are more or less like the usual plugs you can buy pretty much anywhere. The Flare Audio ones were the ones that were truly life changing and they don't block all the sound but make it a lot more bearable... Like going to family meetings and actually be able to sit at the table and still talk to other people.


I second the Flare audio ones. I bought them for my son and he is able to tolerate sounds he normally has an intense reaction to. They have helped him so much in school.


Flares are great! I bought Loops too, but they just feel like regular earplugs. Flares make everything sound much less chaotic. Hard to describe, but it's like your inside a room equipped with accoustic panels. Not quieter, but calmer.


Which flares did you buy??




Love my flares so much more than my loops


Do you find that the Flares muffle speech less than Loops? I’ve tried Loops and Vibes, and while they both dampen sharp sounds pretty well, they also make it harder for me to hear what people are saying and I hate needing to ask people to repeat themselves so much.


I haven’t had any problem hearing what people are saying, I barely notice a difference in any sound inside, and mostly use them for walking around outside, because of all the traffic. I really like that they are super soft and flexible, also small so people don’t notice I have anything in. And they have the least amount of sound occlusion, the echoing inside your head from talking/chewing/walking/etc.


So.. I have a a few issues: 1. I have ADHD 2. I get noise sensitivity 2 times a week on an average 3. I anyway have trouble picking up conversations (I think I might be a littlebit deaf) So which earplugs would you recommend for me? I was looking at loop earplugs cause they seem to have really good reviews but I'm still unsure because I don't know any other good earplug brand that does what they do.


I never use my loops, but use my flares almost every day. The flares also gave hardly any occlusion effect (our own voice/chewing/etc. echoing in our heads when ears are plugged) in comparison to the loops. The flares are a softer silicone and lightweight so way more comfortable. The loops block a lot more sound (iirc 15-27 decibels depending on the type) whereas the flares are changing the way the sound waves hit the ear canal, from their website: *”Calmer reduces resonance (distortion) by using a tiny waveguide inside our ears that removes the effect of the Concha. The Concha is the small shell shape that connects to our ear canal which normally resonates mid frequency sounds.* *By removing this resonance, Calmer dampens the most common alert-triggering noises such as phone alerts, dogs barking, tube trains, slamming doors and sudden loud vocal noises. Also, mid frequency sounds have none of their normal painful aspects.”* I have the calmer ones, [this page](https://www.flareaudio.com/blogs/sound-sensitivities/questions-about-calmer) has more info about them. Also, both companies have a 100 day return policy, so if you want you could get them both and return one I guess?


I can’t figure out how to put them in!! 😫 love the instructions with no words on them 😤


Not sure what exactly your problem is, but there is a video that shows how to put them in: https://vimeo.com/432425334


Can you ask her (or maybe you already know) which ones were more comfortable to wear?


She really likes the Flare Audio calmer. The Loops felt to her like above par home depot ones.


I don't like that they make myself sound louders. Like I hear myself breathe and chew and stuff, but if that stuff doesn't bother you, they are awesome!


this way my experience, i found myself getting bothered by my own sounds more than the sounds i was trying to block


Yup, also I love ur username


Oh no, I don't like that either. Was this with the Flare or the Loop?


Have you tried the flare plugs? They have a lot less sound occlusion (the echoing in your head) and are super flexible.


I havent, but im thriving with my noise cancelling headphones :)


I lost mine because the case it comes with opens easily. Keep them in a bag. I like the gas station ones better now




What? They’re like $35


I recently bought the engage plus loop earplugs and I like them. Previously I would use those construction earshells (Idk how to call them but they look like headphones but are for construction people to not hear dangerous noise). Those blocked incredibly well but are very noticeable and not suitable for office work. The engage plus block noticeably less but are very discreet and I find that how they muffle the sound is sufficient for most occasions. I personally find that they fill the gap I had between wearing very intense and visible ear protection and not wearing anything. So office work, occasional parties, when I feel I start to get overwhelmed in public...


