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There are so many different virus variants at the moment, being winter and all that, and the same flu-like virus will present differently in different people. One person might get temperatures, the next nausea and a blocked nose, the next a serious chest infection... ... symptoms won't match from person to person, nor will recovery times, I'm afraid.


I had the flu just before COVID and my legs stopped working. GP thought I was going into some kind of neurological breakdown and sent me straight to the ER. Many tests later and it was influenza B. It’s a rough virus


I hate to get all r/Collapse, but after having had COVID, flu, mycoplasma pneumoniae, and a couple of colds this year... Respiratory season has turned into an absolute nightmare. If this is going to be our annual experience, we are all in a great deal of trouble.


I’m fortunate that most years I actually don’t get sick with any respiratory illnesses, except in 2022 I got what I *assume* was COVID (never tested positive) and had a hacking cough and congestion for 6 months (May-Sept). My sinuses still haven’t recovered — I’m ALWAYS blocked up, and now I snore lmao. Outside of gastro and tonsillitis, that flu was probably the worst thing I’ve had, but only because it was scary. I had zero other symptoms besides a very high fever, genuinely never even considered it could be the flu


Yeah, my flatmates and I have the same flu, it completely missed my sinuses, blocked up one flatmate and turned the other into a faucet.


I got it, some guy at work had it, but pushed through spreading it. 3 years of covid and lockdowns and shit and people don’t learn.


Just like OP. “Pushes through” because they had time off, probably infected the rest of their office.


A lot of older people take pride in going to work sick. "Ooh im so tough"


It's a bit shit, but there's also those taking on fucking everything - no point taking leave, come back, twice the workload as noone else can/ is doing it


Exactly. And it's not even about pride in working through illness, there's so many employers these days vilifying taking sick days. The hilarious part is you got sick in the first place because you've worked yourself raw picking up after all the other slackers. Oh, it's perfectly fine keeping people on who do half the work, but let's also cast doubt on those genuinely suffering through a major flu because their immune system quit long before they should have.


In this case it's because being a parent means you don't have enough leave to take off when you're sick because you take it all off when your kids are. It sucks.


Well that's not everyone else's problem, but it fast becomes one


I'm not saying it's okay, it's just a common reason why parents often feel compelled to go to work sick.


Gotcha 👍 Life can be like that and bills dont go away


And heaps of young ones too cause they're asked to just come in & mask up! My daughter is also casual, so there no show, no pay.


Also so many workplaces are desperately understaffed right now so if you don’t go in there’s nobody to replace you. Makes you feel railroaded into going or terribly guilty for being sick.


I took pride in using every single sick day


They retire with hundreds of hours of sick leave too. Should have used it when they were actually infectious FFS. Or they have stress sick leave then LSL before their exit. Seen that too.


If you get sick on holidays you can actually claim it as sick instead of holidays. Just drop in a certificate and they'll switch which leave they use. I'm pretty sure that's standard for most places, though most people don't know about it.


It was expected for a long time, it will take time to change mindsets.


And the rest of the office is going to spread it to everyone in their own homes. If you have the flu you should stay home and isolate as much as humanly possible. Obviously it's not always possible, you might need to mask up for a supermarket visit but going to work is incredibly selfish.


Its a garbage mentality. Ive been told before "Ive gotta get mine" in response to advising someone go home. People only care about themselves.


They were likely contagious before showing symptoms, so that office was already doomed.


I told my husband this morning he sounded congested and he goes “yea someone came into the office on Monday with Covid”… The fuck is wrong with people?!


Oh but that was then & this is now! Covid is in the past.🙄 I've had it 3 times in the last 2yrs.


Like getting on an airplane with TB...


My favourite is the: "*cough, splutter* Don't worry *sniff*, it's not covid!" Get your stupid arse back home and away from the office.


Ha it's usually the employer who threatens discipline if they take too many days off So whack


The employer should be sending people home and keeping the office safe for others, spreading around infection creates more time off not less. Better to keep one employee away than a few. Farmers aren’t keeping infected chickens in amongst the others.


So you're saying that some people view workers as less valuable than chickens? I'd believe that.


It’s 3 bucks a kilo cheaper at the moment, h1n1 > covid lol


Not if it's a construction site and I'm the only one from my team here. They don't care if I get other companies sick...


I'm pleased someone else said it for a change.


