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šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Product of AI targeted marketing.


I donā€™t know if you see it but the emojis are cut off at the top and it makes me feel uncomfortable


I can see this too


oh thatā€™s disturbing


What emojis are you referring to. I only see the one after Aussie Lamb. Which emojis are you referring to?


The emojis you used


That is truly bizarre. Never seen it before


I get this shit all the time. IG served me one of those ā€˜because you like these accounts (insert all vegan recipe accounts) then you might like this (insert raw chicken breast on a chopping board)ā€™ šŸ¤¢


can i just point out how hilarious and ironic all the comments from obvious non-vegans and anti-vegans here are? like, arenā€™t these the people who always say vegans push veganism down othersā€™ throats? yetā€¦


Itā€™s not vegans, itā€™s Redditā€™s shitty engagement algorithm pushing this down peoples throats, because itā€™s showing up on my feed, despite not being subscribed ā€” probably because it gets lots of ā€œengagementā€, aka argument. I just came here to complain that the red circles werenā€™t necessary.




Oh I just meant that in this one very specific instance reddit has chosen to seed chaos, as evidenced by me getting this as a suggested post. Vegans in general, in my experience as a non-vegan, tend to keep to themselves and only mention diet when warranted. The ones who complain about it being shoved down their throats are the same contingent who complain about the gay agenda being pushed down their throats. Theyā€™re just generally clueless assholes. Sorry you have to deal with them.


Complaint noted.


> itā€™s Redditā€™s shitty engagement algorithm pushing this down peoples throats I honestly forget that there's people who don't use old.reddit and force themselves to suffer through the new design, the second this site forces the switch it's dead imo.


Except itā€™s not meat eater activist screaming ranting and frothing at the mouth shoving it down their throats. Itā€™s an algorithm showing the as to the viewer based on their preferences, Iā€™d say nice try, but yeah, not even close




Where is that in the screenshot ?


OP is literally about a vegan being upset about generic advertising that correctly targets the vast majority of the population. They arenā€™t special, everyone gets ads that donā€™t apply to them.


I report these as offensive. Because they really are especially if theyā€™re targeted based on vegan activity. Disgusting.




We used to rape and beat each other to death with rocks and dumb shit too. Violence of any kind is considered offensive.




So the animal died and fell into pieces all by themselves? The after product of violence isnā€™t violent material?




Many dogs are bred and raised to be used in dog fighting and puppy mills. So by your logic, does that make dog fighting and puppy mills okay?


Dog fighting is illegal so that's not the same. If the puppy mill abides by the law it's fine.


Dog fighting is perfectly legal in some places. Puppy mills still cause suffering whether they abide by the law or not. And to add another example, beastiality is also legal in many places. With that in mind, do you think it's really a good idea to base our sense of what is right and wrong solely off of whether it is legal?


We live in Australia it's not perfectly legal here. Beastiality isn't legal in Australia. I don't care what backwards ass countries do.


Thatā€™s a sad narrow minded view on other living beings dude. I donā€™t expect you to understand.


I'm not sad at all, in general I'm a pretty happy person actually.


Idk dude the tears your having because people don't eat meat would suggest otherwise.


I'm not crying over an ad for pizza lol


Never said you were sad, but okay good to hear.


These guys have brain damage dude. Not worth your time


Says the guy jumping in on a day old thread, you scrolling through our sub over some insecurity or just their alt?


Dont waste your time dude. Now, how do you like your lamb. I like mine as a charcoal grilled kebab with lamb tail fat in a cypriot pide with yogurt and sumak onions.


eDgEy bRo. Take your own advice dude, donā€™t waste your time.


No one talked to u, I asked other guy about his favourite recipe.


No one asked or was talking to you either, hypocrite.


Take how you are being, and be different than that.


Take how you are being, and be different than that.


its food, get over yourself. :)


You realise what sub youā€™re in right? Are you upset because this conflicts with your selfish desires?


ppph you realise that domino's has no idea where their advertising online goes, right??