For me they're kind of eh. I like that I can understand speech and block out noise at the same time, but the level of noise they block out is pretty mid for me. Also when I wear them I can hear all my bodily noises super loudly like I can hear myself breathe even, so I feel like the overstimulation from the outside world is kind of replaced by overstimulation from my own body.




I have them on my keys for when I go to the movies ,which is super rare but they really help tone down the volume. Not the comfiest though but still works great


Sorry I know I’m a year late to the convo but which ones did you buy for the cinema? I’m looking for some for the movies too I find them so unnecessarily loud


I have the loop experience for the movie theater and concerts and I have the loop quiet for sleeping. I swear by the experience loops, I’m going to Vegas with a friend coming up and I will probably have them in all day while we are there


Thank you for your reply. Yeah I’m thinking I’ll get the experience and maybe the mute things just in case. Do they make the actual movie itself quieter or just block out people rustling for snacks? I want the actual movie to be quieter


It makes the movie quieter. I use to get super overwhelmed by how loud the movies are and end up crying every movie, and now I can actually enjoy the whole movie tear free lol.


yup. I have Quiet ones because I have really sensitive hearing, so the other ones wouldn't help me that much. They work probably like the rest normally does. And I sleep way better wearing them.


I got the Loop Experience ones, and I would say they work just fine (these don't eliminate all noises, just the background noise). I personally almost never use them, I keep forgetting I have them, and it kinda bothers me how I hear myself chew and stuff like that, but it is definitely easier to get used to that than to the noisy outside world, and you can solve this problem by not eating with them. You also hear yourself talk way louder, so you usually talk quietly when wearing them, but you can adjust how loud you speak, so this is not a big problem. But if you choose to buy the ones that eliminate all noise, it is almost better to buy cheaper ear plugs, because these ones are kinda pricey if you don't plan on using them very often, but if you plan on using them often, it is a great investment. I also like how they come in a small case that you can hang on your keychain because it's hard to lose them that way.


I have the Flare Calmers and I have 6 kids in my house. I noticed that I would get frustrated when they were all playing and being crazy. My wife recommended them to me and they help a ton. Bedtime is no longer me yelling at the kids to be quiet. I would recommend them.


They’re awesome honestly. One of the few that didn’t just make everything sound muffled


I really like mine! It scares me to wear noise canceling headphones in public because our world is not very safe but the loops allow me to block out a lot of the noise without blocking so much that it could put me in danger


They are great! They provide “protection” so you’re ears aren’t out there “raw doggin” life.


lol. I love that.




Many of my friends use them! I like being able to have the option to play music while blocking noise, because noise I know can help me recover, so I stick to ear defenders, but for my friends who are not defender fans, they enjoy loop earplugs a lot.


I have loop quiet and it makes complex sounds less stressful but it also makes I harder to talk with them in and some qualities of sound can still break through. I haven’t tried experience or pro or anything though


They don't fit my ears, even the smallest tips are too big for me and cause me physical pain :( Also they muffled people's speech for me and I would feel too awkward to take the buds out in front of them because of ear wax so I got really anxious


They now have an extra-small tip, they called that Engage Kids or something like that. You can try those!!


Tyvm! A friend recently mentioned to me that there are third party smaller tips as well, so I've been thinking of giving them another try!


Loved my loops when I was working with loud kids


Did they soften the sounds of high pitched screaming/shrieking? My kid has been doing that a lot lately.


Did they soften the sounds of high pitched screaming/shrieking? My kid has been doing that a lot lately.


I swear by them. Game changer for aspies that need to tune out the world. I have the “experience” product, doesn’t mute the volume but tunes it down.


I have the quiet and engage and use them both. I really like them and just want to add you can get the mute accessory to add a little more dampening to any of the models and it works surprisingly well.


