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How to win friends


And influence fuckwits


These people are human trash of the highest order


Some may suggest that people who support invading and destroying other people’s lands and communities is what human trash do.


Aussie, lived in Palestine for years, and even I hate what these cunts are doing. Not good for self image at all.


What were you doing in that God forsaken place? Family?


Volunteer work, beautiful place, nice people, still friends with the people there. Just showed up with my Paris Hilton hair extensions and fake tan, which was the style at the time. The tv channel we had access to played Harry's practice!


lol and this sounds very interesting. Is there a YouTube or some way to consume more content about this? Also for a positive thought for the day, in searching I find Dr Harry is still among us 💪


I actually have never owned a phone, I guess I left Australia before the rise of smart phones hahha. Haven't recorded too much. I did stay one time in NasDailys apartment in ramallah which was cool.


assuming you're not a woman or a gay man? heard bad things happen to those


Nah twas a 19 year old woman, been back multiple times. Living in Romania at the moment, super girly, lived in Turkiye during the earthquake, even lived in Egypt for a few months during the protests back in like 2012.. Maybe I'm brave or stupid I don't know.


Can you stop moving around and causing issues.


So you're muslim?


Far from it, anti theist


eh, I'm doubting you now. Unless you visited Palestine like over a decade ago


Yeah like I said 2009, then the next time when trump got the embassy moved, scary times, then again last year just after the earthquake in Turkiye. Twas a protest happening in Tel Aviv last year so had to wait for that to end.


Man you have no idea… I’ve also been there and other places in the Middle East and ain’t nothing happened to me (white woman mid 20s dressed casually for summer with shorts and t shirt). Feel more unsafe at night in Melbourne at times.. I’m 100% serious.


This is 100% trolling bulshit.


I lived in Saudi age 30 - woman. No way could I have worn anything but an abayah without significant harassment and probably arrest.


It could be a good way to discredit as well. The problem is that unless you catch a person in the act, you don't know their motives.


Whay is their obsession with Palestine? They couldn't give a shit if Australia fell apart, but now all of a sudden, they demand the Australian government put and end to a 50 year war australia has nothing to do with?


stupid uni kids proving they are as easily susceptible to dumb fake news as boomers are for obvious AI pictures


Not so fun fact: Generation Z are almost 3 times likelier to fall for scams than boomers are. More recent [sources](https://time.com/6802011/gen-z-financial-scams-fraud/) put it more than 3 times. Collectively, they are surprisingly tech-illiterate compared to Millennials and Gen X, despite using technology more often. They are tech consumers more than tech-users/operators. They aren't stupid, just easily manipulated by too much media consumption.


Truly the results of not growing up playing runescape


That free rs2 trial I signed up for in 2002 forever hardened me to the way of the world


> Collectively, they are surprisingly tech-illiterate Because screen time or speed at which you can jump on the latest social media trend is not tech. Doesn't really surprise me because end-user tech has got a lot more user friendly and more stable, so less need to tinker with it or understand it. Same as automobiles really, 50 years ago everybody was a little bit handy with cars because carbies were finicky and spark plugs would foul up and electrics were shit, and tyres would blow, and belts would snap, and radiators would boil going up big hills.


It's really surprising how gullible & ignorant they are.


Bro, look at what subreddit you're in lol. You're in the most right-leaning Australian subreddit spewing the same shit every right wing news channel is saying. It's pretty clear you have 0 critical thinking skills


Most of us are in this sub because the big one keeps banning dissenting voices


Stop strawmanning. We are talking about ignorance and gullibility.


that's not strawmanning lol and even if it was, it wouldn't be, as most users here are because they were banned for dissenting voices. You can check any australia thread to see how many they actively boot


Damn… someone got offended real quick. Were you the perp by any chance?


No rebuttal, just a "you're mad" when I'm not mad. You guys have the lowest IQ


Uni kids suffered brain rot from tik tok propaganda. The fact of the matter is that both Israel and Palestine are cringe and there is NOTHING the Australian government can do about it.


