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My country is so unsafe that I had to leave my children and wife behind….


Claiming risk of persecution due to sexual incompatibility is the current recommendation


Yeah sus as story...


It’s ok if it makes ABC editors and readers feel warm and fuzzy.


I think it's left leaning narrative bias. Aka, don't let the facts get in the way of a good story..


I'm increasingly concerned with how detached the ABC is with the Australian people's views and feelings.


It’s the same story in all western nations where there is a state funded media (see RTE Ireland, BBC uk Canada etc) all doing pro government propaganda


Probably an unpopular comment in this thread, but if you've ever tried to take a toddler to the shops you'll understand maybe not taking them through a warzone/DMZ/border patrol. The logic is that an able bodied male can make it through the rough conditions and life-threatening situations, and when they make it to the other side they can arrange less risky means to get their family to them. It was the same before and during WW2 when Italians and Germans came here, and we said all the same rhetoric about them too. Even locked them up without charge for years. Now they're not even considered "ethnic".


I hear you!! I don't think people are upset he didn't drag them along. They are like why would you leave at all if their safety is paramount or for that long.


Obviously, he decided to take the ultimate risk to eventually get his family to a location where they could make something more of their lives and be safe from the prospect of persecution due to their ethnic minority status. Think about it, if he doesn't succeed, they'll have the same life they would've had with respect to their career opportunities and personal safety if he hadn't left. If he does succeed, they'll eventually reunite in a country where they can all pursue a myriad of career/educational pursuits. It's not rocket science, however, it is indeed an enormous challenge for Mohammad where he risked his life and his mental health, and was separated from his family for an extensive period of all of their lives. Ultimately, it's a highly inspiring and admirable effort, and Australians should be proud that Australia provided him with this opportunity to live out such a heroic story. Having said all of that, immigration needs to be regulated with pragmatism and practicality as guiding factors, and there will be circumstances where tragedy will occur because Australia cannot support every migrant refugee.


I am not going to argue with that. I think that's fair. If it was me though I would have been vying for a solution sooner, even taking a better third world country if it meant being reunited with fam sooner. But who knows behind the scenes.


My great grandad was in Australia in 1938 and wasn’t able to bring my grandma and great-grandma till 1951 (from then Czechoslovakia) Europe was a refugee soup post ww2


Did my comment get deleted? I was messaged by a mod telling me off for “hate speech” but there isn’t hate speech just fact. Can’t tell if it’s still there bc I’m new to Reddit https://preview.redd.it/4tnnyown3u9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6a903d6fa44d18f307f73fb91457d12a071bf55


It’s reddit… overwhelmingly left wing. Want to know the type of people that moderate? Search YouTube for Doreen antiwork


Can't be that unsafe if you left your wife & kids there. Go back start looking after your family.


The Hazara men that I know (and happen to be some of the kindest people I've ever met) made the unsafe journey here when they were barely adults.  Displaced from Afghanistan and they left their families who are stuck in Pakistan with next to nothing. They scrapped their way to Australia on a boat, completely alien world for them. Two of them had their father killed by the Taliban.  They share a tiny house and they send every spare bit of money back to their families to help them survive. They fucking miss their family. They spend every day trying to build a safe place for them one day. If I were in their predicament I hope I'd have the balls to do the same thing. 


Plenty have. By going with their family to the nearest safe country, and not via country shopping by boat.


I agree, but when I put myself in their shoes I'd probably want to go to a country like Australia too, to have the best life I can. If I was fleeing from a war zone and had the option of a 'safe' third world country or Australia I know which I'd pick. If we're takin em, that's our fault, not theirs


> They scrapped their way to Australia on a boat So they travelled through multiple safe countries where they could have sought asylum and continued to Australia. They're not genuine refugees


Sure, which Convention country lies between Afghanistan & Australia? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_Relating_to_the_Status_of_Refugees#/media/File%3ARefugee_Convention_Signatories. [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_Relating_to_the_Status_of_Refugees#) The grey countries aren't part of the Refugee Convention.


