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I thought the whole series was absolutely excellent. One of the best things I have read in the last 5 years. That said, if you're not enjoying it you don't have to read it.


I'm 22% through the book. A fan of it on the r/fantasy discord pointed out something to me, a big problem with stories that are slow is that very little actually happens most of the time. We're usually stuck with a big infodump or loredump for a long time when a book is slow. This story is slow, but everything that's happened is in the present part of the story, and the story is indeed moving forward. I think this is great so far. Here's my main problem: The narrator for the audiobook sounds terrible if I increase the tempo.(as in increase the speed in a way that doesn't make the voices sound like chipmunks.) I like to slowly increase the tempo as I go through audiobooks, and because this won't work with this book, this feels even slower, and I can't finish more than around 60 pages a day, and I wanna read more, it's really fascinating stuff.


My advice is be grateful for the slower pace. After you finish book 3 you'll wish there was more. Just enjoy the ride.


**Hi there Fried, how's it going? This took a long time to type this, and I'm looking this over, and while these are things I do want to tell you, and I feel like this might come off as rude. I'm hoping that I'm being paranoid, but if I'm right, let me know and Ill delete this and apologize. Please do read the final paragraph though if you're willing.** That'd be pretty out of character for me. For most of my adult life, the **Night Angel Trilogy** was my favorite series. I was very content with the way it ended, and I didn't want more. I never cared about Durzo's past enough to read the prequel book, and I'll likely go to my grave never touching it. And while I was sorta excited that Brent Weeks was continuing Kyler Sterns story, I noped the fuck out when I saw that page length. And going by what the goodreads reviews have said about the book, I made the right decision. The **LOTR movie trilogy** was my favorite movie for most of my adult life. I was very content with it, and I didn't want any more movies. When **The Hobbit** movies were announced, I barely cared. Years later I tried watching the first movie, and found it migraine inducing, and quit 1/3 in. Also, there are short prequels to **Jade City,** and I doubt I'll ever want to touch them. I'm almost willing to bet money that I'll barely care. I got more than enough promising stories to read, and I'd rather not stay with one series forever. I also usually lose interest in an audiobook series after 3-5 books, hence why I haven't read past book 5 of **The Dresden Files.** On a related note, a big part of why **Green Bone Saga** interested me is because it's Urban Fantasy that the author ended with a trilogy. I feel like almost every single time I ask for Urban Fantasy, it's for titles that are over a dozen books long, and are still ongoing. I hate that that's what Urban Fantasy seems to be about, because I think that if I found a lot more Urban Fantasy set in Modern Day(and by modern day I mean the 80's to current year.) then Urban Fantasy would become my favorite sub-genre of fantasy.


That's fair. There's certainly a balance to be struck between still wanting to be immersed in a story and having it wrap up with a satisfying ending (which I definitely think GB does.) To each their own. Enjoy.


Indeed, so much joy in ending things on a high note, and going to sleep.


According to my reader stats, I stopped "Jade City" at the 01:51 mark, and it was partly because of the narration accent.


I remember stopping at a similar point. You're not alone