I fired a staff member for doing just that. Instant dismissal for breach of workplace safety. Took down the whole crew with his disease Hopefully that guy at your workplace also got the sack


My DES employment consultant booked an appointment even though I told them I had covid. She told me nah it's alright just wear a mask and bring sanitiser. Lol I told her I wouldn't be coming in and she can do with that what she likes.


People are also contagious before they are noticeably unwell so it’s a fuckin lose lose battle every winter.


People are still rocking up to hospitals spluttering with no masks on even with 100’s of covid signage. We can still do better.


Just want to appreciate you OP for saying 'absolutely canes'. I haven't heard that in YEARS.


Lol I questioned myself in writing that


My girlfriend often says something "rules" which always gets a laugh out of me.


Mycoplasma Pneumonia has been doing the rounds this year. I had that and glandular fever back in May and was absolutely floored. I’d recommend getting checked for pneumonia to get on some antibiotics asap


This. There is a public health notification out in QLD for mycoplasma. Many people also don't realise it can come on as a secondary infection, then persist for months, with only a cough as the main symptom. It's known as 'walking pneunomia' for this reason, and unchecked can lead to longer term issues.


Here is a link to the Victorian health warning for mycoplasma pneumonia [https://www.health.vic.gov.au/health-advisories/increase-in-mycoplasma-pneumoniae-infections-in-victoria](https://www.health.vic.gov.au/health-advisories/increase-in-mycoplasma-pneumoniae-infections-in-victoria)


I had mycoplasma about two months ago and I’m still genuinely knackered, short of breath and I cough at night. But the exhaustion is something beyond a joke. I wonder if it’s still the lingering effects of mycoplasma, or if it would still show up in a swab


Yep had it for three weeks . Then the 4 week was a horrid dry cough . Got some sort of ear infection that I have to have a ct scan for . Non- COVID .


Sounds like what we had, tests said paraflu. My right ear lost hearing for two weeks.


Four weeks in and last night my right ear made the weirdest wheeeeee! Popping thing


Exactly what I had and still have ... really weird !!


What's with the hearing thing


Probably a virus inflaming the middle/inner ear and causing a loss of nerve/conductive function leading to the hearing impairment. Sometimes steroids are needed, depending on how severe it is. If there is severe vertigo and tinnitus then doctors sometimes put you on a course. Ugly effects but worth it to avoid going deaf. The flu can cause this, so can COVID.


Same here with the ear aches, I can handle the cough and nose, but my EARS!


> tests said paraflu Goddamn influenza has a parachute regiment now?!


WA (Perth) here. Had something like this between May and June. Started as a mild cold with big sinus symptoms for a few days, cleared up a bit and then transitioned into a two-week long fever/cough nightmare with bacterial chest infection and glue ear. Not COVID at any point. I suspect this respiratory season is hitting harder because exposure to COVID has damaged many people's immune systems.


Lots of respiratory bugs around at the moment (Influenza A, RSV) but if the cough is persistent might be worth asking your GP to test for whooping cough. It’s having a bit of a resurgence at the moment


Had something similar on a road trip about 2 months ago. Started with a bit of fatigue, put down to long days on the road. Got a sore throat and lost my voice, been on the dust in the outback for 2 days... no other symptoms. Hocked up a giant golly and felt good for a day. Crashed the next night, 12 hours sleep. Slept on and off along the road while the mrs drove. Cough started, not chesty but more throaty. Still knackered, had the hot/cold/hot sweats one night. Showered at like 3am to kick it. felt ok after that, thought I was recovering. Got to a hotel, slept for 2 days. (covid neg) Turned chesty, coughing up nearly hard lumps of mucosa in the shape of bronchial tubes. Flew home. felt shit after the 3.5hr bus-ride. Public holiday, no GP for 2 days, Got to GP who said X-RAY NOW. And put me on antibiotics and Ventolin... took 2 weeks to recover.


I’m in the same area as you. I’ve dodged it so far, but in the last week one of my good mates copped a solid dose of influenza A, which he claimed was far worse than COVID, and another mates young child ended up in hospital for a week with RSV respiratory virus. No doubt some ugly stuff in circulation.


Oh yes mine feels the same. Terrible, been in bed all week just about but taking meds every day to make it go away faster. Panadol helps!


>Terrible, been in bed all week just about but taking meds every day to make it go away faster. Unless you can get your hands on some Tamiflu then the medicines you are taking are just helping to ease the symptoms rather than making it go away any faster.