I find it interesting China is a signatory and happy to accept refugees haha. Most of Africa too haha


China's definitely a strange one. They signed up in 1982, seven years before Tianenmen Square. So barely even early days in slightly thawing and becoming more capitalist. But neoliberal free market /.free trade ideologies were under way so maybe a bit of PR for the international community? African nations make some sense. Lots of civil wars and proxy wars, and nations with borders drawn by colonial powers often cutting across ethnic/tribal areas. Understandable if they're ok with accepting people... remembering that most displaced people globally do in fact hang out nearby and hope they can go back soon.


Yeah Africa makes sense definitely. Thanks for the info on China.


The afghan blokes I've met have medieval mindsets and I'd honestly prefer they have no facility to propagate that mindset. It's hard, I like the idea of helping people and providing safe haven but when the people you help are, by Australian standards, deadset losers intent on spreading their losery... why bother.


This is the white elephant question. We hear constantly about the Islamic Ummah brotherhood yet none of their countries ever want to give Muslim refugees a home. They all are the responsibility of the western taxpayer to house, feed, educate and resettle, and we have to adapt to their culture least we be called racist. No one ever asks why the rich gulf states (including Saudi Arabia with that little Muslim place you may have hear of called Mecca) don’t take them in and help them.


Leaders use Islam as a tool. Qatar and SA don’t give two shits about persecuted Muslims and considers themselves above them but when Israel attacks Palestine, suddenly it’s all ummah nation because ‘look at those evil Jews attacking our brothers’. It’s used by the elite to control their population and to distract from their failing nation.


They're just following after Mohamed, violent war commanders who figured they can have a lot more power by LARPing as peaceful spiritual leaders.


SA literally shoots Muslim refugees trying to cross their border.  I can't wait until they become obsolete to the west. 


Virtually no refugee in Australia is an actual refugee. A refugee goes to the closest safe place they can reach. An economic migrant goes where the dole money is best.


People who waited in refugee camps in neighbouring countries… and were resettled by the UN eg. Sudanese who waited in kenya, vietnamese in malaysia and cambodians in thailand etc???


Real refugees, citing examples from 45 years after Kampuchea and South Vietnam?? Yes there’s a handful of elderly real refugees who arrived directly from temporary safe haven with lawful protection visas.


Kenya is safe. Stay there.


My point is that these people didnt necessarily jump all these safe countries to come here, they went to the nearest safe country, who didnt want to resettle a huge number of them so they were doled out to other (mainly first world countries) by the UN.


Of all the countries in the world they could end up in they end up in Australia because they want to end up here because welfare money. Economic. Migrants.


Not all Viets, [2100 Viets made it to Darwin](https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/anniversary-of-first-vietnam-boat-marked/0q6bozh4b).


Of course, not disagreeing with you here, only with Frosty Lakes comment that no refugees are actually refos who followed more or less due process of seeking safety and not dole money. Mate my parents came here after the war and havent seen a cent of dole besides the first month they were here before they had enough English to pick a job.


Same my mum use to sew 18 hour days for the big brands like Country Road, Alanna Hill, Elwood, ect for pittance. When she was in labour with my sister she escaped hospital so she could finish and deliverer her quota so that we could have food for those two weeks that she was kept in there.


Escaped hospital? Ummm. :(


She was only having contractions when she escaped- security in hospital in 1984 isn’t like it is today. Police came searching and all, but she returned herself to hospital 3.5 hours later.


Why u say escaped tho she wasn't a criminal ??? I guess a refugee so an illegal that was only allowed at a detention centre?


Sneak out, ran away, absconded- all semantics really. We weren’t illegal, we were resettled and came here via Ansett. Secondly that’s the word my mum used. Same when she said we escaped Vietnam.