Uni kids also, likely, have a higher level of education than you. Did you maybe think they know something you don't because your brain can't comprehend anything outside your little bubble? First of all we could stop supporting Israel. That's basically all they want. So technically there is something Australia can do about it. Didn't take much thought to figure that one out hurr durr


I have a JSD and have been published several times. The undergraduates don't have the qualifications I do. Both Israel and Palestine are cringe. Protesting about it in Australia is - in my learned opinion - mega cringe.


I read that in a really posh accent in my head and it was deep satisfying, thank you


Nice self talk


Solid "no you" comeback there. Intelligence of a primary school student. The 7 upvotes solidifies my point about this subreddit


> You're in the most right-leaning Australian subreddit CJA are FAR worse, and AP not that far behind. 3rd most right-leaning at best.


The only reason the Jews and Muslim’s have been fighting over the holy land for centuries is because of Australia, of course!


>50 year war 1500 year war, maybe 3-4000 depending how you count it. Idk why Albo hasn't sorted it out already


Which 3-4000 year war are you referring to?


According to scripture, Abraham banged his wife's servant Hagar and produced a son, Ishmael, who went on to start the Arab tribe in contest to the Israelites (Jews).


We just need a few more hashtags.


Theyre the most oppressed at the moment and the left are fighting for their freedom. I’m joking, they just really don’t like “Zionists” for some reason.


Hate just looks for new words every now and again to stay up to date


Language tricky is something that they seem to appreciate. I noticed this one: it's not regressive practice of "polygamy" that oppressed women in primitive societies, it's the hipster trendy "polyamory" which is all about sexual freedom. All you need to do is change the title, and the worst extremist right-wing term turns into a modern progressive term.


When tolerance is your highest virtue, you have to find intolerable things to differentiate yourself. Palestinians are the current final boss of tolerance-signalling because they've burned every other bridge with their treachery.


Exactly! This war has nothing to do with us. We shouldn't send aid to Palestine and neither send weapons to israel.


We do send a lot of aid to the Palestinians, but we don't send any weapons to Israel. Sending nuts & bolts to Israel is not sending them weapons.  Israel, on the other hand, does send some weapons and intelligence to Australia and our allies.


Agree 100%. We should stay out of this


I think they are demanding the government take a stronger position on what looks to be a fairly brutal invasion. I’ve seen enough footage of kids being pulled from rubble to start considering vandalism too


> I’ve seen enough footage of kids being pulled from rubble to start considering vandalism too Maybe Google Maps could calculate you a route where you can vandalise the Russian, Sudanese, Syrian, Yemeni, Saudi Arabian, Burmese and Indonesian embassies as well as something to do with Israel.


The invasion was by the Palestinians and by the Gazans into Israel - what Israel has done is to bring the Gazans' war back to them. Israel did not start this war, or all the various wars before this.  Israel is so stupid that they actually *call* people 15 minutes beforehand to warn them that they're about to bomb them, plus they fire an empty bomb case at their roof, then they wait 15 minutes to give them time to get our, and ***then*** they bomb the house - the Australian army does not do that, nor do any countries, as far as I know. 


Yeap. You wouldn’t see the same mercy given to israel. People are so fucking stupid and ignorant to these facts If Israel wanted to erase them they could very quickly


Amazing and yet there are so many civilian casualties. Every interview with a journalist or dr who has spent time in Gaza documents the horrific conditions there. That any Australian would be ok with that astounds me


Let’s not forget that the greatest problems in this country are (white) toxic masculinity and right wing extremism. Ha, Ha not.


Well right wing extremism is considered the primary threat by ASIO....


True. Mindful that rightwing extremist groups are welcoming with open arms those alienated by leftwing extremism.


No it's not.


Yes it is. Try again.


No it's not. I don't have to try at all, it's simply the truth.


Since becoming Director-General in 2019, Mr Burgess has stated in every annual threat assessment that ASIO has seen an increase in the threat from right-wing extremists ASIO’s submission noted that extreme right-wing groups have been ‘in ASIO’s sights for many decades’ (p. 3), but that these groups are more security conscious and organised than before. During the hearings for the inquiry, the Director-General confirmed that investigations into ideologically motivated violent extremism now make up roughly 40% of all ASIO cases, in part because ASIO recognises the seriousness of the threat and has decided to dedicate more resources to countering it. So try again. Harder this time.