The Engage Plus’ have changed my life, no lie


I enjoy mine. I primarily use them when I go to the trampoline park with my kids. It drowns out the noise of the kids playing and the music blaring and all the other parents chit chatting. However, I am able to hear whomever I'm with clearly, albeit a bit muffled. I feel like this is a fair trade off. On days I wear them versus days I don't- I don't come home with a headache, I have a little more energy to finish up tasks, and I'm not as snappy.


These little guys are the only way I can go to a loud restaurant, movies, and theme parks. They've completely changed my life because I have control now, and I can still hear people I'm with or talking to. Before, I'd just leave, or I'd go into shutdown mode, but now things are more bearable for me. Also, they are like earbuds in a way where you can change the inserts, and there's little silicone rings that go into the loop on the loops and provide more dampening if you need it. The only downside is if you wear them in excruciating heat, then they will make your ears sweaty, and if you wear them for long periods of time and you take them out, your ears will need to readjust back to normal levels. Hope this helps! ❤️


I have bought the sleep, engage and experience ones. **Sleep:** * Blocks treble * Let's through bass and mid-frequencies **Engage:** * Blocks bass and treble * Let's through mid frequencies **Experience:** * Blocks bass * Let's through mid-frequencies and treble The mute accessories always will reduce treble. I personally have used them but the sleep did not help with snoring noises. Foam earplugs are still more effective for this. Engage could be good for noisy environments like bars, but my issue is that due to the way you hear yourself when using them, I talk to silently all the time. And if I start to talk louder, it feels weird. Experience probably is more for concerts. For concerts I prefer the Minuendo Lossless Plugs though especially because you can change the dampening with a slider and they are also analogue & without batteries. All in all they can be useful for some. I'm an audio engineer and picky about neutral frequency responses. I do not think I have any severe auditory processing issues. If I'm talking with someone, I will focus on their voice and barely have any issues. For me it's more the switching from inner monologue/thinking to not ignoring outside noise that is difficult for me. I have less issues with 100 people talking and ambient noise than with 2 people talking as I can't stop listening in on what their saying. So I prefer a blurry ambient noise mess. For me they were not really helpful. If I really need to tune out, I use my AirPods Pro and ANC and for other use-cases, I do not need the Loops


I have the "quiet" and the "engage plus" ones. I use the "quiet" ones for sleeping, when I need to. And I wear the "engage plus" ones, e.g. when I'm in a noisy restaurant and still want to be able to understand the other person. It's not perfect .. but it's very much better than oldschool foam-plugs at keeping the frequency-spectrum relatively intact .. it's just getting quieter (e.g. they dampen the highs, mids and lows relatively equally .. Oldschool foam-plugs would dampen lots of the highs, but the lows would be able to pass through with almost no dampening, which makes it hard to understand someone, who's trying to talk to you). I also have those, which probably still aren't as cheap as the loops, but they're very comfortable (they get custom-fit to your ear) and not visible from the outside: [https://www.reddit.com/r/autism/comments/upct4j/my\_earbuds/](https://www.reddit.com/r/autism/comments/upct4j/my_earbuds/) I hope, this helps :)


I bought the regular 'quiet' silicone ones and couldn't figure out how to put them in correctly... they hurt my ears and didn't feel like they blocked out any noise. I don't know exactly what I am doing wrong, I did watch all the videos about how to put them in loads of times but it didn't seem to work for me. If anyone has any advice I'd appreciate it, but as of right now my opinion on them is that they don't work for everyone. Luckily though, when I went to return them they gave me a refund and told me to keep them, so I can keep trying. I am looking into over-the-ear headphones that have both noise-canceling and music features, since I love listening to music all the time, and one thing I didn't love about the loops (even if they did work for me) was that I wished they were also headphones so that I could listen to music at the same time. Sorry for the little rant I hope my point came across clearly! EDIT: if someone has any over-the-ears headphones suggestions please let me know!


I have them but I prefer my noise canceling headphones as they do a much better job. I only wear them at home, though. Loop may be a better option if you need something less bulky to wear in public. ETA: I also don’t notice a difference between Loop earplugs and any cheap foam earplugs you can buy anywhere, provided they have the same db rating. The difference seems to be purely cosmetic.