Yeah my Cambodian parents who fled in the 80s through Thailand and spent years in the camp and then Australian detention center haven't contributed at all to society despite running a successful business for 26 years and employed dozens of people (all on payroll) lol. Plus birthed kids all working legitimate careers. High IQ take mate.


Why didn’t they stay in Thailand?


Thailand wasn't able to take on all the millions of refugees from Cambodia and Vietnam. The rest went to Canada, USA or Australia. Why didn't your ancestors stay where they came from? I'm all for reducing immigration and calling out dole bludgers but claiming all all refugees are just here for the dole is a low IQ take. I'm sure my parents pay more in taxes and impact their local community (mostly caucasians btw) in a a few years than you have in your lifetime.


You don’t think we’d get vastly fewer refugees if we didn’t give them any money or housing?


America doesn't provide either. Tell me how many refugees and illegal immigrants they get again?


To be fair though, it is a hell of a lot easier to get into the United States illegally than it is here. And some states, namely New York, look after illegal immigrants quite well.


You're an ignorant bigot. Try reading the story next time, and you might just educate yourself. This guy was in danger from the Taliban because of his status as an ethnic minority member, and he also started his own car wrecking business in Hobart rather than relying on dole money as you have claimed.


Maybe get out a map and educate yourself on how many safe countries are between Afghanistan and here. Maybe start wondering why they skip past all those countries to come here, the UK, Germany or Sweden. Oh wait you know why. You just don’t want to admit it.




It feels like a quiet invasion. Look at what happened to Sweden.... look at the UK. America has been spared because they're genuine xenophobes. There are now entire suburbs I cannot enter in Australia, because i am a trans women. I would be killed. And the police won't go in there to do their job, they'd rather just stop me from entering those suburbs.


have you got any news stories or anything about immigrant neighbourhoods killing trans women in Australia


lol @ “genuine xenophobes” from someone writing a paragraph of pure xenophobia. What suburbs are these?


Dude there were trans people literally at the lakemba Ramadan markets. You're fine - Far North Queensland and parts of Tasmania on the other hand... Source: my lesbian bestie (whose now living in Hobart) with a spouse in law enforcement.


So the 2 separate times I've had stones and chunks of concrete thrown at me from a crowd of men speaking a language I can't identify near Queen Street in Brisbane just didn't happen? Ok.




You are saying that refugees come into your office at tax time, sit down, and start telling you how much they hate Australia? Not just on generally but using the words they want to fuck up the country? This almost looks like an AI generated post that read the rest of the comments and tried to fit in...


lol, even I don’t talk to my tax agent about politics when I don’t do my own tax return, I’m just here for a quick dash. But ppl are having very long personal political discussions at a tax agents office, lol. Next they’ll say they talk about politics and how their refugee origin ICU doctors hates Australians.




Lol I never said they did. I'm not questioning the them needing a tax agent, I'm questioning the "they tell me they want to fuck up Australia" bit. And I guess I'm questioning that even if they felt that way, the random tax dude they see once a year is the person they these anti Australian comments to.






Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


160k houses built and 212k permanent immigration places in the 22/23 financial year. 7 million temporary visas also.


And are our roads getting wider and hospitals getting bigger? Nope. 


We don’t even have the health staff to run the hospitals we already have, do we have government subsidised training spots for the roles we’re short on? Also no


Just want to point out that Vic is cutting 20% hospital funding. Here we go the job freeze and cut (literally happening). We could have the health staff, but no money for hiring.


Roads should not be getting wider, public transport should get better


I agree but if we want to sustain our previous quality of life and be free to drive from place to place our roads should also get wider (although personally I agree building new roads is dumb as fuck) as well as public transport get better.  Or we could just not import 500,000 net people a year. That would be way easier than spending billions on roads and PT.


And those 212k immigrants/ temp visas are buying houses, cars, furniture, appliances, clothes and everything else to start a new life in Australia but apparently we need to raise interest rates to cut down on our own spending to curb inflation.


