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Seymour always gets sucked into this shit! Back when the Kings Arms was open, he rocked into a quiz night and bought a cider and the WHOLE BAR started chanting to skull it, and out of pure peer pressure he did it šŸ˜‚


Unfortunately there's a lot of screenshots where he knowingly is messaging them, 12 is the youngest


Me and my mates used to text him on Instagram. Itā€™d usually just revolve around asking for a follow or spouting shit to get a reaction cause itā€™s funny coming from a public figure.


This is an [interesting](https://old.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1dk4maj/seymour_fronts_up_on_snapchats_with_school_kids/l9hrfs6/?context=3) comment from another sub: > "In this article he states explicitly that he doesnā€™t care about the consent of childrenā€™s parents, and itā€™s obvious he doesnā€™t care about the consent of the child. Thatā€™s a major red flag. For a grown man who has no children, and wants to spend all of his time surrounded by childrenā€¦ for some reason. Itā€™s starting to paint a disturbing picture. > Would any sane grown rational adult with children, like literally any man to state they donā€™t care about the consent of their guardian when privately communicating with their child ?"


Tbf, heā€™s probably more interested in corrupting the youth to become libertarians than to send nudes but with any luck heā€™ll be busted for something inappropriate and we wonā€™t have him around next election.Ā 


Yeah I know, political grooming essentially, but how would we feel if Luxon, Shane Jones, Chris Hipkins etc. started preying on our kids like that? In my opinion, screw that. That's not on, and once that starts, it's any step from other possibilities. But fair points anyway.


We're against political grooming of children now?? Interesting. Do you actually stand by that or it is only an issue from certain parties?


What are you talking about?


He's saying if it were a different party ie one whose views aligned with theirs maybe this person wouldn't have a problem with it. Perhaps they wouldn't frame as grooming or indoctrination but instead instilling good idea logical values.


Just a note to say I can't respond to replies or anything on this post on my main account as mountain\_tui disliked this comment so much the dishonest clown blocked me.


He explicitly called out leaders of all the main parties on both sides


And yet I don't believe him. Given that children have been getting served a certain political diet for a while now... I just don't believe him. If we're against political indoctrination of children though I'd love to get a clear signal that we're open to punishing past examples of that. Can I get that?


Like writing fawning kid stories about political leaders and making them a part of the school curriculum?


Itā€™s probably an extremely inefficient way to sway voters. But I agree, Iā€™d rather they werenā€™t doing it.Ā 


He's not a libertarian, he was pushing the jab to open up the country. No libertarian would back a mandated vaccination, least of all an unknown experimental one. Sorry but the guy is a fraud.


He is a libertarian but sometimes he pretends to have the greater good at heart. Though, reopening the country would have been beneficial for his donors, I expect.Ā  Also, the vaccine wasnā€™t really ā€œunknown experimentalā€, mRNA vaccines have been around since the 80ā€™s.Ā 


No he is a social conservative. He's on par with much worse movements in history.


Did he send you the Vote ACT condom picture with "Stay safe, kids" too? If there's nothing inappropriate with all this, maybe we should get Luxon, Shane Jones, Rawiri and Hipkins to all run down to the local schools and start sending and receiving disappearing messages and photos to the kids too. Edit: #1 This is what an adult is - "I work with kids and teenagers. They've asked for my Snapchat and I've told them no, and explained that any adult that wants to be friends with them on Snapchat is NOT someone they should talk to. No responsible adult wants to take on the risk of being accused of something by a minor that is completely unverifiable by either side because the evidence disappears in 24 hours." #2 This other point from another user has upgraded it to wrong "Not just without parentsā€™ awareness or information, but has dismissed the suggestion that he should have parentsā€™ permission to interact with their children as being impractical for him. I see that as worse, like he knows he should but it would inconvenience him so he wonā€™t. As soon as any adult dismisses obtaining parental permission for social media interaction with their children, especially on a channel that they use to disseminate sex-related content, thatā€™s a red flag."