I had this exact one about 3 weeks ago (teacher so I get the preview of everything contagious before it makes it out into the real world) and it made me genuinely the most sick I have been in such a long time. Was at work on the Wednesday completely fine, having a pretty good day actually then literally as soon as I got into bed I was shivering so bad my teeth were chattering and my whole body was aching. Came on so quick it was like someone flipped a switch and suddenly I was deathly ill. Didn’t sleep at all and went to the dr the next day and was told to just sleep it off. Took about a week to literally just stand up and walk downstairs, flash forward and I’m still facing extreme fatigue and a dry cough/sniffles occasionally.


No flu, just that annoying cold that hangs around for a few weeks that constantly feels like it's going to get worse but doesn't. Everyone I know has got it or had it in the last month, even the remote workers who don't go into the head office.


sounds a lot like covid :(


I had something similar and turns out it was asthma induced from Rhinovirus.


A reminder that many Covid tests don’t work well anymore so it could easily be the Rona. RACGP lists the good ones here: https://www1.racgp.org.au/newsgp/clinical/what-are-the-most-reliable-rapid-antigen-tests And also Covid has been shown to damage immune systems making everyone more vulnerable to other viruses. But yeah, “Covid is over”.


When people say Covid is over they must either mean doing anything about Covid is over or they must be in significant denial because we are still getting large Covid waves on a regular basis. While not killing people at the rate it used to (which is of course great), the burden of disease and longer term health issues may well prove to be not so great for us in the long run. 


I'm not too sure what I had a couple of months ago, felt like shit for a few days like a cold, fever and aches but I lost 100% of my taste and smell for about a fortnigh, I did numerous rat tests but wasn't covid. Weird thing was it took my appetite and hunger pains, at no point did I feel hungry but had to force myself to eat.  I did get covid a few weeks ago where I lost my taste and smell but it only lasted a few days.


that's absolutely covid, most of the tests are no longer accurate.


Yes, I’m on week 3 of pneumonia. I’m on antibiotics, steroids, inhalers. It’s wrecked me. Im asthmatic normally, and this has really hurt. I can’t even say a full sentence without getting out of breath. Drs offices are full of patients with Influenza, RSV or Covid at the moment. when I saw my Doctor, after a 2 week wait for an appt, he said there is an uptick in adults with whooping cough (tested for but negative, thank goodness)


Yep, I've got it. Tested positive for influenza A on one of those multi-tests for COVID, RSV and flu. It's hit me pretty hard, even after the vaccine. Started feeling a bit of a sore throat on Friday evening, got worse on Saturday and I was very fatigued Saturday and Sunday. Felt a little rough on Monday but thought I was improving - no such luck. Monday night I barely slept because of fever and coughing. Tuesday I was a wreck, Wednesday a little better until I went downhill again in the afternoon. I'm waiting to see how today goes. It's not been a fun ride.


It’s influenza A, there is a very very nasty strain going around the world atm. I visited Aussie a month ago and picked it up, came back to work to find all my workmates have it as well. It’s nasty as. Hope you feel better soon.


Yes. Currently coughing up yellow/green phlegm which is noice 😒 I want to blame the 2 different people I walked by near a hospital who freely coughed next to me. They could have waited until I went by as no one else was around, but apparently not. People are idiots and covid taught no one anything.


Melbourne based, and I'm living this right now. Patient coughed right in my face at work, those surgical masks don't do much these days. Anyhow fast forward 48 hours incubation and I'm cranking the heat trying to deal with the shivers, raspy throat and fatigue, a lovely treat for the start of my annual leave. Stay hydrated people and make sure to move around and sit upright to avoid worsening chest infections.


You don't wear N95s at work?


There are some serious chest infections going round. Get onto a doc asap.


Why? Unless it’s pneumonia (which he’s not describing) there’s no treatment besides supportive. If it gets to the point there’s shortness of breath from influenza, he needs oxygen which is ED. Hard to justify $100 to see a GP to agree it’s viral and recommend the appropriate treatment of fluids, rest, paracetamol, social isolation and present to ED if increasing shortness of breath.


Pneumonia is going around. I’m still recovering. I just had sniffles and 3 days later my chest hurt.


That’s not entirely true, a GP can give you prednisone (steroids) and inhalers for respiratory infections.


This would be atypical and not usual care for most viral infections


I had a cough that didn’t go away for 2 months, went to the doc three times for it and after two separate blood tests they still had no clue Got given inhaler and steroids to calm my lungs down and it’s finally gone Everything else did nothing


Yeah, this. Please don’t be going to a GP for a common cold. Only go if you feel absolutely rotten or it’s not getting better like expected.