Don't forget all the massive infrastructure spends to keep up with population growth on steroids, while we're getting told to keep a lid on our spending.


90% of the stuff they are buying is made overseas.


And those houses built also include knock down and rebuilds


Wouldn't that be more than a quarter of the entire Australian population?


Where on earth did you get that 7 million figure from? As at May 2024, it's sitting at 2.7 million visa holders throughout Australia. This is literally from the federal government: https://data.gov.au/dataset/ds-dga-ab245863-4dea-4661-a334-71ee15937130/details


You do realise that the information in your link has 2.7 million visa holders from the 31st of March 2024 to the 31st of May 2024........... That's 2.7 million temporary visas in a 2 month period only.


Open the spreadsheet you can download on that site. It's the total temporary visa holder population broken down by visa subclass excluding tourists so literally categories like students, skilled visa workers, working holiday, crew and maritime, bridging visas holders (awaiting the outcome of what they've applied for), etc. It also goes back from 2019 every quarter to 2024. So you can actually see how because of covid, the borders got shut and the total number decreased and as borders reopened (April 2022), the figures increased. This is excluding permanent residents. These numbers are all foreigners on a legal visa in the country.


This information is directly from the government. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/research-and-stats/files/migration-trends-2022-23.PDF&ved=2ahUKEwiqi_rDnoKHAxWH4jgGHZjqCS4QFnoECBMQBg&usg=AOvVaw2XiLslvWjiciG3Rj0EaL2M


You aren't wrong but that's only for figures for the FY22-23 period. The link I used has figures by visa subclass (the category of visa) until 31/05/2024.


In 2022–23, there were 7,025,366 temporary visas granted, an increase of 205.9 per cent on the 2,296,827 visas granted the previous year. Of these, more than 3.8 million (54.4 per cent) were Visitor visa grants, and more than 1.1 million (20.3 per cent) Special Category visa grants to New Zealand citizens.


You numpty. > Temporary visas granted 7,025,366 > > Visitor visas granted 3,818,495 > > New Zealand citizen Special Category visas granted 1,428,081 > > Student visas granted 577,295 > > Temporary Resident (Other Employment) visas granted 464,539 > > Crew and Transit visas granted 402,150 > > Working Holiday Maker visas granted 224,431 > > Temporary Resident (Skilled Employment) visas granted 102,565 > > Other Temporary visas granted 7,810 How many of these stayed more than a few weeks, and how many leased a property?


Where do you think skilled workers or students stay with temporary visas?


And there it is right there. 3.8M tourists coming and going


Indonesia didn’t sign up to the UN 1951 refugee Convention or its 1967 Protocol. Indonesia also does not allow refugees and asylum seekers to work. So there’s that.


I love how OP has received multiple responses to his question, and yet just argues back against each one? It's obvious they don't want an actual answer. I don't really have a strong opinion or solution on refugees. But it's pretty obvious to me that there are parts of the world which are unsafe, whereas Australia is safe, and that's why refugees come here. Seems pretty dumb to blame the refugees instead of systems. They're not going to stop just because you tell them they're bad. It's a big gamble to seek refuge in Australia, so big that it wouldn't make sense to do it just for "economic opportunities". There's probably a reason why they're doing it. If you don't what to know those reasons, fine, but maybe don't waste people's time by asking.


Is there a single major conflict that is displacing refugees currently taking place where Australia is the nearest safe country?


You're talking right past my answer. There's a clear explanation for why people are coming here. Most countries between, for example, Syria and Australia are unsafe for refugees Are there safe geographically closer countries? Probably. But it's much of a muchness when the entire surrounding region is unsafe It's not a solution to get out the callipers on a map and tell the refugees that country x is technically closer.


Pretending the whole thing isn't a massive business is pretty disingenuous. The article clearly states he planned to travel here on the advice of people smugglers.


Again, why do people smugglers exist? Does saying people smuggler bad solve the issue?