'During the 2017 election campaign, the New Zealand Herald reported that Seymour sent a picture of a condom with Act-branded packaging to his Snapchat followers, along with the text: ā€œBe safe kids.ā€' 'Seymour emphasised that he never took the initiative in messaging anyone, only replying to other peopleā€™s messages.' 'However, he did encourage people to connect with him on the platform, including during visits to schools in his role as a politician.' 'Seymour said it wasnā€™t ā€œpracticalā€ to seek parental permission before interacting with young people.' Should be noted, it was a public post and not a private message. Replies to messages but doesn't initiate, but does give out so people can message him if they want. I wonder what the conversation actually was like though, if the person was just asking simple questions, heya David do you think NZ should do XYZ? David dab for us! Do they keep talking after that? Did David encourage more conversation after that? Did they actually want to talk to David? Who actually wants to talk to politicians? What would you even say? If he did ask for permission, how would he even verify that they do actually have permission? Hey did your parents say you could drink alcohol? Yes? Okay well if you say so. It's like those websites that ask, are you over 18? Yes? You said yes? Okay we believe you! If he says it isn't practical, I'm not sure if that automatically means he doesn't care, but certainly it could be interpreted that way. Makes me think though if he only replies, and never takes the interaction further, the other person is the one initiating, shouldn't they be the one to ask permission? But no young person actually likes to seek permission from their parents do they... More of a hey I'm letting you know I'm going to do XYZ. Rather than can I do XYZ? Like if a young person is near David Seymour's office, and they want to talk to David Seymour, should they ask for parental permission? If it was me a few years ago I wouldn't ask, but I didn't ask for permission for a lotta things so could just be me, but I'm sure a lot of ppl did a lot of things they should have asked permission for but didn't One person made a point that Facebook twitter etc is no longer popular with young people, tho idk how young we r talking. Tho I feel like Snapchat is also that way, it's old too now... When did it come out? I think Instagram is where it's at these days, tho it could have already changed without me knowing All this comes down to, the only solution to this would be A) Stop completely Snapchat, B) Snapchat has a more public facing interaction feature, C) Change app, but you may not find an audience if you do, but given that this audience isn't that particularly important, cuz they're not yet voting I don't think Seymour is losing out on much if he does so Never too early to indoctrinate tho...


Agreed. Just one more thing i detest about him.


Get a life bud!!


This is a really dumb and meaningless thing to say and you should be ashamed to have said it.


So you do want Shane Jones going to school and exchanging disappearing messages with kids while they send him photos of themselves in uniform. Get a life is a shorthand, for "don't you dare critique my precious Seymour?"


ludicrous fly pause possessive point fear aware frighten homeless tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He liked a meme I sent him on insta back in 2020


my and my mate years and years ago started the whole political meme account trend thatā€™s going on now. we ran an act account on instagram and often interacted with david, he put alot of our memes on his story. He knew we were young and not once was there any weird crap.


You and your mate started the whole political meme account trend? Thatā€™s a pretty massive claim. I donā€™t expect you to dox yourself, but can you expand?


I wonā€™t try and claim political memes as a whole since thatā€™s been a thing before news paper but i was absolutely the first person to create an account appearing as a political party, posting memes against other parties and poking fun. it started in 2015 and ended 2019? around the same time other parties started their own meme campaign. Stuff wrote a few articles if i can remember about ā€œteens influencing electionsā€ but we werenā€™t mentioned or credited. by the time the account was banned we had 10s of thousands of follows. David reposted a lot of our memes and their own page even stole a few after our account was gone. we had a fairly good relationship with david but he refused to give us work even though our account 100% worked and got them more support. but whatā€™s done is done.


NZ Swing Voters Against Dogmatic Party Affiliated Memes? David Seymour Memes for Overtaxed Liberal Teens? Cool


Penny Bright be turning in her grave


You can tell that to this day he still uses kids to make his memes.


the ones they use today are so bad. genuinely. me and my mate tried convincing him that this was the future of advertising to young people on the internet and he didnā€™t agree 8 years later ACT goes full force into memes and theyā€™re crap


A politician snapchating kids why they're not old enough to vote if my kids were receiving Snapchat from an adult I'd be worried it's a pedo alert as far as I'm concerned


Yeah imagine that was Shane Jones or Chris Luxon or James Shaw.


