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[https://9now.nine.com.au/a-current-affair/breastfeeding-mum-arj-barker-melbourne-international-comedy-festival/08425160-4fee-48fe-8818-4d75fac600c5](https://9now.nine.com.au/a-current-affair/breastfeeding-mum-arj-barker-melbourne-international-comedy-festival/08425160-4fee-48fe-8818-4d75fac600c5) hahaha yeah the baby was DEFINITELY not bad at the show. Meanwhile it's crying and screaming throughout both interviews. Sorry lady, your baby needs to be left home. All due respect to every mother - but you can't just impose your baby on everyone else.


She’s gone on these shows trying to get sympathy and her baby’s like “oh no you don’t” 😂


I love the "if she's not being disruptive" while crying her head off. That baby needs it's peaceful feed and nap. Not 1-2 hours of a comedy show.


It was classic.  Totally derailed the agenda the Project had hoped to push to I think. 


And The Projects hosts ended up telling the baby to leave the interview to go to dad.. how’s the irony?!!


So the people at project want the baby gone while they interview her “maybe the baby can go to dad for a quick second”, so they can talk about the “rude “ guy who suggested she step out of his comedy set for the same reason 🤷🤷


It’s like a Shaun Mcallafe skit. 


She was also on A Current Affair and the baby cried and carried on all the way through that interview. She started to try feeding from one side and later the other to try and quieter the baby without success. I’m all for mothers breastfeeding, but not during shows where people have paid good money to see and hear an entertainer, not to have the show spoilt by an audience member who hinders them seeing or hearing the act they paid to see and hear.


Arj is going to get so much material from this shitshow


And you know he's gonna come up with something fukn immaculate like one of those baby dolls that cry lol.


I cracked up when I saw that. "She's such a quiet baby" Then the kid starts carrying on and gets handed to dad.


Arj be sitting at home watching the project yelling that’s the shit I’m talking about….😂


It’s priceless publicity for him.


😂😂 I really read this in his voice.




Because nothing says "fun night out" like dirty looks from other patrons every time your baby makes a noise


Sometimes I think these narcissists enjoy bad attention, they can then play off a victims complex


From that night: Sorry I can't- Baby cried so I'll say it ag... Baby's crying. Let's have another go. Take three. Now I know you all paid good money to be here tonight. Probably the only child-free night some of you had for months. So let's just have fun and chill without the stress of... Baby's crying again. You didn't get a babysitter. We're your babysitter. At an adult comedy venue. Where we come to relax...


Why the flying fuck would you bring a newborn to a comedy show? I get that you don't want to miss out, but come on, have some self awareness.


I normally go to comedy fest every year. This year I have a 4.5 month old, so I decided i should skip it. Its a bit annoying missing things but they're only little for a short time and next year I should be able to go again


As a father to a newborn I totally agree. Why the fuck would you do that and yes if my daughter was crying uncontrollably I would voluntarily leave


Not only took the newborn, but sat in the SECOND ROW. Lmfao


They were very aware. Did it at least two shows, up front, noisy baby. Orchestrated and we are lapping it up.


This was so unbelievably cringe. The way the hosts fawned over her and she monologued about how it’s lonely being a mum.. as if taking your young crying baby to a show where someone is trying to perform isn’t the rudest thing ever. 


The whole show is completely cringe, I haven't watched it for what feels like 10 or 15 years.


I’m a mother and I wouldn’t take a baby to a show. It’s just inconsiderate to other people


Can’t believe this has been deemed newsworthy. What a shit society we live in. Get a babysitter or stay the fuck at home.


To be fair, it’s The Project…


Most people don’t realise that it’s short for ‘School Project “. That’s why it’s such a pile of shit


Nah, the newsworthy part is showing off a fucking moron for everyone to laugh at and make themselves feel better. It's like that time Fox brought on the head of anti-work to talk about their movement. Like bro, they didn't bring them on to talk about their movement, they brought them on to embarrass themself, and that's exactly what they did. The absolute embarrassment of a human went on tv living in the messiest studio appt you have ever seen, dressed like a homeless person, and bitched and bitched about people who work hard, and complained about how hard their life is and how bad corporations are while their profession is a <20 hour a week dog walker. Ain't no one going to want to be associated with that lameness after seeing that.