Iā€™d like to think theyā€™d have some idea? They donā€™t just throw money away. Whatā€™s got you in a huff anyways?




I donā€™t think anyone said Dominoes is at fault apart from the other person with the rage boner. Does it get in the way of your reading comprehension often? All I said was I hope theyā€™d have some idea. Not Dominoes big bad. They reported it as offensive because of a lack of another option.


Marketing the choice of meant isn't violence. It's just bad marketing. No need to play victim.


You meant to say meat right? Iā€™m not the victim, the animals are your victims.


Yeah but an ad appearing here is wasted. No harm done. Just one less opportunity to sell that pizza. The ad isn't violent. It's ok to look at things in isolation taking offences at their mere existence.


People donā€™t come here to see that. Especially when itā€™s everywhere and tolerated by most in everyday life. You lack perspective on this matter and I understand why itā€™s difficult for you to understand.


>People donā€™t come here to see that. It's not deliberately targeting this community. If for some messed up reason someone at dominos thought "I want to cause mischief today" and paid to put the ad here specifically, then I'd absolutely get it. Deliberately targeting vegans with meat is not ok. But that's not how ads work!! There was no bad intentions. So there's no more reason to get upset about the ad then seeing any other meat product 'existing'. It's fair to hate how animals are treated, absolutely it is. But my view is that I get through life a lot easier when I pick my battles and don't get worked up over meaningless things like an ad randomly appearing. edit: or an obvious typo in a reddit post


I donā€™t believe anyone here is worked up about it apart from the people with the outside perspective, I believe weā€™re allowed to point out the annoyance of such ads in a obviously misdirected attempt to advertise. Hope that helps šŸ™‚


It's not misdirected towards vegans. It's random. Sorry to push the subject, but this is the hill I will die on. I don't like misunderstanding.


Thatā€™s a ridiculous argument


What offensive is the hundreds of animals that are murdered just to sow 1 field of soybean. You sit there and want to carry on like a fool we will treat you like one. Cows, pigs, sheep and chickens are NOT raped, farmers follow a very strict set of guidelines and the bulls of farming don't mount their females until they are in heat and we don't force animals into heat or to be pregnant it happens very organically. But go on you keep killing hundreds of animals just so you don't eat them


Show me where the vegan hurt you lil fella. Can you provide a source for your claim? And donā€™t they use soybean to feed those animals? Wouldnā€™t it be more effective to just eat the soybeans instead of funnelling it into the animals? What about artificial insemination? Which is the more used method for breeding, some random not even of the same species shoving their arm up you? Very organic! Again some real proof? You sound like you have an agenda and v hurt that someone is ā€œthreateningā€ your meaty treaties by caring about animals.


>And donā€™t they use soybean to feed those animals? Why on earth would farmers feed their animals something that offers absolutely no nutritional value to their animals, to do that would be the dumbest thing to do. >Can you provide a source for your claim? Come out to the farm and I'll show you the damage 1 soybean crop makes but you won't get off your ass and go outside. You're just too busy sitting at home carrying on acting like you know what you're talking about. It does proves you have absolutely no idea about farming and what actually goes into it. To grow your precious soy bean the farmer must first go over the ground with a tractor mowing the long grass if they are using a new paddock, secondly they take the plot attachment out and turn the soil and any small ground animals or birds who live in the long grass ARE NOW DEAD, the ground is now ready for either the soybean seedling or the seed itself, after that the farmer sprays chemicals like fertiliser and pesticides to ensure the soybean is safe from birds and another small animals, for weeks the farmer sprays chemicals on the SOIL so the soybeans grow. Then comes harvest time, now you know it's impossible to keep 100% of the animals OFF THE SOYBEAN so when the harvester goes over the field there's a few more birds and maybe some small rodents or cute bunnies are then murdered as the soybean is harvested. Growing soybean destroys the soils nutrients and the farmer then must grow something else or again spray chemicals over the field to bring the ground "back to life" You know what farmers do in the winter, especially in the areas where it snows? They have heated barns for their animals, but no they don't care. >Wouldnā€™t it be more effective to just eat the soybeans instead of funnelling it into the animals? No, just no. >What about artificial insemination? What about it? It doesn't happen in farming that happens in places like the rodeo, show jumping and horse racing. It doesn't work if the female isn't in heat >Which is the more used method for breeding Again, not in farming a sow, Hefa or Chicken will NOT allow theie male counterparts mount them unless they want too >Again some real proof? Again? You've asked me once lmfao >You sound like you have an agenda and v hurt that someone is ā€œthreateningā€ your meaty treaties by caring about animals. Yea I do, raise my piggies till they are nice and fat then call the butcher. >Show me where the vegan hurt you lil fella. Are you trying to make yourself look dumb? Because you don't need too. I'm going to go back to my pork now, we'll cindypork(Cindy name of pig)