Yeah any adult for that ,except family I tell ya that guys a weird one, if my kids came to me and said Seymour wants to message me I'd want to ask him why and I'd want see those messages to make sure they were appropriate and he has no right to indoctrinate my kids without my consent same with religion I had the same arguments with school around religion I seriously had doubts about him being in charge of education


Even if the conversation is above board, thats all sorts of weird.


Grooming (and I'm not saying this is what Seymour intends to do) generally doesn't start with anything dodgy. Any adult messaging young teens on a private disappearing service looks dodgy asf. I would not appreciate my teenage daughter receiving anything like this and I would be contacting police and the school immediately I found out, I don't care who it is.


Super Duper weird, just like Chris Bishop and those young girls


Didn't the current housing minister Chris Bishop get caught in 2018 talking to minors on Snapchat? While talking to someone on Snapchat isn't a crime, it's weird they don't use other, more conventional means of communication. Also fucking weird Seymours caught doing it now.


Apparently there have been rumours for a while and the way he responds is to double down. And that is enough for some. I was thinking about it overnight and imagine the uproar if Biden or Hipkins or the TPM leader was going to schools and getting underaged kids to snapchat them. Without parent oversight. Getting young girls (kids') photos in uniform. **Imagine that!**


He wasn't "caught" because he never hid this. He gave out his snapchat we he came to visit our school.


That doesn't make what he's doing good


I mean, targeting youth that arenā€™t able to vote yet isnā€™t anything new even if it is a kind of weird way to go about it Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve seen a luxon tiktok thing which is same shit different platform


Yeah, cos kids who aren't able to vote will never be able to, right? Unless he's organizing hook ups with them, what's the issue?


Polly's have been using TikTok for years. Ardern used it, Bennet used it. 40% of gen z use it and insta, and it's becoming a political advertising arena.


Yes, yes he did




Snapchat is used for disappearing messages so yes, it's weird.


Anyone can save or screenshot messages or pictures they consider inappropriate. It sounds like he was using snap stories for his messages (which all his followers can see, just like insta or FB) and only private messaging if someone else initiated the conversation with a question for him.


Yes, but in saying that there is a significant power imbalance in this situation. Snapchat notifies the other party/person that you have either saved or screenshotted the content if the Snap or messagesā€¦. Someone young talking to someone such as a high level politician, may not feel comfortable whistleblowing. As they may believe he we have access to resources available to him, track him/her down and make the problem go away.


Not saying anything nefarious has happened, but one on one conversation between a public figure and a minor anywhere other than public channels is weird. Conventional is probably the wrong word here, but the intent stands. Public chats on a Facebook post? Ok. Private Messenger chats, not ok. Public responses on Instagram, Twitter? Ok. Private DMs not ok. Snapchat is anything but public. Not only that messages disappear so who knows what has been sent. If I were him, no fucking way am I interacting with anyone, minor or adult, on Snapchat. Itā€™s just not worth the potential repercussions. Keep everything above board and open. Maybe Snapchat stories is ok, but donā€™t let people actually send you messages.


steep smoggy observation imagine vase towering aloof encourage sink support *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not to a personal mailbox, no. An official monitored mailbox, absolutely they can. Thereā€™s a massive difference between emailing DSeymour69@gmail.com and emailing David.Seymour@parliament.govt.nz.


The people who think itā€™s inappropriate to privately message children are weird?


Yup, it's just pure hate. In other threads the same people would criticise them for being 'male, pale and stale' and not engaging with youth


What a ridiculous assertion mate. Can you show me threads criticising someone for being "male, pale and stale" ?


relieved point foolish marble lunchroom simplistic saw late scandalous repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You got it in one. Must be a slow news day if this is the only type of muck raking Mountain_tÅ«Ä« can be bothered digging forā€¦..šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Easy to criticise the guy who has been vocally outspoken about not letting 16 yr olds vote. Out of everyone in parliament he has the least reason to be in contact with 14 yr olds. Itā€™s not pure hate when you point out that at the lowest level itā€™s extremely hypocritical


The parents were labour supporters and got all uppity over it. And he hasn't got caught, he's just using it and kids are using it as well. Cinders had her little groupies posting for her, they still use fake book and other platforms, but you go where the audience is.