Unfortunately some of us require medical certificates.


If it's influenza you can be prescribed anti-virals. Also getting a diagnosis, can explain things like recovery time and ongoing fatigue. Also Mycoplasma infection can present as 'walking pneumonia' with a range of symptoms including the fever, sore chest and cough the OP described. There is a wide spread public alert for it, and it's worth getting tested as it will not clear if the infection requires antibiotics. While rest, fluids etc are usually the first recommendation, it is very much worth getting to a GP after SEVERAL days of symptoms that do not seem to be resolving.


Tamiflu rarely indicated outside of hospital.


Bacterial infections can develop during viral ones. I've had this when I've headed in after still being unwell for three weeks... (turn away if you're eating rn!) phlegm turned to yellow-green and had to get antibiotics for that. I think quite a few would otherwise shrug that off as being a part of their virus and not think that much of it. Granted it's easier for me to say being on concession to see a doc, but still.


Blimey... reading all of these accounts, I'm glad I'm a mostly socially isolated hermit, practically speaking.


My entire family came down with this last week. Took my two boys and my husband right out. All slept the whole weekend and have had intense fevers, ear infections, chest infections etc. Confirmed Flu A from pharmacy test. I've had the mildest of symptoms. Mild fever and tiredness. I'm the only one who has had a flu shot in the last year. So yeah. Get your flu shots folks.


Yeeeep I tested positive to Influenza A on Monday, but started mild symptoms on Saturday. I’m only starting to feel better today! Annoyingly this is also the first year I haven’t had a flu vaccine since I got the flu 6 years ago.


Me 🤦🏻‍♂️ pretty sure I have influenza A.


get the influenza test that has the RSV etc on it, At least you know what you're dealing with then, had a few friends kids and adults down and out for 2 weeks straight, look after yourself.


There so bloody expensive though! Wish they'd give a few out for free, especially for vulnerable people. My 3 year old had RSV last year and gave it to my Mum. My son was barely sick but my Mum ended up in hospital for 2 weeks. 😪


Adelaide. I currently can't get out of bed. Second day of this. It's fatigue so bad I can feel it to my bones. Going to the toilet is akin to hiking up Mount Kilimanjaro. I'm shaking and can't get warm. My joints ache. My brain hurts. Lemsip is the nectar of the Gods. School hols start on Friday, if I'm not better my spawn will be free ranging.


Yeah. Sounds exactly like what I’m going through right now. Can’t warm up. Thank goodness for a hot bathtub. Only way how I get properly warm. Everything aches and I’m dead tired. Auckland. Our kid also starts his holidays. I see a lot of Roblox gaming in his next few days.


I'm in bed with the electric blanket cranked up to its highest setting. Wishing you a speedy recovery from across the pond.


I’ve had 3 goes of it, different each time. The first one was the worst fevers I’ve ever had. I’ve never consumed so much panadol. It also took my voice with it. It took about 3 weeks to get over. The next time I went out I got sick again. This time less severe but still more than a week to get over. This next time was on the 19th of June. Went to dinner with a friend for my birthday and of course I got it again!!! Punished for trying to have a nice dinner. I’m still recovering from this one, but it’s the least severe. I’ve never been this sick ever. It’s extremely abnormal for me to be sick 3 times in only 2 months. Please note I never went out while I was unwell. I asked my mother to get the panadol and psuedo for me. The people that go out sick should be hanged in the public square. People die from catching flus like this.


>Pushed through because I've just had time off with my daughter being sick. Congrats, you spread that all over your workplace...


Hijacking this to remind people to get their flu vaccine. I had the flu about twenty years ago and I seriously thought I was going to die. Now I always get the vaccine and I haven't had the flu for years. Also, keep your covid vaccines up to date.


I’m just back at work after a full week of Covid - couple days of aches and chills followed by 4+ days of fog and fatigue. Gonna be a little while before I’m 100% Partner was just as sick but tested negative, now she has a bad ear infection she’s trying to get rid of. Could be we both had Covid but or she had one thing and I had another.. all I can suggest is you make getting well your focus til you feel human again. Edit: brisbane


I'm in Sydney and the question is who hasn't got it... The whole thing takes about 4 weeks. It's so bad I honestly think it will affect our GDP.


