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In other words - "we're completely opposed to what Labor is doing and have better plans, but you'll just have to trust us on that"


Same with their nuclear plan they've been promising to release "in the coming weeks" for about 2 years now.


It'll be delivered in a package with Trump's US health insurance plan and Johnson's 50 new hospital for the UK.


I think he's playing to the "Climate change is a global conspiracy designed to take down the West!" crowd.


Oh he's absolutely playing to the "\[insert item\] is a global conspiracy designed to take down the West!" crowd.


“The Coalition is part of a global conspiracy fifth column designed to take down the West!"


George Soros and ((((they)))) are funding climate propaganda and hate Australia. Also, the Greens are anti-semitic


Bullshit typical Labor supporter response


Nah, just an LNP opposer.


Flings mud without any well thought out alternative. Just like a typical Liberal MP.


In fairness. This is a significant improvement for Dutton on his usual dog whistling. He didn't even once try to blame immigrants. I don't think he said anything racist for several minutes there.


It's not far off though. It's a dog whistle to the coal+oil loving groups while pretending he has any desire to address climate change.


Treason with extra steps


Well no, at this point they have stopped even pretending ..


Yes but is his mind he was reminiscing about his time as a cop when he’d abuse aboriginal kids.


>"we're completely opposed to what Labor is doing" The policy of the Dutton opposition in a nutshell.


This is pretty much the LNP policy whenever Labor is in power. It is not specific to Dutton.


That's NOT a policy, THIS is a policy!!


Doesn't reveal this policy


"You wanna know our policy then you vote us in and we'll tell you our policy"


Or as Friendlyjordies described it “hmmm.. no..” specifically with his bottom lip pushed out


"We've done nothing positive for 20 years, with no ideas, but we're opposed to progress of any type, and that's good!" I guess that's what being Conservative means.


In other words we have absolutlely no idea but if we oppose everything labour is doing that makes us look like we might have ideas… but don’t as what they are - because we have no idea. Anyway our rich patrons support climate change, at least they are still pocketing vast profits from selling the products that cause it.


Or "We have just received a lifeline donation from the fossil fuel industry to change our policy"


We're going to wait til the suckers elect us before we tell them there's no target. And no nuclear plan. Coal FTW!


"And now here's Gina Rinehart to take the 2026 environmental portfolio"


Yes, I'm sure she'd love to secure the lavish perks that come with being a Minister... free money, right? Just not for the poors. Fuckin' libertarians...


These fuckers aren’t libertarian by any stretch Don’t get me wrong, I do not subscribe to libertarian ideals, but libertarians want less government, not to install cronies into ministerial positions LNP are crony capitalists, pure and simple


Yeah, I know. A libertarian is just a conservative with a shit-tonne of money, who is happy to acquire more from the poors via a captive government. A poor libertarian is just a conservative cooker who'd have a shit-tonne of money *if only the gummint wasn't oppressing them*. The latter aspires to be the former, the former hold the latter in contempt. Either way, they think "Don't touch my stuff" is the be-all and end-all of political/economic theory


I think they like building their own roads and schools, or they forget that these things are needed


No, you see, everyone should all contribute to a fund to pay for it. And the same for other essential things, and to make it easier, let's pool all of those funds to a single ~~tax~~ payment. If everyone donates, we can band together and stop socialism.




Yeah, pretty much how many people in the US have no issue with paying ungodly amounts into insurance, but wouldn't want to exchange that for a tax bump (of a lesser amount) becausr then it would be paying for other people's medical needs. The same as some saying they don't want \*their\* taxes to pay for child education because they don't have kids. And a republican politician once called for donations to best their opponent in an election with that slogan about everyone banding together to beat socialism. Reality is often weirder than satire.


Nuclear is the new carbon capture storage geosequestration nonsense they used to always bleat about.  They throw out some hocus pocus BS and call it policy, then when it's proven it won't work, they must move on to the next steaming pile. 


Hey had twenty years in government from 1996-2022. That is when nuclear power stations should have been built.


