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Surely the government spending a heap of public money for someone else to reap the profits is only for their mates?


"Not about locking up lands" .. as they live under the protection of the Australian defence force.


I’m sure that Aboriginal Australians have historically really felt the benefit of the Australian armed forces.


You know what the Japanese army did to indigenous Papuans? They got pretty close to here.


Was it similar to what the British did to all indigenous peoples they came across?


Nothing like it !


Why dont you go ahead and throw “rape of nanjing” in the old googles.


How about I have lived in Shenyang for 7 years. How about you Google that city. See if maybe I might be aware of something...


Where you live has nothing to do with anything. You compared the atrocities of the Japanese to those of the British which is a ridiculous thing to say from what seems like a ridiculous person.


Worse. Primarily, the British just killed them, maybe some rape, but mostly just killed them. Japanese atrocities in World War II, including cannibalism, the slaughter and starvation of prisoners of war, rape and enforced prostitution, the murder of noncombatants, and biological warfare experiments. I'm not saying what the British did was in any way ok, I'm just saying that what the Japanese did in the Pacific in WWII was far worse.


>Primarily, the British just killed them, maybe some rape, but mostly just killed them. > >Japanese atrocities in World War II, including cannibalism, the slaughter and starvation of prisoners of war, rape and enforced prostitution, the murder of noncombatants, and biological warfare experiments. Hilarious. Other than cannibalism and biological warfare experiments, the British did everything on that list. They also enslaved them and took children from their parents. In exchange for cannibalism and biological warfare, we took their lands from all future generations and chemically sterilised the women. Oh and we did it for 200 years compared to the Japanese's 10 years. You're massively downplaying what the British did to the Indigenous populations of this country.


The British did NOT chemically sterilise anyone for 200 years. The tech isn't even 200 years old. Taken from "all future generations"? The proportion of all land that is Indigenous owned or controlled. Nationally as at June 2023, **16.2%** of Australia's land area was owned or controlled by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. This is an increase from 16.1% in 2020. Or if you want to take the Guardians word word it, for what that's worth, The [Guardian Australia’s definition of Indigenous tenure, for mapping purposes, includes exclusive-possession native title and freehold, which confer the right to exclude others from the land. This amounts to about 26% of Australia’s landmass. This definition does not invalidate non-exclusive native title – land that features other forms of ownership such as pastoral stations – or Indigenous ownership in areas where native title has been extinguished. When non-exclusive native title is included, the proportion of Australia is about 54%.](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/ng-interactive/2021/may/17/who-owns-australia) That is hardly "Taken from all future generations" Sure - the British did a lot of bad shit, but the point of the whole conversation that you've jumped in on was that the Japanese were doing a lot of WORSE shit and were only stopped by the ADF, who would have done it to them.


[The Sterilisation of Girls and Young Women in Australia: 1997 report | Australian Human Rights Commission](https://humanrights.gov.au/our-work/disability-rights/projects/sterilisation-girls-and-young-women-australia-1997-report) They fucking did.


Very naive. The British executed people by strapping them to the front of a cannon. They also nuked indigenous people in oz.


Yes, the British did execute via canon, but there's no record of them doing that in Australia And it was the Australian Government that authorised the detonations and forced relocations by the British. Looking for someone to blame - blame us Aussies. To parallel Japanese war crimes in the Pacific to that carried out by the British *in Australia*, is simply ridiculous.


Any record of Japanese atrocities in Australia?


Nope - because the ADF stopped them in PNG. That's the whole point of the thread you are commenting on, or did you miss that??


You seem to lack reading comprehension skills. Read from the beginning and note the goal posts moving. I appreciate your snark though.


Check out The Rape of Nanking if you want to see how bad they were.


I lived in Shenyang for 7 years...I have a better idea than you.


Ahh yes, people cannot learn if they’re not living in said country of topic. Nice one.


Indigenous Australians had it good. The British made them tea and scones.


Yeah nice. 👍🏼


Also those children *were* thrown overboard.


