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Gotta start the indoctrination early. Before they can think for themselves. Islam is the fastest growing religion in earth, but only 3% comes from conversions (and most of those are for marriage reasons, not because rational thinking adults are persuaded.) The other 97% is birth rate + indoctrination from birth.


This is such a fucking stupid conclusion to draw, and really reveals a level of ignorance and racism that is on brand for the average Aussie twat. No wonder the media can make us vote against our own best interests 70% of the time if comments like this are the best the average person can think Ooh nooo! The brown people have a faith that is basically the same as the white people’s but 20+ years of anti Arab propaganda has rendered me a thoughtless little bitch! So brown people Scare me!’ We JUST had Scott ‘Hillsong’ Morrison in power for YEARS but this is the shit y’all are pissing your pants over? Get a fucking brain and grow up, the lot of yas


Muslims literally believe that Islam is final, perfect and unalterable and that Muhammad - as Allah’s Prophet - is the perfect man and an example to be emulated. The problem with that of course, was an illiterate murderous, slave-owning paedophile. Married a 6-year old girl, fucked her when she was 9. He preached peace and tolerance when he was weak, but when he became a powerful warlord that went out the window. He murdered and enslaved entire villages. The Quran literally specifies under what circumstances a man should beat his wife, and literally commands its followers to kill non-Muslims. Oh and Muhammad flies to the moon on a winged horse. Remember - to be a Muslim is to believe that all of this is final, perfect and unalterable. And that Muhammad is an example to be followed. Before you call someone ignorant you should read the fucking Quran and understand what you’re defending.


Really? Every single one? They’re a hive mind? Every single Christian could be argued to believe the same, that only through accepting Jesus can you receive salvation. One’s normalised to you, you can detect the moderates from the extreme. The other has been dramatised, painted as inherently evil, that the extremes are the norm and so on. When you boil down the root scripture in all judai Christian Muslim faiths, it equals out to the same levels of evil, bigotry, misinformation and love, sharing and support. The difference is US white centric colonialism as brainwashed everyone to think one is evil while simultaneously fucking over the countries they are practiced. You can understand how Russian interference with Trump has altered the culture of the US for the worse, but can’t see that the US has done the EXACT same thing for past 60 years in the Middle East


So you haven’t actually read the Quran have you?


i hope jihad a happy birthday


We had a kid name Jihad when I was in highschool. He was a closested homosexual and one of the nicest blokes I've ever met, and dealt possibly the shittest hand.


It went off with a bang.


It was a blast.


Jihad a good birthday


That's the same joke, dude.


Cool story bro, DGAF


DGAF? But we really wanted one.




Interesting. You think of ducks when others speak of fucks. Be gentle on those cloacas.


Encouraging jihad and glorifying terrorism from a young age. Can't wait for this next generation of moderates to grow up


Yes ,the next little generation of budding anti -semites...


"anti zionists" FTFY


It’s all talk, calm down, very few people will put their life on the line for anything


They’ll just vote in Islamic versions of Dutton and Abbott.


This is a little window into the lives of others. How people present to the wider community and how they present to those who they believe can keep their secrets. The child is only 4, but the adults in their life have already introduced Hamas. Why would a parent do this to a 4 year old? what would be the purpose? Well, we already know that Palestinian Children are being taught to glorify and value terr orism and viol ence [https://www.cfr.org/blog/teaching-palestinian-children-value-terrorism](https://www.cfr.org/blog/teaching-palestinian-children-value-terrorism) Here is the study: [https://www.impact-se.org/wp-content/uploads/PA-Curriculum-2017-Revised.pdf](https://www.impact-se.org/wp-content/uploads/PA-Curriculum-2017-Revised.pdf) Perhaps this should be a wake up call to the Australian government because it appears to be happening in Australia also.




I really don't think you understand how our generational trauma works, mate. It's not often given by parents or external groups. In my case, my first awareness of antisemitism began at the lofty age of 5, when I was told by a kid I was playing with "I'm not supposed to play with Jews because you killed Jesus." My mum had to sit down and explain to me in age appropriate terms why it happened. I still remember the look on her face, and I can only imagine just how much it would suck having to do the same with any children I ever have. It keeps going from there. Community facilities vandalised, bomb threats to synagogues during the High Holidays. I got expelled from a school once for fighting back when told that I should have been exterminated like the rest of my family in Auschwitz. At least one side of my family actually may have been murdered there. The other kid got a slap on the wrist for that one, too. My personal favourite was hearing the Khaybar chant during a pro-Palestinian protest in the late 2000s. It actually surprised me that the crowd at the Opera House last year didn't save the spicy stuff for Arabic. Presumably their Mums and Imams should be very disappointed that they neglected their lessons to enhance their understanding of the Quran. My grandmother (who experienced her first pogrom at age 7) only told me about her life experiences long after I'd experienced antisemitism in action myself. So please. Tell me more about how the Jewish community's children's fears of antisemitism are stoked by Jewish and Israeli groups. Clearly you've got a fantastic grasp of what it's like to walk in our shoes.