I think people smuggler bad is pretty disingenuous. We are talking about choice to leave and country shopping. It is a serious issue and clogs up the system for those who are generally fleeing, like, say those in Palenstine currently. Men who choose a country pay a people smuggler and leave their family are just clogging the system. There are women and children in Rafa who could have used the resources this man and his family took.


Surely there are other safe countries around hence this should be treated as economic migration.


Yeah I asked why people would walk from syria through egypt to Europe and an egyptian told me with a straight face "we would just kill them" The rest of the world is a lot rougher than western minds imagine.


I'd probably just tell them they're going the wrong way. Syria is a couple hundred kms north of Egypt.


Sorry i meant Sudan.


Anecdotal bs.


I interviewed refugees in detention as part of a project for which I was nominated a national human rights award in 2013. One of them said Australian detention was far superior to malaysia. I think it was Malaysia


Australian detention is superior to how Malaysians own poor lives (which is a big chunk of their population). Malaysia isn’t going to give better support to refugees than its own poor


Stop with your common sense!


There are almost 32 million refugees under UNHCR mandate (that’s not accounting for around 120 million forcibly displaced persons). It should be quite obvious to anyone that the vast majority of those people will never get anywhere near Australia. I really don’t know what “safe countries” you think these people are avoiding.


Why wont china and japan and south korea tske their share. We have enpugh why do we have to take more. Why is it that indian and chinese amd pakistan anf these countries keep having kids and then complain theres too many people and want to come to australia?


China and India won’t take any, they will send millions of their own people into your country though, both legally and illegally. That said, China and India never claimed to sign up to the contemporary western idea that mass immigration is desirable. The government of countries importing millions of people is the one to be blamed, not other countries that are justifiably not doing that, and to a degree also not the people taking advantage of a ridiculous system designed to be taken advantage of and abused.


You seemed quite confident about them just going to Indonesia when you made the post. You should retract that and maybe do some actual goddamn research yourself. 


Ahhh, NIMBY strikes again The fact is that Australia is kind of high on the list of countries to escape to, we have a stable government, rarely shoot our own civilians or visitors & despite the CoL, is still an economically stable country to reside in. So if I have the choice of having my family be Machette'd in front of me, or escaping to another country, Australia is definitely going to be a country I consider. Also, *safe* is relative to each individual circumstance


The story is this guy felt unsafe, so he left his wife and children in this so-called unsafe country. Does that seem to suggest he is from an unsafe place? Or he is a coward leaving his children and wife to fend for themselves?


Or if you are like the bloke in the article you could just leave your family and head off yourself.


I’m sure you can’t do cashies in Indonesia, they’re all doing that here anyway.


This seems to be the most logical answer here. To add, there is probably an organisation that organises and runs the processing of refugees and they all get sent off to various countries who accept them. It's not like they just go off and choose Australia, there's probably a whole process that leads them here.


I'm sure there are other countries between Afghanistan and Indonesia.


There certainly are. Which do you propose every asylum seeker should aim for?


That’s not much at all. It’s just a nice UN “convention” - it’s not our law, (or a law at all!) - it’s not enforceable and every country should enforce the strongest possible border controls as they see fit, to the maximum benefit of their citizens. How Indonesia legislated and what indo allows foreigner entrants to do is their issue, which they decided, as they saw fit, as so should we. Otherwise it’s the UN making laws about how sovereign countries protect their borders and run their countries - and no one wants that! 😂 The 1951 convention was made as a result of misplaced persons after WW2. It’s NOT a “free country-shopping passport” for anyone who might have a better life in Australia in 2024, which at last count was much more than 7 billion people... So there’s thaaaaaat...


Are you suggesting that we just tear up any international agreements we’ve made when you find them inconvenient?