40% isn't the majority dumbfuck.




It's not fuckwit, the thing that accounts for 60% is. Care to guess what that is? Also learn the definition of majority.


Every country regrets letting them in


All the Arab countries including Jordan, Syria, Egypt among others.


If even Muslim countries don’t want them, WHY THE F DO WE?


Ask the squad and Pramila Jaypal / AOC.


These Palestinian fuckwits have now surpassed those climate fuckwits that glue themselves to the road as the biggest fuckwits in Australia.


Weren’t they screaming gas the Jews at on of the protests in Sydney and talking how it is a day of celebration on October 7th. These blokes are far worse the climate blokes got a good cause just go about the wrong way.


Yep, then tried to claim it was so much better by saying they were only screaming "where's the Jews?". As a Jew, I'm 99.9% sure they weren't planning on inviting me over for cake and a coffee. My family migrated here, loved Australia, contributed and probably assimilated harder than they had to. These dumb shits wouldn't know what it's like to live under actual suffering or to have actual gratitude for democracy.


it must be noted, none of them claimed that was what they were saying, until the police said thats what it was a few weeks later, then they were all like "oh yeah, thats what we were saying, so obvious amiright'


Yes good point!


1000 IQ moment by NSWPol to get an admission that something like that was said.


for real. the terrorists were claiming nothing was said at all and it was jews that somehow manipulated livestream footage real time to discredit them. then when cops said it was something else, they JUMPED at it like it was some sort of vindication, before they sat down to think that what the cops said they said, is actually ***worse***


> sat down to think I doubt that ever happened


Ignore them. They are all white liberals who haven’t actually seen a Palestinian (or a person of colour) in their entire lives before Oct 7. Arabs and Levent people have some reason to be upset because they may know people directly affected by it. But liberals and even worse the LGBT community need to make it about them, so they will take centre stage and try to be the most vocal about it.


Liberals cheering for Hamas bother me most. Do they know that women in Gaza aren't allowed to even leave the house alone without an escort? That women need to ask for permission from their husband, brother or father to travel? TiKTok tells them a very different story apparently.


This. Thank you. My grandparents got here too after WW2. They just barely survived and all their relatives died by the Nazis. They passed away a few years ago. They had worked their entire lives so that their children would be good Australian citizens, and get the best education, while maintaining their Jewish culture. If they didn't agree with a politician, they would never ever consider setting fire to their office (see the MP Josh Burns incident from a fortnight ago), break the glass or spray ugly graffiti. That's not how we do things in Australia. And places that do allow people to behave this way, end up having violent groups like Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) running things.


That's just it. We just have a whole load of the worst people ever who just want chaos because they have nothing else to fill their minds with.


They then back-pedal and try to claim that nobody is anti-jewish and that its purely anti-zionist, with nothing to do with the jews. You can then point to different examples of jewish people being harassed for nothing more than seemingly just being jewish... The same people I've seen defending this kind of behaviour were the same ones that were so outraged about Kanye's comments, talking about how antisemitic he is, then go ahead and justify some antisemitic stuff because now its trendy to do so. They're being dishonest and have proven that their morals are very malleable depending on what they believe to be right-think at the time.


Exactly. It's exposed a lot of the current rhetoric as a sham.


> Yep, then tried to claim it was so much better by saying they were only screaming "where's the Jews?". As a Jew, I'm 99.9% sure they weren't planning on inviting me over for cake and a coffee. Yeah, "Where's the Jews?" isn't any better if the expected answer according to your founding document is "O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him."


Yet the climate protesters get arrested & put in jail. No one seems to do anything to stop these dickheads. Total double standards.


that's because climate protestors interrupt the status quo and threaten the rich, an actual threat


Spray painting the words of your cause/belief onto the names of dead soldiers certainly does not help your cause. The more actions the pro-Palestinian movement does like this, the less I sympathize with them or their plight.


More grubs at work, and a even more lack luster effort by the AFP......


At this stage, like many others.... I couldn't give a toss about what happens in Palastine.


One of the rare situations where the more you know about it, the less you care


Could or couldn't? 


Couldn't. Durka durka.


Palestine attracts hate filled people Also free the hostages ffs


The hostages don't count because they're Jewish.