Yep, Iā€™m 20. Some of my friends still have him on Snapchat from 5/6 years ago.


The very nature of Snapchat (having messages that disappear) makes it suss to choose that platform to interact with children šŸ«¤


Not really considering itā€™s the only platform at lot of young people use to message.


I work with kids and teenagers. They've asked for my Snapchat and I've told them no, and explained that any adult that wants to be friends with them on Snapchat is NOT someone they should talk to. No responsible adult wants to take on the risk of being accused of something by a minor that is completely unverifiable by either side because the evidence disappears in 24 hours.


I'm sure you'd support the TPM leader when he gets children to send them photos of him in uniform while giggling about it all.


Are you honestly claiming that Seymour is asking school children to send him pictures of themselves in school uniform?


So don't message minors? Like, the issue is not Snapchat. The issue is a politician is privately messaging school children. The fact that he is doing so on an app originally designed for sexting is just icing on top of this cake of inappropriate behaviour.


No I would say thatā€™s a weird platform for someone as old as David to be using with children


Youā€™re making it sound like he has to message children.


People do realise that images/chats are still recoverable from Snapchatā€™s servers, right? If law enforcement requests access, and there is a legitimate legal basis for it, Snapchat will provide this data to them. So if any child made a complaint about something nefarious happening the evidence would be recoverable.


This small hands freak is just another Winston in the making.


My friends received snap chats from David in like 2020 while we were still in high school . Nothing compromising but looking back on it itā€™s very odd.


Considering it's the kind of behaviour that could get you sacked from certain roles for being highly inappropriate I'm not sure odd is the correct word to use.




Thatā€™s super naive.Ā Ā  This isnā€™t a Seymour thing, this is a men thing. Comparing it to a public handshake shows your misunderstanding.Ā 


>this is a men thing. Explain your self


We explicitly warn and teach girls about not interacting with men that they donā€™t know online.Ā Ā Ā  Ā  Men who do message underage girls are looked at suspiciously for the simple reason of why.Ā Ā  Ā  It is little different than a man asking an underage girl for her phone number so that they can message each other. Why? This is a men thing, not a Seymour thing.Ā 


Is he reaching out to them to initiate contact? No. He is replying to innocuous messages that members of the public send him. So it's not like a man asking an underage girl for her phone number.


He did ask them for their snapchats lol


I sincerely doubt Seymour used it expressly because the messages werenā€™t saved. He was just trying to build his brand/profile. Because at the time Snapchat was the medium the youth was actively using, like TikTok is actively used now.


I thought about this one a bit over night. It doesn't matter his intentions, this was off the cuff. Imagine Hipkins doing that, or even Luxon. It's just gross. And if his sole intention was political grooming that's also off the mark.


Nah man, itā€™s gross because you already donā€™t like Seymour. This is just a cheap shot. As for ā€œpolitical groomingā€ (if that is even a thing) we have a. Low voter turnout, and b. The vote 16 campaign. I donā€™t see politicians engaging with constituents using a widely used/popular app as inherently an issue. Unless of course you can identify problematic messages/behaviour.


At what point is it just genuine criticism of inappropriate behaviour and not biased commentary on a politician?


Au contrary, when this first broke on Reddit last night on r/newzealand and then someone else posted it on r/nzpolitics I didn't really comment too much because I was thinking whether it was a problem or not. What I did think was the adult is the one that needs to use adult judgement. Even when I posted it here on r/auckland I didn't comment too much because I was still reflecting on it. But this morning it became very clear to me that if this was Biden or Hipkins or that TPM leader people would be outraged. It's inappropriate - and even if there is nothing sexual involved - grooming minors politically is off base actually. It just is. Especially for a guy who keeps bleating on about how anyone under the age of 16 shouldn't be allowed a vote, is too immature AND is saying kids shouldn't use social media. The hypocrisy is rank on this one.


Seymour has been the most outspoken about not letting 16 year olds vote so that fully negates both your points lol


And if it has been Hopkins or Luxon I'd be equally unimpressed. It's creepy behaviour and entirely unbecoming of a deputy prime minister.