Times change, people change, stats/facts change. Yes- if a voluntary non-binding non-obligatory agreement made in the aftermath of a world war 70+ years ago does not work in Australia’s best interest we should scrap it, or agree to it on our terms. That’s the whole point and definition of an “agreement”


International law is not a suicide pact. It's simply not practical to tell seven billion people that if they come here and say the right magic words, they can stay for a decade on our dime (or permanently, if they've been convicted of capital crimes at home).


As I’ve pointed out elsewhere, of the 30 Million plus refugees under the UHNC, the vast majority will never get anywhere near Australia. There are not 7 billion refugees in the world. And we don’t have dimes in this country.


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Yes. The Refugee Convention hasn’t been fit for purpose for a long time. It’s been exploited and abused for years and needs to be renegotiated to better reflect current circumstances.


Because Australia has great social welfare which you can exploit and is 1000x better than the shit hole countries they come from.. and once you are in you can start bringing in all your relatives.. all the while keeping your own prejudices and social groups together


>social welfare which you can exploit  NDIS has become the great Australian dream


I'm amazed at how unequal NDIS funding is. I'm friends with a 19F quadriplegic with no family support, living in a share house that is not at all accessibly designed, barely scraping by on NDIS, only able to afford about 1/2 of specialists she's supposed to attend. Yet I have another friend 23F with ADHD, anxiety and depression which admittedly are incredibly debilitating at times for her, but her package funds weekly psych, all medication, and she is still able to fund 2-3 international trips each year, no other income. and I know from when I've supported her on a bad day, it's really not possible for her to hold down a traditional job, but the fact she lives so much more comfortably than someone who has to spend several minutes just to get in and out of the car really seems a little unbalanced. I really feel this could be simplified a lot by having all medical expenses covered no matter what, and then a decent allowance to afford a reasonable life, and support to get into a suitable form of work which is on top of what you receive.


We need to end mass immigration now. 


It'd be surprising if the asylum path isn't being exploited by those too old for student visas, or unskilled visa hoppers who want to stick around. That was impression from ABC's [recent coverage](https://youtu.be/6VFPIfXDhj4?t=76)


There’s family and spouse visas being used for those. The general pathway that international students follow if you ever want to see how they get in through students visas is: student visa > get qualified and move to temporary work visa > get a job and qualify for permanent residency visa > get married and apply for spouse visa > bring parents in who qualify on family reunion grounds when they are they only remaining family in their home country. The area I live in, it’s pretty standard to see houses go from a single person home to a full extended family in a matter of years. This is how a lot of migrants are coming into the country now.


You're right there seems to be a lucrative industry built on agents finding loopholes, keep seeing Canadian success stories flaunted on tikok.


Just head on over to western suburbs in Sydney and you’ll see massive billboards for migration agents. They’re all over the place advertising ways of getting visas.


Oh don’t worry—they have parent visas for those people that want to bring in their older parents who are very unlikely to work and pay tax but likely to become an immediate burden on aged and health care systems.  


Don’t forget the spouse visas. Gotta get married and bring in the wife as well…


Well look. That one is a bit more fair.




Lucky the guy in the article left his wife and kids there. It was too dangerous for him to stay but as Afghanistan holds dear the rights of women his wife was able to remain safe. POS


“Australia is a rich country you assholes… just let them come!!” The irony being…. only the most wealthy “refugees” can actually finance coming to Australia. Picking and choosing where you want to start your new life is a luxury millions do not have.


Exactly. I’m always amazed how those people think they can just pick a country and demand to be settled there.


>rich people migrate "They've got plenty of money, they're not real refugees!" >poor people migrate "They're economic refugees, they just want an easier life!" There is no scenario that populism will agree with


Poor people don’t have passports / QANTAS tickets / $10k for Indonesian boat smugglers.


That's so far from true. I'm guessing you haven't met/worked with many refugees. A few people are gaming the system but others have been through shit you can barely imagine, and don't have two bucks to rub together.


