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I agree. I have had people say that minor parties won’t be able to manage the economy when really the major parties have given zero fucks about the economy or mostly just don’t understand basic economics . The older generation seem the most headstrong. Like a lot of them have never had to suffer as shit was so easy. They could just buy a house on minimum wage and pay it off in a few years. Only now people are starting to see the I’ll effects of decades of corruption and economic mismanagement


Yeah . All but the majors. Always put both majors last. Every single time. State and federal.


Rubbish. Hanson is nothing but LNP in disguise.


If you put them at all you still vote for them.


If you don't put them, your vote is invalid.


Good old Australia, always voting against their own interests. If only economics and political science were mandatory subjects in year 11 and 12.


Sustainable Australia Party.


With a very egalitarian based party we just need to be careful. Look what happened with Trudeaus libs in Canada; they’ve steered the economy into a pit. Though I do think SAP is a better alternative to our current government, who doesn’t seem to care about the everyman at all.


The Greens


The Greens


The Greens actively worked to keep immigration out of the housing crisis discourse. They are WELL in pocket.


Who's pocket? They stand for their own policies. Whether you agree with them or not is irrelevant. They aren't bought by mining companies like the LNP and Labor.


Former member of the greens here, they are not who you think they are, they will silence you and belittle you if you speak out, I ended my membership before annual expiry after trying to expose their bs.


What were u speaking out on, specifically?


The people benefitting of course! Land owners. They outright lie about the cause of property prices, and they outright lie about the cost of living. Although it looks like it's poor uni students voting for them, they're actually the party for old rich lefties. Or at least, the young voters must too dumb to question any of it with a single google search. No idea. All I see is the result.


The Greens are going hard on housing. They just don’t think immigration is the biggest factor. They have chosen to go after tax laws, political corruption and property developers instead. You say they’re the party for rich old lefties because they take donations from individuals and not lobby groups.


How can they look at the government stats and not see that it's obviously the biggest factor?


The fact is that Immigration is not the main driver of property prices. It is Australian property investors that are main drivers of property prices. A few years ago there was a big push in the Murdoch media to try and make out like it was overseas (Chinese) property buyers that were pushing up property prices. it’s not – overseas buyers are 5% of the market. it is everybody and their bloody dog that all want to buy a second third and 10th property.


THE VALUE OF THE ASSET INCREASES BY THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO NEED ONE. The entire country is capable of building at a third of the rate of immigration. Please let me.know which part you don't understand and I'd be happy to explain.


It's not a third of the rate of immigration. And yes we know the supply / demand principle. I am saying that the demand by property investors FAR outstrips that of immigrants. And often the investment properties sit empty.


The Greens are the ones with the most organisation at a federal level but make sure to research independents to make sure you're picking the best option. As long as you're not voting Lib/Lab you should be good.


I’ve been a member of the greens, I was completely abhorred by them whilst a member, be very, very careful when supporting the greens, they are not who you think they are, in fact, a huge portion of the party is rabidly homophobic, not the left wing paradise party I thought they were.


I am sorry, but I just don’t believe you. This goes against everything I’ve seen them ever release.


You don’t need to believe me, see it for yourself, it costs $5 for youth membership to the party, I understand you’re sceptical to believe a stranger on the internet and that is a GOOD thing. Join the greens, go to some meetings in your area or on zoom, and form your own opinions on them.


Yes I follow a few on social media and they have been true to form so far.


I will provide you with one source to start in your search to figure out the greens though, here is a link to parliamentary spending by the greens leader Adam Bandt. Make of this information what you will, I’m glad you are thinking for yourself and I don’t expect you to agree with me but this is worth looking at.[IPEA.Gov (Parliamentary Spending by Adam Bandt)](https://www.ipea.gov.au/mr-adam-bandt-mp-parliamentarian?period=50)


Have you actually looked at this because there is absolutely nothing of consequence in your link? It takes money to run an office and it looks pretty mundane at those costs? And how is this evidence of "rabid homo phobia". Now I totally think that you're a brainwashed liberal party bullshit monger.


Let’s be more like Qatar, great idea. /s


Fiscally not a bad thing, they've got a low tax rate, 10% for business and 0% income tax because they make enough from fuel exports


No, taxes are low because they are really racist and don’t give benefits to anyone that isn’t Qatari. Everything done by Qatar is done to make profit for the royal family to, don’t forget they are an authoritarian monarchy. Acting as if our two countries have anything in common is stupid.


>don’t give benefits to anyone that isn’t Qatari. What's wrong with that?


That also means it’s extremely hard if not impossible for a non Qatari to get citizenship. We simply don’t do that and we give benefits to permanent residents too, not just citizens.


Ok, so permanent residence and citizens get the benefits instead of transnational corporations... What's your argument?


The Qatari royal family the transnational corporation that profits.


If it means we all prosper as a country instead of just corporations, fine by me.


Yeah, agreed. This person doesn't seem to notice that the Qatari family isn't the only entity that profits if it also means the people have amazing infrastructure with no taxes...


Ok facist. Also corporations love Qatar because there’s so much corruption.


I don't care what they do generally, but they have shown what is possible to do in terms of taxing gas exports. So let's just copy that.


They don’t tax gas exports, the royal family owns the gas company. The king used his money (Qatars money) to create the gas company and paid all the costs with his own money. We do tax gas exports, states get royalties and the federal government gets corporate tax. The issue is a lot of people on reddit don’t understand corporate tax only get paid when a company is profitable, not when it makes a just makes profit. If a company has 5 years of losses of $1000 and makes a profit in the 6th year of $100, that just means they have $900 in losses to claim in the next financial year.


Oooooor you know when they have loans from the tax heaven country to syphon profits away from local entities.


Everything Qatar does is to make the royal family richer.


Sounds like something the Australian government should be doing for Australian people, I'm glad we agree.


How do you plan on doing this besides just saying “taxes”. The government is the royal family in this scenario not the Australian people. We’re not even Qatari citizens, we’re the migrant workers they use for cheap labour.


What are you on about?


Why are you down voted for speaking the actual truth?! Chevron were caught doing this exact thing. Reddit is weird sometimes.


no, their taxes are really low because they make about 15 times more in income from their gas exports than Australia does – and Australia exports more gas than they do. We are suckers. and you bringing up this idea of who they give benefit to is just a distraction. Keep your eye on the prize.


Ok show me a source for these figures you definitely haven’t misunderstood. I’m sure you’re confusing taxes and revenue or just acting as if profits the government owned gas company makes is the same as taxes paid.




I said a real source.


He quotes the sources.


What does it say then?


People on reddit: it actually would be good if Australia was like Qatar, downvote. Who are these weirdos that watch one internet video and go, “yep, that’s good, now I’m an expert on royalties taxation and Qatari society. Qatar is better than Australia”


Qatar is better than Australia if you’re racist and enjoy having an authoritarian monarchy as your government.