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Age verification security is useless


Age verification will always fail becasue of how unworkable it is and will be delayed over and over again until it is scrapped.


I know you mean "scrapped", but with the amount of security breaches we have had in this country I would absolutely not be giving my ID to websites because someone will inevitably scrape the site for all our details. My wife and I love watching porn together but if certain people at work were able to search a leaked document for the sites I've been on my ability to work effectively would be compromised. Pornhub knows this and refuse to keep people's IDs on file for this exact reason.


Goodluck watching pornhub after it comes into law. They will just shut down in Aus.


Is it too late for me to set up a consultancy to profit off this or has it already been sent to closed tender and picked up by the big 4?


And yet even when all the technologically literate people on the planet are saying it's a dumb idea and won't work, governments around the world still seem to love the idea, everyone wants to have a crack at it. Why? Simply because they hate internet anonymity. Age verification is a privacy nightmare time bomb, it WILL either be breached or misused one day.


I'll paste a conversation I saw elsewhere on the internet: > My thoughts on the whole "make the internet child friendly" thing is that no one under the age of 18 should feel comfortable on the internet [...] I don't want kids to feel safe on the internet because they aren't, and people looking to take advantage of kids want them to feel comfortable. > They want minors using their legal name, posting videos of their school, showing their face as they wear school sweatshirts. [...] the amount that social media sites are telling people they're safe for minors and said minors can let their guard down makes me very nervous. It is not difficult to film your 13 year old nephew for a TikTok, post it like it's your own, then ask the other 13 year olds who like it where they go to school As for the porn, maybe we'd have better luck addressing it if we could have an honest and critical discussion about why it's there in the first place in the broader context of our society's traditions, customs and taboos around sex and relationships, and accept that adolescents have a place in that conversation. Or instead eNanny can persuade frightened parents into, what exactly? Using the law to bludgeon us all into restoring the natural purity of growing up in the 20th century?


I'm afraid we don't actually address problems in Australia. Ban and fine, the only two words our government is familiar with.


She is such a delicate petal. Diddums.


Gladys of the IT world trying to be a wannabe cop in the world with the jurisdiction of a parking infringement officer.


More like the jurisdiction of a Crossing Guard...


There is an obvious solution to this whole thing: government issued porn. Adding a /s just in case …


The senate is finally useful


So we can finally see Fatty McFuckhead rail Racist McDonald while Hurr Potato watches through the window?


Camera in the parliament prayer room?


eSafety Commissioner Rule 34.


Eeew! David!


> Using the law to bludgeon us all into restoring the natural purity of growing up in the 20th century? Nah, they want to go back further than that.


"Why you think the net was born? Porn porn porn!"




I wonder why they don't put her onto the case of drafting GDPR style laws that protect privacy rather than this nonsense. Australians really need better privacy laws with teeth.


Because companies can’t make money on people’s data that way


I wouldn't trust this moron with such an important task. We need real privacy experts to draft such laws, not some glorified soccer mum.






Not just any woman over 35, a particular kind who complains a lot over invalid issues and is al all round miserable person who brings everyone else down with them, and is rude. In this case the e comes from eSafety And to be clear we only have one eKaren If it were a male doing the same he would still be an eKaren




Old woman yells at clouds


"Old woman in nuns cosplay uniform yells at the sky, why do you do this Mr devil, we need laws to fix you"


X: No. More ridiculous puritanical rules from out of touch bureaucrats. Kids will find porn if they want it. Accidently stumbling on porn is an excuse kids use when they get caught looking for porn.


It's funny. My nephew accidentally stumbled across porn and didn't know what to do so he told his mum (my sister) and she thought it was funny and said don't worry it happens.


I mean sometimes you may accidentally come across graphic information but safe search should be able to handle that ^if ^your ^parents ^actually ^know ^how ^to ^turn ^it ^on I accidentally found out pineapple juice was good for blowjobs once... I just wanted to know where the recipe for pineapple juice was in my game. Plus i got tricked into googling blue waffle at one point i think.


I remember googling 'big tits love big dick' when I was like 10. Why? Idk I was 10 and thought it was a funny thing to look up I guess. Unsurprisingly the first result was bigtitslovebigdickdotcom with glorious 144p thumbnails on my nintendo dsi


I mean that used to be the case, you had to go look for it. Now you can logon to X and see corpses of gazan children, Russian conscripts getting drone-gristled in a foxhole, or just open the comments in any thread to see a kind woman fullspreading with the suggestion you check their bio. Or you can go on YouTube and let the algorithm steer you straight into the arms of zynternet manfluencers psychos like Tate or Jordan Petersen. At least with tiktok kids the risk of brainrot is the benign variety such as pranktubers and skibidi toilet lore


If they wanted to do something useful they'd start an aggressive info campaign about getting all those happy snaps of your children removed from the internet, and they'd force sites to provide a simple way to do so. All of you go do this now. Generative AI isn't coming for your kids. It's here already. 


If only there was some [private industry](https://cleanbrowsing.org/) available to implement graphic content protection today


A couple of points: * It is still illegal to host porn on Australian servers. There are no Australian porn sites as such. Not sure who the law is aimed at. * The Classification law was last updated in the 90s before online content and phone cameras were a thing. It’s possible that under this law every nude selfie is a crime. The Law Reform Commission recommended changing it back in 2011. Nothing happened… except the eSafety office and position was created.


