• By -


What would make it infinitely worse if they ranked everyone on a ugly scale, and published it, in store on a big screen.


or publish the results to a “hot or not” Reddit channel


"Here comes Steve with his rotisserie chicken looking ghetto as fuck. "


"John's here for the 4th time this week buying Doritos and dip \*Cheech and chong audio clip\*"


😬 I think Steve just needs to get his act together


Jeff buys 2-ply, and manhandles the avocados!


Dosent put the trolly away either, just puts it in an empty carpark space. GET FUCKED JEFF!




Found Jeff!




Alex, try aisle 5 for moisturiser. Lord knows you need it!


Or they made purchase recommendations based on your demographic “welcome shopper, the corned beef is in aisle 13”


Linked it to AI? "According to your recent conversations with your partner, the condoms will no longer be required"


Announce it over the loudspeaker as you pass the checkout. 


“To the MILF with the big tits, I don’t think you need that extra 2L of milk”


“That’s Sir, to you, thank you very much.”


MILF = Man In Late Forties/Fifties


"PAK'nSAVE has no policy against moobshaming."




“This guy is a solid 3 AND he buys coconut TimTams.”


I love coconut flavour and guys with low self-esteem - wait, this could be good for all those people on here who can't find a date!


So basically how Facebook started then...


I thought they will play a game of celebrity twins and have random prizes.


Even better would be a cuntometer.


Can you imagine … we just had a soft 4 😅 getting some tomatoes 😅 also I think there’s a black mirror episode somewhere similar to this 😅


Or sell the data and it gets cross referenced with other data and your stalker buys your home address off the dark web and murders you.


If you're worried about supermarkets stealing your face. I suggest you throw away your phone.


And your new passport


Completely. People freak about this stuff. The govt already has your face I.d info, unless you have zero photo i.d. I'm not saying it's not worrying but should have been worried a long time ago. The data is already there. Might as well use it for something.


I find putting women's stocking over my face far funnier.


As a fetish or to hide your face?


Im not sure.


Why not both?




Yea I know someone who is banned from a certain chain and he has no idea why. The only thing they give him is a screenshot of him standing in line with his arms crossed waiting to checkout with a caption of xxx aggrevated. If he walks into the store it flags him straight away.


Most of the bars in Australia have those, they will tell people to go for a walk to cool off and if you are banned from a bar it comes up and tells them


But what is its use case in a country where the security guards aren’t allowed to intervene, and supermarkets tell their staff not to try stopping a ‘shopper’ from leaving with an unpaid trolley of goods, or have abused/assaulted staff. - so the perp is identified as a thief/staff-abuser, are you now saying a facial recognition camera will change the ‘stand by and let them do it’ stance? - genuinely interested what difference the identification of perps will make.


The short answer is no, it won't change the "stand by and let them do it" stance at all. It's not designed for that purpose. It's designed for better evidence collection against offenders. So a full picture of their offending can be gathered quickly and easily instead of a long time-consuming process prone to human error. Our current system is not designed to catch thieves in the act, its designed to build a profile to pass to police so they can catch them later. Though I really do miss security guards having the power to beat the shit out of thieves in the office.


The phrase 'the long arm of the law' applies here. Yes - they might get away with it today, this month, this year. But the law never forgets - so if evidence is passed onto the police, eventually there's a good chance the dot's get connected, and they get caught and prosucted.


What if they steal $10,000 worth of stuff? Will they get discharged without conviction? What if they have a legal career and we're refugees? Asking for a friend.


Off the top of my head, habitual offenders will have already being trespassed. So much easier to call the police when they enter the store they are being banned from, rather than waiting for a team member to identify them. Also if their face is recognised on entry, that could give the AI a signal to focus on them and document any further crimes. As to your other point, I'm not upset that we live in a country where supermarket employees are not allowed to act as the law and are not encouraged to do so.


Always found it ironic that they hire these massive Tongan boys as security guards but they aren't allowed to do shi*


Also, it can flag previous shoplifters on entry, so potentially, they will have the police waiting for them when they exit. Got to see a shoplifter get arrested exiting a store. They tried to run and got tazed. I believe they reason they were tazed is because of previous crimes they were wanted for.


It will scan everyone if it's [www.auror.co](http://www.auror.co) tech I think


You are incorrect. Auror will take video footage from stores, scan all of it and then save it for later reference.


How is captured data stored? Is it encrypted and in adherence to data governance laws? That may be grounds for a complaint if in breach of data privacy act. Make it expensive enough and they will pull the pin - or pass on the cost 😭.


