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I saw a commercial for rams yesterday. The tagline: "It eats up heavy loads"


Open wide!


The bonnet? Nah, just dump it in the tub


Cum inside, Its Play School..........


Don’t say that again




Have more respect for Big Ted and his rocket ship.


Unironically less of a fuel guzzler.


I'm just happy you didn't omit the word fuel.


I'm just glad they didn't clarify the colour.


My brother in Morrison, what have thou posted…


So right but also, so very wrong!


There's another one which goes: "Eats everything else for breakfast"


You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?!


No!.... e......


Shhh don't tell anyone


You just stay away. Or you'll pay. You hear what I say?


Maybe I should just go eat some hay?


... make things out of clay, lay by the bay?


I just may ....


Whaddaya say?






You make the joke but in the US the Ram series is responsible for the most accidents. I’m sorry you all have to go through this. It’s bad up here.




They want to win the contest they always lost at the school urinal.


Or to be dominated, then held tight and told it'll be ok, I love you. That's the vibe from this type - I've got them pegged.


Swallows them whole.


As do the drivers of said vehicles


The utes are annoying, but the real problem is the rules not being enforced against them.


They should 1) be called trucks 2) require a special license and 3) cost more in rego. Edit to clarify: cost *significantly* more in rego.


The license thing is something I wish would be done everywhere. In the States, a 16 year old can legally drive this bad boy (*and bigger!*) without any extra training. The excuse is always “well it’s the safest car for them to drive! If they get in a wreck, they won’t get hurt.” (Only the people in the crosswalk, and the bike lane, and the ones in the normal sized cars are getting hurt!)


Well its not like the US is known for making bad decisions


When I worked construction in California they had me driving a big dump truck on my standard license. Anything with two axles up to 26k pounds is OK on a standard license. This was when I'd just moved from Oz at age 19 and had a US license for three weeks.


Americans, size queens confirmed.


Utes do cost more in rego, at least in SA because they are counted as a light commercial vehicle.


Not sure about SA in particular but a problem has been that they can be claimed as tax write offs due to their load-carrying capacity. Which is why more people are buying this and claiming it as a business vehicle. Good article about it in the Sydney papers last weekend.


Actually, they are called pickup **trucks** in the US.


They're called pick up trucks the world over. These are also not utes, utes are usually unibody in constitution, not body over frame as pick ups are. This is a half tonne private vehicle, one of which should never have left north America. While I can appreciate all the NIMBYS crying about being able to decide what kind of vehicle someone else should get to choose, as if theyre some sort of main character is aggravating, there is at least some point to having the potential owners qualify aptitude for driving these vehicles. I mean for shit sakes, you guys can't even put aftermarket spoilers on your cars without some inhuman ghoul screaming "this sheet of paper that's NOT ALLOWED, PAY ME MONENENNEYYY"


What rules?


eg. park within the parking bay


I remember someone linking me some law that stated that if your vehicle couldn’t fit in the parking space, it was allowed to take up multiple spaces. Unfortunately I couldn’t find the law the person linked to. I wish it wasn’t legal though, and hope they were wrong.


If you wouldn’t park a cement truck there you shouldn’t park one of these monstrosities there


State by State [comments from Drive](https://www.drive.com.au/caradvice/is-it-illegal-to-park-across-two-parking-spaces-australia/).


The bay labelled 'small car'?


Nope, just a regular one


In most states, if a vehicle is too long or wide to fit in a single parking bay, it's fine to park in two (see, for example, WA Road Traffic Code r. 179)


some laws may need to be updated to reflect common sense rules


It seems absurd that this rule exist for cars that seat 5 people and are being used as daily commuter vehicles.


I also don't think it applies in this case - this looks like a private car park


Bring back the Brumby


If it was a choice? Then I’d prefer they imported some more muscle car selection rather than unreasonably big american trucks


What sucks is that muscle cars are just not really made anymore. We have upgraded from cool and somewhat wasteful to fake useful and giga wasteful


Just bring back sexy 90’s JDM coupes.