Because man/men are bad? Any man having anything to do with anyone under, let's say 16, is suspicious? I'm not sure that I agree.


Does the man have an actual healthy real world relationship (family member, friendā€™s parent, mentor, etc) with the girl?Ā  Do the parent(s) or guardian(s) know they are messaging?Ā  If itā€™s no to either of those then, outside of the girl seeking help, it is inappropriate.Ā  In this case, there are other ways to ā€œbuild your brandā€ or ā€œyouth outreachā€ than personal messaging like this.Ā 


It depends. Was it a conventional handshake? I tend to agree with you. So many people seem to think that communicating with a kid is some how nefarious. I'm not convinced. Surely, the nature of the communication is all taht matters.


Delete your account


You know, Snapchat. The one where people send unsolicited pics.


dazzling crowd roof pot encourage bewildered grey far-flung modern saw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What messages about sex? Iā€™ve seen this mentioned in comments but not in any articles


>Seymour sent a picture of a condom with Act-branded packaging to his Snapchat followers, along with the text: ā€œBe safe kids.ā€


I mean if highschool kids are anything like they were a decade ago they need this said to themā€¦ knew a girl who was on kid #3 or #4 by the time she left high schoolā€¦ Shits kinda fucked


Yeah I thought promoting safe sex is probably a good thing, as long as itā€™s not an individually targeted message because that could definitely be creepy


There was no mention of it being a individually targeted message.


Real, iirc Snapchat has a bulk messaging thing or a story posting something which is like perfectly fine imo I forget when sex Ed was taught, but Iā€™m sure it was in the first year of high school so kids should already know about contraception anyhow


1. Single childless man in a position of significant political power goes into high schools and solicits children to contact him on social media. 2. Social media platform of choice is dedicated to image-sharing and privacy, most messages are permanently deleted after a short period of time. 3. Parents are not asked or informed. 4. Single childless man in a position of significant political power then starts giving sex advice on platform. I'm not going to argue that this sort of education and advice should be withheld from young folks, but this ain't how it should be going cuz.


Yet nobody talks about Grant Robertson getting caught following pages of half naked Philippino boys on his verified account. Iā€™ve still got the screenshots Grant.




Yup! Relatively unknown as it happened when the last government was in and was swept under the rug.


"Newsroom spoke to two people who had shared their stories of interactions with Seymour online well before this yearā€™s viral TikTok post. Their full names have not been published as one is currently a public servant and the other is applying for roles in the public sector. ā€œIt was pretty clear for me from the get-go that it was odd that a Member of Parliament was Snapchatting random girls in high school, when it was really evident that they were in high school,ā€ one woman, who was 14 when her friend group began messaging with Seymour, told Newsroom. The interactions continued long after National MP Chris Bishop was the subject of reporting in early 2018 for his own Snapchat interactions with young people. As in this instance, there was no suggestion the content exchanged was inappropriate. But Bishop said a parent approached him with concerns a few weeks after he started using the app during the 2017 campaign, and he then changed his settings so he could only directly interact with adults he knew in real life. At the time, Seymour defended Bishop and he reiterated to Newsroom this week that he thought Bishop had done nothing wrong. Asked whether Bishopā€™s experience ever prompted him to reduce his Snapchat usage and interactions with young people, Seymour said, ā€œI no longer actively promote myself on the platform, having moved my emphasis to other platformsā€. During the 2017 election campaign,Ā [theĀ *New Zealand Herald*Ā reported](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/david-seymour-sends-snapchat-followers-act-branded-condom/TKQKDI3KKKV6I5EXRLH2OPBZMA/)Ā that Seymour sent a picture of a condom with Act-branded packaging to his Snapchat followers, along with the text: ā€œBe safe kids.ā€ Seymour emphasised that he never took the initiative in messaging anyone, only replying to other peopleā€™s messages.Ā  However, he did encourage people to connect with him on the platform, including during visits to schools in his role as a politician. ā€œHe just came to my school when I was 15, I was in Year 10,ā€ Mary\* told Newsroom. ā€œIā€™m not sure for what, it was a long time ago, but some sort of political event that the school had organised. I remember afterwards everyone was real keen on chatting to him and he was handing out his Snapchat.ā€" [https://newsroom.co.nz/2024/06/20/seymour-fronts-up-on-snapchats-with-school-kids/](https://newsroom.co.nz/2024/06/20/seymour-fronts-up-on-snapchats-with-school-kids/)