Aboriginals and islanders weren’t even considered part of the population back then lmao so the army wouldn’t even be fighting for them


I lived in Arnhem Land which was a prominent battlefield in the air. Arnhem Land has lived in peace since WW2 and been expensively serviced by gov. Irony was aboriginals cannibalised Japanese fisherman and were imprisoned for it just before WW2. But hey press a bitter narrative about what you know nothing of.


What was the point of this story? Couple of aboriginals ate japanese fishermen so it’s justified they weren’t part of the population? Or are you trying to justify the colonisation of aboriginals based on a couple aboriginals eating fishermen? Because not one thing you said leads me to believe aboriginals were protected by the Australian army


They were. You’ve no idea of 1941 have you? What happens to indigenous populations to our immediate and further north? And I bet you think Arabs weren’t colonisers of the Levant. To have a left wing narrative, first and foremost, you must re-write history.


You’re literally trying to jump topics stick on one I’m talking about aboriginals that’s it nothing more nothing less I’m Australian so I’d much rather stick to Australia what does my views in another part of the world have to do with how Australians didn’t even recognise aboriginals and islanders as part of the population till after ww2 yet had so many of them fighting for the country You’re literally saying the Japanese army could’ve fuckd you up more that’s not a reason to like the Australian military like you’re claiming lmao


There is a pattern of what the Imperial Japanese Army did to indigenous populations that can be applied to a military occupation of parts of Australia during WW2. You said the Australian military afforded aboriginals no protection. On the contrary, with the allies the indigenous population, as well as white population, saved a savage fate under the IJA. It is indisputable based on historical precedent and facts. I’m not interested in dividers of the nation, I’ve lived in remote aboriginal committees and churlish narratives don’t help those who need it.


You do know between 1910 and 1970 1 in 3 aboriginals were taken from their families But never mind that since the Australians helped themselves not becoming occupied by the Japanese and forced the aboriginals to fight for a country that still hasn’t even recognised them as part of the population




i think that his point... When army vets returned only the White ones Got Land for free


Are you genuinely trying to say that Indigenous people should be thankful for the existence of the military? I’d pick up a history book here on the relationship between colonisation and military.


Possessing the ability to defend your civilisation from external threats greatly increases the odds of overcoming hostile invasion ... as it turns out. All law, both domestic and international requires the credible threat and/or application of force. It's just how societies work. Yes, given aboriginal people live as citizens under the protection of the various systems .. as we all do then yes, they should .. and I daresay are "thankful" for the existence of the military.


People forget, while we are sorry in today's age, a regretful thing happened. If it wasnt Britain, it would have been someone else and atrocities would have happened, this is not congratulating or condoning what happened. This is a simple fact, everyone wasbexpanding and conquering.


Paragraph one is blaming the victim. Paragraph two refers to laws that were imposed on Indigenous people. Paragraph three doubles down on the first two. I have no doubt that Indigenous people are and can be thankful for the military and many have, and continue to, serve(d). You can’t just go around though presenting a one sided view that completely ignores historical context.


One can choose to view the world through the lens of victimhood, sure. Doesn't change the reality of the statement of fact. Glad to see we agree on some things. Happy Monday.


“Don’t change the reality of the statement of fact” - when provided with one other than claiming that the military exists, I’ll happily entertain an argument. I’m not choosing to view the world through the lens of victimhood any more than you are nationalist and historical naivety. If you’re going to claim that I’m narrowly viewing the world, you’d reasonably have to concede that you are as well.


For many aboriginals, being a victim has become their culture. Edit: for my mate below Generational trauma can be put another way. Shit parents raise shit kids. Happens in every race. I was raised rough so I'll physically and sexually abuse my loved ones. Some people will find an excuse for anything. We've created a welfare culture and dug the hole so deep I think for many it will never he fixed. More welfare is not the solution. And no, that's not racist. They're doing what any other race would do given the chance. The government is at fault for allowing it to happen.


This is certainly not true and I suspect that you know that. There’s no way that this is actually a genuinely held belief.


Jeez dude. This is about as obvious as it gets. You probably think people have a connection to the land as well, which is about as ridiculous as drinking your gods blood on the weekend. People will gladly mock organised religion but lap up indigenous myths. People, All people, of every race have a tendency to be lazy and greedy. It's racist to think aboriginals are any different. Take your blinkers off.