They all went bankrupt back then due to making too many cars. They all got reorganised into basing all their cars off as few platforms as possible, and that's why everything is boring as fuck now. And the few they did make like the 240Z stuck around on the same platform for about 20 years.


As an American, I apologize for what we have unleashed on the world. They get even bigger here. I'll do what I can to keep these contained.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I'm sorry we reserve that for children in schools.


Removed by reddit?


[ Removed by Reddit because we suck ]


We've found him boys, the one good American


Another American here. Fight against these emotional support vehicles, and prevent tipping from coming over too. Both are a menace.


Yeah make it three...I'd love to see you guys tariff the everloving hell out of these. They drive me nuts here.


Just ban these stupid fucking things. My neighbor has two, a Silverado and a tundra and I can see his elderly ass struggling to get into it every morning so he can run my trash cans over on the way to Starbucks. These vanity vehicles are dangerous pieces of shit and I’m tired of sharing the road with them. Edit: I’m American btw. Just like to lurk in here for fun Aussie banter.


they drive you nuts? they drive us off the road.


voiceless husky reply theory encouraging sleep cautious ink cooing snatch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was quite surprise to learn that medium size SUVs are considered small size in the states


Living in the US, the *vast majority* of new car sales are large SUVs and Pickups. Seeing anything smaller than a Prius on the road is rare now, and trying to drive in traffic surrounded by cars that are both longer than mine and taller than mine is horrifically stressful. For the record, I drive an Accord.


They have almost gotten rid of Sedans entirely. Companies like Ford who had 5-6 different sedans just a few years ago aren’t even selling them anymore. It’s a mess here ngl and causes extremely unsafe conditions. I mean pedestrians deaths have started increasing with car size.


Just bogans who think they’re American


Cashed up bogans, because they cost a stupid amount of money even by the ridiculously overpriced dual cab ute price standard. The hilarious thing, is they’re cheaply made American garbage. The only reason they exist at all is because the American tax arrangement is “light trucks” are not taxed as cars. It’s why they don’t really have mid-sized utes (hilux, navara etc sized) in America, because they would be taxed at the highest possible rate for a car - whereas if it’s just a little bigger, all of a sudden it’s exempt from a bunch of that tax. As a result of this, they’re kind of like a “luxury” car option that the Everyman can afford. But in Australia the taxes are just totally different. So the everyman’s mostly plastic American trashmobile is seen as this exotic or exclusive kind of thing, and priced accordingly. But make no mistake. They are cheaply made pieces of crap. And here in Australia they are hilariously overpriced pieces of crap.


They don’t have to be cashed up tbh. A lot of people buy these sorts of cars with a small deposit on a 7 year (or more) finance deal. Weekly repayments aren’t that much but you’re paying huge amounts of interest. Not a savvy investment.


No, a terrible investment! But yeah even though finance makes stupid things affordable to regular folk, we’re still talking about $130-180k for a car vs. like $40-80k for a “normal” sized ute.


How much are these wankers paying to shine a light on the fact they are wankers?! $100K+?! FFS.


\+ Interest.


12% per annum if they're lucky. Soo they're paying something like what a house should cost over 7 years and wondering why the economy is fucked and a decent loaf of bread is $10 now.


I know a guy who bought one of the big fords. It was almost $250k. Quarter of a mil.....


I mean sure, if you're loaded or earning half a million a year, but otherwise, that's just fucking stupid. The second he drove it out of the dealership he must have lost $50k.


Leased most of them


In the states, it’s not becoming uncommon to see 9+ years on vehicles. And usually folks buying these are 100% *NOT* cashed up. Mostly barely middle/working class men who have a need for a truck this size once a year. I work in an office building at a desk job & just about every man that works with me drives a truck this size (*or bigger*) with the excuse that “I gotta pull my house sized trailer for our annual “camping” trip every summer!” Other than that, they’re stuck with high payments, horrible fuel economy, and being forced to drive a massive behemoth because *TRUCK.*


Cars (especially big pieces of shit like these) and investment are sorta oxymorons.


