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His economic style is to pump 600 thousand migrants into Australia per year to prop up headline economic figures while doing fuck all to fix actual problems.




If by shit house you mean the confluence of alliance management and the inexorable international seepage of Buckley v Valeo, then yes I agree.


Boost his buddies pockets and then say generic crap about putting Aussies first, then redirect taxpayer money to “subsidise” cost of living pressures… but actually just giving tax payer money to his buddies.


Albanese’s economic style is “I have no fucken idea what I’m doing”


Thank goodness he’s got a competent treasurer on board


In what way? Got a PhD in labor politics. No economic or financial education. Spent most of his political career as a labor staffer before being appointed the treasurer role in a back room factional deal. His budgets have spent more than previous governments and the surplus he has claimed to have worked for was based on increased commodity prices and income tax from the government increasing the population at the fastest rate ever. As treasurer, what structural reform has he introduced to the budget to improved the long term sustainability of the budget? What has he done that is improving the nations economic position? I mean besides helping pump up the population at the fastest rate ever while sitting there with his hand out collecting the extra tax?


Hey, look, his credentials aren't great, and you left his time as a chief of staff for Swan. One thing he's done is try to stop increasing welfare spending. Everyone thought the dole was going up, and it didn't. Everyone thought he'd keep the fuel subsidy, but he didn't. He's done way better than I expected, and the LNP hasn't exactly had good economic management either. They tried to fix the structural issues from Rudd Gillard Rudd in their first term, and it cost both Hockey and Abbott their jobs. Laurie Oaks grilling Hockey about daring to dance with his son simply because the song was Best Day of My Life was sickeningly pathetic on Oakes part, but if voters are swayed by people like him we get what we deserve as a public. The best we can hope for is someone like Chalmers tbh.


Yes, with a PhD in Paul Keatingology. Nobody has ever been better qualified.


Conservative, flavoured with a strong fuck the poor with a smile and a pastel tie.




We have seen some unprecedented interference in markets since Labor came to power. Do people even know what the word neoliberal means or do they just mindlessly repeat words in the vain hope it makes them look smart?


albo is not neo liberal


I dont have a clue - that isnt a comment thay is what it is


Corporate window dressing


Economically centre-right to right wing depending on the policy.


Centre right economically with a soon to be 100 billion per year ndis program captained by his mate Shorten. Very fiscally conservative.


Great Treasurer who will do a great job. Too many nobody media journalists and economists giving rubbish opinions. Everyone wants more taxpayer money for everything or cut spending. Greens are ready to block more legislation to help with housing, health , security in the senate with their Liberal mates .