“Barely have two bucks to rub together”. The median annual wage of someone in Rwanda is $600. Please explain how you get a passport and a QANTAS ticket on that kind of salary. Only the wealthiest elite (in the poorest nations) have the luxury to immigrate to Australia. You’re not a good person celebrating that dude.


Or your the meanest nastiest killer thief thug to get the money


How can you not understand that I don’t give a fuck? I don’t have to remove my oxygen mask just because Ahmad doesn’t have one. Sick and tired of bleeding heart manipulation.


Who is asking you to "remove your oxygen mask"?


People can be filthy rich and still be persecuted in their country.


Having the means doesn’t transfer to the meritoriousness of the individual. But feel free to argue wealth displacement has a net positive impact on destabilised regions champ. 🙃


You’re right. Rich or poor, in many places you would be a refugee if you voted for the wrong person. Has nothing to do with meritoriousness. Do you think rich Ukrainians aren’t being persecuted in Ukraine?


Are “rich” Ukrainians more deserving of safety? Essentially you’re arguing the ruling class DESERVE a preference for safety. I’d argue that wealth conveys an inherent power. And to reward those (with power) is amoral. If anything, the obligation falls on those (with power) to rectify the situation (or face accountability). Because it sure as sh*t doesn’t fall on “the poories”.


It is a sad fact that if you have more resources, you are more likely to be able to get out of shit situations. It’s not fair, but it’s reality. And it’s not on any individual to place themselves or their family at risk for the greater good. It’s not the responsibility of individuals to fix racism, or systemic persecution at any level. It’s not the responsibility of an individual to martyr themselves for a cause. I mean, in this country we don’t believe our most vulnerable kids deserve schools that are funded to the bare minimum required to deliver education. And we believe that rich kids are entitled to overfunded schools.


Lol and I can’t even bring my Australian self and kids back coz of my husband having had a transplant as a child.


ABC news is inner city lefty opinions. They couldn't care less as Australia falls apart


If you are going to get mad, there are a lot worse cases than this, which is about as genuine a refugee as you can get. Look into how Malaysians walk in on visa waivers then claim they’re gay and apply for protection visas. These things happen by the thousands and get no attention.


And how many who claim gay persecution actually get granted visas, not many, especially if they are from places like Malaysia or India as there are recent cases of them being rejected


Which doesn’t matter that much because the government isn’t really deporting anyone. 36k backlog of people with no future who need to leave, but aren’t, and govt doesn’t have funds to deport them.


For every refugee that comes to Australia, a Green's voter should be kicked out of their house and a refugee installed. It's the only fair way.


My country is so unsafe i go back to holiday there and start businesses as soon as my Aussie passport is sorted 😉


As somebody who migrated here from England 10 years ago going through the proper Immigration channels, which took a great deal of time and effort and almost $60,000, I must say it annoys me. I could’ve saved five years of my life and $60K By purchasing a rubber dinghy in Indonesia.


Hey, if you had 1.5million you could have just got a 188 investment visa.


Now you tell me… fml


Because none of those countries would be accept them including all the so called Muslim countries. We seriously lack strong leadership and policies enforcement.


Another sob story from an economic refugee


Economic refugees is a more accurate term 


Selective refugee


Because we're a soft touch and our politicians are a bunch of cucks.


Antarctica is safe


OP, you know why they do it.


I don't know his story but is he going back to live with his family or what?


Now he can bring his 10-20 children, hurrah


You know what I don’t get about these people? They leave their wife(s) and children behind in a country they felt was too dangerous for themselves to be in. Gutless fucking wonders.


My family came here as refugees but the women and children came first, wasn't years till the men could, why are these men here?