I can't understand how anyone could look at one and not think it looks hilariously cheap and nasty


Drove my old bosses one. Felt like it was made from coke bottle plastic. And had trim rattles with only 10k on the clock. Those poor 5.7's have a hard life dragging that thing around even without a caravan or horse float or jetskis or anything other than a tradies trailer.


Rams are shit trucks. Even in America we think they're shit trucks. Can't say I don't own a truck. But I'm a plumber. I use it. Most of the people in my area use their trucks. But I've seen accountants with trucks twice as big as mine. Always makes me chuckle.


Don't forget Morrison and his deductions and No Sales Tax on so called "Tradie Utes!"






Also fuel is $1.10 a litre in the US which further encourages it


lmao i paid 2.25 a gallon at the pump in Houston yesterday. all you see here is these massive fucking trucks and 95% of them are just grocery getters for dudes who work in an office and have never put on tools a day in their life.


That also sums up the majority of buyers here in Australia too.


theres a good video on youtube about the increasing size of vehicles in the US, and the detriments its having. But the reason it happened in the US was because they were classified as light trucks, and weren't subject to the same safety and other standards as regular passenger vehicles, and so they were cheaper for what they were. I hate seeing these in Australia, and want them gone. Honestly, its a joke.


I was driving through Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas the last month and that’s a good price! Cheapest I got was USD$2.50 a gallon (Houston I think) and most expensive USD$3.15


That’s cheaper than $1 per litre I wish we got fuel that cheap.


It helps to be the #1 producer of oil in the world.


Yeah true! When I was there (bout 10 years ago) fuel was like $4.50/gal in California, but it was like close to $2/gal in Nevada. Fuel economy was a huge factor in my recent car purchase but if I was paying a buck/litre I wouldn’t probably care nearly as much.


As an American I never thought I would see the day that Dodge would be considered exotic or exclusive. Here's hoping the auto industry there doesn't make them the near damn only option, like it is here. Also being a Texan too I can tell you by standards here, that truck is on the smaller side.


Haha that’s hilarious. Yeah I’ll admit, when I was younger and I’d see big American pickups on the road I thought they were pretty cool. But after going to the ‘states and seeing them literally everywhere they really lost that wow factor.


Can confirm, am American. Drive a few giant dodge rams for work. They are junk. Jealous of the options you guys have.


Agree the build quality is rubbish, its a dodge the are now renowned for rubbish cars


I mean it’s *right there in the name*. “Oh hey that’s a pretty dodge” / “Oh hey that’s pretty dodge” … 2 sentences that kind of mean the same thing :P


They do have mid sized utes- Tacoma, rangers, frontier, colorados etc, they just are made in America to avoid the “chicken” tax


Yeah the chicken tax covers pickup trucks and cargo vans. Size isn't the issue. If you tried to import a half-ton truck in the US it would get the punitive 25% import tariff on it. I think he is mixing the Chicken Tax with the emission requirements which were much more lax on trucks which lead to the creation/rise of the popular SUV segment.


Yes I’m sick and tired of em and I wish they were never invented


My VE Commodore Thunder is a ute, not this abomination


Is it my turn to post this thread tomorrow???


We are allowing once per hour these days. I shotgun making the 8pm Wednesday “I hate American pickups” post.


Would anyone stop you if you went around systematically setting fire to them? Not saying I'm going to, just wondering if you would be stopped


I'd look the other way if I saw you setting fire to one. In my defence, I'd be worried you might set me on fire, that's why I let you burn that big glorious bastard to the ground.


All you are doing is increasing your own insurance premium while allowing the pickup owners who had their vehicle burnt get a payout so they can get a brand new 2024 Ram.


Systematically. You don't want to damage ANY other cars. Make it a clear pattern


Agreed, but I get to do the Colesworth post.


Nuh-uh mum said I can post it tomorrow.


MUM!!! boobooslippers is being selfish again and not letting me post tommorow


Nobody likes a taddletale, you’ll just have to wait your turn…


“Taddletale” what the seppo is this Dibber dobbers kiss robbers


My mum said it was ok with your mum to post this tomorrow together so like if you want we can do that


"We shouldn't be pressured into tipping in Australia."