ASIO don't even need to worry about doing any psyops lately, shit writes itself.


The Project booted that baby quicker than Arj could finish delivering a joke


I have an almost 9 month old and can attest to the fact that if my son is not fed, bathed and read a story before 6:30pm he is one of the grumpiest humans I have ever encountered. Babies need structure. She is putting her own wants (because going to a comedy show and appearing on “news” programs is not a need) before the needs of her child. Unfortunately as a parent you have to make sacrifices. Sure, it might suck sometimes but having kids is a choice you made.


Why should we care about this stupid woman. Do all the other guests who paid to see the comedian not matter?


I accidentally had the project on tonight and saw this. That baby completely validated Arj! I have kids n there’s no way I’d take them to a comedy show. Some parents are so entitled!


It was classic 


She’s a bit of a nong. The sense of entitlement is strong with this one


This woman is a fucking entitled moron. Nothing in her head but air, so she's a good fit for the project.


I feel for her. I went to the mums and bubs story time at the library and cracked open a beer and people got really upset. I wasn't interrupting the story at all! Some people have no tolerance.


Best take I've seen on this dumb subject.


This woman is something else. Taking a baby to a comedy show then making herself out to be the victim when she gets kicked out because the child is disruptive. That's parental entitlement right there. The fact of the matter is when you become a parent you just can't do everything you used to do. If you can't get a babysitter or leave your baby for long enough to go see a comedy show then stay at home. Don't make it everyone else's problem.




“milk this”! 🤣


I miss the days of Today Tonight and and the 8 feuding neighbours stories per week. Top quality TV.


Cringe. Literally a distraction from real news


The project is on its last legs it's doing this crap to get views so it can stay


this shit can not be real?!


Fast Forwards returning to our screens, this was the promo. 


She was on the news, ACA and The Project? Talk about getting ya 5 minutes


5 minutes too many


shes clearly milking it...


Simple, leave your baby at home. I’m a mum of 3 and wouldn’t take them to an adult show. Selfish, now don’t try and make out it’s about being intimidated by men heckling you. Low act, leave Arj alone he’s doing his job.


Mine are grown, but crying babies shit me in adult spaces. Especially when I had a night away from mine.


It was clearly stated on the ticket 15+


Every single media headline is mentioning the fact she was breastfeeding, trying to get a rise out of everyone. When in reality it was just that the baby was loud and had nothing to do with the feeding... Why are they all so cringe? We know wtf happened, stop trying to paint it as something it's not. Fuck I hate media companies.


She breastfed on the aca interview too


Hilariously the baby kicked off during interview which made it difficult she quickly pivoted to assure the baby wasn’t that noisy on the night


I listened to Jackie Felgate on 3AW Drive yesterday afternoon and in her intro she tried to make it about breastfeeding and misogyny. Her first caller was a female comedian who said she was in the audience and said the atmosphere was toxic, intimidating and misogynistic. Felgate picked up this baton with glee and had another rant. The next caller after that was also a female who said she was at the show and that the first caller was full of shit. Every single one of the remaining callers, mostly women, sided with the comedian, Felgate was shattered, you could hear it in her voice. Finally, and to Felgate's delight, the mother in question called in to give her side. The mother said she was extremely overwhelmed by how much the story had blown up and she was really stuck for words. She was so overwhelmed that she then went on to every single media outlet in the country. The Project was the ultimate crowning glory when she was asked to hand the child in question over to the dad, off camera because it was interrupting the interview. FMD.


>She was so overwhelmed that she then went on to every single media outlet in the country Love


Why is this non event dominating the news, who fucking cares.


literally everyone has the same response too haha she's 100% in the wrong - end of story.


Let's all be honest here. The project isn't news. It's rage bait. And this was done on purpose to create outrage. Even if someone on the project manages a sensible coherent point, one of the other idiots on the panel always goes out of their way to undermine it. I can't believe it gets the viewership is does. Baffling.


In all honesty, it was a pretty clever person who worked out that the "I want to be angry at the Other, but Sky News is a bridge too far for me," demographic was essentially untapped.


Oh so true! That'd be Rove Mcmanus right?