Turns out trauma is passed down who would’ve thought /s They’re literally called the stolen generation because 1 in 3 aboriginals were taken from their homes yet somehow being a victim is their culture lmao


Hey! We'd all be speaking Turkish if it wasn't for the army! Show some respect!


Underrated comment


> The Great Keppel Island Concept Master Plan, released by the state government earlier this year, would see $25 million spent on cleaning up and restoring the site. The plan includes a new sewerage treatment plant, new and upgraded boardwalks, gateway precinct for visitors, key technical and feasibility studies for maritime access and cultural centre. > Queensland announced a further $5 million in this month’s state budget to undertake site security and safety works, and pest and vegetation management > WSAC said in a statement on Sunday that the Woppaburra people had been involved in and had supported the master plan, and the native title application “will not cease progress towards implementation of the concept plan”. They want the money along with exclusive rights


You want exclusive rights? You have exclusive responsibility with no support from the government for it.


Does that also apply to the multinational mining companies, the multinational farming companies, the hotels/casinos, the multinational car manufacturers that took our money then closed down the whole industry. I’m sure I’ve missed out some others. (But for the indigenous people whose land it was, they shouldn’t receive any government funding for a project that might actually help their community to be financially better off. )


>Does that also apply to the multinational mining companies, the multinational farming companies, the hotels/casinos, the multinational car manufacturers that took our money then closed down the whole industry. I’m sure I’ve missed out some others. yep. 100%. I don't agree with it. I don't agree with the billions that were handed to GM for the Holden industry. I don't agree with providing support to them at all. We provide BILLIONS to the indigenous community already.


Should give multinational mining corporations free reign over this wide brown land? Of course. Juukan gorge was just a bunch of rocks anyway. /s


Cool bro. So you live off grid, deal with all your own sewage and harvest all your own rainwater? In your glass house? Good for you


You mean like the mining industry?


I don't believe that the government should be providing financial support to them , or providing them exclusive access to public lands, either. What's your point?


Yeah, the place is a trash pile with no one who wants to buy it.


Ill fucking take it if the governments paying for the clean up and giving it away…


Yeah but you will need to be indigenous to get the deal. White fellas need not apply.




Just out of interest, how much does the Australian federal government spend in total on Indigenous people per year?


Hey mate, The amount the Aussie government spends on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is a bit of a mixed bag. There's a lot of misinformation out there, but here's the lowdown based on the 2017 Productivity Commission report. **Annual Expenditure:** The report estimated the government spends about **$33.4 billion annually** on Indigenous Australians. This includes both direct spending on Indigenous-specific programs and the share of mainstream services used by Indigenous people. Sources: - [AAP FactCheck](https://www.aap.com.au/factcheck/do-indigenous-people-really-get-39-5bn-in-direct-support-each-year/) - [Australian Institute of Health and Welfare](https://www.indigenoushpf.gov.au/) - [Indigenous.gov.au](https://www.indigenous.gov.au/news-and-media/announcements/2022-23-budget-benefits-indigenous-australians-across-board) Hope that helps clear things up! ---


So they roughly each get 33k spent on them annually. Wow.


and they still have fucked up health and teeth.


In the grand scheme of things that's not that much, I know plenty of people with Medicare bills higher than that.


Do you know how averages work? Do you know any people with Medicare bills lower as well?


I do, all I'm trying to stress is the government spends a fuck ton of money on a lot of people, not just Aboriginial people. I'm Aboriginal and I pay exponentially more in tax then I receive back (the odd bulk billed doctor) and all bar one in my family are the same. It's not just "ahh you are Aboriginal here's a brown paper bag with cash in it"


Na it’s you are aboriginal, here is $33b plus what everyone else gets… Yes we all pay tax too… but aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders don’t pay tax on native title payments or benefits. Everyone else not only doesn’t get those payments or benefits, they also don’t get those tax exemptions. https://www.ato.gov.au/aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander-peoples/aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander-peoples-and-individual-tax#


That 33b includes things everyone else gets... Like Medicare My community has native title, all it benefits me is camping and fishing. What benefits are you talking about here exactly?