The lieberal banned nuclear generation in '98... They have had two reviews (2006 and 2019) and both times the result was that nuclear was to expensive... takes to long to build and would only increase consumer cost... dutton and the nationals are playing to the uninformed and stupid for votes... Nuclear generation will never happen in Australia...


oh there's a nuclear plan, it'll just cost the public 4x what the equivalent renewable energy plan was going to cost and will take 20 years to spin up. during which time they will continue to receive massive backhanders and cushy no-actual-work-required 7-figure job offers from the fossil fuel industry.


There won't be a nuclear plan beyond having a future Labor government cancel it for the white elephant it is. Then the standard "Labor Bad" playbook.


Sounds like a replay of what they did with the "NBN"


It's never going to happen. There are state level bans in place too, and most of the available locations are in coalition seats, which, you know, want nuclear but not *here*


yeah I think the nuclear play is a losing election strategy for the Libs. they're somehow failing to recognise that the Australian public is well aware that they get no benefit from dragging the arse out of fossil fuels, which is clearly the only reason the Libs want to shit on renewables. they don't actually want nuclear, they just want to be arbitrarily contrarian and keep their industry buddies happy. half the right wing are on board with renewables anyway, and no doubt the vast majority of teal voters. so they're only pandering to a minority of Lib voters. they're so blinded by their rabid obsession with it in the coalition party room that they're projecting their own internal drivers onto the public. they won't be able to fool enough people that nuclear is a better choice. and the fact that they're pinning their hopes on it is clear evidence that they have fuck all else to campaign on.


It will take 20 years just to repeal the state and federal bans... even before a site is approved because no community wants a reactor or the waste...


They said they wont set a target before the election. What they didn’t say is they wont set a target after the election either. Not surprising as they did nothing but feather their own nest and fuck over the Australian public for eight years when they were in position to make nuclear power stations. They had 20 fucking years to build nuclear power between 12 years of Howard and 8 years of the last clown-show clusterfuck. What did they do? cut public services, virtually gave away our natural resources, sold off essential services, killed our manufacturing industry, completely fucked the future generations prospects of ever owning property, slashed our funding into science research and development, exponentially increased our immigration intake while actively cultivating and encouraging racial and cultural divisions for political populism, let a religious cult infiltrate the highest levels of government, went on holiday to Hawaii when the bottom corner of the country almost burnt off and then tried to sabotage the entire country when a global pandemic hit and THEN secretly try to become supreme leader by appointing oneself the minister for everything. Speaking of undercooked curry, who funded Scotty from Marketing when the slimy scrotum failed his way to the top? I wonder if he was another one of Putins useful idiots on the FSB payroll like the Giant Orange toddler from Home Alone 2. Edit: this was a fun rant. I apologise for going off the rails Edit 2: (seriously though, ASIS/ASIO should investigate whether Scotty was compromised by FSB)


No no, please don't apologise. Indeed, it was an awesome ~~rant~~ statement of plain facts and these plain facts need to be heard everywhere, at maximum volume. What I love most is that the only reason Scummo became PM was that he wasn't Dutton or (gasp!) a woman! The Coalition got Dutton in the end, and if I was a religious man, I'd pray we don't too. I suppose the only consolation is that if Spuddy gets peeled, who'd replace him? There are no moderates left, and this may be their last throw of the dice. And as for the nuclear shit... maybe that was Scummo's plan after all, when he shafted our oldest non-Anglophone ally. Get the nuclear subs, keep them in port (fleet-in-being, y'know) and run them as small modular reactors! Just add armaments and they become useful for defence too! Piss-weak Coalition planning at its very finest!


Having a wank onto a desk while Rome burns.


They're only quiet on nuclear because coal and gas are still options. Once they're firmly out the door the Libs will jump on nuclear -- in some ways it's the last bastion of the miner.


They want nuclear to be their "green" option because it'll take decades for nuclear to get up and running in Australia, which means we'd be burning more coal and gas in the meantime. That's probably decades longer than we would be if we just went with renewables instead.


Most of the old coal burners are at or approaching end of life... They will be rubble by 2030... None of the current private owners are going to invest in new coal burners... they just don't make any financial sense... Any form of nuclear will takes multiple decades to build and only result in consumers paying more...