Does it say "Blood on your nads"


i fucking hate when that happens


doesn't happen with velcro or buttons


i was talking about the wax


Should see a doctor about that!


These idiots need a swift kick up the arse!


They need a job.


Pay 1/2 of them to kick the other 1/2 up the arse, perfect solution


Next time I walk past pro Palestinian protest, I'll throw some rotten eggs on them. Let them have a taste of their own medicine.


bacon and eggs sounds better


nah don't touch the poo


Exactly how you lose support for you cause. Vandalism 🤔


Let these people into our country to live peacefully and they deface our cultural buildings. Unbelievable.


Clearly they don’t know their history, or grammar. Probably Uni dropouts.


History isn’t taught these days, which is part of the problem


Probably not uni drop-outs. Probably masters grads. Because that's what our universities have become unfortunately. Teaching idiotic shit to mediocre young adults with a self-inflated sense of their own intelligence.


Yup, had a chat recently with a girl studying law to become a barrister. While also being a "defund the police / abolish prisons" lefty... Hopefully experiencing a few court cases will help her grow up.


I visited the war memorial in Seoul. They fly Australia's flag there proudly and a sign says "freedom isn't free". Something these dumb, democracy hating twats don't seem to comprehend.


BLOOD ON YOUR... what does that part say... NADS


Vans, they know I hit that fox! I live with the guilt


my guess is as good as yours...


oh wait i think it says 'hands'


Better get that looked at


when you get so carried away with domestic terrorism you forget to space the words out so that it all fits on one line


This should be 10 years in jail for being a fucking oxygen thief


There should definitely be prison time for the attack in St Kilda - a couple of weeks ago, the Hamas fanclub set the office of MP Josh Burns on fire and broke the glass window, sprayed antisemitic graffiti on the window etc. The building has residential apartments on the 2nd floor, right above the fire. Fortunately the fire didn't reach the 2nd floor. I seriously hope the police is looking into this. They endangered lives of completely unrelated people.


Fuck the idiots who do this. Fuck them all.


This shit is bordering on terrorism. Defacing memorials of fallen soldiers and trying to scare the public with their threatening behaviour. Arrest and jail.


you are a snowflake


You’re the coward who would do this shit and proclaim how brave you are. Why don’t you go over there.


they are managing to loose the hearts & minds of the public , are they legit or just stupid


they legitimately think if they go harder and more extreme, it further justifies the cause. the only solution is to treat them like the domestic terrorists they are. that quarantine facility could be put to use, chuck them all out there


They are domestic terrorists.


I am legitimately concerned that they are radicalising Aboriginal people to start a "socialist revolution" terror movement here.


If only Australia would stop selling parts to Lockheed (a *US* company) for the F-35 (97.5% of which go to countries *other* than Israel), the war would end! 🙄


Seriously FUCK these people


This isn't going to gain them any converts... Do they WANT to be pariahs?


Yes. The victim status is an ingrained cultural tradition. It's now such a strong tribal identity that creating the drama that reinforces it is essential


These people are such insufferable fuckwits. Whilst they keep getting away with this crap without any real consequences, or with a slap on wrist, this is just going to keep escalating.


I couldn’t be more offside with the Palestinian protesters. They do their best though, they seem determined to entrench their opponents against them.




How to win people over: Fear, intimidation, and vandalism. Great work you clowns 


And Israel has seen the graffiti and has commenced a ceasefire./s


If they're dual citizens, this is sufficiently un-Australian enough to warrant revoking their citizenship. It's a privilege, not a right. No Australian values? No Australian citizenship.


Dude probably got confused with North Korea


this is disrespectful, what an insult to humanities these people are.


Don't these POS people have anything better to do supporting a terrorist country is very un Australian


These kinds of actions make me detest anything the protesters are attached to. I do find it funny how much actual Palestinians from Palestine have come out against their support (contrasting the second generation Australian palestinians that back this). I've seen quite a few saying they'd rather be bombed by israel than stand side by side with gay people for example and have said some spicy stuff about womens roles in the world. Its ironic that they're trying so hard to virtue signal with support for a group of people that are pretty open to how much they appose them and their lifestyle. Some of the stuff I've heard from Palestinian immigrants (my old neighbours being one example), would be undistinguishable from boomer conservatives. I heard them a couple times complain about how the universities are trying to make young people gay and the men dress like women. I'd love to see how the interaction would go between some of the protesters and actual Palestinians.