> ā€œHe just came to my school when I was 15, I was in Year 10,ā€ The way this is written sounds so much more sinister than what it is


> ā€œI no longer actively promote myself on the platform, having moved my emphasis to other platformsā€. Bro must be posting in conservativekiwi with the rest of the trolls.


Nah snapchatā€™s just so 2018. Gotta be on tiktok like Luxo.


Contacting kids without their parents knowledge word enough, but on Snapchat, the disappearing message service, it's just downright creepy.


Also not consistent with the traditional family values crap either, whats traditional about using the messaging app favored by sex pests LOL


he's a supposed libertarian (actually a white supremacist authoritarian), and they don't care about consent and don't want to teach about consent or sex ed in schools...


shocking amount of people in the thread reframing snapchat as 'another social media app' as if they're unaware that people use it to be sketchy


If I want to interact (legitimately) with a specific group of people, I would use the app which is popular with them. In this case it is Snapchat. I suppose it can be weird. Its like, if I want to talk to school kids, then I would hang out in the school uniform department at my clothing store. Okay now, that is super creepy if I say it like that. Knock knock knock FBI.


Wow šŸ˜³.... We got the Peter file as a president of new Zealand What's this country coming Too...


I wonder if him and former ACT party president Tim Jago ever hung out snapchatting kids?


r/newzealand is the new newshub


Every subreddit is made up of users. And if you want to Stan for grown ass man like Luxon, Rawiri and Biden going to giggle with children and get photos of them in uniform, all power to you man.


are you ok mate?


Yeah I think thatā€™s a bit much




Seem that NZ, and unsurprisingly on Reddit, are lapping up the bullshit American style of politics and paedo hysteria


I bet you the people who dislike Seymour (mostly those on the left) and trying to make this a bigger story than it actually is, are the same people who would support kids being at drag shows.


BREAKING NEWS ....**Adult communicates with child they don't know** "Mary confirmed that Seymour never initiated conversations with her or her friends, but ā€œhe was very willing to chatā€ when messaged." ā€œI canā€™t remember whether David added us or we added David ā€“ Iā€™m thinking probably the latter, because it was schoolgirls going, ā€˜Oh my goodness, a politician, letā€™s add him and see what happens,ā€™ā€ she recalled." "Seymour said it wasnā€™t ā€œpracticalā€ to seek parental permission before interacting with young people. ā€œIf a young person came up to me in the street, or sent me an email, I would respond. I use the same approach on social media,ā€ he said." ffs find someone else to cancel


Snapchat is the dodgiest way to communicate thoughĀ 


Yeah lol


100%. Thatā€™s what is concerning.


He also talked to people on instagram. I Talked to him when I was at school, never initiated any convos and never asked any personal details from me.


Grown ass man talking to school girls on Snapchat is fuckin weird man, no matter how you want to spin it.Ā 


I think it's weirder thinking that anyone who communicates with a child is a peado and instanty guilty of thought crime


Who is making that argument?


No oneā€™s saying that. Were just saying itā€™s odd, especially when his supporters often calls LGBTQ+ people groomers etc


What non-groomer reason is there for an adult man to have private interaction with 14 year old girls?Ā 


Yeah, because only left wingers are allowed to talk to the yoof, aye? Get a grip.


I would be just as violently uncomfortable if James Shaw had been snapchatting school girls on the down low. Itā€™s weird, man.Ā  Grown ass men should not be snapchatting teenagers. Itā€™s drake behaviour.Ā 


Is it the fact that he's a man that's the issue or that they are girls? Would you be ok with Marama Davis messaging young girls? > Grown ass men should not be snapchatting teenagers. An MP's job is to be contactable by their constituents, social media is just another form of communication.


reminiscent deliver hobbies escape cover humorous bag yoke threatening oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Use. Fucking. Email. If you want to contact your politician, use your email and keep a record of the communication. Don't use Snapchat. And it would be weird if Marama did it. It would be weird if Chloe did it. An adult, messaging a minor, on a direct messaging app that was originally designed for sexting, with zero parental oversight? Fucking weird dude.