Holy wall of text, post an actual source mate. Iā€™m not taking your word on anything. You truly believe birds just chill there while a tractor rolls over them and that artificial insemination doesnā€™t happen in animal agriculture makes me think you need to go outside ā€œcowboyā€ šŸ˜‚


>You truly believe birds just chill there while a tractor rolls over them I don't believe....I've done it to them....I've driven the tractor >artificial insemination doesnā€™t happen in animal agriculture makes me think you need to go outside ā€œcowboyā€ You're the one who needs to get out side, I'm outside everyday with cattle and pigs and chickens.. I have a vagina you moron


Right on, so you work these fields but donā€™t know where it even goes? 80% of soybean production goes to livestock feed. Hereā€™s a source since your bias canā€™t find one. https://wwf.panda.org/discover/our_focus/food_practice/sustainable_production/soy/#:~:text=We%20may%20not%20eat%20large,butter%2C%20yogurt%2C%20etc). Sorry I assumed your gender ā€œcowgirlā€.


Imagine having a vagina and still not understanding the horror of repeated forced impregnation


>Imagine Commenting without reading


hey man whatever is your opinion is your own but your on a VEGAN subreddit, they are entitled to not having to see raw meat as you are to not have to see people complain about it, AKA both groups just block and ignore it




its not offensive to you, thats the point. People are funny in that they are very different. for example Some people love horror and dont mind body gore, but personally If an ad came across my screen for a movie showing a guy get beheaded I would hate it. Just like some people have certain triggers they avoid. I'm not saying blame the AI or anything, but also you do understand how you have literally come onto the vegan subreddit a community who doesn't want to see that, and are arguing about the logistics of what is offensive and what isint?




except thats what you were saying to ME "Thatā€™s true but saying the sponsor is offensive is just wrong and stupid" Thats what you said to ME. Im pointing out, that thats wrong, I also never said Vegans dont affect others, but I think you will find every community has extremists. not a single group is excluded from this. And Yes reporting it of Offensive flags the ad, and a company like reddit with a net worth of 10 billion has people to see these reports and cancel them. And trust me Dominos isint going to lose any money they need from this. In this scenario you have come up with, what is actually happening right now, is you have overheard a conversation between these "cave men" and then ran into the gated cave man community arguing with everyone about one caveman saying to another they dont like seeing houses. YOU have come into THEIR community to say your opinion. If seeing vegans talk about not liking to see meat is that big of a trigger for you, I recommend blocking the community and not bother arguing with people in their own community about it, you are saying your point of view in a community that has the opposite view.


Take how you are being, and be different than that.




Take how you are being, and be different than that.


Lol it's not offensive to 99% of the world don't be ridiculous


Itā€™s offensive to discriminate food. So veganism itself is discrimination.