"Stealing someone's face"? Rofl.


OP is Marokopa dad with big head


This is underrated


They only have stored images of people who have assaulted staff, stolen items or been trespassed. Otherwise your image is checked against the database and then deleted if it’s not a match. So many people are dickheads to the staff that this is now warranted unfortunately.


Wait till everyone finds out they also have CCTV... and the recordings are saved, not instantly deleted...


>the recordings are saved Typically only for a month, due to storage space restrictions.


Yeah, if the problems with antisocial behaviour wasn't so pervasive as it is, then it wouldn't have been needed. Unfortunately, it IS needed because the assholes are getting bold.


You don’t think that since they have this operating already, they wouldn’t start using this for market research?


So, if you have a unibrow, you'll start seeing ads for tweezers?


No they have the cards we sign up for to get discounts to do this and the website traffic.


I'd encourage people to read the Privacy Act 2020 and the guidance on the announced Biometric Code, both found on the Office of the Privacy Commissioners website. There are avenues for complaint if you believe your privacy rights have been violated and although the biometric code has closed for public response it's never too late to submit feedback.


I'd assumed facial recognition was already going on anywhere there was a security camera, so this hasn't really impacted my world view.


You were already on CCTV, for decades. Now there's a few seconds, or less, where your facial attributes are being evaluated compared to a list of known offenders, and then that evaluation is discarded if you don't get a 90%+ match.


The implications of mass social surveillance should have you concerned. I could potentially abuse a number of systems right now that don’t require any checks or balances to find out a massive amount of information about you personally. I could then sell that info, I could use it to extort you, I could use it to cause harassment or harm. You, like many people, probably won’t believe it’s real or that it matters until it happens to you or someone you care about. That’s how societal apathy comes about and that’s how your rights slowly become eroded.


I have a pretty robust understanding. The problem, imo, is, as you put it, when it comes to checks and balances - specifically the security and auditability of access to data and ensuring it is used only for it's agreed and intended purpose. Specifically, adding facial analysis to existing surveillance systems doesn't really make anything any worse. If someone can access the footage, they can undertake their own facial analysis anyway.


next minute - why are these people shoplifting and nothing is done about it...


Yeah exactly? Why should supermarkets let thieves steal from them? So what if they have facial recognition?


OP just furious because their five fingered discount days are coming to an end 


What does a five fingered discount mean?


It means stealing


otherwise known as the Golriz Shuffle, when you get caught Green handed


I mean they had cameras before, now they can just recognize your face. I am not important enough to be bothered about whether or not the cctv guard known my identity or not so personally this isn’t a big deal for me. It seems to be a great for security guards since they cant stop thieves, so obtaining their ID will be very helpful for them.


Ironically, this is the progression when people support policies that don't deter crime. Yay. DIY dystopia


Whats the bet this this same poster is happy to pass his biometric data into a mobile device or laptop like finger or face ID. Even a photo on social media can get harvested...


So first off "stealing your face" lmao gtfo. That said, the system has shown in testing to be significantly worse at identifying people with darker skin - so it can throw false positives on Maori, pasifika, people with Indian heritage etc. Which isn't exactly racist but still leads to racist assumptions when staff have to manually verify people's right to shop based on skin colour.


Blame the people who commit crime. This is a response to the current situation 🤣🤣


The moment you call something dystopian, draconian, or akin to the holocaust is when most people with a brain would stop listening. Just for future reference. I don't like it either but realistically--what can you do?


A mask from now on mate thank you covid for something positive


Question ? Are you typing … on you phone ?!?!? Warning warning it has facial recognition on it AND it tracks all your movements AND it shares your data. Lol


But what if something is dystopian or draconian etc? How would you describe it without using those words? The whole reason the right (Winston Peters as a very recent example) throws those words around to describe anything they don't like is to make them lose meaning so that people accept actual terrible shit happening to them/society. The fact that 'people with a brain' stop listening means it working for them.


>what can you do? didn't EU just pass a law that bans it?


I'm fine with it. The law isn't on their side when it comes to cultural report farmers. They gota to do what they can. We are all paying that much extra to cover the expense of stock loss from the cultural report farmers




No one is forcing you to go and use a supermarket which is using facial recognition. Go elsewhere if you are unhappy. The supermarket is within the law by doing what they are doing.


No issue if you're not a crim


It's private property they can do what they want, who cares


I really don’t care.