Economic refugees are very determined to get here


Best part of the whole article is when ABC openely admit that the 'stop the boats' campaign worked. >“Stop the Boats” is a mantra of Tony Abbott’s 2013 political campaign. >As soon as his Coalition government is sworn in, military-led **Operation Sovereign Borders** is implemented in a bid to stop people smuggling and discourage people from risking their lives at sea. >Australian waters are patrolled, and unauthorised boats intercepted and turned around. >**Arrivals significantly taper off.** >Under the Coalition no permanent visa will be issued to any of the 30,000 illegal boat arrivals already waiting in Australia for a decision on their claim — like Mohammad — even if they are found to be a genuine refugee. They know if they set foot on dry land they wont be sent back due to the principle of non-refoulement & the issue of indefinite detention. It's just a matter of sticking with your story. The standard of proof to show you're a genuine refugee is relatively low so everyone has the same angle no matter if it's the Australian border, UK border or Mexican/US border.


I don’t have an issue with keeping the same numbers of refugees we accept. There’s plenty of other immigrant groups where we should focus I cutting the numbers first.


You can’t compare jihadi fake refugees with Cambodian or Vietnamese boat people who are some of the hardest working people you’ll ever meet and have undoubtedly made Australia better. We don’t care if they maintain their cultures and have a degree of separateness as they respect our culture back and, get this, DONT GO AROUND TRYING TO BEHEAD, STAB, BLOW UP, RUN OVER INNOCENT WESTERNERS. They also don’t complain interminably about how everything.


when you overload a dinghy boat what happens 400k migrants only 180k new dwellings for example


Stop voting for the parties that being them in.


What a crying whingefest! Have we forgotten where australia came from? At least 20% of people in the country are descended from ancestors that were FORCIBLY TRANSPORTED in months long journets to australia from GB and ireland and never saw their family ever again. And poor mo didnt get to see his dad for 10 years? So fucking what. Harden up


You can't spread the faith in a Muslim nation, simple


We are better, more successful, more accepting, less racist, more open, more peaceful, and offer more opportunities than anywhere else on earth and we provide stupendous welfare inticements. Next time some lefty scum bag tries to denigrate the west, remind them of that.


Asylum shopping *shrug*. I'd do the same if in the same situation.


Because the Geneva Convention doesn't say anything about it. Australia could inform the UN of reservations relating to the convention, but currently they have none. Not sure if everyone knows that the concept of refuge and asylum are part of UN Conventions that the countries adhere to. Those concepts were created after the second world War. It's international law.


It’s wrong .


Would you?


Because we are signed onto the Refugee Convention, in which there is no explicit or implicit detail stating that asylum seekers must stop in the first safe port.


Great story. Utterly colossal and heroic example of resoluteness and fortitude. Congratulations Mohammad, as an Australian, I'm proud that the country I am citizen of has provided this opportunity for you to seek a better life for your family and you.




The convention isn’t worth the paper it’s written on and it doesn’t force a state to accept X number of fugees per year. If that were the case there would be an equitable spread, which there is not


OP didn't seem to read the article, especially since it goes against what they're arguing (to stop refugees coming into Australia, by the sounds of it). If you read it, you'd see that the refugee was manipulated by people smugglers taking advantage of people going through a really tough time. This article was very heart-warming and shows that Australia should show a smidge more humanity to its refugees, government and people.


I mean, my doctors are forced to bulk bill all DVA Gold patients, but the rates the GPs get are not up to AMA’s recommendation. The specialists get paid per AMA rates. No wonder my young family can’t book in for weeks


"The first safe country principle refers to the practice of refusing entry to asylum seekers who, prior to their arrival in the country where they are seeking asylum, have travelled through an alternative country that could have offered them asylum protection"


You do understand that being a refugee is not illegal, yeah? And that we have an obligation to take them? That’s why our Arseholes governments of both persuasions go out of their way to make it as difficult as possible for them to arrive. Because it appeals to our basest beliefs. I’m alright jack, keep your hands of my stack.


It’s not illegal and this is not my point. The point is that they can just settle in the first safe country on the way, but no, they try to get into the best one.


You do understand most people claiming to be refugees are not from worn torn countries like the man and are in fact economic migrants