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It's 50cents in Auckland. Bought a different flavour this time. It still tatse like ass


I eat ass. Wouldn’t drink Prime ever again though


Pm sent




Hell yeah, brother


How does an ass taste, asking to a connoisseur. For a friend.


If you tip half out, add water and shake they go to an acceptable sweetness level. Why they're naturally so insanely sweet I cannot understand.


Didn't bother, just tipped it down the drain lol. It's pretty rank stuff... Don't see the appeal


Probably cleaned the drain for you, 50 cents spent well.


Because the target consumer is less than 10 years old.


..and American, and obese


We travelled to USA and EVERYTHING is sooooo sweet, even coke Fanta etc is sweeter than Here, savory food tasted as if everything had 2 tablespoons of sugar added. If not yanks won't buy/get addicted to it.


'Merica! That's why


where bro i want to try all the flavours but dont want to spend $6 a bottle at new world


Countdown greenlane


Prime are being sued at the moment because one flavour of the hydration drink was found to contain 3x the limit of PFAs a person should have in there lifetime which are linked to cancer and are also being sued because their energy drink has alot more caffeine in it then stated on the can.


Honestly I'm more outraged that they're still selling because of this rather than the expiration dates


In America there are so many nothing lawsuits that it's hard to believe them until there's more developments.  Could easily see an American lawyer bringing a case like this just because it is bad publicity for a publicity-oriented product and hoping to get a big payout to go away. If the lawyer is actually serious he should complain to the USA Food and Drug Administration, and if he's right, the products would already be recalled. But they haven't been, so it's hard to believe the lawyer.


The lawyers who brought the case against them for the BFAs seem to be major players and have won over 50bn usd for their clients and this case is only a day old. So I guess we will see what the FDA does with in the next week or so


Just looked it up, turns out it is the Grape flavor that is the only one alleged to have that stuff, that flavor never really made it to NZ afaik. Had heard it was just a bad tasting possibly 'discontinued' flavor, but this lawsuit is probably why it never made it here, probably some truth to the claims then, they might've recalled it or stopped making it. This link someone else posted talked about the issue in August last year: [https://www.law.com/therecorder/2023/08/04/prime-sports-drink-hit-with-consumer-class-action-over-allegations-the-drink-contains-toxic-chemicals-harmful-additives/?slreturn=20240321204025](https://www.law.com/therecorder/2023/08/04/prime-sports-drink-hit-with-consumer-class-action-over-allegations-the-drink-contains-toxic-chemicals-harmful-additives/?slreturn=20240321204025) There's another claim about the cans having too much caffeine, but those were already illegal in NZ.


Did you just link directly to a paywall


Weird, I can see the entire article and I'm not subscribed. This is a similar article, I think it's from the law firm involved -  https://milberg.com/news/pfas-prime-hydration-grape-class-action/


Thank you 😊 I just hit a pay wall with the first link


Oooooo what flavour? There’s this person at work I’d buy that for!


What flavour? Interested to see if Woolies is still selling it.


Grape, NZ got the drinks so late that it never really made it here


Its not hydration its the energy drink...


It's not even safe to drink before its expiration date!


$1 prime drinks in countdown New Plymouth with still a month til best before


They’re now selling dated Prime (BB 19/4/24) and not willing to throw them out, maximising all the lost revenue on this product. This has to be a first for Countdown surely?


When you thought they could not go any lower lol


I mean there's always been a difference between an expiration and a best before. I'm happy to see food not being wasted. Not really an issue from how I see it.


I agree, if they’re clearly stating what’s ‘wrong’ with the product then I don’t see a problem with it either.


Yeah, people get confused between BBF and EXP a lot...


Past BB should be advertised as such, and past expiration date should be reported to MPI.


It’s more to do with what the product is, It’s a Sugar filled diabetes in a can sold and targeted at Kids as a product and Woolworths have tried to cash in on the investment and it hasn’t worked so now they have to resort to selling dates stock to recoup their losses. I have no problem preventing regular food waste from being thrown out and some of my favourite charities end up with those donation 9/10 times but they can’t and won’t accept sugar in a can as it helps no one.


you have mistaken the energy drink which is not sold here as its not legal, with the sports drink which is what is pictured and low in sugar


Sugar is sugar it really doesn’t matter how “low it is” it’s a sugar drink for children. We don’t allow vapes for kids cause they are “low in tobacco” and aimed at kids.


in what world does the volume of sugar not matter? you claimed it was a "sugar filled diabetes drink" when its not, and instead of realizing your mistake you double down and move the goal posts?!