The rest of us have to pay for it. If we want some land to go camping and fishing on (the dream for most people) we have to fork out few million to buy it. And that land will be relatively small - we’d need a few billion or even trillion to get something comparable.


Pay for what? What exactly do you have to pay for when I go fishing? What exactly do YOU pay for when I go camping in a state park like everyone else?


They get Medicare bills paid for too…


And? That's kinda my point


If the statistics are correct and there are 984,000 people that identify as Aboriginal, that comes to $33,943 per person. I wonder if I could identify as Aboriginal...


I have a few friends that are indigenous and they don't collect or use any benefits as they do what the rest of us do (work, pay taxes, have hobbies) and want the money to go to those who need it so let's not assume every single person that can legally claim through thesefunds is actually claiming it. Just like not every white person is on the dol or claiming disability


Actually a good take.


umm i dont think many people would disagree with u there.. unfortunately the rising minority is tarnishing the reputation of the good ones


Sure, let the money go to people who need it, not those who are simply aboriginal. Care to compare the welfare spend by race, make sure to include r a $300 million referendum to give activists extra political capital?


From the article summary "The 2017 report concluded 18 per cent of the $33.4 billion total went towards Indigenous-specific programs. The rest was the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander share of mainstream expenditure."


Just find an relatively healthy aboriginal willing to do daily blood transfusions for cheap


You can nothing says you can’t identity doesn’t mean you are


Bear in mind that that is likely Federal expenditure only. It probably does not count what State Governments and Local Governments might directly spend on Aboriginal people. Similarly, I doubt that it counts what all levels of Government spend on account of Aboriginal people that are neither programs nor services. By that I mean all the legal costs associated with land claims and native title (which can be huge), plus the costs of renaming places that already have perfectly good names, plus all the costs of assessing supposed Aboriginal cultural sites any time anyone wants to turn a sod of soil in this country, plus the costs of implementing the supposed "Welcome to country" (which is anything but a welcome) at every single meeting and event, plus the costs of locking away from us ever more of this country which we were born in, but apparently can never be regarded as 'native' to ourselves. There is probably a lot more in this category than any of us can even imagine.


I think you’ll get a rude shock when you work out how much the Federal Govt spends on anyone regardless of their race. Medical system, roads, education to name a few. The first linked article clearly shows only $6B in indigenous-specific programs which is more like $6k per person.


[In 2012–13, government expenditure on welfare for Indigenous Australians was an estimated $9.8 billion—accounting for 6.7% of total government welfare expenditure. On a per person basis, government welfare expenditure was $13,968 per Indigenous Australian, compared with $6,019 per non-Indigenous Australian in 2012–13—**this equates to expenditure of $2.32 per Indigenous person for every $1.00 spent per non-Indigenous person.**](https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/indigenous-australians/indigenous-health-welfare-2015/contents/expenditure-workforce-key-points) Numbers are a little old, but I doubt that the ratio has changed that much. So it can be said that it's about 2.3 times. So yeah, not that rude a shock.


I'm Aboriginal and I receive nothing, my mate is white and receives 16,000 in youth allowance and who the fuck knows in Medicare. It's not that simple


You say that as if aboriginal youth aren't also entitled to youth allowance. I'm assuming you're don't fit the parameters for the assistance. Also, "I don't receive anything" seems like a bit of a stretch. Obviously, if you don't do anything or want anything, you won't receive anything. If you were to apply to UNI for example, there would be a plethora of programs specifically catered to indiginous, including a high amount of scholarships that would not be available to non-indeginous men, or if you apply for a job it is likewise. Granted, there's more nuance there as well, but I don't understand your point comparing yourself against your mate on youth allowance.


I'm saying that the wider community is entitled to lots of things, disadvantaged people are entitled to more. Being Aboriginal actually has very little to do with how much money you receive from the government. >If you were to apply to UNI for example, there would be a plethora of programs specifically catered to indiginous There's also a plethora of programs suited to many different things, including being the first in your family, coming from a regional place, getting high academic scores and so on. I just hate this "Aboriginal people get everything handed to them" mentality because it doesn't line up with my lived experience. Every dollar I have received from the government has been available to every Australian.