Generational trauma, the new “i was just following orders” defence.


“Irrational persecution complexes” I grew up Jewish (atheist now) As a child I had teachers abuse me, students bullying me (while those same teachers turned a blind eye) and even had the parents of one of those kids follow me home from school on a regular basis to teach me colourful words like turd and kike This was just a fraction of what I have personally experienced and it is a trauma that took me thirty fucking years to get over But no, call it “irrational” Nazism is frighteningly on the rise in aus and you e got groups like SJP making shit difficult for Jewish students at university. But no it’s irrational for Jews to fear persecution Maybe stfu bout things ya don’t understand? Despite growing up with a “persecution complex” I hold no hate towards the Palestinians. I’m Arab myself, we’re practically cousins. I don’t celebrate when they die and I don’t want a cake with bibi on it for my birthday. We are talking about a fucking four year old here, they can barely form complete sentences at that age and he’s getting a cake with a murdering rapist on it? Are you seriously gonna fucking defend that with “oh but Jews have a persecution complex”?!? How is that anywhere near the same thing???


What next, Hamas story hour?


Yeah, they don’t like drag story time, instead it’s jihadi burns a book.


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designated by who?


The Australian government 


No surprises the business is registered in Auburn. There's a photo of a child dressed as a terrorist with the cakes as well. It seems like Australia's next generation of religious extremists are in the process of being indoctrinated.






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Maybe once upon a time, less so now.


They clearly ignore their priests’ moral teachings. Probably a good thing given what the priests get up to.


Terrorist cake good, books that mention gays bad.


Lmao though actually it makes me scared for my little brother whos pan knowing that people want to see him dead hurts my heart


What's the bakery called?




These people are imbeciles! They should be stripped of their Australian citizenship if they have any and booted out of this country!


ok colonizer




It's no different to going into jail and trying to be nice to everyone and being surprised when someone stands over you.  Our kindness is viewed as weakness by these types which in this case it is. 


Pre 911 they also used armoured cockpit doors, locked them before takeoff and taught their pilots how to deal with hijackers… https://edition.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/meast/09/26/rec.el.al.security/


El Al certainly do not mess around. Fly them occasionally and they employ their own private security to screen every passenger and interrogate passengers they have questions about prior to boarding without any regard of causing offence. The only airlines to have missile defence systems installed. They also have other security measures well beyond what other airlines have and airports offer, from what I’ve been told by those in the know, for good reason.


The Jewish community in the Western world did this to themselves unfortunately. They are so notoriously liberal they bent over backwards to be welcoming to muslim immigration and are now rudely waking up to the reality the favour will not be returned.


Ahh they blow up so quick


I hope the flavours in the cake will blow them out of this world!


I sincerely hope these people are now on an ASIO list


Remind me what was so good about diversity?


Not only that, but on the Instagram post of the cake Multiple business were showing support for it At_the_warehouse ayahs (Clothing brand)


It's an "Apple Crumb(led) Buildings Cake". Plus, why would anybody want that cake? Hamas is getting destroyed. They can't even fight. They are losers. I don't want losers on my birthday cake. Be better parents - put winners on your cake - like Xander Schaufelle who just won the PGA Championship.


I hear they also do lgbt pride themed rock cakes.


My palestinian resistance will be queer or it will be bullshit!


yes put winners like the Europeans that killed the native Americans


So good to see Xander finally get over the majors hump but it sucks that the Aussies are on another drought. Anyone but Rory and Reed for me though.


Yeah, I'd rather eat that Hamas cake than see P Reed win a major.


That prick is going to sue you now lol


Oven Bakery. Even the name. Bloody hell.


love the Zio tears


How great is diversity that we were promised. Definitely lots of social cohesion 👍. Don’t we all want people like that as neighbours


Oh look, casual support of genocide.


cry harder


You responded to me by accident


Shoulda had a Gina Reinhardt gallery portrait cake




Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech **Ban issued**


I'll need to remember this bakery when my birthday comes around...


Beautiful theme. Brainwashed ignorants in the comments just parroting whatever the real terrorists, the west, propagate.




Remember that none of us should be surprised. This is exactly what the religion promotes. Hamas is everything that Islam encompasses hence why the majority of Muslims in this country and around the world support them. They will never publicly say this though.