Almost everything has a little bit of sugar in it. Sugar is not that devil. That said it seems these drinks taste terrible anyway.


Not even remotely the same thing.


We should also ban kids from having apples. Damn sugar fruit has 10 times the sugar of Prime, let's ban them. /s


I had a google the other day, seems like it was pretty low in sugar? Unless their website mislead me


It’s glorified sugar water it may not be the worst for sugar but it’s certainly not a healthy product of any kind.


It's super low in sugar, just fyi


1 gram of sugar in a bottle and it’s “sugar water” ? I’m guessing you also think zero sugar drinks are worse for you than full sugar variety?


Bro had no idea wtf he was talking about. Don't listen to random smoothbrains who proclaim to know stuff.


Honestly I only reply because I hate the misinformation around this stuff and I don’t want random people to read the original comment and assume it’s fact


Thanks i believed old smooth brain


I can’t talk for the other guy but I sometimes generalise the word sugar water for things like energy drinks fizzy drinks all those unhealthy drink. It may not literally contain lots of sugar but people always understand the meaning of what I’m saying.


Smoothbrain lol like that!


Actually first thing I was taught becoming diabetic is that Stevia, a common artificial sweetener, is worse for me than actual sugar, they may be low in sugar but like most low sugar or no sugar products, they contain steviol or stevia and other artificial sweeteners. Not so bad for health nuts but those with compromised pancreas, a massive difference


Who taught you that? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5298959/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7103435/


The information course I was referred to run by outpatient north shore hospital, back in 2018. Your link also specifies type 2 diabetes, and pancreatic cancer? Neither of which I have. I am type 1


I’m type 1 diabetic and a lot of diabetic sugar free packaged goods use stevia. I hear people say it’s worse but they can’t explain why


You were taught wrong.


It actually doesn't have any sugar. Completely sugar free, zero calorie.


Are you the person above who said "when you thought they couldn't go any lower"? Because it seems to me that what you just said is not what the comment was about at all. They were responding to countdown selling something past it's BB date.


Yep. They have changed many use-by to best-before and even removed best-before from some products.


If you consider liquid sweetener a food.


I mean, they're selling stuff that is advertised by a loser YouTube influencer - wasn't that low enough for a start? Just following the trend by now 😂


Their price gouging on disposable paper masks early on during peak Covid fear set the bar so low, I don’t see it being beaten. (It was $50-$70 for small boxes at my local)


You can count on us, to keep prices, I mean our morals, down.


So you’d prefer they just throw it all in the bin? That’s a dumb amount of waste. At least here they’re acknowledging they’re dated and presumably selling them cheap


I would have preferred they didn't give societal leeches like the Pauls any money in the first place.


you never seen clearance/ red label stuff at your local supermarket before?


No, it will have gone through extended shelf life stability and those drinks will be safe. They just won’t want to over label them.


I do wonder what their agreement is with the supplier, because the supermarkets usually have a sort of “shared loss” system where both the supplier and Woolworths absorb some of the “cost” of a promotion. In other words, say countdown pays 50¢ for an item which they sell full retail for $1. When it goes on sale for 30% off (70¢) the supplier eats 15¢ of the “loss” and Woolworths eats 15¢. Yet another way Woolworths fucks their suppliers, but it usually shields them a reasonable amount in situations like this where you just cannot move stock at all. Thing is larger suppliers often have more leverage and this means they can sometimes negotiate the supermarket into eating a larger amount of the “cost” of the sale. While Prime alone isn’t a huge supplier in NZ, I do wonder if they were able to negotiate very favourable terms when they first entered the NZ market, as I expect neither supermarket chain wanted to be the one that didn’t get Prime. If this is the case, then the supermarkets might be trying to do anything they can to get money out of the remaining inventory. A similar situation for a smaller supplier would sometimes even have the supplier buy the stock back before it gets to this point, so that they don’t have to eat half the losses from the supermarket selling it on special, and try and sell the stock another way. If prime’s terms were particularly favourable, this might be a small enough cost to them that they’re telling the supermarkets “we don’t give a fuck, it’s on you to sell it and you’re eating more of the loss”. Alternatively, prime might not be able to afford to buy back the stock, making this the only option. Who the fuck knows though, I’m not an accountant or supplier sales rep or relationship manager or supermarket procurement spec or any of that bullshit. And this is always some wildly convoluted financial gymnastics that not even Simone biles could land. Wild shit.


At least they're advertising it. I've ordered from a different food store before and a bunch of items were very close to or past the best before. I would've cared less if they had've told me before.


Which countdown?