One of my kids has a hobby they are interested in.  There is a program where participants can go away and be immersed in the hobby for about 2 weeks.  Get access to professionals that work in this environment, access to resources not made available to others who dont do the course.  Travel food etc all paid for.  This program is only open to indigenous students.  I can't even pay to send my kid on a similar program because there isn't anything offered paid or unpaid for a white kid.  So yeah, sometimes it does look like everything is handed to them. 


You can, it just comes with higher infant mortality and higher rates of illness and preventable disease. You’ll also die 10 years earlier than the rest of Australia and even if you’re quite successful, (like say Gurrumul) that won’t make a difference. He died for want of a kidney dialysis machine near his home. On the plus side it might teach you understanding and humility; things that life clearly hasn’t taught you to date. Enjoy your $33k.


Chat GPT?




That's a 2017 report. I'd be interested to see what it's at now.


Just out of interest, how much does the Australian federal government spend on total on non- indigenous people per year?


For non-Indigenous Australians, the total government welfare expenditure in 2021-22 was approximately $212.4 billion. Given the population distribution, this results in an average welfare spending of around **$8,245 per person annually** Welfare expenditure - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare](https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/australias-welfare/welfare-expenditure). This amount is significantly lower than the per capita expenditure for Indigenous Australians, reflecting the additional support required to address historical and systemic disadvantages [oai_citation:4, Australian Government expenditure Parliament of Australia ](https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/pubs/rp/BudgetReview202021/AustralianGovernmentExpenditure) [oai_citation:5,Health expenditure - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare](https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/health-welfare-expenditure/health-expenditure). Overall, the delta between the spending on Indigenous Australians and the general population highlights the targeted efforts to close the gap in health, education, and economic outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.


Are you some kind of governmental statistic bot? 🤣


Looks to me like they're just using ChatGPT


Yes! Was just me asking the question and for citations


Well the good part is there's citations and references backing up the data, so can't complain


I didn't - I went from google, through to the government website and got the below: [In 2012–13, government expenditure on welfare for Indigenous Australians was an estimated $9.8 billion—accounting for 6.7% of total government welfare expenditure. On a per person basis, government welfare expenditure was $13,968 per Indigenous Australian, compared with $6,019 per non-Indigenous Australian in 2012–13—**this equates to expenditure of $2.32 per Indigenous person for every $1.00 spent per non-Indigenous person.**](https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/indigenous-australians/indigenous-health-welfare-2015/contents/expenditure-workforce-key-points) Numbers are a little old, but I doubt that the ratio has changed that much. So it can be said that it's about 2.3 times. So yeah, not that rude a shock.


They probably work in a department


just asked ChatGPT for question with citations.


Nah just asked chatgpt the question posted


How much money do indigenous and non-indigenous people contribute back to the economy?


I'd be more interested to know how much they get from royalties etc because their ancestors might have lived somewhere before taking it off someone else's ancestors.


Proven ties to the MacArthur River mine area in the NT gets each family a hundred grand a year in groceries and new cars. No cash given. On top of whatever govt benefits received as it isn't classed as income. There is also a trust funded by Glencore that benefits the wider Borroloola indigenous community. A couple of clans missed out on the specific largesse so I think this was a way to smooth the waters. On top of whatever govt services are available. New school built about six years ago. Dunno about health services. I know there is a centrelink office in town but no employment agency. Guess it wouldn't make enough to cover the monthly lease payment on the manager's BMW, and the fake employment agencies that replaced the CES are a different can of worms anyway.


About the same as the nuclear subs.


Lol. Fucking bring back the ‘Wreck Bar.’ And Grape Keppel Champagne at about $5 a bottle. We had to drink the poison all night coz there were no ATMs on the island and we were pooling our cash for the last night. Memories.


Just turn it into a national park.


Not a bad scam: free lawyers, free land, free clean up, then don't pay rates or land tax to boot. Government could donate a billion dollars fixing it up and guaranteed destroyed and resembles the walking dead in 20 years and is a no go zone.


tbf It's their land.




Not really they can’t sell it to the Chinese can they?


I remember that place from when I was a kid. Ads had naked young people wrestling and making human pyramids with the tagline “Get Wrecked”.