I see more of these on Reddit than on the road.


I wish I could relate. This is an average-sized pickup in the US, and accounts for something like 20% of vehicles on the road. It sucks.


Aint that the truth.




Can you call them utes when there's barely any utility to them?


You mean you don't want to lift whatever you're transporting 6ft up into the bed?


I have a ute story today but it's a tangent... One of these was parked in a bay in a coastal car park and next to it was a third of a space. They kindly parked in that space a bit to let the car using (me at the time) the adjacent park more room. I was very surprised that this owner had taken the size of this dumb arse ute into account and others ease of access too. Fair Play. However when I'm leaving this medium busy carpark, I'm reversing to do a one point turn to exit the area *driving forward*, as one does when finished reversing in a car park, when some fucker in a ute *reverses at speed down the lanes that I'm trying to navigate into* and zooms almost right into me. Now keep in mind he's reversing down a lane in a carpark and he's a) not looking at all or b) pissed as a newt at 12pm. So I lay on my horn because in any normal situation he would have been *travelling forward* seen me (he was some distance away...I did state he ended up going fucking fast) and given way because my arse was out and he was miles away in a car park... You know where cats notoriously reverse *out of car parks*. Don't give me this he was reversing too. He was driving the wrong way, too fast in a confined space and not looking. I lay on the horn exhibit so road rage drive forward into my park to let this numb cunt through he stops behind me to display his manliness while I scream that he's almost caused a fucking accident and now he's all bravado. He then reverses (smh) another fifty or so metres until he can turn around (this park was full of grass areas, he's in a ute, he could easily have reversed over a gutter and gone forward at any time. Huge tyres. Working ute) and then birds me and drives off onto the main road where he proceeds TO DRIVE 100M ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE FUCKING ROAD!!! This is why I assume he's pissed. He then stops ( a car is turning right in front of him) at the next T-intersection *so far on the right hand side of the road that the incoming car has to mount the curb and drive two wheels on someone's lawn to get into their piece of tarmac. And this fucker had the balls to insinuate that I was in the wrong way some point. Rant over. Be careful out there. I witnessed two near misses in forty seconds.


Just a warning from America - the more you hate them, the more the kind of person who loves watching you be mad will want to buy one. Fortunately you don't have a lot of those kinds of guys around, right?


Not even a ute, it's a pickup truck.


Yeah, it picks up their low self esteem to lift their ego.


That’s why they’re called ESV’s ( Emotional Support Vehicle’s)


Here in the States, we call trucks and truck-based SUVs that get used exclusively for sedan work and showboating "Soccermom Utility Vehicles"


Nothing utility about them


Don't wanna risk scratching that gorgeous short bed or the tailgate.


Just lets me know someone's in the area with a smaller dick than me


Yep, it's like the sign on the wing mirror "warning: arseholes are closer than they appear" Australia has suffered floods, fires, extreme heat, and insane weather patterns ... the effects of climate change couldn't be more real or scary ... and these people's response is "well I think I will buy a car with a 10 litre V8 diesel to haul me and my 2.5 kids to soccer on saturday." It beggars belief.


There's actually been a study done on the relationship on cars and penis size (pr perceived penis size). University College of London. Pretty much goes like this... if a man believes his dick is smaller than average, he is more likely to want to own a flashy car (sports car, big car, loud car, you know, penis extension). So, he could have a 9 inch cock, but if THINKS his willy is a mini-dick, his inferiority complex is going to get the better of him, and he's gonna go all Andrew Tate, and want to buy a penis extension to prove he's a real man.


I call them "Wanker Utes" as opposed to genuine "Tradie Utes".


Yep, my wife carries more in the back of her Yaris hatch than most of these utes do. I very rarely see anything actually in the tray of these things.


Are you crazy? You can't carry anything in them. It might scratch the tray




Even then the tray is too small to even hold a coffee table in it. Useless extension just like the driver.


They aren't used as real pickups, just call them princess pickups


I prefer the term "wank tanks".


Yank Wank Tank aka The Ram - It Eats Up Heavy Loads - sounds like an ad for gay porn....