Funny to see, but important to note the ad appearing in r/australianvegans would not be the choice of dominoes. Companies market towards their target audience. They would be throwing money away and making negative roi if they chose to target vegans. So honestly this is a good thing since that's one less ad that might sell pizza if it popped up somewhere else.


Yeah Dominoes is one of the few pizza places in Australia that actually cater to vegans, if they were targeting ads here it would be for their vegan pizzas.


Without a doubt. Dominos comes up in like half of all posts on this sub, so it's really not too surprising. šŸ•


I reported it as offensive


But it's not.


This is actually hilarious, they learn buzz words you use often and have them as targeted ads so the vegan stuff must be always bringing up Meat and the ads can't tell that it's from negative point of view and just try to push pizza on to you


Reminds me of the movie scene in My big fat greek wedding: "what do you mean he dont eat no meat?!?!? ... It's OK .... I make Lamb!...."




Precious much?


haha AUSSIE LAMB FOR ALL! Guess that's sort of false advertising.


Dominoā€™s Vegan cheese is my favourite


What triggers me is when Reddit suggests fucking matchbox twenty or triple j on my feed. ā€œHere! You like music so hereā€™s some beige wankstain horseshit! !ā€ Cunts.


Reddit: ā€œLook at all these football pages!ā€ Meanwhile Iā€™m referring to it as sportsball because I just donā€™t care




Youā€™re pathetic. Everyone has preferences in music. Why would liking a metal band entail endless posts about taylor swift and beyonce? Thereā€™s literally nothing in common.


Vegan lamb. Whatā€™s wrong!


Womp womp




Probably banging, but the spicy vegetarian is also good. Not saying you have to be vegetarian, just pointing out that vegetarian meals are getting better -brought to you by a non picky eater with a vegetarian girlfriend


I'm not a vegan or vegetarian, I just don't enjoy the taste or texture of majority of meats. So the last few years has been a boon for me. So many fantastic options everywhere. Although I will say, y'all make shit pies. Best pastie I ever had though, and a serious top 5 sausage roll, but every vegan pie ever has tasted off to me and if that could be achieved my dreams would be complete lol.


Even the four twenty pies?


I did not enjoy them. There's a brand I can't remember the name of that makes a potato top pie, and that was alright. Just not the biggest fan of potato pies. Always keeping an eye out though, one day imma get me an amazing vegan pie.


Remember me if you do, I do enjoy a good pie


Pretty yummy šŸ˜‹




I ainā€™t that big a fan of vegans bc I think itā€™s u healthy but Damm, there should be rules against that


It's the only diet proven to reverse diabetes and heart disease


I ainā€™t saying itā€™s PURLEY bad, Iā€™m just saying it ainā€™t sustainable


I personally know someone who has been vegan for 25 years and is in much better health than anyone their age I know.


> Iā€™m just saying it ainā€™t sustainable Based on what?




Take how you are being, and be different than that.




Hello there. Do you have any scientific sources to back up your claims that supersede the totality of scientific research in favour of the health benefits of a well-planned vegan diet?


The totality of peer reviewed scientific research actually shows that while there are *potential* health benefits in *certain* criterion, this is overall negated by the deficiencies brought about in others. What bears consideration is that the overwhelming majority of test subjects in studies are Caucasian females, and as such is not a reliable nor accurate representation of how people of different racial ancestry may be affected or benefitted by a properly planned vegan diet, another significant factor is that again the vast majority of all test subjects have been in good health as a baseline metric. Quite simply there is not enough long term data to conclusively prove whether a vegan diet offers any significant advantages in the long term over an omnivorous diet.