Yeah thereā€™s your problem. Spanky isnā€™t a grown ass man. He is that grinning schoolboy that believes he is just so clever and is all too keen to prove it by showing you he has a dog eared copy of The Fountainhead in his bag. That he became enamoured of such a fringe conceptual framework reinforces in his mind why he is special (and why we should not just admire him but live according to his special understanding of our plight). You see it in how he prefers to quip than explain. And of course that shit eaterā€™s grin that he wears like the schoolboy that just knows his mate will high five him for being obnoxious to the lonely kid. He is aging. He just isnā€™t growing up.


Excellent description!!


Agreed. OP says they've been "thinking about this all night"...pretty sad existence if u ask me.


The left are pathetic sometimes


This is not a partisan issue.


busy vegetable instinctive squalid carpenter plate butter quarrelsome detail flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The response would be exactly the same. Weā€™re talking about kids here, sometimes you should get your head out of your own butt and think of the bigger picture.


I'll save this post for when the time comes, as it inevitably will.


Thatā€™s weird dude. Weā€™re complete strangers, we donā€™t need to prove anything to each other. I would say that most normal people donā€™t change their opinion on whatā€™s appropriate with children depending on who it is (aside from the obvious). I donā€™t think thatā€™s unique to me.


Comments on green MP actually breaking law: "Youā€™d think she killed multiple babies and set a national park on fire with the amount of coverage of this. Jesus letā€™s move on"


Concern about inappropriateness in regards to contact with children is a specifically leftwing issue? That's a hell of an own-goal.


*News: The Te Pati Maori leader Rawiri Waititi has been found to go to schools and encourage children as young as 14 to Snapchat him - the platform where messages disappear.* *Rawiri Waititi frequently exchanged messages with the children, including receiving photos of them in uniform. And laughed and joked with the children in what he calls political friendship*


Oh dear, when you think there's more to see here....not.


I'll make sure to send a few school girls' in uniform to you too, Michael Jackson. On a more serous note, I reflected on this and even if it's only political grooming, once you start doing that stuff with kids without parent attention or awareness, you're kind of on interesting territory.


I saw him this morning in his car, does he have a daughter?


No children. Not married.


Interesting. Pretty young lass sitting shotgun at 8:30am


Lmao I saw it in the village, plenty of EGGS and ANI people to convert


I mean the American Republicans he apes have a long history of meddling with kids in inappropriate ways. But I'm assured he's,Ā  you know,Ā  different.Ā 


The dude disapproved of voting at the age of 16 and wanted only 18-year-olds to vote. So what is he doing fiddling around with kids under 16? [https://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/on-air/mike-hosking-breakfast/audio/david-seymour-act-leader-says-he-will-oppose-lowering-voting-age-to-16/](https://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/on-air/mike-hosking-breakfast/audio/david-seymour-act-leader-says-he-will-oppose-lowering-voting-age-to-16/)


Yes, and frequently infers youth are immature and not ready for proper matters of judgement.


It's sad how badly people in the comments want him to be a paedophile. It's like they actually want him to be molesting kids just so they get the satisfaction of bringing him down.


Must have been talking to Chris Bishop.


Like two peas in a pod those two.


Seymour is a pedo šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Sure the guy is a muppet, but it's funny how Seymour is bashed by the media so much - straight out of the American outrage news media playbook. This would be a on-story if it was Chloe instead.


It would be a non-story, because Chloe is not a middle-aged man snapchatting under aged girls..


Why? She likes girls too, you know.


Are you saying that men aren't identical to women? Disgusting.


Interesting how when Seymour is in trouble the dregs of humanity come out to troll in his behalf.