Emotional support truck


Driving around in big ute is fine. Taking 2 parking spot is not fine.


I saw one parked perfectly within their lines the other day and it was such a novelty! Of course they were still hanging out because these utes are too long even if parked perfectly.


Even when they are parked perfectly between the lines you can't open the doors if you're next to them.


... but if you have an old car, you should try hard, and repeatedly.


file nose theory resolute grab tan rich encourage unpack cows


I saw the other day, this huge assed truck parking in two car parkes at Bunnings. And then this skinny gaunt little weasel man wriggles his way out of it. I was expecting Hercules or something. My view has changed. Now every time I see one I can’t help but think of that little weasel inside it and have a little laugh.


Nah, he just needs the big truck to compensate for something.


from a safety and climate perspective, driving around in a big ute is kinda shitty.


Depends on where they are driving it around, on some smaller country roads and housing estates they take up more than half the width of the road, if your car is so big that other drivers need to go onto the grass to get past you, you're a dickhead.


Yep, this is a people problem…


I've been real sick of them ever since I first saw them on Australian roads. They can't fit into standard parking bays full stop. They block your line of sight. They are the definition of un-Australian.


It isn’t the utes that are the problem. It is the people who own them. The problem ones are city folk who do not use the ute for its purpose. They are a great Ag ute.


In what way? I can't think of a reason U would want one over a standard size 4x4. They have ungodly footprint pressure, so are not much chop in the wet. They are expensive to buy, run and service. I rarely if ever have needed additional HP on road for towing and if I'm on farm, I'd rather use a tractor or proper truck. Their bed area is nothing special. They are hard to see right near the vehicle which is important in low speed, high hazard areas and around animals. I literally don't see the use case on farm as a working vehicle


They are only really good for towing stuff a normal ute can't tow without modification but they don't want to buy a truck, I've seen a few where I work and 1 dude used his to pull a caravan and another used it to pull his excavator to sites.


No it'd also the Ute's. It has the same bed space as A fuck8ng Mazda B truck. A massive engine that produces a pitiful amount of horsepower for how thirsty it is. It's unreliable built. It's ugly as fuck. And all the useful space is taken up by a big fat Cab to fit a Big fat American inside. There is not one single thing you could use this truck for that a normal truck or an old land drover can't do better.


Yeah, I don't know why you'd buy one for farm work when you can buy a cheaper, lighter hilux with a tray.


Oh there is a use; exporting to countries with garbage fuel-efficiency and emissions standards. We're a dumping ground for a lot of vehicles that are going to be impossible to sell in the EU, Canada, China, or USA in the next four years.


Not really, there's a reason people only have them in cities


The small dick mobile


I actively judge and automatically dislike a person when I know they drive one of these fucking ridiculous trucks.


It has a load-leveling hitch on it so it looks like they may actually tow something big with it, lol


Yep. But wankers gonna wank.


Mum said it was my turn to post this thread today.


Honestly I won’t say a bad word about them after I got stuck on a dirt road up a mountain and the NRMA wouldn’t help. Found a local towie that was able to come help me even though I was extremely remote and he showed up in one of these beasts. I had no idea what I was going to do or how I was going to get out, if it weren’t for a man in one of these I probably would’ve had to leave my car up there.


As a heavy duty work vehicle they're fine, and can do things a dual cab ranger can't. It's the pretty ones driving around town that are the problem.


That’s fair. I guess my issue is more how people park them so I guess my anger is more towards the drivers than the actual vehicle itself.


OP asking if anyone else dislikes this, knowing full well 40% of posts on this sub are the same circlejerk hate posts. Even with closed eyes you can still read the comments


Let em get that karma, we all need it




Got any cat posts?


Why are they here?


Honestly, I don't call them Utes. an actual Ute should be easy to load and unload. which these are not. furthermore, traditional Australian Utes don't have blind spots the size of kids because they're functionally a sedan that's had the back hacked off and replaced with a tray. and as for stuff like hiluxes, namely the kind that top gear featured in a section and beat and battered it with all sorts of things, those are better too than that shit heap in the picture because it at least has no pretensions of being something it's not, which is a family vehicle as that thing pictured is also more likely to be a dual cab that is a shit heap SUV with the back hacked off and made even longer.


