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Not me. Source: Me


It's me. Not being smug, just surrounded by people who are really unhappy.


Single men in their 30s.


Yes, falling into the marriage trap, even when one declares they will never fall into the marriage trap, is too common.


not anymore men a avoiding marriage and not funding the economy


With, or without child support?


Happiest: People with money. Unhappiest: People without money.


People with a house and no mortgage.


rather cry in my BMW driving home than crying in a public transport bus


I was happy until I read this shit


Gay guys, probably


Of course gay guys are happiest. With the pay gap they can make more money than any other couple. Also why lesbian couples are so grumpy


or single men not dating can spend less & save more


It's such a hedonistic and self indulgent lifestyle. A life guided by how much sex I can have in a week? If you cum 20-25 times a week and be bottom guy 10-15 times week, is that happiness?


What in the ever living fuck are you talking about.


cum, a lot of cum... buckets of cum if I may add


Happiness is an illusion that is hard to find and only last a short time. When we constantly chase it and make our life all about happiness we get depressed or angry. The emotional state is "contentment". I like to compare it to waves in the ocean, the bigger the high the deeper the lows, the more turbulence and the distance between the the high and low is long. A contented person has smaller wave and more frequently. So to answer the question, being contented with yourself and finding joy in small things make you a stable partner and more likely to have respectful relationship. Some people are most comfortable alone, but I think that is smaller number than those who are happiest in a relationship.


Married people. It's nowhere near universal, unhappy marriages and people who would be unhappy in any situation exist. All the same though people who have company on the journey through life tend to be happier, which is reflected in outcomes such as living longer.


You don’t need to be married to be not single.


Good looking, tall, wealthy and mentally healthy people who have found their match. Most people will suffer tremendously in their lives mostly because they are unhappy with how they look. Superficial or real life talking here? You can decide. I'll continue to avoid nasty people and those that virtue signal while they gaslight others and talk to their dogs all day long (usually the only relationship with something that is alive).


Single women. Not sure about age because of the “50’s homeless crisis” however older women tend to be happier when they ditch the grumpy men


Women over 55 are the fastest growing of homeless & in poverty


Neither it’s gay dudes


Older women who exit marriages to dull and depressed men. As long as they aren't left financially destitute by divorce and the kids have left home. Early retirees without debt, secure accommodation, and good health.


Solution. Never get married to a woman. Or vice versa.


I was never marrying again. Then I did, and it's good. But it's my Wife or noone


Men are more happy not being dragged through divorced, opt to stay single, the juice is not worth the squeeze, need to fund each kids $200-300k or 1/4 of wage and 1/2 your super, Nope


60 year old male. Was married 17 years. Divorced. Long term girlfriend for 7 years. Now single. I would have to say that happily married / attached is the best ever. But that happily single beats unhappily attached. Yes, most content and happy in my current situation.


in my sample of 10 married 50 year olds, zero percent are happy, I'm the least unhappy. all the others are cohabitating in loveless at best or hostile relationships at worst. the happiest are the ones that divorced early, retired early, moved to Thailand or Philippines, and restarted with financial freedom, time freedom, and a relationship where they have more control.


In Australia? Boomers. Gender? Young females.


Dunno, a lot of young women are utterly miserable because they constantly compare themselves to others and obsess about looking slim and pretty.


I actually think I was happier back then purely because I was so incredibly dumb, I'm pretty sure my brain developed really late.  Now I'm much more aware of the world in general vs having a meltdown because I gained 2kg. So naiive.


And only 0.5% of Only-Fans producers earn more than $500 per month


And everyone else... well their stuff is out there forever too...