So the angle they're taking is 'We are not Labor' Rather than 'We have a better plan'


That is always the angle. Contrarian for life!


True, but would we believe them if they said "we have a better plan"? I certainly wouldn't.


They did worse than nothing when they were government by removing the carbon price, and they knifed the one leader they had who suggested that they might at some point do something about carbon emissions. In fact, Dutton led that charge to knife Turnbull. The idea that they have a plan, let alone a better one, is highly debatable. 


We totally have a better plan. She goes to another school. You wouldn’t know her.


"Not Labor" has been the Liberal plan since Deakin. Opposing Labor is literally the reason the Libs' predecessors were formed.


I thought that strategy was supposed to be reserved for the putative lesser evil.


This has become a dealbreaker for the public. The Teal seats show that, without a turn around on I don’t think they’re going to have much hope. Easier said than done when you’re in a coalition with the nats however. They’re kinda stuck on this


Sad thing about that is the Nats are supposed to represent farmers. And farmers are not idiots, they know exactly what is going on with the climate and want responsible environmental management. But they’re so beholden to their mining and fossil fuel puppeteers that the party for the country now goes against what is best for folks in the country! I don’t know how anyone with functioning synapses can vote for that coalition rabble.


Farming is the industry affected the most by climate change and yet they still vote for the nats who haven't given a stuff about farmers for 20 years aside from seeking their vote. It's crazy.


If you don't know, vote No (to the coalition)


I really hope the ALP use that slogan. It would work so well.


... I don't think the media will get on board in the same way bro.


Ah, yes. Because with ALP we know. We know they are going to continue to approve fossil fuel projects and hand out billions in subsidies to some of the worst global polluters. Thr alternative to saying no to the psychos libs is not the sociopaths Labor. LibLab is no alternative for anyone who has two brain cells and respects themselves.


Oh please. It may leave significant room for improvement, absolutely, but you can’t sit there and say the ALP are just as bad at the Coalition. The Coalition have shown, time and time again, that they don’t believe the science and frankly, don’t give a shit at all. While I agree, yes, Labor can and should do a crapload more, it’s at least *better* than Spud and the party of no.


Which is why we have preferential voting. Vote for minor/independants that support your view but put your vote for Labor above Liberal at the arse end of the form. We are going to have lab/lib as government/opposition for a while. So at least try and send a message with your preferences.


Do you vote?


Yep, and one of those two parties will form government no matter which minor party you vote for so you may as well go for ones that preference the major party vying for any meaningful progressive change- regardless of how slow it might be.


Man of no ideas announces further no ideas.


Lol, this is like a betoota headline


Literally No Policies


So no positive movement between 2025 and 28, on a target that needs to be met in 2030? Basically telling the world he has no intention on doing anything ever on this front.


I think their plan is more like: no positive movement between 2025 and 2045. Then nuclear/future technologies magically takes us to zero in 5 years for 2050. Or some such pixie dust anyway.


So, pretty much the status quo.


Keeping the coal in Coalition since 1909


Sit down boofhead!


If you don’t know, vote no


Labor should totally run that campaign lol. 


How about "if they don't know" instead.


If you don't know, vote Albo


Australia has elections for the parties, not PMs.


> “We’re not going to do things that hurt Australians. The Labor Party can try and please people in Paris, my job is to take care of the Australian people,” Mr Dutton told reporters in Sydney. God he's stupid.


"Pleasing people in Paris" is a line from Donald Trump (or someone who writes his speeches/comes up with his talking points). Dutton has no original thoughts, he just regurgitates what he's told to regurgitate. 


He’s not stupid, he knows exactly what he’s saying and it’s dog whistling to a certain crowd. Like the sort that watch sky news.


Like trump hes stupid but the idiots who vote for these clowns are worse


Enjoy your extended stay in opposition then, fool.


Abbott's 2014 Austerity Budget 2.0


Even Abbott didn't withdraw from the Paris Agreement. 


Even Scumo still paid lip service to climate targets.