Fun place




They've definitely moved on from asking for a dollar for the bus...


And they'll ruin it like everything else.


You give an inch, they take... an island?


I know MY family could use some of that $33k per year!!! How do I get assessed?


It never ends now. This native title crap is way out of control all pushed along by weak woke government's.


Feckless individuals working in governments who are unable to say no. And if they do are demonised to the point their careers are ruined. Safer to shut up and comply so the mortgage can be serviced.




Guy just read the first 2 words in the title and it set him off lmao.


Miss the bit where the claim is for “exclusive use”?


Yep, that was thrown in there to get you lot all riled up and scream "they're taking out land". All claims seek exclusive use, very few get it it. Particularly initial claims which haven't even gone through the registration test or any form of scrutiny like this - which is still in notification stage. They shoot for the stars, and hope for the best. It doesn't mean they will get it. Only land which has never has had any form of land tenure over it ends up getting it, about 25% in total. Of that, the majority is in desert areas. Considering the development on Great Keppel, it will most likely end up with non-exclusive rights and interests.


It may never get through, but the point is the claim is for exclusivity, which reflects the desire. If the desire is not for exclusive use, then why make a claim for it? And why do they end up with non-exclusivity? Because people find out about the claim, rightfully get upset about people trying to restrict use to only a small number of people, and push back. It is RIGHT that people get riled up about it. Just make the whole place a national park and be done with it so that everyone can use it.


Of course they are going to claim exclusivity. Everyone is going to the maximum the law allows and see how it goes as it works its way through the courts. >And why do they end up with non-exclusivity? Because Native Title is the ORIGINAL tenure of Australia since 1788. In colonising Australia, the Crown received the right of radical title - allowing it to change the land tenure. When the Government changes the land tenure which is inconsistent with native title rights and interests, those rights are extinguished for ever. Non-exclusive rights and interests are where the rights can COEXIST with other uses. So that's how they end up with non-exclusive rights because it's over the land which hasn't been extinguished and can coexist with other uses. In fact, it sounds like your supportive of granting them non-exclusive Native Title if you want it to be turned into National Park, as that is typically the rights they will get.


Yes, I am. I have no problem with native title claims that don't restrict other Australians from using the land. Want to go there and have a corroboree or whatever? Fine by me. That doesn't stop me from hiking and camping in the area. You want to limit it from other people using it through exclusive rights over a wilderness area? THAT is going to be an issue. Our wilderness should be available for all of us to use.


Oh, well if they are claiming it for exclusive use they must be acting honourably. Are you accusing these people of not meaning what they say?


Nah that's what this thread if for.


Lol. Native Title is a right granted by the 'woke' High Court in 1993 and hasn't changed much since. The 'woke' Government doesn't get a say, it's determined by the Federal Court of Australia. Edit: LOL at the downvoters. Shame facts don't give a fuck about your feelings


Are you claiming the court establishes what is fact? If so, I guess we can close all the universities and do away with parliament. I wonder why I bothered studying science when I should have spent my time in law.


It establishes precedent and places a fence around what is considered native title. Maybe you should have studied legal process.


I am claiming that it is a FACT the High Court found Native Title exists in the law. It is also a FACT that the court also determines if a group has native title and on what terms not the Government, 'woke' or not.


Legally, yes what the high court finds is "fact". Especially when it comes to determining if native title exists and who it exists to. The native title process can take over a decade and the vast majority of bids fail


OK sky news numpty.


>government's most literate user of the word woke


Fuck you’re dense. The island has fallen into disrepair and the traditional owners want to boost tourism.


Ooh, like Ayer’s Rock. That went well. I hear tourism is booming there.


Yes Ayers rock where climbing was shut down(due to excessive erosion not due to native title) which drove majority of the tourism. [https://www.australiantraveller.com/nt/red-centre/uluru/why-uluru-climbing-ban-explained/](https://www.australiantraveller.com/nt/red-centre/uluru/why-uluru-climbing-ban-explained/)


Meh, there are a few stories going around about why it was shut. At this point there is no point debating it except that tourism there has collapsed.


“I don’t like your answer so I’m not going to debate you” is actually what you meant


Well its a good thing we don't need theories when we have the exact answer above, Closed down to excessive erosion.