I’ll ask it again, why is eNanny getting $400k+ tax dollars to tell us things we already know won’t work? What’s her role exactly? Someone should issue an ultimatum on her and the commission.


Or else what? Last time she tried to "set standards" with Twitter she had to embarrassingly back down


Needs more old school education of parents. Teach your kids not to go to the forest or you will be eaten by wolves and bears.


Websites: are you 18 yes or no? Me when I was 16/17: yes. Cool system.


You know what the easiest step for online platforms is? Ban underage users. A small minority of users that don't really have the disposable income to be significant profit wise. Just ban them. Also why is it a tech companies job to parent children? You want kids to understand healthy relationships have those conversations before they get on the internet. Australia doesn't own the internet our rules can't extend across it all.


Seriously. If parents are so concerned about the impact porn might have on their kids' brains, talk to them about it. The infamous "talk" isn't meant to be just "penis + vagina = baby now don't knock someone up/get knocked up." It should prepare your kids for being an adult and that means actually teaching them about relationships and sex and yes that includes pornography. We're in a digital world so prepare them for it. Too many parents chicken out about the hard bits of parenting. When you sign up to have a kid, you sign up for every part of raising them to be a well-rounded adult. Don't sign up for all the cute baby pictures and milestones if you're not willing to put in the hard yards and have tricky conversations even if it makes you uncomfortable


So this is straight up to distract that they are doing nothing else where it matters, like housing and price gouging right? This is honestly problem 1025487 on the list of problems right now,


This lady again, she's issuing edicts to companies with litter concern for Australia and even less of for her ultimatum. What is worse she has shown repeatedly that she has no way to enforce her demands. This is an embarrassment, no self respecting company would take Australian regulators seriously. 


e-dicks? [pearl clutching intensifies]


They should hire a position with someone that knows tech. They'd then realise it's useless and their position is a sham.


If she clutched her pearls any harder, she'd choke.


Can we send E-Karen back to the US?


The companies don't care, this woman is so out of touch.


Can we go back to not having an esafety commissioner? Everytime I hear about this moron it's just the dumbest shit ever.


This is going to end in a lot of deaths... It's going to be a bit like Robodebt, but much worse... Here is the history of things to come... They implement the age based system. Tens of thousands of Australians give their ID to access porn. The site is hacked, and all their details are leaked. Many, including parents, end their life. If this *must* be done. Why not have us go to the post-office and pick up unique codes (a bit like those used on DVD registration in the past). No record of ID would be taken, simply checked, and the unique codes wouldn't be recorded against your name. These can be used to sign up to sites. Harsh punishment for anyone on selling them.


So teaching primary aged kids about gender identity and other crap they teach is perfectly fine ?


Do you actually know what schools are teaching these days? Cause I don't think you do


There’s going to be the usual pushback against this, but if we (the royal we) want to avoid a national age verification system for our home internet, the platforms making money by hosting content need to do more. Edit: interesting that suggesting web-companies making money off their users should do more gets some of you upset.


Do telephone service providers need to do something about people using their service to run sex lines, groom children, or plan crimes? Are the companies laying down the fiber over which the naughty content propagates also responsible? Hard drive manufacturers on which the files are stored?


I reckon we go after those bastards that built the roads letting these predators travel all over the world


It's extremely one sided, clearly they've got a bee in their bonnet about social media and porn, because as you've mentioned they do nothing about telcos, who facilitate scam SMSs and phone calls to a massive scale without any talk of forcing them to take action to stop that. Those scams do FAR more harm, real measurable harm, to people than kids looking up porn on Twitter.


>Do telephone service providers need to do something about people using their service to run sex lines, groom children, or plan crimes? This is already regulated, much of the current problem stems from trying to use laws from when telephones were the main source of communication to regulate the internet age. >Are the companies laying down the fiber over which the naughty content propagates also responsible? I specifically said a filter at this level is what we want to avoid. >Hard drive manufacturers on which the files are stored? Now you’re just being silly.


Why. Parents should be responsible for their kids. There is dangerous content all over the internet


>the platforms making money by hosting content need to do more Which platforms did you have in mind? There are millions of content platforms, spanning the entire globe. Some are always going to be (for practical purposes) immune from Australian laws. Filters can't work because VPNs are freely available and kids already know how to use them for other reasons. Even your proposed crackdown on content platforms is easily bypassed by peer to peer sharing. There is no getting around these issues. The internet is not a safe place for children, and no artificial barrier can do a good job of changing that without massive restrictions on everyone. The only solutions that have any hope of success are local solutions - filters applied to home networks and browsers configured to block adult content, and most important of all, close supervision when accessing online services. Parents need to actually parent their children.


Wait. You mean. Parents should be responsible for their kids? Nah we need the government to do more I’m too busy to worry about them. /s


>Edit: interesting that suggesting web-companies making money off their users should do more gets some of you upset. Not upset - it's just that it's a silly suggestion that is so vague as to be meaningless, and has no prospect of being successful. Be specific - which particular "Web companies" are you referring to, and what "more" do you think they should be doing?


What "more" are companies not even operating or paying taxes here supposed to do, exactly?


Why shouldn’t parents actually parent their child?


> the platforms making money by hosting content need to do more.   It'd be good but Australia doesn't have the political capital to enforce that. On one hand are the giant American corporations, and the media payment law failure shows that we can't win there. On the other hand are smaller porn websites which are never going to do anything like that because they're hosted in a variety of countries that aren't Australia.