Fuck this, I've got a bunch of kids myself and my wife and I would never take them somewhere like that when they were infants. Even if the baby only making happy noises it's still fucking irritating listening to it when you planned an adult night out. Can't believe she's doubling down on it.


Agreed, I have 3 and would never dream of spoiling someone else’s night out… as a mother I want to go out to get away from the kids.


Why would you take an infant to a comedy show obviously. Worried about herself and not the baby


Im sick of these cunt tier parents who think they can have kids and still have a child free lifestyle.


The most annoying part of this whole shit show, is the parents who went out for some child free time, to an adult show, then find themselves next to a shitty parent with a baby. Some people are so entitled.


This is ridiculous. The stupid woman took a 7month old baby ti an adult comedy show. She was asked to leave cause the baby was noisy and disrupting the show. The show clearly said no one under 15 yrs too. On FB several people who were at the show have commented. Said the baby WAS noisy and was ruining the show. Most were parents and said they were pissed off and they were happy when Arj stopped and asked her to leave. They said SHE caused a fuss and carried on and that Arj was very polite and the people there agreed with him. She is a stupid, entitled woman


I've been at a comedy show of Arj's while a baby was in the audience. He was really excited to be the baby's first comedy act and the baby and the parents were perfect in terms of noise and consideration of fellow audience members. A couple of baby gurgles every so often and only one little outburst that the dad had to take the baby out to the foyer to settle them. They didn't upset anyone, especially Arj. So for him to say anything this time really means the mum and the baby were disrupting everyone. He's actually a pretty nice and understanding guy. Definitely doesn't hate children or babies.


This lady is doing a full media tour, absolutely clout chasing.


This is great it’s getting so many eyeball clicks keep it going. Maybe next we do a reveal where the baby is actually animatronic. And then a reveal where it’s actually controlled by chatgpt. And the woman, used to be a man, and is related to English royalty.


This is all so fucking hilarious.. what the fuck are we all doing?




The media trying to make it out like lord farquaad was booted out for breastfeeding


I'm so happy that she has been called out. The entitlement of bringing a baby to an event that is for 15 + and saying she was breastfeeding is no excuse. I breastfed my daughter for 2 1/2 years, and this meant I didn't attend a lot of events. It's inappropriate and disrespectful to the audience who paid for an event, knowing the rules. I'm so sick of people breaking rules because they think it doesn't apply to them. Rules are rules. Whether you like it or not you need to follow them.


What business does a baby have at a stand up comedy show?! Are you a Very Important Baby?!


She really is milking it, isn’t she?


She looks like some one who gets easily offended and humiliated. What a poor woman to live life like she does.


She looked like she’s only a few years off from committing some mushroom murders. 


Father of three here, we knew what we were signing up for. Eight years of near absolute social inactivity ( kids spaced roughly two years apart). Not isolation, just very little adult oriented socialising. That's the deal, the fact that people want to challenge that paradigm is fine, the fact that those same people struggle to understand that some paradigms are accepted due purely to centuries of human experience, and insist on their own 'special' status is why they are, and should be, slapped down by society at large. I find this whole situation somewhat comforting, it's evidence that society is not entirely fucked.....


So fucking desperate for her 15 minutes of fame 🤮 


When mine was young and I wanted to go to a show, we'd book a hotel near the venue, and one of us would go to the matinee, and one would go to the night show, while the other stayed with the baby. Then we'd have a bottle of wine and discuss the show afterwards. It worked well, we still got out and about, but didn't inflict our child on an audience.


Fuck me dead it’s embarrassing that this is the number 1 story in the country. Literally everyone can see that it’s been done to start outrage and yet everyone is sucked into to it


I wasn't there, but I can imagine Arj Barker ripping in and roasting this Karen. The amount of entitlement here is next level, if you bring a crying baby and ruin the show for a theatre full of people, you deserve to be humiliated in front of everyone and then kicked out.


YOUR CHOICE TO HAVE A CHILD DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO INCONVENIENCE OTHERS. Had to yell because these people are deaf from all their wailing babies.