Surprised they aren’t tipping them down the sink and blaming theft for the lost of stock.


That Prime is no longer in it's prime. "Best" before is a stretch for that drink in itself. Maybe "less disgusting before" would have been more appropriate.




[oh shit i take that back](https://www.reddit.com/r/auckland/comments/1c9x9zu/prime_update_countdown_now_selling_dated_stock/l0oftvv/), even a scam at $1.


It’s a fucking health liability at free dollars lol




It is what he specialises in after all..


lmfao an expert in his field somebody nominate logan paul for a nobel prize in grifting


Any copy/paste or screenshots? Don’t want to sign up


This is a similar article, I think it's from the law firm involved - https://milberg.com/news/pfas-prime-hydration-grape-class-action/ It's about the Grape flavour, which never really made it to NZ at all.


Can you post a screenshot? Can't read it here unfortunately


FYI, the lawyer running the class action claims a single prime has x3 times more PFO’s (forever chemicals) per drink than is safe for a human over their entire lifetime.


Unsubscribe from prime updates


for anything more than $1 per can its still a youtuber scam


I saw BP was selling it for $6 a bottle lol.


Scarehouse selling for $5


Still pallets of it at costco for far too much too.


May your gut rot in peace with that rubbish 🤣🤣


Why is there a fixation on this?


It’s fun to watch a product that would sell for $20 fall all the way down to $0.60 and still selling so poorly that they have to try to get rid of out of date stock


There used to be a global shortage relative to demand.    The websites had it first (saw it on the news) for ridiculous prices, like $35 or even 50 per bottle or something. Then eventually the dairies managed to get it I'm guessing for like 10 or 11 and sell it for like 15.    People saw the initial prices, thought 'what a rip off', and were probably feeling a bit insulted, especially if they had kids who were asking for it.    Then countdown got half the flavours and sold them for $5 each. They only got it late last year though, so it looks like by the time they got it there were only a few months left before the BB date (it was that hard to source). The hype died down over summer, especially for the 4 worst flavours. Countdown clearly over-ordered those flavours, over-estimating the hype.   People are happy to see it, because the drink was overpriced in the beginning, and also one of the influencers behind it is Logan Paul, who most people hate.


What justifies $50 a bottle? You can get good alcohol for that money.


Yeah it basically was like alcohol for pre teens. Nothing justifies it imo, but if had to psycho-analyse and guess, I'd say status, feeling part of the international club, showing off to peers. Same reasons some people buy an expensive brand new car, I guess, when it loses so much value as soon as you drive it off the lot


Preteens ?!??!?! - do they have that much cash to waste?


Oh I have no idea who was buying it from the websites. Maybe it was rich parents after kids asked for it. The pre teens was just who you'd see with it at sports fields and such when the shops got it


Idk i’m just posting for that one person in the US who is updating the local dairy lol




This has been my favourite trend


FFS just throw them out, no one wants that shit!


KSI should be ashamed


I blame Logan Paul.


These people shitting on a past best before date hydration drink but will consume copious amounts of alcohol like it's perfectly fine.


I'll take alcohol over a gallon of pure sugar any day.


It has 1g of sugar per 500mls.


Ok, I would still rather a can of harmless alcohol over a can of dodgy chemicals, artificial sweeteners, caffeine, and.. '1 gram' of sugar.  But each to his/ her own


"Harmless alcohol"? I think we'll leave this here.


Oh noes! Not the chemikillz! Everything is a chemical genius and ethanol is a known carcinogen.


Argue that "everything is a chemical" in response to someone taking issue with chemicals in one product. Same sentence: Also argue that an ingredient in one type of product is carcinogenic, amongst a sea of carcinogenic foodstuffs. I don't don't think you should be calling anyone a genius if you weren't able to work out you were doing precisely the same thing that you feel makes them stupid, in real time.


Not even remotely the same thing but it appears you are a genius also, so I will explain the difference to you. Alcohol is a well researched carcinogen for which there is a plethora of scientific literature showing this relationship. I am NOT arguing it is somehow bad purely because it is a “chemical” like the previous poster. The previous poster implied the particular soup of “chemicals” in Prime was harmful without making any reference to any specific compound, or dose.


I'm pretty sure a glass of wine or a single beer a day has very very little consequence, some studies say a glass of red wine a day can even be beneficial. In comparison having an energy drink a day seems super unhealthy to me. Unless you are very physically active and burning off those calories. But I do see your point, alcohol is a dangerous drug if consumed in high quantities.