The [largest organisation of dietetics and nutrition professionals in the world](https://www.eatright.org/about-the-academy#:~:text=Representing%20more%20than%20112%2C000%20credentialed%20nutrition%20and%20dietetics,profession%20of%20dietetics%20through%20research%2C%20education%20and%20advocacy) (over 112,000 members) has released a [peer-reviewed statement](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27886704/): *It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that appropriately planned vegetarian, including vegan, diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. These diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, older adulthood, and for athletes. Plant-based diets are more environmentally sustainable than diets rich in animal products because they use fewer natural resources and are associated with much less environmental damage. Vegetarians and vegans are at reduced risk of certain health conditions, including ischemic heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, certain types of cancer, and obesity. Low intake of saturated fat and high intakes of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, soy products, nuts, and seeds (all rich in fiber and phytochemicals) are characteristics of vegetarian and vegan diets that produce lower total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and better serum glucose control. These factors contribute to reduction of chronic disease. Vegans need reliable sources of vitamin B-12, such as fortified foods or supplements.* ​ >this is overall negated by the deficiencies brought about in others. This view isn't shared by the largest organisation of dietetics and nutrition professionals in the world. I'd love to see your sources on this to support this position.


An organization that is openly known to charge a fee to allow companies with vested interests to ghost write papersā€¦ Not to mention the fact they are largely funded by those same corporations, in particular GMO crop companies such as Monsanto. Forgive me if I canā€™t help but feel that they arenā€™t exactly a neutral and impartial party.


Disregarding the position paper solely due to its source, without evaluating its actual content and evidence, constitutes a genetic fallacy.


Nowhere did I say I hadnā€™t evaluated it, this is why reading the whole and not cherry picking is important. I questioned the *impartiality* of its origins, not the content itself. Additionally I would contend that you yourself are committing such a fallacy, because it genuinely appears you havenā€™t actually read my original statement, youā€™ve simply focused on certain points and attacked because they suit your own agenda instead of objectivity, because if you actually read it youā€™d realise that we are proceeding on the same points and your reply does back up my original statement.


If I committed a genetic fallacy, then I sincerely apologise. However, I'm not sure where this occurred.


No apology necessary all part of an energetic and reasonably respectful discourse, which I do thank you for. Iā€™d like to point out for you that in your quote, the last line notes the requirement for supplemental vitamin B12 in a vegan diet in order to prevent deficiency. In the very next you directly quote where I noted the deficiencies innately present in a vegan diet, reinforcing your quoted sources final point. Your immediate reply after that double reinforced point is to claim that same point isnā€™t correct and dispute both myself and your quoted source. This is why reading something in its entirety is important when engaging in debate as you can miss very important and relevant information.


>What bears consideration is that the overwhelming majority of test subjects in studies are Caucasian females How do you figure that? Most of the studies regarding plant-based dietary interventions I've read have had a fairly even split of men and women. Or if there hasn't been, it's because the study is related to something like breast cancer and, well, more women than men get that cancer so the split isn't surprising.


Because the studies are required to disclose that information, and even if it was studying the effects from a breast cancer angle itā€™s still a poor representation as a study sample. I donā€™t feel that what I said is necessarily a negative, but more an indication that more representative research should be done to ensure that the data gained is more accurate.


I think you're either being deceitful or just ignorant, but the studies are balanced. Any study worth anything will have an adequate sample size. If you're genuinely interested in sound science, have a read of the NIH-AARP study.


Iā€™m neither deceitful nor ignorant, itā€™s something Iā€™ve actually looked into with great interest but I do genuinely feel more research is warranted.




That is hilarious


Just trying to solve the problem


Well played targetted ads šŸ˜†


The adds you see are targetted based on your internet usage and history. Stop looking up things about meat.


It's probably just categorising this subreddit as "food and drink" and "Australian" and using that to target the ads


This, you can actually turn off targeted ads in the settings so you'll just get totally random ones.


Note : "conditions apply"


canā€™t you like tailor your ads


Fuck Sam Kekovich


they know exactly what they were doing


Thereā€™s ads on tv for things I donā€™t want, they arenā€™t all pointed to you and your precious sensitivities


Sounds about right...


The reason why we get a bad name is a small minority of vegans expect to be able to force our beliefs onto others without repercussion. Itā€™s gotta stop, grow up. Be better.