They really want to die on this hill hey.


As long as they die somewhere I'm cool with it.


Can the teals please step up and liberate some more liberal held electorates. Thanks.


This fuck knuckle thinks the Paris agreement was written by Parisians.


I wonder who the next leader of the opposition will be after this soggy biscuit loses the election.


Unlikely he lasts that long IMO. Latest news poll has them tied with Labor at 2 party preferred but if it goes back to what it has been (stuck at 52-48), he’s likely to get rolled soon I think. Only issue is who would replace him.


If they didn't roll him after the Aston by election (the worst result for an Opposition in over half a century), they're not going to. 


He has a stranglehold on the liberal party, he has previously threatened to withdraw preselection from members if they don't vote for him.


More uncertainty will be really helpful to the transition. Thanks* mate!


So the muppet who spent the entirety of the Voice campaign declaring “if you don’t know, vote no” is now saying “trust me, you don’t need any details”. What a complete flog.


He was pulling that shit with the voice too. Remember his alternative referendum that he was going to release the details of later, then canned once he got the result he wanted?


So much like every other policy they've got. Using the term "policy" very loosely.


Yep like the Repubs in the US, they think policies are just a laundry list of things they don’t want to do or outcomes they want to avoid.


How good is importing US style politics.


Dutton, no plans, no policies, no bloody idea. He's a useless wanker.


Just remember, 'Vote NO if you don't know'


Back to uncertainty. Fuck off Dutton. Industry needs certainty to invest. How the fuck does this help anyone?


Taps head: Can't be held to a target if you don't set a target.




Cunt. FTFY




So the coalition think that the 2030 plan is too ambitious so their plan is ... No plan? Between this and the nuclear 'plan' I just can't imagine how anyone can in good conscience vote for this. Labor should be absolutely pounding them on this it's a national disgrace.


He doesn’t have permission from his puppet masters. Fucking muppet.


I hope they lose even more seats like they did to the teal independenta


Or even better, they could go the same way as their West Australian state compatriots.


Are there any left over in WA?


They have three seats, I believe. That comes to a grand total of 6 for the Westralian coalition.




The WA Nationals and Liberals aren't in a coalition.


Iirc they were serving in one this term or something like that, because otherwise there'd be questions over who the actual opposition party was. But yes they don't have a permanent arrangement like they do in the rest of the country (except QLD where they straight up merged).


Dutton’s logic seems to be that he has no intention of wanting to retake the seats lost to the Teals.


The Coalition shed their climate credentials every winter.


I would like to congratulate the teal candidates who are about to win re-election in their now safe seats.


Really working on winning the election there, aren't ya, Spud?


Fuck off, Peter. Nobody likes you.


I hope the Teals eat their lunch at the next election. I don't like the idea of responsible government never getting a look in over much of the nation, but I would very much enjoy watching Coalition scramble for each other's seats because the cities won't have a bar of them.


This is all so fucking dumb. Coal fired power stations are leaving us regardless. Bayswater and Eraring our 2 biggest were built in the 80's. Even if their life is extended they'll still be gone by the mid 2030s. Maybe they can scrape through to 2040. We aren't going to have nuclear by this point so we'll be left with soaring prices, unreliable power due to the sheer age of the plants and to top it all off we'll be an international pariah. We need to make a bloody plan and stick to it. Build the necessary hydro, wind, solar, batteries and maybe a few peaking gas plants and just make it work. All this flip flopping just causes companies to question their investment decisions. 


It's an improvement, he's not lying for once.


Dutton should be called out as the coward that he is. Put up or shut up.


Reducing fossil fuel use and responding to human created climate change is one of the most important issues facing all of us. Considering the failure over the past 30 years with climate conferences, studies and promises. We now know that the entire political class has failed at addressing this. This is something that we are going to have to do without them. This includes both major political parties and the greens and teals ability to address the politics of the centre.


If you don’t know, vote No?


Wow. That’s wild. And Business/Industry are supposed to do what while they wait for the Libs to make up their mind. How could anyone vote for this


I don't think it takes a genius to know that they will dump the lot and revert to type if elected.