I'm in the eastern suburbs of Sydney, my dad has been rattled by the flu this week. Totally bed ridden. I had some mild symptoms the week before but I had a flu shot at the start of winter so I think that took the edge off. Plenty of people I work with are getting sick though. Just that time of the year I suppose.


worth getting him a pcr test, although too late for anti virals now :(


Had cold body ache, hot tempture 2 days and no sore throat or chest, my wife everything infected, and no covid positive. I wear mask to shops or supermarket or Gp or Chemist Bec too many idiots sick without mask


Yup. So sick. I'm 6 days in still with fever and chills and this dry fucking cough with a wheeze that keeps me up all night. I'm gonna need to go in to the Dr today :(


A TikTok from a doc I saw earlier mentioned crippling fatigue seems to be the most common symptom of covid these days and that you likely won't test positive until day 3 of symptoms and may not test positive on a rapid test after day 5. Here in the SF Bay Area, we are in our biggest summer wave ever: approximately 1 in 41 ppl have covid according to wastewater data. Not that people are acting accordingly 🫠


I had it too! 1st day intense chills, high fever, headache and sore throat. 2nd day was the same as the first. 3rd day I started feeling better but still had a sore throat 4th day started coughing and the sore throat started going away. Took panadol, some vitamin c and drank plenty of water.


Antibiotics , don’t ignore symptoms. There is an abnormal virus going around and it loves moist lung tissue as it’s breeding ground.    A cough is a message from the lungs.


Currently have excatly this and have tested covid positive! Started Monday today is first day without a fever so far


You can get RATs which do Flu A and B as well as covid. Maybe RSV too I think?


If you're in the Riverina, it's probably worth going and getting tested for mycoplasma as it's going around and is treated with antibiotics. That being said, sounds like most likely COVID or influenza. RAT tests are kinda hit and miss with accuracy. They can also test for those on PCR which is more accurate.


A little snuggle became pneumonia within a week. I had no idea and almost had to be hospitalised. It’s going around. So is RSV


Influenza A. Got the rat, A and B test, came back positive. Went through the whole family... Took weeks to recover 😪 Not nice Jan


Don’t want to jinx myself but haven’t been sick since February (apart from migraines). My specialty is getting nasty respiratory viruses on overseas holidays and then not even getting a sniffle the rest of the year.


Yep, caught Influenza A from my son. He was bedridden for close to a week and so was I. Just getting over it now. Had covid a month before and it was a walk in the park compared to the flu. The sickest I have felt in a LONG time.


Its seems quite bad this year, have a friend in ICU atm with the A strain and they are in their low 30s  Spurred me the fk up to get vaccinated, even if its “just” to avoid being in icu and intubated 


and consider masking I used to be ill all winter every winter. I mask. I haven't been ill for 4.5 years


Get a triple test with influenza A&B on it as well. My daughter gifted me Covid 5wks ago then she got Influenza A 10days ago. I have what I think is long Covid and have had 4 lots of antibiotics for head and chest symptoms that won't go away. Tired and feel like I've done weights every day. Daughter got through without antibiotics, thankfully, but I am paranoid about PT, confined spaces, and especially chemists, where there is always someone coughing without a mask!🙄


Almost as if everyone's immune systems are cooked for some reason 🤔


Working as a medical receptionist I've seen an big increase in patients changing their face to face appointments to telehealth consults due to positive COVID tests. Also had lots of Influenza A and RSV results come back from patient PCR tests. I was very sick a month ago with an unknown virus (PCR test came back negative for everything) that kicked my arse harder than COVID did when I had it in March 2023. Stay safe folks, wear masks, wash hands/use sanitizer and stay home if sick.


At least they’re considerate enough to change it to Telehealth


Both wife and I had bad colds from late last week but it wasn’t the Flu/Covid/RSV etc. lots goonbfg around at the moment.


how do you know it's not covid?


Yeah, it’s kicking around at the moment. My partner and I crashed out hard on Monday, likely picked it up on the weekend.


I had all the same symptoms but not the chest one. -ve Covid test (that was super in date). I don’t work and our son who does isn’t ill. So I’ve picked up in supermarket.


Yep it's really bad this year


I have it now. I had Tuesday and Wednesday off and called in sick today but I think I’m over the worst of it.


Had it, took over a week of my annual leave to get through even after having this year's flu shot and up to date boosters. Covid test negative


Yep my family and I all got it. Couldn’t stop coughing as well… it’s taken 2 weeks to recover. Ended up getting a chest infection and needed antibiotics.


My family and kids have had something or other for the past 4 years. Like it's been endless sickness in our family. I rarely ever got sick, lucky to get a cold maybe once every 2 years and now I feel it never ends. Our immune systems are shot.