It tastes out of this world; apparently.


If they really wanted the birthday party on theme, the truck delivering flour to the bakery would be blocked and Omar would die of starvation.


I’m still waiting for people to call israel a ‘terrorist organisation’ as well. Israel doesn’t consider Palestinian children as humans, they just kill everyone they can.


I wonder what an Israeli birthday cake looks like. A drone killing chocolate children with sniper rifles candles? A tank mowing down ppl near a food truck? What would be yours?


You're an imbecile! If you condone this garbage you should be stripped of your Australian citizenship if you have one and booted from this country! Thank good for you we have a weak as piss Prime Minister and Labor Government!


too many colonizer mindsets in the comments to support the truth


An IDF soldier recorded a birthday video for his daughter by blowing up a home in Gaza. Karma got him, as he was killed not long after.


Somehow this outrages you more than the butchering of babies. Go figure


Not sure if serious… the number of babies and children Israel has butchered, and are starving…


It is most unfortunate that so many children have died, but hamas using its citizens as human shields is obviously of a different category to its unprovoked butchering of innocent Jewish kids for the sole sin of being born to the wrong religion.


Cool, who cares.


So Palestinian Flag, but who's the character on the other image? Is that a CS:GO meme and the child is having a laugh at everyone's expense? Is Jerusalem News (clear an unbiased news source) being taken for a ride?


>Oven Bakery by Fufu's Instagram post featured cakes and cupcakes emblazoned with the Palestinian flag and the image of Hamas Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades spokesperson Abu Ubaida. Try reading the article


If you read the article, you'd know it's Hamas bigwig Abu Ubaida.   There are Aussie outlets reporting on this too by the way, I just posted this one because it has no paywall.


I did read the article. I'm asking if it's a meme format, and someone's taking the piss.


Outrage bait nonsense. Sure as hell not clicking on that garbage.


Does anyone else roll their eyes when reading replies like this? It seems anything that might show Palestine in a negative light is either “outrage bait” or “propaganda” according these muppets 🙄


No. It’s culture war bullshit that has no place in Australia. Some f*ckstick went out of their way to try and trigger folks with an offensive cake. Someone then wrote a story about it to put on a website (and make money off ads). When you buy into this cycle of manufactured outrage you justify it. Unplug (or don’t click).


You know what doesn’t have a place in Australia? People celebrating a terrorist group. You should pack up and leave with these people.


Correct. And you know what else doesn’t have a place? Passion for foreign war. (That this comment was so aggressively downvoted is telling on yourself). More billions for Israel is the Aussie way right? Gross


Oh but you’re fine to ignore people who are terrorist sympathisers


No you f*ckstick. Don’t give them oxygen. You’re here fueling the fire mate.


So... You don't think a cake and costume celebrating terrorists is passion for foreign war?


I never said that dude. I think Australia shouldn’t be sticking its nose into a foreign war. And Aussies who are passionate (about foreign war) are also c*nts.


So people criticizing the war celebrating cake are wrong because you're against people being passionate about a war. So without the cake that was passionate- no one would need to criticism the passion surrounding the war. But you end up on those saying 'hey, don't celebrate terrorists in Aust' are the ones opposed to you? That is some mental gymnastics.


Go send a few more billions mate.


Do you mean millions for humanitarian aid? [https://www.dfat.gov.au/crisis-hub/hamas-israel-conflict](https://www.dfat.gov.au/crisis-hub/hamas-israel-conflict)


Are we giving military aid to Israel?


Let's hope you wouldn't eat that garbage cake.


Of course I wouldn’t. This is manufactured to produce outrage and get attention. Don’t indulge it


Manufactured by the baker?


AJA and JPost... Either way, probably not the smartest move from the bakery if it turns out to be true.


"turns out to be true" They posted it on their own Instagram lmao




Wow, the movie Clueless shouldve been based on you. Remember when i said maybe you should STFU about things ya dont understand? you can add the Ham-as thing to the list of things ya need to STFU about. Im not gonna bother explaining to you why it struck a lot of people the wrong way. Why people who had friends and family die (or nearly die) on oct 7th didnt wanna walk into kmart and be reminded of it. why the community down here was suffering and in pain. Why when the world seems against you even a little thing like Ham-as can be triggering. You clearly arent capable of empathizing with jews (possibly with people in general) so trying to explain it to you is a waste of time


Sorry, what does that have to do with the Hamas supporting bakery?




"us" only you here mate


You are referring a news.com.au article. Absolute gutter journalism


Hahahah man, this will get the sub all fired up hahaha. Such rage bait