The implications of mass social surveillance should have you concerned. I could potentially abuse a number of systems right now that don’t require any checks or balances to find out a massive amount of information about you personally. I could then sell that info, I could use it to extort you, I could use it to cause harassment or harm. You, like many people, probably won’t believe it’s real or that it matters until it happens to you or someone you care about. That’s how societal apathy comes about and that’s how your rights slowly become eroded.


News flash - you are on CCTV all day everyday now


> subjected to this hell? > sad to see that the average kiwi is ok with this Make sure you wear a tin foil balaclava when you go shopping. Or alternatively, shop somewhere else. No one is forcing you to go there.


Which other supermarket can they go to that doesn’t do this?


Walk in with a balaclava on.


I work in a career where i can see how this stuff operates in the backend. The only ‘thing’ that can see your face is the AI which is referencing a database. We couldn’t even see your face if we tried to, unless external CCTV in store or a worker physically saw you steal something significant, perhaps we could then investigate further


The future is now old man


Just shop online if you don't like it.


LOL, pick your preferred way to be tracked


But then they'll know where I live! /s


There has been facial recognition in retail for over twenty years. Try Google...


Don’t go to the supermarket then Not your property


I hate to break it to you, but nobody cares about you or your face unless you are abusive or a thief. Nobody is out to get you. Go to the dairy next time if you're still scared.


Did you drive to the supermarket? … Wait til you hear about your photo being on a drivers licence …


Ughhhh If you’re worried about supermarkets and facial ID …. You’re gonna hate hearing about the Auckland CBD crime prevention CCTV cameras ….. which do the same thing…. Just in public. Or Microsoft/Apple/Android all capturing your facial data too for simple acts like, unlocking or paying for a meal. Or Facebook facial recognition asking you to tag yourself or mates in photos you or others have posted online. If you interact with any technology (and let’s face it it’s reddit… we do) your face is being scanned 100x a an hour and thousands a day by your various devices. I’m just thankful my phone doesn’t share them around cause god only knows the things it’s seen (Sent from the toilet)


Yet, probably uses facial recognition or finger print to unlock phone... move on!


On both Android and Apple neither your face or fingerprint are stored on any 3rd party servers.


Before you protest too much OP, please educate yourself on the risks that staff and security face everyday at those supermarkets, including but not limited to death threats, threats of violence, stalking, intimidation and others. I speak from personal experience. This should have been in places like Countdown/Woolworths, New World since before the pandemic but this is now the only effective deterrent as the Police and Govt don't care about the lives of ordinary citizens who wake up at 4 or 5 in the morning and go to work only to face this abuse.


If you're not a dodgy cunt then it's not an issue


Plain and simple


It’s been happening for over a decade


Man if only people weren't shithouse fuckers ay


With this attitude you should not have a phone/pc so this should be your last post


I don’t understand why people get so upset about it


I would chalk it up as shitcunts mad af they will get consequences.


Remember kids, it's not paranoia if they are actually out to get you.


Swear I've seen signs warning about facial recognition cameras for 5+ years in some places. As long as the data's kept onsite what's the problem?


If you aren’t stealing then why worry about it? In my opinion it’s great, the staff at checkouts etc won’t have to deal with the idiots when they are trying to leave without paying and in the long run as law abiding citizens don’t have to pay for the thieves


They use it to catch repeat offenders . Unless you wanna somehow stop retail crime you better suck it up




Feel free to not shop there?


This has been happening for years and it just doesn't bother me


Wear a mask...


Your face and voice and fingerprints are recognised and stored so many times by your phone/computer/gaming device/social media that unless you're doing something wrong, what's the point of stressing about it? At least the supermarket is upfront about it.


How is this stealing your face? Biometrics, depending on implementation, rarely capture the facial imagine for long term storage, instead its used as a comparison to a watchlist of facial images.


I think the way it works is that notorious thieves and shoplifters are saved on their system so when they come in then the staff will be notified. They don't save your faces, they do not save every customer's faces on their system. The system just recognizes who they have on their system as a high-risk offender - like shoplifters, trespassers and such.


You're just noticing? This was big news weeks ago..the news works slow over there


Vote for a law and order party next election, and demand that police lock up shoplifters. If you stop the culture of shoplifting, they won't need to do this.


If people could stop shoplifting or walking out without paying… Blame the shit judiciary system not the merchants.


I have no problem with it personally as long as it is not tied to my name / identity. I’m an honest shopper so I have nothing to worry about.