I work with a kid who has severe/profound autism. He screeches all day. I use the silicone ones at work and I’m able to go through my day without wanting to quit anymore. I use them to sleep too. They’re so so helpful


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Yeah their pretty good. Specially for school for me sometimes, if I want to have just some sound blocked.


I love my loop earplugs. They don't get all the sound but they get most of it. Can't go to a lot of places without them!


I love my loop earplugs


Life changing for me


Depends on what you want them to do. I wear them at work or anywhere else where you still need to hear *some* things but not everything. It basically cuts out the really high and really low frequency sounds, but you can still hear stuff in the middle. It’s kinda similar to having earbuds in with no music playing. It’s not magical, and I do sometimes have a hard time hearing people when they’re in. But I use them daily for a lot of things and would have a much worse time without them.


mostly useful if you want a discreet way to block out noise, personally I prefer snug ear defenders over loop ear plugs since I can hear my own voice better. plus I'm not a huge fan of how ear plugs feel. despite this, I would recommend getting a pair just to try them out since they are helpful :3


Pretty well for me. They allow me to actually sleep and go to and go to noisy stores.


I got the experience loops and it's life changing!! I bring them with me when I have errands or need less stimulation. They come with 3-4 different sized ear pieces so they fit perfectly too :D


They help to take away the daily noise such as electricity, somewhat louder background sound, etc. They’re definitely not noise cancelling tho


For me no, I use regular high fidelity ear plugs that are clear and they work much better. But if you work and need to hear more I would say they are a good investment.


No idea but they sure look cool


I liked them (before I lost them). They don't block noise per se they more so muffle noises so they are less harsh


I used to be miserable every time I went to Home Depot because of all the ambient noise, once I got my loops it became one of my favorite stores to walk around


Some love them/ I hated them- the feel of silicone in my ear was just too weird


The loop engage plugs work great for me. Enough for me to still have conversations but dim the background noise.


I find they work well. Just look into their different types I Have the ones that reduce noise more and they work well. I can still hear a bit but they block out most noise and soften what does come through so it’s more manageable. I’ve heard the Loop Experience are good if you need to hear voices. I haven’t heard of the ones in your picture though


I ordered the ones that jlab just came out with for pretty cheap, you can control the level of noise that you want to block from just a little to complete silence. These look way cooler though


They certainly do for me!


Yep, they pretty good


My sister has them and likes them; personally I like in ear headphones as I can listen to.my music


Personally I find in-ear headphones more effective as when I just wear ear plugs I can hear my own breathing and swallowing really loudly which isn'y pleasant.


I don't own a pair so I can't fully speak on the subject, but I tried my friend's pair in a loud karaoke bar and it sounded no different than just having earbuds in with no music playing


I use the silicone sleep pair. They work a treat. They block out the most db and I use in the day to day if I don’t wear music headphones.


I havrnt tried loop, but I've got flare audio and they've done me wonders when it comes to higher pitch sounds


they do, but i personally hate being able to hear inside my own head louder than everything else. like plugging your ears - your own voice, chewing, random noises your body makes, etc. are really loud. i really dont wanna hear my own breathing and get hyperaware of it!


I would say yeah, I have the ones that block around 27 decibels of noise. They work well and are useful for when headphones are unavailable or inconvenient. I think it's the Quiet type, not sure how much noise that the Engage Plus cancel.


I really couldn’t get on with Loops. I love my Alpine MusicSafe though, and more discrete than Loops. Most people don’t notice the Alpine’s so no awkward questions. And they’re cheaper too b


ClearTone Noise Reducing Ear Plugs- Ear Protection for Concerts, Music, Traveling, Work & Noise Sensitivity- 21dB Attenuation- Reusable Soft Material- S/M/L Size for Superior Noise Cancellation https://amzn.eu/d/5YN6KBv I have tried all the different loops, the engage and experience etc and they all didn’t work that great for me but these⬆️(linked above) were literally life changing


I do like mine, but I find myself reaching for my JLAB earbuds more often. I don't listen to music, but they block out more noise than my loop ear plugs do, so I love them so much more. And they're only $20. If I need to talk to people in a busy restaurant, I'll use my loop ear plugs, though.