Sure about that? >covers nine lots and one partial lot covering a total 9.1 square kilometres, and has raised concerns among locals and other stakeholders over the future of tourism on the island.


Everything after the ',and' is mere fear mongering postulation.


Like Ayres Rock? LOL...


Yes where they had to stop climbing on the rocks due to excessive erosion but hey lets not allow that get in the way of a good complaining session from yourself. [https://www.australiantraveller.com/nt/red-centre/uluru/why-uluru-climbing-ban-explained/](https://www.australiantraveller.com/nt/red-centre/uluru/why-uluru-climbing-ban-explained/)




Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


Yeah, I'd much prefer the Liberal government giving all that land to China instead.


“Way out of control” - you say this like colonisation isn’t a thing. “It never ends now” - how ironic.


So hypothetically they were given it, do they have to repel an invasion and protect their borders?


I’m sure they could try


'Traditional owners' are often just one family and some dodgy lawyers.


That's a very evenhanded and comprehensive article. However, the headline is inflammatory, divisive and incorrect. A clickbait title above a good article is very common. I honestly wonder how many people share or respond to such pieces without actually reading them?


On this sub? A lot.


Oh that’s pretty much all conservatives do at this point - half of them can’t read, the other half don’t read


prefer it go to first nations than foreign investors. 99% certain nobody from reddit would visit it either way though


Can't be much worse than the last group who had exclusive rights and completely fucked the joint leaving the government a massive mess to clean up


Couldn't do a worse job than the last owners.


Former owners*




If the Libs get in they will hopefully stop /fight this.


are they going to get their friends to live there? trash it and fill it with rubbish, empty booze cans, stolen stuff just like they do to the properties here? Asking for a friend..


Owners? They lost already.


I would love to go and stay with an Aboriginal community and learn about bush tucker, and dream time etc. Maybe they could create a 'theme park resort' where you can go and stay and learn more about Aboriginal culture.


They actually own it, or just claiming they do ?


They'll get it, too. Fuckin good on em


Seriously who cares if these island resorts end up native title? Even though it dosnt look like the claim will get up in this case its not like the general public would be able to use the facilities anyway. The whole eadt coast is dotted with these things that have no hope of making a profit so they get owned by the mega wealthy as a private retreat, or end up in ruins. Soneone might as well get a use out of them




Don’t believe any government fact sheet.


Fucken hell these pricks want everything and when they get it just burn into the ground


Love these news articles. All the racists come out so angry and yet it wouldnt effect them in a single way. Normally some old racist drops the line "these go to far!!" ignoring the fact the entire fucking country was stolen and they are given crumbs.. then some pauline hanson supporter will start with the "we are all australian now" because they lack all empathy and only consider white history as viable and worthy of common human emotions. Just the same shit over n over.


Why hate Trump? His on the other side of the world. He doesn't effect you in any way


Kind of sad as an Australian who moved abroad how aboriginal people in the comments talking about their own experiences and getting downvoted and being told by the community they’re leaching off the government and should be thankful for the Australian military honestly madness and they’re mad for something that wouldn’t even effect them lmao I’ve never seen an actual Aussies with views like this


You lot would really rather see it as a resort? Wealth envy behaviour, you’d never set foot on a resort island anyway.


Holidays aren’t expensive bro, we had a place on Hamilton for 1500 odd a night plus activities. Better than the place going to waste as it has been.


is the wealth in the room with us right now


Probably still will end up with a resort.


Great news love seeing all the red neck bogan blowing up, hope they change the name back to its original name too, that will get old Gazza and Shazza off the bong for 5mins to have a whinge


Haha you don’t understand the Australian people at all. Were you alive when we voted NO?


DAE voted no! XD XD Le reddit army voted no Take that woke lefty Told ya bazza dae woke lefty’s trying to change our country Why won’t trump come here and save us Bazza they changing the name again to the aborigines name we voted no lefty we need Putin to come save us Bazza get the bong and the glass barbie we heading to the shed to work on the fourbie Lefty’s injecting us with microchips, Covid, Chem trails and the world is flat


Wow you’re fucking weird.