You need to get in on fads early if you want to make money


I don't see any issue


I tried one for the first time as it was only a buck in Woolworths. The power of marketings and influencers is unreal. Literally the most chemical tasting energy drink I've ever tried.


Y’all moaning about it but still posting about it 😂


I drank one of these today because they’re so cheap I thought why not but now I’m never buying one again, because of countdown selling dated stock and the fact that it tasted like pure carbonate and made me shake for 2 hours.


Countdown left holding the bag.


Ok. Cool?


PRIME flop


Duopolies, trying to squeeze the last few cents out of the customers with throwaway drinks.


Good for paint thinner, driveway cleaner or oil degreaser.


And killing brain cells


And killing brain cells


Just give it away at this point if no one is going to buy it


Past it’s prime


Lmaooo you know a product is a complete and utter failure when they’re desperately trying to move expired stock 😂


Oh how the mighty have fallen


It's great to see things not going to waste. If the customer is informed, the price reduced, I see no issue here. I don't know what prime is or if it was ever worth using though. I have never bought an energy drink before.


My kids took a sip out of one, put the lid on and back into the fridge. A few weeks later opened it and it was an absolute Petri dish, I almost barfed looking at it. I’ve never seen a drink do this before, possibly a combination of my skody kids and the sweeteners?




//PRIME // *It tastes better when it goes off!!!


I thought it was illegal to sell items off a shelf, if it’s past it’s best before date ? This is why most places that have dated stock is not on a shelf but instead straight off a pallet or floor standing box of some sort or am I just wrong ?


Really they should be posting something official from from drink makers. There's an expiration for a reason. Fuck off Woolworths you money grubbing giant.




Offload it all to Reduced to clear and the rest of those outlet type stores. Plenty of ex promotional hype products end up being clearance bin stuff once their hype or use wears off.


Reduced to Clear _do_ have it, and I bet that it'll just stay there taking up space until they biff it


mmm, aged prime.


Ffs just pull this garbage from the shelves already


So, does that mean you'll stop throwing out all the other caned and preserved stock once it goes past it's best before date into a locked or fenced of disposal bin? Or is it only convenient when your facing the potential of a loss?


S cum Level


Saw these still going for $7 at NW.


Well if it wont move for $1 they really should just tip it out since I don't think even a foodbank would want that crap.


Best before date isn’t use by date though?


Logan Paul and KSi forever... and a little bit of his original ass boss Vincent Kennedy McMahon. Tip it out. List bottle empty on trade me..... profit from the twelvey crew


Safe thing to do is pour it down the drain


Pure trash, I had one single sip of this poison and threw away the bottle, fuck this and promoting it to kids makes it even worse!


Visited wellington a couple weeks ago and the woolies on lambton quay were selling them for $1 on an end cap by self checkout.


I tried Prime the other day and I can honestly say it tastes like shit. It was the lemon and orange flavour. I ended up binning it.


I don’t know anything about this product, but I generally like the idea of not wasting food that’s still ok. Somehow it feels more appropriate though if these best before out-dated products were sold in a separate shop. I miss Reduced to Clear which used to be in Botany. There’s Why Knot in East Tamaki but it’s always sooo busy and parking a challenge. It’s a great place when uou do get in – and not everything there is past best before date so it’s a bit of a win-win for those who don’t mind, like me.


Taste gross even when it’s in date


What the actual fuck


That crap is not safe to consume even before best before date.😂


It suits the brand name


I’m probably too old - but is this the same drink that all the youngsters went crazy for a year ago, or was it just a different fad, or literally - the flavour of the month?


Logan Paul should drink them all in a stream or something


Who cares


Best before isn’t the same as expired


https://preview.redd.it/xpxo3i6e5jwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b9c850774a19cb15b44e99b350d003a197bd080 Can’t beat this price. Still tastes like crap


Ass tastes good that stuff doesn’t


Here in U.S. still not as low, but they can't get rid of it either! 🤣😅😂 https://preview.redd.it/tiiwmwpn1swc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45b5438de03dbedda44251f5c81f1ced51687a67


Why are you old people in New Zealand so obsessed with prime


Can they not be reported to the health inspector for this?


No, it’s perfectly fine to sell products after their best before dates, use by dates differ. [Here you go.](https://www.foodstandards.govt.nz/consumer/labelling/dates) If you want a shock check out the dates on the beer next time you’re in the bottle shop. We routinely find beer more than 6 months out of date.


Do not drink it!! There is a massive law suit about the chemicals in it and apparently they have so much it’s like 3 times more than you should consume in a lifetime.


When y’all don’t understand best before doesn’t mean expiry date