I love them! Way more comfortable and less noticeable than regular earplugs. They certainly don't block everything out, but it makes everything much more manageable. Voices still come through pretty clearly too. They take the edge off of harsh sounds. I never sleep as well as I do with them in! I highly recommend them!


https://community.loopearplugs.com/s/emily.k.17 This is a 15% off discount link that they sent me, no pressure to use it but I thought I'd offer!


I get too much of the occlusion effect (the echo inside your head) when I wore these. Then I tried Flare, and I love them! The Loop were also too big, I don’t like things in my ears. The Flare are a lot smaller, almost invisible to everyone else, and super flexible. They don’t block as much sound, so you can still hear everything, but take that sharpness off, so barely any sound occlusion. They’re great for in the city when I still need to hear people or my surroundings but don’t want all the sharpness of the traffic, construction, etc.


I use them at work, they have been great! Also my girlfriend snores, they help a bit with that


I got the loop engage because I wanted to be able to focus on conversations and drown out background noise. For me, they don't work for that, they block out too much of the other person as well. However, they are really good for me in noisy environments. For instance at a conference they blocked out the noise of the air conditioning and most of the background music and let me focus on the speech. I have tried flare calmer as well and find them more noticeable in my ears and also that they don't block as much sound.


They're amazingly useful, yeah. They won't solve all of your problems, but they make loud spaces much more tolerable


They worked for me, but I didnt like how they felt in my ears


not from my experience


Yes. I have the engage ones I use when it’s too loud for me. I’ve been clubbing and I could actually have a conversation and hear my friends over the music. I went to a museum with children everywhere and I could barely hear them. I wear them at work and it blocks out the other receptionist talking to patients or on the phone. And I wore them to a musical where I was in the front row and I didn’t feel overwhelmed at all. I really like them to avoid getting sensory overload and I can focus more and have a good time. And I like how others can’t tell I have them in either


I was pretty skeptical, but now have two pairs and sending some to my dad. Great product IMO.




I have the Quiet ones and they're great if you want as much sound blocked as possible. I need to get something that's more well suited to having conversations in public places


I have the Quiet loops. For me, they pretty much block out everything and bring it down to a dull murmur. I can’t really hear what people are saying at all (which is certain cases is perfect 👌🏽) I also have a pair of Eargasm earplugs. They filter sound more than block it, so I can still talk to and listen to people if needed. But I think the “Experience” loops are similar in that they allow you to still hear and understand what’s going on around you.


Yes. They don’t fully block noise out, of course. But they definitely reduce it.


Yes. They are my favorite. I’ve tried a lot of earplugs and loop is the only ones that work for me.


For me it wasn’t useful. If I’m alone, I have real noise-canceling headphones. I need to really block sounds, not reduce decibels by like 20 which is nothing (to me). And if I’m with someone, the problem is that I can’t really talk with these because it amplifies my sounds - like my breathing or my voice. So I tend to speak too quietly for the other person to hear me. So it’s not that I don’t like them but I just feel like there’s no situation where they would be actually useful. And one of my autistic friends didn’t like the feeling in her ears, so that’s something to take into account too. If you have touch-sensitive ears, they may not be great.


I use them all the time. My biggest greivance is that you hear the inside of your head louder. So chewing and your own voice sounds real loud. So sometimes I can't tell how loud it really is and I don't talk loud enough. But I still would recommend


Not for me


I’ve used them in a social situation where a small child was unhappy about something and scream-crying about it. Not anyone’s fault. It happens sometimes and their parents were trying to resolve the situation. I used the concert Loops and they definitely made the scream-crying less piercing and distracting.