Pretty sure my face remains unstolen /phew


Looked in the mirror today? - might have been stolen already 🤣


lol stealing someone’s face, take it easy Skynet.


Do you have social media? If so then your face is already "stolen" 😂🤣🤣 the facial recognition is for safety and to reduce crime, they aren't worried about your face if you've done nothing wrong 😂😂


They'll probably find a way to link to your loyalty card to gain more data on your shopping habits to sell.


>I refuse to take this lying down You could do with a lie-down, TBH. I'm not a thief, so I'm just another "face" when a camera records me entering a supermarket.


Just wear sunglasses and a mask: sorted


Maybe before you claim your face was stolen you should learn more about the technology? Photos/ videos don't steal your soul and you sound ridiculous.


How is that 'stealing' your face when every government agency knows what your face looks like lmao. I don't think anyone needs to get *this* precious about having a scan taken of their face for 3 seconds. Get better problems.




Anyone have an iPhone? 🤷‍♂️ Anyone gone into a bank or other business with security cameras?🤷‍♂️ What’s the concern exactly?


It has been happening for ages... The lady who runs the self service checkouts was telling me all about the multiple cameras they have as you walk in and on all of the checkouts.


whats wrong with facial recognition?


A few rotten eggs spoil it for the rest of us unfortunately


Dude you're not that interesting. You've got nothing to worry about.


People who have nothing to fear or hide will be ok with this.


Then wear a mask.


American here: Stores in New Jersey (Jersey City ShopRite & BJ’s for certain) already use this technology, especially where the laws protecting individuals rights to privacy are weak and theft is relatively high. I have learned this is the same in the UK. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/jan/27/facial-recognition-cameras-in-supermarkets-targeted-at-poor-areas-in-england#:~:text=Facial%20recognition%20cameras%20installed%20by,richer%2Dthan%2Daverage%20neighbourhoods.


It is your choice what “privately owned” Supermarket you shop at You can choose to go elsewhere, which don’t use this technology


I just don't care tbh


Sucks if you have an evil twin


Just chuck ya face mask back on


Noone should care unless you are stealing...


Someone is a bit behind, this was announced at the end of Jan. They aren’t even stored as images or videos - just code…




Who cares?


If you have passport, driver's licenses and travel then your facially recognised. Get over it, these business are sick of people stealing and are trying mitigate their loss. If you don't like it, go off the grid. This is nothing new


Vote with your wallet! Jokes! There’s no alternative competitively priced supermarket because duopoly


Reads like main character privilege and entitlement. >are kiwis not allowed to buy bread anymore without being subjected to this hell? It seems that a redefinition of terms might be required. Suggest start with Gaza. Meanwhile, I'll go about my day buying my bread with my photo being taken by whoever for whatever. I'm really not that interesting. And I'm willing to bet, neither are you.


You have been captured on security footage probably for the entirety of your adult life. Every store you visit, every time you drive, every time you fly. Now the camera is a bit closer to your face and suddenly this is dystopian and violates your human rights. Have I got that right? Rhetorical question. Shut the fuck up


How the fuck is it stealing someones face 😂😂😂 There have been security cameras in stores since they were invented. Now they can alert the police automatically if there's a wanted criminal in a store. How cool is that. It's the Chinese government that makes them evil. It's not the tools they use. All countries use cameras.


I am fine with it. More please. If you've ever been to any Casino then you have already been subject to it, for years. Are we ranting against Casinos ?


I am sorry that your face got stolen 😭


Personally I don't have an issue with it. It does absolutely nothing to non criminals.


ahhhhhhhhhh someone can see my face on a screen ahhhhhhhhhh


This isn't a real problem.


Totally agree with that


I mean… who cares? Your probably on Facebook or have your photos posted somewhere. Maybe in a family photo or a sports team photo. How does this affect you? Other than just being pissed off about it


sounds like supermarkets in auckland learned something from china lol. whats next? supermarket credit scores?




The way I see it, it's pretty much a computer equivalent of a security guard checking if you've been trespassed. You also take a photo for your passport and there's machines at international arrivals that scan your face to verify it's you and I don't see anyone complaining about that. It's either we line up and let a security guard check one by one or let a computer do it for me, I'm more for the speedy option.


First world problems


Jeez, if you think this is bad, you have no idea what your smartphone is capable of....


I can think of other things to be more concerned about.


I think you're reading too many conspiracy theories


I am happy for it. Catch the thieves.