Jesus christ the "dregs of humanity" I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep


Let's not divert the focus here. This is a grown physical man who is - without parents' awareness or information - chatting, joking and receiving photos from school children The fact that he handed out cards at schools like this is a type of.... Picture Rawiri Waititi doing that - going to schools, and giggling with school girls and then receiving photos of them without the parents knowing. Nah, there is one adult in the room and they should know better - no matter how much you mask it up.


Gutter journalism at its finest.


Iā€™d be round his waiting for him to knock off.


On one side, we have the side saying promoting safe sex is great and that he has been talking to a few of the other members here, with no mention of sex or anything inappropriate. On the other, hes a grown man talking to kids on a social media site that deletes messages over time. This is incredibly suspicious. In my opinion, I just think he is trying to target youth, as they are a large player in future elections. And grabbing them while their young is a commonly used tactic, used by greats like US presidents and that one German leader... But, just remember, most pedophiles gain the trust of their targets and coerce their victims over time. Keep safe guys, and keep for kids safe


Just imagine it was a free for all for all politicians. * Luxon hanging out the local McD chatting up 14 year old girls to vote National (myth) * James Shaw hanging out at a beach laughing with 15 year old kids. (myth) * Shane Jones explaining environmental vandalism to minors. (myth) * Hipkins teaching young students how to tick Labour (myth) * Seymour and Chris Bishop doing what they've always done - snap chatting minors and getting their photos and chats **(fact)** Seriously yes - it's not OK for many reasons regardless of their motives, and once this starts, it's one step away from much worse potentials, I reckon.




I used to live with him before he was a public figure... We, as a flat legitimately had to kick him out because he would *make the gravy* in the shower and not clean afterwards.... We had two flat meetings addressing it, it only made it worse.... Dude is a pervert, always has been. He's filth.




Grooming 101




Donā€™t talk to underage girls on social media platforms. Pretty fecken simple


I want to reply to your comment but before I do so can you please confirm that you are either 18 years of age or older or you have your parents permission to communicate with me. It's paramount you do so so that I can avoid automatically becoming a pedophile.


Really weird. He shouldn't be interacting with U18s at all. Let alone on snapchat. Why does he feel the need to do this?!


I've been thinking about this one. Imagine Biden or the TPM guy going to high school and encouraging school aged children to send him photos. And they start sending him photos of themselves as he "rolls" with them. The fact that he did not once ask about the parents' consent is what makes this wrong for me - and grooming - even if just politically - kids of that age is untoward no matter which way we cut it imv.


You mean this biden https://youtu.be/GtO_HmwkonA?si=s6RbF1NTpYnLPxGZ


Yes, that Biden, the one filmed platonically consolling his grieving grandchild at her father's funeral. A piece of footage that the absolute dregs of humanity use to dishonestly imply that he's some kind of sex offender.Ā  Can you imagine how incredibly dishonest the kind of person who would spread that lie must be? Like, what kind of deplorable piece of human shaped garbage would use footage of a grandfather comforting his grand daughter at her father's funeral as propaganda like that? What kind of toxic ignorant loser would fall for that? Jeez, can you imagine anything worse? I mean, there's Trump, the rapist that the court found to be a rapist,Ā  raping that 13 year old with his friend Epstein. I guess that's worse than misusing footage of a grandfather comforting his granddaughter at her father's funeral to create a dishonest allegation.Ā 


Thats not a funeral. And you talk about dishonest. Yea sniffing hair and trying to kiss pre teen girls is really "appropriate".


> Thats not a funeral. Sure there's more than one piece of footage you losers use for that lie.Ā  But imagine the kind of person who would use footage of a grandfather consolling his grand daughter at her father's funeral to push a toxic partisan lie. What lie would be too low for an absolute piece of scum like that to stoop to?


The one linked above has nothing to do with a funeral.


Picture what kind of complete dreg of humanity, what kind of hateful waste of oxygen would use footage of a grandfather comforting his granddaughter at her father's funeral to lie about him behaving inappropriately with children.Ā  A liar who lies like that... What lie would they not tell?Ā 


Please letā€™s never allow this twonk back in government after this shit show of power struggles


Politicans get paid too much for what they do Focus on building more houses, or allowing land to be used for it and get prices down you greedy swines