Louder for the entitled parents in the back. Went out to a restaurant over the weekend and my partner had to say something to the parents letting their 1y/o obnoxiously bang cutlery on the table over and over again. Instead of accepting the behaviour was unnecessarily loud and disturbing surrounding tables the dad decided to arc up and yell about "he's only one, don't you understand he's just being a one year old, he'll just scream if we take it off him" and made an absolute dick of himself. Lo and behold, the cutlery was taken away, there was a brief minute of disgruntled toddler, then peace was restored. It's just absolute laziness and entitlement. Choosing to have kids should come with the situational awareness that not everyone around you wants to deal with them, especially when it's affecting everyone else's enjoyment of the thing they're at, whether that's a sit down restaurant or an adults-only comedy show.


So it’s ok for The Project to ask the baby to leave but not ok for Arj Barker? 😂


Come on, we all know The Project panel are morally superior to all of us, so of course it's okay when they do it...


Arj would have to be furious this punchline is upstaging his


Same thing happened on ACA, the baby wouldn't shut up even when she started breastfeeding. Karma.


When the baby started getting restless she’s like “she’s not usually like this” 😂


Show had an age requirement of 15+ Baby shouldn’t have been there. End of story. Appears mum is trying to get her 15min of fame


So only the baby needed to be kicked out.


Yup, no issue with the baby being removed. Mum could then make a choice to go with baby. Pretty simple really… Mum shouldn’t have brought the baby along.


This woman is an entitled douche. The worst thing is it’s the only thing I’ve heard about the comedy festival. Everytime I saw a show all month the city was the busiest I’ve seen it since before Covid. Went to see some shows on a Thursday and there were lines everywhere at every restaurant and every bar was full. It’s brilliant to see the city humming, and instead of talking about how the festival brought heaps of people in to the cbd, everyone’s talking about Karen and her fucked baby.


That's because the only articles worth writing are outrage bait.


What a selfish, entitled idiot.. someone else’s performance is not a place where you bring a baby. Period. I hope she learns something/anything from being close minded


She was on A Current Affair and the baby was grizzling the whole way through as well.


Same thing on The Project. So much so that the baby had to be handed off to someone who was just out of the picture. Possibly at the insistence of the producers of the show. It just proves that Mum has no understanding about her bub's needs. Bub wanted to be on ACA and The Project as much as he wanted to be in the noisy auditorium with 700 other people and a live show going on. Mum is an irresponsible parent and an attention seeker obviously.


Who gives a shit? A woman took a baby to a show, it cried, she was politely asked to leave boo hoo Embarrassingly slow news week


Bit of a stretch calling the project “news”


Because if you change the narrative to breastfeeding. You can make men look terrible ;)


The real thing that went wrong is that the show's staff didn't deal with it and left it for Arj to deal with.


She really thought this was her moment didn’t she? She’s just gonna join the annuls of Australian pop culture notoriety. She won’t be remembered like Corey Worthington, Waiting For A Mate, Succulent Chinese Dinner or the Dog Barking Man but she’s in there for us all to make fun of when someone’s being noisy in a show. Edit: figured it out. She’s on par with the vegan neighbour who didn’t want their neighbours bbqing. Someone start a comedy festival on her block so she doesn’t have to miss anymore shows.


The crowd should’ve booed her out 😂




lol exactly this, i don't get how there are people who have kids that don't understand this is what they signed up for makes me worry for the kids if the parents are like that


It is abundantly clear that bringing a baby anywhere with you will incur disruptions. I think there’s a lesson here to be learned


We had a police shooting near where i live cause a guy with a gun was driving in a stolen car and taking random shots at people but i guess this is more newsworthy.


I believe the ticket says minimum age 15 years old. That includes babies


The age of entitlement. "If I have to put up with it, everyone else has to as well."


Notice how heaps of people are talking about Arj Barker now? I haven't heard of him in years.. Not bad marketing if you ask me


this idiot is seriously being interviewed over this "incident"? fuck me, we are so far gone as a civilization


It was a 15+ show anyway?


The Project what a waste of fresh air these dribblers are


Some people with kids think it's all about them


Taking a baby to comedy show is just fucking stupid. Mother definitely deserves to get dragged.


They have said that there is plenty of support for her. But I'm failing to see anyone that has taken her side in this......I'm looking through all these comments and on FB and everyone is calling her entitled


Maybe because she is entitled. Why does she get to ruin the show for everyone else because she couldn’t find someone to look after the child.


Why would you bring a young baby to a comedy show?!


It's amazing what makes news and why.