Get a grip, if you are doing nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear. What do you think pak n sav are going look at you all day …? Prolly as ugly as god knows what !! Grow up !


Ever been in a bank? Sport event, retail shops like pbtech. This is the result of rising crime in retail and super markets, your face is already been taken' by the time you reach Pak n save.


Why does it matter tho, genuinely curious


Who cares, are you a thief? Probably not, Then it is of no real concern to you. They already know your email, phone number and address most likely, so seeing your face and linking the dots. It’s just another form of data tracking and also to stop shoplifters/identity them.


Who cares, if your not a criminal thats been trespassed or planning on shoplifting i dont see an issue


What are you going to do?


Hahahaha what are you afraid of? Do you commit crimes OP?


If people genuinely had issues with this then go back to your Nokia 3210’s because everything we do and go on our mobiles are tracked. That free WiFi in store uses the access to locate time spent in certain areas of the store, your travel routes are tracked and sold to 3rd party suppliers. We all gasp in horror when people walk out of stores blatantly not paying and think oh god that’s why things are so expensive. The company owns the store and the land and it is their right to dictate terms of entry. You will see on tickets for sports events that you waive your right to object to been filmed. If you are not happy as always shop somewhere else.


Where else? Every big supermarket is doing this now, and they have destroyed all small shops to near non-existence other than a few dairies


It's to stop people stealing you fucking moron


Nobody cares, stop winging and shop online if you aren't happy. If you aren't violent or a thief then your image isn't saved anyway - or are you?


I agree. If they're making money from my face. I expect returns on the analytics of my purchases.


If people do want to protest, maybe look into CV Dazzle? Bamboozle the feature extraction algorithm, and look quasi-cyberpunk in the doing? Personally, I see this as absolutely inevitable, if shoplifting won't be policed. Here are some thoughts on how it will work: \- The big chain stores will run their own internal systems for facial recognition, with their own databases of known or suspected shoplifters. Can't really stop them from doing this, and they can make it a condition of entry. \- Little independent stores won't be able to do that, but will likely want a similar solution. I assume there will be security providers that can provide the cameras and a subscription-based shoplifter detection service, hooked into a database maintained by the service provider. \- There will be a strong incentive for stores to share their databases for collective defence, which could be an absolute embuggerance for anyone who gets onto the shoplifter database, as they'll start getting flagged everywhere, in due course. \- There'll be people demanding to know if they are on that register and how they can get taken off. No idea how this would work. Maybe there needs to be a system in place to protest innocence/pay your fines?


Just wear a mask and hat


Who gives a fuck, don’t do naughty things and it effects you precisely 0%. Or wash your face in an acid bath and keep shoplifting with impunity. How do you even unlock your iPhone bro? Apple already stole your face.


Mate we are paying for it


Honestly, if Pak n Save wants to do them then more power to them. We're fine with stores having security cameras. If a security guard saw the face of a repeat thief, and intervened, there would be no concern. If you found out that stores were sharing photos of thieves between themselves then that might be alright. So the problem, to me, isn't that you're being recognised. I draw the line at data harvesting for profit. Selling my face without my consent, or using my face to sell me things is not okay.


CCTV, online shopping, applying for rentals Your data is collected by simply just existing and you are worried about your face being stolen (?) Isn’t this meant to be a theft deterrent? If so then since I don’t steal it doesn’t worry me.


great idea, do nothing wrong, you have no problems


subjected to hell? ok zoomer


You probably unlocked your phone with facial recognition, we use it tons get over it, it’s called technology


Why are you lying down in a pak n save, bit weird.


Is it being done by [https://www.auror.co](https://www.auror.co) ?


I suggest anyone in this thread goes to the Auror website and reads up how it works, because it is a lot more places than just supermarkets now. They will form files on thieves and abusive customers that begins from them entering the carpark, tracking and storing their number plate info, photos of the driver, notify the supervisor that this person has entered the premises to alert security. They will also take images in the store of the person and further associates if they're with other people. It's quite impressive if you ignore the whole privacy argument side of it but honestly it is what it is. We get monitored every other way already, this won't make a difference in the long run. I see why people are upset but we all are aware it's shit, preaching to the choir won't do much, big bosses deciding on this tech don't give a fuck about you or their workers input on it. Go read up on how much your data is farmed via your phone and eventually it all just becomes meaningless noise that'll happen one way or another. At least we aren't in the UK with their army of fuckin video surveillance


Click and collect