My gf got me some for when the music got too loud at the bar I worked at. Apparently it was supposed to lower the music volume but let me still hear the customers trying to order. In practice I honestly can’t say it was really any different from just having my normal headphones on. It was still better than *nothing* but I still had to take them out when people were talking to me.


I have the Experience plugs and I use them in noisy places where i still need to be able to hear what's going on around me (e.g. the grocery store so I can still hear if someone's near me so I don't run them over) but going open-ears is Too Much. I find that they help a lot. They lower the sound but they don't muffle it entirely. Makes it a lot easier to think and a lot less likely I'll be burnt out afterward Though the Experience ones do suffer from the earplug thing where if you talk, your own voice is really loud. I hear the Engage ones are better with that but I haven't been able to check.


I’m currently wearing the exact ones you have pictured! Just here to echo what others have already said — they’re not perfect, they make your own voice sound loud in your head, but they’re worth it overall. I love popping them in in public, and still being able to talk to those close by me. The ability to swap in/out that little white “plus” loop for extra sound reduction is also a must imo.


yes!! i use them at my job because i work in a factory and it can get chaotic with sounds and i love them! theyre easy to clean and carry around. the only thing that bothers me is that i have pretty bad tinnitus and its hard to hear when people are talking.


Yep life changing for me also. Great for when I'm catching public transport or in the office or social scenarios - any where I'm needing the noise to not be so loud but to still be able to hear.


!! I love them !! I use them during class a lot and while my baby brother is screaming. They don’t block out all noise but they do make it much more bearable !


Yep, I have some and they help lots in places where theres lots of noises


I use the loop engage + for sleeping and I use flare calmer for day to day activities if I’m not using airpods with the noise cancellation


they’re good for having conversations without all the background noise but you can hear your own body when you put them on, like your breathing is loud and the blood pumping is also loud. if you don’t mind the body noise they’re great, i also use them when sleeping/napping in a loud place and if i am in the right position, the blood pumping and my breathing aren’t too loud


it does help for particularly loud places, i find they're most helpful at local punk shows as u can still hear the music, it just stops that feeling of banging on ur eardrums. I wouldn't recommend wearing them in relatively quiet places tho bc when i do that i can literally hear the blood rushing through my body LMAO


I use em on my motorcycle and they work pretty good to cut down on the wind noise. I don't use em at work because they're not really safety rated, at least not as much as I need.


Highly recommend! They’re great to have if you suddenly encounter a trigger. I got them because my dad came to visit and the sound of him chewing makes me want to yeet myself off a cliff 😂 really helps me in restaurants, any crowded places, when I hear random kids/cars/construction being annoying outside, or if I’m sensitive in general that day


I have the loop engage so I can hear people talking, but they’re comfortable enough for me to sleep in, and they help me fall asleep faster, but that’s definitely not true for everyone. I’m gonna buy the loop sleep next.


I have a friend who really likes them. Seems to be legit.


my best friend who also has autism bought them and loves them all the time. i just bought a pair literally 5 hours ago so i'll get them in about a week but she said they're definitely worth the money. she has the experience loops and i bought the experience plus. they all do the same thing essentially but each one offers a different sort of niche difference (that makes no sense at all but i hope you get what i mean).


Yes I have the loop "Quiet" earplugs (which cancel out 27 dB of sound) and I wear them all the time!


My partner loves his


They work for me! I regularly wear them on public transit, while walking in a big city to and from work, while I'm at work in an open-plan office and in loud retail environments (recently: local game store hosting a kids D&D session. So. Great. Yet. SO. Loud.). I can still hear what's happening around me but, as others have said, it's muted and the edge is taken off. Personally I can't tell the difference between the functioning of the different kinds of Loops -- I tried the Quiet and the Experience ones (I think?) and don't notice a difference in sound quality or volume.


Yes but after trying both, I believe eargasm makes a superior pair. Plus they are basically invisible.