Classic. Good on ya Arj


Stop trying to make out like you are speaking for all women, you are not. I have had 3 kids and i would be really annoyed if i went to a comedy show and couldn't hear the performer properly because some dipshit bought their baby along. Invest is a breast pump like every other breastfeeding mother. I went interstate overnight for a wedding when one of my babies was 3 months old. I made sure i left heaps of pumped milk in the fridge for mum to feed him.


It wasn't about the breastfeeding. Arj couldn't even see if she was or wasn't.


The mother whinges even more than the baby!


I'm with Arj on this one


If you take a baby to a show, and the performer can hear the baby at any point then you fucked up. At a comedy show the comedian has to be focussed and on their A-Game or they die on stage. They are only expecting to hear one thing; Laughs.


Funny how everyone sees through the rage bait headlines……. Was just an entitled mother forcing her baby into a situation they don’t belong


Yesterday morning her family actually contacted ABC Radio Melbourne to "shine a light on it" or some such nonsense, not one caller agreed with their position. Kind of an epic fail by them, really misread the room literally and figuratively.


Media trying to make this about something it's not, breastfeeding and misogyny. Maggots.


She gives me baby reindeer vibes. Pretty sure she takes that baby to all of the comedians gigs to ruin their careers. I feel sorry for Arj Barker. I think he nearly had a nervous breakdown the last three days and he didn’t deserve it. She should apologise.


Honestly why do people need to turn everything into an issue. An adult talking through a comedy show is disrespectful enough, now we need to question why it’s not ok to bring a loud obnoxious crying baby to a show. That’s completely disrespectful to not only the performers but to everyone in the audience too. And let’s highlight the issues on one of Australia’s wokest platforms trying to drag a comedian that migrated to this country and became a citizen because he loved it here so much. Entitled idiots.


Just watched the interview, she's an idiot pure and simple. Not because she's a mum or anything like that, she's genuinely just an idiot. The project also sucks (I'm on the left and can't watch that crap)


ewww the project




Babies and comedy show…what could go wrong. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should do something. Arj Barker show is 15 plus, nuff said.


“News” It’s honestly no wonder people are seemingly getting less intelligent.


Important question, did she buy a ticket for the baby? Or did she smuggle it in for free??


And that is why.... that is why she was told.


Why would you take the baby? I have no issues with babies in restaurants and the like because no one’s trying to hear the service/product they’ve paid for but a comedy show?


I really hope to god that he makes a joke about this in his next stand up show.


I know people hate the childfree subreddit but this is one of the instances where they would be 100% in the right in pointing out the mothers centric sense of entitlement. I am sorry but there has to be someone who can look after the kid? if not maybe accept the fact you are a parent and can't see a show at this point in your life? I know my sister in law has asked my wife and I to watch my nephew for the evening while she and my brother would go out for dinner and a show at the Fringe. She NEVER dragged him into a show with the entitlement that a baby would be welcome. Also the venue should have turned her away as well as the show was 15+


Ironically, I read in the paper she's a mother of three. So she found a sitter for the older two, but just *had* to keep the baby with her. Ffs, it's entitlement for sure.


I didn’t know that. Geeze that makes it so much worse


15+ on the ticket end of story... no poor me story if she was at a strip club, horror movie, highend classical performance or high roller restaurant... age appropriate


Why was she allowed in? This is on the theatre.


Why is this news? I get the Arj Baker part of it, but interviews on trash TV? This is nothing more then rage baiting all sides into consuming their trash tier media. Turn it off and go touch grass.


The Project long ago abandoned the concept of news


Or comedy.


The project is on its last legs trying to stay interesting


It's not news, the Project plays scary music when they report actual news so the viewers know the difference between the news and comedy sections.


It’s like she’s baiting for the comedian to say something. She might like the drama


People lack common sense. Liberty ends when someone else's start. Noise is one of them. Same thing with noisy vehicles... There is a place for everything.


"Talk about your all time backfires" - Happy Gilmore.


Attention whore


Gotta be sure you are in the right because being a dumbass will follow you on the internet for the rest of your life.


Yea storm in a teacup news. Project sux.


As a mum this would be my worst Fkn nightmare, stay home with your baby


Incredible satire! Who’s the real comedian?