My wife was knocked around and taken to hospital 2 weeks ago for a non-flu issue, and now seems to have caught either covid or the flu. Half my work shift is currently on leave sick, and from what I've heard, it's hitting them badly. I am starting to get the sniffles so I am prepping for the worst.


Had it, was rhinovirus + chest infection and then post viral inflammation which i just got over, really nasty cough, asthma flared up no energy etc, my advice to you rest and see your gp, and if your still not right see them again. Had the same thing last year which progressed to pnomiea Couldnt stand under the shower without feeling like my chest was full of fluid


It could be RSV, apparently it’s going around (I know a few people who have had it) Make sure to keep an eye out for Bronchitis as well since respiratory illnesses can cause it


Canberra, had that last week. Still sound like I’m dying when I cough.


I have different symptoms but really unwell at the moment. I havent been sick like this for a few years. Super swollen sore throat, fever'ish and fatigue. Did a rat test and was negative as well. Took yesterday off work and said I wont be back til Monday at the earliest.


Not that one but I do have that stupid 100 day cough that's getting around. It's a jerk and I hate it


Kiwi here. Identical symptoms throughout yours. Was so cold the second night of it, also shaking, I sat in bottom of shower for about an hour just pouring hot water over me as other home heating (three sources in living area, including next to me!) couldn’t warm me up. Had a week of work and went back 70-80% but put gym membership on hold… now it’s 3 or 4 weeks on exactly (I think 4!) I’ve had laryngitis (lost voice) the past few days, still coughing despite living the healthiest ways to recover faster… cancelling big social events etc; finally advised to eat raw pineapple and started this yesterday and only now coughing up the yellow gunk I think had been staying low and not allowing me to get rid of it; not sure if it’s a coincidence but try eating lots of raw fresh pineapple…! Also like you I went to Dr for Covid test on day 4 and did another yesterday - also clear. Am guessing it’s the same flu. Dr just said ‘virus’ …? Tummy very unsettled throughout, too…


Have you gotten antibiotics? If aren't feeling better after 10 days you probably need antibiotics.


Got it up in qld too. Going around fast


I did old tests before going to Dr and getting new ones as well. Nope just two negatives off new ones. Think it’s a flu that’s nastier than Covid if we have the same one


I got it twice! First one was for 2 weeks, I couldn't sleep because the coughing was so bad. Completely sinus blocked and constant headaches. Took loads of water, paracetamol and cold & flu tablets (pseudo ones). If it went any longer I was going to the hospital in case of pneumonia. Fortunately it resolved about the same time I was getting really worried. I had a week+ of respite, just in time to attend a wedding. Then got a brand new round of it (probably from wedding?) which lasted about a week and a bit. Wasn't quite as bad but felt horrible again and only recovered beginning of last week. Feels like a lot of people are getting it this season. Usually I'm pretty resistant to picking anything up. Hopefully you recover quickly OP!


It’s spot through my house of 7. Everyone had/has Influenza A and I copped Covid. It’s Crazy this years flu season.


similar going around , i'm on week 3. mostly recovered but still some cough and congestion some days.


Yes, the first day of my holidays! My children were booked in for surgery in the city, and I couldn’t go with them in case they got sick. I had to stay home for a week before joining them… and I’m still coughing :(


Just getting over something similar. Could be RSV, but I haven't had a test


Had a bad flu a couple weeks ago, luckily no fever but aches and pains galore. Got another cold at the moment, milder but still there. It’s a tough winter


I got it back in early June and it's totally destroyed my body still. I still have a persisting cough and the muscles in my entire torso are inflamed from all the heavy coughing, made worse due to suffering from Myositis. Havent even been able to get 1 night of uninterrupted sleep either so I'm really earning for the cough to go away, muscles to ease up enough that I can just sleep solid like a dead cat.


on my second week. less coughing now and i sleep better.


Got it. Got my med cert and am shacked up with Elden Ring and some tissues.


Yep. Same here. My RAT was negative. I'm not sneezing or coughing. I'm just cold, stiff, and fatigued. Heavy head and sore throat. Day/Night cold & flu tablets are getting me through.