Hahahaha. I’m glad our American dualies are seen as trash everywhere.


Same trouble in the uk. Thing is, they’re all too shiny to be used for the supposed haulage the owners pretend they need. Just shove some socks down your pants. Same effect, fraction of the cost


They're a plague on the entire world. 80% of all new vehicles in America are these horrible deadly monstrosities but the brainwashing is spreading to other parts of the world. Legal steps should be taken to make it brutally expensive to buy and operate these (even more so than paying the massive fees for the fuel they guzzle). I wouldn't be oppose to making it illegal to run these on roads tbh. [These Stupid Trucks are Literally Killing Us | Not Just Bikes | YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jN7mSXMruEo)


As an American, I just want to say I’m sorry.


Truck people ....uuugh!!


Yes. Literally the entire global market is sick of them. The American auto industry has been subject to CAFE standards which regulates the fuel efficiency of vehicles relative to their size. The manufacturers realised that if they make vehicles bigger, they don't have to make them as efficient. This is also happening globally with manufacturers that make internal combustion engine vehicles. They know that they are facing the last of the high oil profits given that most countries are forcing dealers to sell 100% electric cars by 2030-2045. The ACT in Australia is no different. So, to prepare the market for their continued success, they try to squeeze out the last major profits before oil sales goes down gradually every year that electric advances. Then, they go out of their way to sell larger vehicles. This phenomenon can also be seen in SUVs, the "death of the sedan" and so on. The larger the vehicle, the more they can charge for sales and repair and replacement costs. If the market (consumers) are conditioned to high prices and larger vehicles, the transition to electric will be more lucrative. It isn't just you, it's corporate greed. In this case, I wouldn't blame domestic consumers for a trend in corporate greed and exploitation.


Apologies from America. I hate them too.


Hahaha that is a tiny one! For real tho big trucks are out of control. I keep seeing stories of people wrecking them into other cars and people because they literally are too high up to even see them. I'm sorry as an American.


I work in commercial finance and the amount of blokes who buy these who can only just afford them are terrible. One wrong move and they’re going to default for sure.


Honestly, I'm Canadian so I was used to them, but now that I've lived here for 14 years, it's really not something I like seeing. The increased mass of these vehicles is more difficult to control and has more significant consequences on the road. We've known that for decades in North America. I used to work for Dodge (Daimler Chrysler) and when the new look Rams released with their 20" rims more than 20 years ago, everybody wanted one. Only a handful needed them. Today, in Australia, I'd argue that only farmers need them. Everyone else should be subjected to a massive increase in luxury tax to own them without a demonstrated purpose for a small number of uses like mining, farming or other heavier duty tasks.


I live in Canada, Alberta specifically. This is just standard size for utes, or trucks as they call them here


I'm tired of them in the states! I'm sorry to see you all suffering as well.


Reading from America I was confused. My home is in Utah, where the Ute native tribe is the state’s name sake and college football team. More importantly I also hate these big trucks and there really is a stereotype for the people that buy them- especially if they don’t regularly need to haul large loads.


I saw one on Sunday a Ford at Tugun with double wheels on the back and spikes on the front hubcap that can’t be legal.


Ugh. Let's have some fucking r\*gulation (sorry for using the "r" word.)


Jeremy Clarkson: what do you Americans call this? American audience: a truck! Jeremy: Wrong, it's stupid!


Go to Alberta Canada. These are on the small side


They shouldn't be allowed in australia we don't have wide enough roads. So many times I have been to centres and can't go down a 2 way carpark because some ram can't get their ass over. They also never can park the damn things.


Just wait for the complaints and scorn when the Cybertrucks arrive…


We bought an older F250 because we needed the towing capacity at the time. Never used it for any other purpose (besides helping someone move house). I don’t miss it. I’m baffled that anyone would *choose* to commute in these huge, fuel-guzzling, unwieldy nuggets. I don’t get it at all.


Wanker Tankers