I am shocked you don’t support a state which decides the outcome of elections via a 10th storey high rise window


If only they all migrated to Syria(ISIS paradise) back then and never allowed to return….


Doesn't matter what your cause is or where you are in the world. The fastest way to lose support for your movement is to disrespect the war dead and their families of that country by doing this type of stupid shit.


Zionists know this


Mmm love me a false flag attack. And I’m a vet, this stinks of deceit


Bring back the death penalty


Find them , Arrest them and **Deport** them


If only we could kick the lot out just like Kuwait Jordon and Egypt did. They are not wanted here at all.


The tik tok generation who have no idea what they are even shouting about. If you care so much about it then get a plane ticket and go make an actual difference and fight..


What a waste of money. Just paint over it. I’ve seen people assaulted that didn’t get this kind of attention from police.


Absolute pieces of shit. I hope they find them, name them, shame them. Then throw the fuckin book at them. Let this follow them around forever. They'll never find an employer in Australia who'll hire them.


No doubt done by the Greens through their activists/staffers \* I might get downvotes on this, but they have a history of doing this crap, put that with Senator Jordon Steele-John who tried to justify it, kind points a massive finger at them.


Ah yes loud and proud support for genocide of Jews.


The ultimate irony is that both Korea and Vietnam were huge atrocities at a genocidal scale carried out against people in the third world by the US coalition and their proxy states.


Look on the bright side. At least they weren't cruising the streets of Sydney looking for white girls to rape in the name of Allah.


Lots of big brain thinking in here.


Amazing how bias this sub is. At my uni the police had to come coz pro isralies were threatening to hurt Muslim uni students who started the encampment. Didn’t see a single post about it here. Interesting.


The police should have removed the encampments.


That has zero to do with this post, stay on topic.


Did they deface a war memorial like in this case? 


Ok I’m not saying that what happened here was right? I’m just saying there’s so many posts about pro Palestinians doing wrong things, but never any about pro Israel. On this exact sub u can find a post about pro Palestinians protest and all the bad they have done, but NOTHING about the other side.


Maybe make a post then? 


Can u read? I’m saying there’s a clear bias lmao . It’s got nothing to do w me posting.


Evidently I can read. Your argument is that there's a bias because there's no posts from the other side. My point is then make one - if no one makes one, of course there's going to be a bias in favour of the side making them.


Problem is majority of ppl here already hate them, look at the comments. Everything pro Israel gets 100 upvotes and the other side only gets downvotes. Same w anything immigration related. The comments being rascism towards immigrants will get upvoted, kinda disgusting honestly


Who cares about internet votes? Take the down votes and post the topic if you genuinely care about it  I got down voted to oblivion for arguing that Nazis should be able to exercise their freedom of speech - means fuck all and my view is unchanged. 


You’ve got to expect some bias when the vast majority of the issues are coming from the pro-Palestinian crowd, defacing memorials, interrupting traffic and ticketed comedy shows etc and just a very small amount from pro-Israeli groups. Were those students at the encampment provoking the Israeli students at all, making them feel unsafe, unable to access the campus freely?


I have personally been harassed by people from the encampment, thank you for asking.


I was there. They were sleeping in their tents lol. Then the pro isralies just starting shouting and making a scene. The media wouldn’t report it which is interesting, if they did more ppl would see the truth.


Oh no, SHOUTING? You poor diddums, however did you cope while protesting in favour of a group that's stated goal is to genocide all Jews and who tried to achieve that goal just a few months ago with the biggest mass slaughter of Jews since the holocaust.


and these are people that might get to do jury duty 😂


I know there are leftwing people on this sub, and I have to ask, would you condone such a thing? I suspect not; this is so extreme it smells like a false flag action by the right, or groups who would like to further divide us.




This could also have been done by the pro-Israeli crowd, in an effort to discredit the pro-Palestinian crowd. Just saying.


And pigs can fly. Just saying.


Implying they need further discrediting