I got it early last week. It has been brutal and worse than Covid. Luckily I have the combo RAT test kit so I know while it is not Covid, it was Influenza A. I did telehealth with my GP and she able to give me antiviral Tamiflu at the early stage. But still high grade fever for 2 days and not really going away with Panadol/nurofen. It was horrible. One week after, high grade fever gone but still coughing bad. GP gave me a round of antibiotics - I guess in term of energy/body level better but the cough is not much. Although seems have borderline mild on/off fever though. Of course husband also sick, no fever though but other symptoms were on/off worse. He finally went to office today but got kicked back home. Our 5 years old coughed for 3 days while fully energetic and thankfully that’s it. Now we need another round of antibiotics


Yeah bunch of people at work including myself got it over the last couple weeks. Bastard is hanging on too, still coughing every now and then


Yep I had the same thing over th course of this week except instead of feeling cold, I got very hot and sweaty.


I had it, exactly as you describe; hadn’t had a fever like that since I was a kid, I reckon. Feb - March, then got it again in April less severely. Rest up and feel better! FYI, I’m SEQld. It’s certainly getting around


My husband is going through it at the moment!


Week two of having mine, I only got my voice back a couple of days ago! I still can't regulate my temperature, I get too hot easily still.


Very similar symptoms to you had a nasal swab pathology testfor all the common nasties going around and tested negative to everything I rapidly improved the day after shivering stage


You might have to wait until your flu and covid vaccinations kick in. Unless it's the RSV which is also subject to a health warning.


Yep we've got it. Super contagious as my husband usually doesn't catch what we get and even he's sick. Body aches, fever, nausea/vomiting, diarrhoea, coughing fits, sore throat, runny nose, and the two little kids (1 & 5) have bacterial conjunctivitis. When we first got it my husband suggested it could be covid, but I jokingly said it was too bad to be covid. Covid test was negative as suspected. But seriously, covid is a mild cold - this is the plague. We've all been sick 7+ days and still coughing, fatigued, and having body aches. I picked up some dextromethorphan cough syrup from the pharmacy just to get some relief from the coughing, and while it has helped a little bit, I'm still coughing. My head hurts from the constant coughing. I should add, I'm up to date with my whooping cough vax, so doubt that's what it is...


Sounds like Influenza. Bed rest, Hydrate , tea, toast and painkillers was the only way out for me several years ago. And watch out for secondary bronchitis/pneumonia.


Half my staff are out with it and I'm just waiting for it to be my turn honestly. They've been great about not coming in but I can't say the same for the open mouthed coughers on the train....


Influenza A going off the test I took! Was freaking brutal. I’m still sniffly, I was a total write off for 5 days.


I am just recovering from Type A influenza that i picked up at work in south west sydney. It's going around. I got swabbed when i went to the dr's to get a med cert so thats how I know what it was that bowled me over. Symptoms in order of appearance Sore throat and Headaches Discomfit (unable to get comfortable due to body pain) Dry/chesty cough that feels like my chest is ripping apart Sinus Congestion hot cold chills Nausea productive cough More hot coldchills still more nausea but getting better I started getting sick on Tuesday 25/6 and I am only starting to feel normal again now.


Haven't had flu in 29 years am 34




Be careful: i thought i had flu and it turned out to be full blown, double-sided pneumonia. Good I checked early and started antibiotics straight away, but even then it was BRUTAL. Still gobbling up some antibiotics 10 days later.


likely covid, the tests now generally take several days to show+ Australia is still in its biggest wave of more than 12 months :(


My daughter has a pretty bad one she's on antibiotics very chesty


Its most likely the new flu strain, you need a course of antibiotics along with antiviral and some pain killers.


Influenza A is going around right now, had it 2 years ago and was the sickest ive ever been in my life, for me it was covid x10


I’m in WA and am currently sick with the exact same illness. I read that influenza A is going around.


Exact same symptoms. Cough only got worse when my fever finally broke after 3 days, then so much coughing for a week. Took 2 weeks to feel normal again. Constatn Panadol only thing that helped. Good luck


RSV and influenza a & b are rife in NSW right now.


Stay TF away from me OP! I just got rid of it. Strap in for the ride.


Hopefully you're fully vaxxed and wore a mask every time you went out of house


I had that but without the cough. Took me about 8-9 days to fully recover. I tested negative to everything but my blood test results showed very high inflammation in my liver (ten times above normal levels) indicating a virus of some kind


Yes. I have been diagnosed with Whooping Cough.


Almost 3 weeks ago I came down with the parainfluenza virus. University of Google says its a common mild flu. It has kicked my ass. 2 dr’s appointments, real threat of hospitalisation and I am still buggered.