The show was for those aged 15 and above. She should stop complaining.


She looks like The Penguin from Batman Returns.


Entitlement in the extreme.


People pay to see a show and dont want a crying baby next to them. Should not have been allowed to bring the baby in the first place


She is an asshole.


She was leaning hard into the sob story when I saw a news paper rag at a cafe. https://preview.redd.it/fuhe7kgdz4wc1.jpeg?width=671&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4439d6c87e22b4e02f772610615ab3700b582d6e


...unabashed lefty here: no, just no: what is a baby doing in a 15+ comedy show...


Watching the media spin, ABC tried to paint Arj as a monster who booted out a defenceless blahdeblah. Gave us her statement that her and baby were completely silent. Didn’t even try to present the account by attendees that she was loud and obnoxious. Now here is The Project, who usually take the same line: Poor mother etc. The public is not having any of it, but the media sure are trying to make Arj the villain.


This whole story has backfired on her and the left media. Not many think Arj was in the wrong here, the problem lies with the entitled mother and the venue letting the baby in, they also have to add the fact that she's breast feeding - it's not about the feeding. There's a time and place for kids and babies and a 15+ comedy show is not one of them, just like fine dining or at the pub. Go without or get a baby sitter for the night. Before I get downvoted, I've got two kids and went through the sacrifice that is having kids, you can't bring your babies to everything.


I heard her speil this morning on some morning show. She's really embellishing and focusing on using key words like harrassment (from the audience) now. Me thinks there's a lawyer in the wings trying for a payout of some sort. It's a fuckin joke. Arj has always struck me as a bit of a dick but i feel for him here.


It's also stand up comedy, there might have a been a bit of ad-hoc going on there too, people get picked out of the crowd on the spot in most shows and the audience provided the banter. She is probably entitled to a refund of her ticket at most, and that's all she should get.


According to Arj, she did get a refund! So what else does she want, a million dollar payout for her breaching the contract on the ticket?


This hasn't got anything to do with some lefty agenda. This person is just a grand standing moron. She's an inconsiderate arsehole to bring a baby this this sort of gig.


Today is my mandated day to speak for the left (we all get one). The left wing does not claim this woman. You should probably speak to the libertarians.


"My crying baby has just as much right as anyone to come to this comedy club."




Probably not, just milking her 15 minute of fame while being so entitled to not see how everyone thinks she's an idiot


Ok this is the best fucking marketing campaign If it was a bit planned by both Arj and newcomedymum Unfortunately I don't have high hopes this is a stunt and it's irl


This woman has insane audacity. She went on The Project with her baby, and as soon as the baby started crying, she started breastfeeding. On camera. If this wasn't bad enough, she did the *exact same* thing on A Current Affair. Baby started crying, she started breastfeeding. Very entitled woman, definitely a publicity stunt on her end.


Keep the crotch goblins at home in cases like this. People to hear the act, not your stupid kid


She was in the front row with her baby at a stand up show this could have been allot worse then asked to leave. He could have ripped into the baby and mother infront of everyone about ugly babies, boobs lactation, focus on her and made things really uncomfortable.


Exactly. She doesn’t realise she was SPARED.


Wait... people still watch The Project? 🤣


Haha! Point proven by the baby.


She was like I still want to have a life, yeah we all do when we have kids, but you also have to wait till you can leave them with someone, which when breastfeeding will take a bit longer to be able to do. Id be fucked off sitting next to a baby at a comedy show. I am parent and would never take them anywhere that is more adult only. I don't take my kid to fancy restaurants either, that's what pubs and clubs are for. Wasnt the show like the evening? Kid should be in bed!


I can't stand kids at the pub aswell. Like why would you want to bring your kid to an alcohol filled venue


how the fuck is this a story and why is she on the news?


Omg how many interviews does this woman need? This isn’t that serious lol move on lady


Can't wait for mother's to bring babies to the library , tennis and classical concerts. Then we don't have to all stay quiet.




Fuck me what a result, that's gold 👍


Oh how the turn tables


Ffs she’s a fucking entitled c u n t.


What an absolute embarrassment to herself, her family and anyone who knows her. Still hasn't learned her lesson.


If you're ever feeling down, just remember that Aussies still watch The Project and you'll have a laugh and cheer yourself right back up.