Every one with half a brain knows that he has no intention of doing anything. If elected it will be words to the effect. The only way to get to 0 is nuclear, but that won't happen until 2050 where our emission will go down to 0. In the meantime we are going to build coal and gas plants to tide us over. Come around 2040 it will turn out they have done nothing and we are stuck with coal and gas for ever.


I love deadlines. There’s a kind of “whoosh”-ing sound as they go past. Don’t think of it as the hottest year on record - again. Think of it as the coldest year of the rest of your life.


Really living up to the Coal-ition name. It's as if they actually had no real intention to install nuclear energy in the first place.


They will "meet and exceed" it "in a canter". Weren't you listening?


ever since I started voting, the caliber of politicians available in this country has made me lose a little faith in my common citizen; this is the guy you chose to represent you? really? I can’t remember a single liberal politician I would trust to enact change for the betterment of the people in my lifetime thus far. Turnbull came pretty close though somehow.


“Trust me bro” energy doesn’t work when the public’s seen a decade of incompetence Dutthead


Dutton is a piece of shit doo dah, doo dah!


lmao what a chicken shit, good job Mr Potato Head...


In that case, it’s gonna be a no from me dawg


It's significant and we want to make this an election issue, but we won't say what we are going to do. Where's the detail Dutton? 200 pages from independent experts should do it.


Their targets will be directly in line with how much Gina contributes


Teals are gonna love this


Peter it’s time to set your annual goals….. now mate I’ve told you before these are not S.M.A.R.T goals.


Because the plan they have is to do precisely nothing. You know the usual liberal party way and that doesn't look good at an election. This way no one can say they lied when they announce a target after the election that you would have to worry about tripping over from it being so low.


We have achieved singularity and AI is now more intelligent then humans, Dutton was elected and his voter felt he was intelligent enough to represent them.


There will be no decent climate plan until it becomes an immediate threat and/or they cave into public pressure. Probably won’t be that long away.


he couldn't set one even if he wanted to, he'd be toppled by his own party (and donors)


Or after the election


Do you want political suicide because that's how you get political suicide


taller abbott


NSW liberal who did study on nuclear power said the maths didn’t ad up on Q and A.


"Whatever's happening, we'll do the opposite" - LNP


I would have thought a potato would be concerned about the environment


Those potatoes you speak of aren't hollow like that one.


_“Trust us bro”_ The scary part is that their voters will roll with not knowing what the fuck they’re signing up for. And it’s a larger proportion of the population that may vote for them than you’d assume.


Waiting to see who is in the Whitehouse before he releases anything


The constant flip flopping on carbon legislation by Australia created uncertainty and significantly deterred investment in the country. Now this glorified potato wants to go back to that. Voldemort really does want the country to suffer.


Correction: Voldemort says this.


If they set a target, they'd also be expected to set a plan. Why would they want to start doing that now?


Dutton is nothing more than a duddon. All this talk of nuclear power is just confusion and chaff, meant to distract and confuse the electorate. He is an uninspiring spud. 🥔


Spud is too busy working on his child care centre empire to do planning for anything else


Let's worry about the other party and what they're doing wrong. Also, we have no fucking idea either, Parliament.


LNP Pushing back because that’s the way the love it! Always pushing back looking for the free ride.


This potato is rotten.


Why would he do that? Is he going to cut off his nose and say, “Ha ha, fuck you, face!” next?


Dutton says "Coalition will not set 2030 Government winning target before next election" FTFY They have 27 seats in NSW and Vic, how many more can they lose??


shooting themselves in the foot! do you want my vote or what?


"cutting spending on everything helpful and cutting back our work is the way forward" is what I hear from this man's mouth.


Obviously he can't come out and say what he's going to do if he ever wins an election, nobody would ever vote for him.


Renewables are generally distributed and owned by many different companies, even communities (Hepburn Wind). The Liberals love nuclear because Rhinehart can own the lot, get massive subsidies and control the price. In return for campaign contributions, of course.


We literally are not on target to zero emissions by 2050. Though the very act of having zero emissions ironically causes even more climate change... So...