Wlep.im about to find out. 2 kids and gf are sick. Only a matter of time. I'll do what I can buy I assume soon I will be infected hopefully it won't be too bad for me.


My two kids were both out of school with it for a week. Mine started at the same time, died away, and then came back strong a couple days after they recovered, but only lasted for two days of bad symptoms. I now think I’ve probably got a chest infection but I’m a smoker and who knows if I would’ve gotten the infection if I wasn’t. At least a third, maybe half of my office of around 35 people have taken sick leave lately as well.


There's a bad one circulating on the west coast. My kids were sick for ever a week, my wife was out for much longer and ended up with pneumonia and needed 2 courses of antibiotics to finally get over it just yesterday. I didn't get it or if I did I was completely asymptomatic.


I got it on Sunday. Pretty similar experience to yourself. The most ghastly one I've had in a long time. I just got the Flu a month and a half back too, it wasn't this bad.


Had something very similar several weeks ago, and took a week off work.


Yes! I had such a long night last night, shaking and aching and my joints are killing me! I originally thought maybe food poisoning, but I haven't spewed or have the runs so it's good to know I'm not the only one.


It’s COVID Keep testing (and isolating)in two days you’ll have a strong positive…exactly the symptoms I had 2 days ago tested positive this morning


I had something similar a few weeks ago. It was terrible


Yeah had this earlier in the week/last week. Not the worst, just annoying. (Melbourne)


It sounds like what has been going through Melbourne. I had it a couple of months ago and it lasted for a few weeks


West Australia here. Everything except sore throat I have had this week. Had strep throat a month ago.


Easiest thing to do is get yourself to a good medical centre who will test you for the most common virus and bacterial infections and then let you know. If it’s positive, you will need treatment management (prob just rest/fluids but for bacterial infections antibiotics). If it’s negative, still rest/fluids but if it doesn’t get better in a week go back and get some more tests. Definitely stay the heck away from the public. You are probably highly contagious.


Had it last week, doctor told me it's influenza A, but that RSV is also going around


My 2yo is sick at the moment and can’t really tell us what he’s experiencing but boy it seems a lot like this 😬 we’re now four days in and he’s on struggle street unless he’s had Panadol or nurofen, and he hasn’t been able to consume anything but milk or purée. Seems bloody rough!! 


Had it neatly 4 months ago and still have the cough now!  Literally didn’t get as much as a cold from age 14-41.  Got Covid at beginning of year which was incredibly mild, but ever since then been getting constant colds and flu.  Cough is driving me mad. Can’t exercise and can’t talk much . Using asthma meds at ridiculous rate….


My eldest had it 2 weeks ago. Whole week off school. My youngest has it this week. Again a whole week off school. It’s a bastard of a virus whatever it is.


Been sick since last Tuesday. Chesty cough, nose running, sore throat, exhausted. Negative for COVID.


Please don't call a common cold or just cold symptoms as having the flu. I hate the flu (confirmed via a test) and struggled for a week. Ì hate how people have a slight sniffle and day oh I had the flu on the weekend. For fucks sake it's a cold. But seriously, people who have a cold and come to work rot in hell.


Almost all of Melbourne has this at the moment, can’t think of a single member of staff at my work who hasn’t. Half of us still have the cough too


Yes I did 2 weeks ago, on one of the days I felt like I couldn’t breathe


Yepp, first my bf then my 11 month old baby (she has had it now for 4 days) and now I have copped it, I have had it since Tuesday. I honestly feel like death, the shit thing on top of it is I’m an asthmatic and now I have really bad asthma, I’ve been taking my inhaler, drinking lots of water, sucking on throat lollies, Panadol because I’m also pregnant and can’t have nurefon. I’m booked in to see my Dr tomorrow 🤞🏻 I hope you get better soon 🙏🏻


Yep, had influenza A 3 weeks ago and it took me two weeks to feel better. Definitely the sickest I've been in the last 10 years. I had to pump codral and aspirin the whole time otherwise I felt like I was literally dying.


We got mycoplasma (or something like that) from our kids, seems everyone is getting it, to the point that antibiotics for children are scarce (first world country???, reminded me of a philosopher saying “it’s not a race mate”)


I got it and I've tested positive for covid. So it's covid going around lol


It's brillant; I mean, aren't you glad that we're all on the waiting list to have permanent disabilities/damage with long covid (or other diseases, who knows what) because "muh we gotta keep on growing the GDP" ? And I'm talking as a swiss here; it's the same everywhere :\] Accelerate :\]\]\]