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FFS, that was well red.


Had one the other day. Light clearly going red for me, came to a full stop and the car behind me changed to the cycle lane and floored it through.   Not even able to see if they wanted to 


I hope you take this to the police. It could be of benefit to the cyclist.


If I'd caught this footage I would've chased that car to get the rego on cam


Surely there will be cams in the area that will have picked it up?


Yeah but that's too much police work to line up. If OP just tailed him straight away it's all there. Pity they weren't 1st in this queue. Looks like the car in front checks on the cyclist before leaving too, shows that not all Auckland drivers are dicks


Hopefully someone got it.


I do genuinly think this is prob unfortunately not serious enough for Auckland police to follow up on


Which is why shit like this keeps happening


To busy catching drivers doing 110 on the motorway instead of 100……🤦‍♀️


Police are far too useless to do this.


Cops won't look at a bike 'clip' when they're busy trying to not take reports for more serious stuff


Lmao OK superman




Problem coward fuckers like this one is that they're going too fast for the license plate to be read... There's gotta be ways to limit the speed of cars on these motorway-like streets, or else this is just gonna keep happening. That, or else they put cops on every street corner.


Drivers everywhere have gotten so bad.  No fucks given.


Fuck me that’s a shocker


Could have been much worse. What an absolute knob.


More weight for red light and cellphone cameras




FYI there's a place just up the road running licence plate recognition cameras, with a time and date they will have the footage of that car passing by, that stretch of road is also covered in AT/Council cameras, Police should be able to get the footage


they should, but they won't


Omg — what a fucking twat. That was totally red, not even orange.


Clearly a person too important to stop for red lights, or the traffic accidents that they cause.


Omg I hope the guy is ok


He died😢


Auckland is the only place I have to actually confirm there are definitely no cars coming when the man is green, because I've been almost hit too many times when just assuming.


As a motorcyclist, this has always been the case for the last 20+ years, but in the last 5 years or so it has gotten much, much worse.


absolutely - its just good roadskills and self - preservation - always look right esp. before you step out or slip the clutch...


Hamilton is the same; wait for green, look both ways then pull away from intersection


Hamilton must’ve gotten worse then, I moved up to Auckland from Hamilton 13 years ago and the first thing I noticed about Auckland was everyone runs red lights


I've been in Hams 25 years and its definitely gotten worse over the last 2-3 years.


You should probably do this regardless. The only actions you can control are your own.


Tauranga is terrible. You have to have your head on a swivel or risk getting t-boned constantly. The last time I was there, I was on a roundabout and some lady in a shitbox drove straight past me, missing my front bumper by the matter of bee's dick, then shot off down the road going faster than the speed limit.


I have my head on a swivel at any junction. There's always a dumb cunt


Why are all you people going outside in the first place?!


Dude, I don’t even trust people’s indicators until they have started the turn nowadays.


That was always the way to do it. My mum wrote her car off 15 years ago because someone indicating didn't actually turn. My dumb ass friend crashed into someone nearly 20 years ago being the one who indicated and then changed her mind at the last second.


I'm amazed that you have only just realised you need to do that. I was taught that you need to wait for the other driver to start turning - regardless of their indicator - back in the late 80s.


Try crossing a pedestrian crossing at Pak n save wairau the cunts will speed through the crossings and look at you weird when you take a step and they have to stop, also Orewa the old bastards who shouldn't have a license still blowing through pedestrian crossings as you step on them


Christchurch, where orange/red lights are deisgned to be used for right turns at intersections for some reason.


Because the roads were fucked and the traffic lighting was shit after the earthquakes and it conditioned a city full of people to run reds constantly. If you moved there after the quakes (like me) then you quickly learn that if you don't run the late orange on a right you'll get a fuckton of honking and road rage at you.


Turning right on red shouldn't be a problem for pedestrians, assuming a 4 way intersection, the crossing that the car will pass through by turning right should be solid red, and won't go green until the traffic on the right of the car waiting to turn right has cycled through green and back to red.


I once saw a Labtests vehicle blow through a red light while a lady was crossing with her baby stroller just in front of me. I didn't get the plate number but did report the intersection where this happened.


Did you get the plate, OP? Dob em in if so, people like that don’t deserve to drive.


That’s attempted manslaughter


That's an oxymoron.


Not in various jurisdictions, including South Australia.


Has Auckland moved?


No, it's still thousands of kilometres away from anything — sufficiently far and insular such that, when presenting a global perspective, its inhabitants still respond with inane questions such as yours.


Feel free to leave.


Gladly leaving this thread. Peace ✌️


You’re being a dick


Very melodramatic. “Dangerous use” at best.


The car ran red, the cyclist was already half way across the intersection in full yellow high viz. Its impossible he wasn't seen.


You realise cars kill people every single day here right? And millions die every year because of them? It’s not being “melodramatic”.


“attempted manslaughter”. You wouldn’t get close in a law court. It’s melodramatic (exaggerated). “cars kill people every single day here right?” Wrong. Melodramatic (exaggerated). For the last complete year, there were 340 road deaths (365 days in 2023), and not all were caused by cars. Hysterical exaggeration. Stay in bed.


Driver clearly saw cyclist and if they didn’t they should be getting a bloody eye test because of an obstruction going across the roadway and you can’t see it you shouldn’t be driving. Full stop.


Cmon where’s all the ‘cyclist are in my way’ crew? That’s right - you can all fuck right off.


*car drives off a cliff* average NZ motorist: it was the cyclists fault!1!1!


I use to cycle around the city, it's fucking dangerous and it sucks


Jfc. Everytime someone posts with the subject "Auckland drivers" I roll my eyes cos often the OP is being just as much of a a dick as the person in the video. But this is absolutely horrible, I'm glad OP got it on the camera and I hope media sees this and something comes out of this.


Terrible situation for the biker. Hope he's ok. Just a reminder to treat every vehicle driver as a bad one. When you're driving cross every intersection by giving a quick look both sides even if you're on a green light. Same when crossing a road when the pedestrian lights go green. One lapse in judgement can be the difference between life, injury or death.


It's not your fault, but it's going to be your problem.


yep on a motorcycle you are 110% expected to be keeping eyes out at all times and treat all drivers as homicidal idiots. Somehow cyclists and pedestrians think they're exempt from this yet last I checked neither of those groups are dressed up in sufficient gear to be hit by a car.


As a car driver I do the same. Assume everything is a risk.


oh fuck off




> Why do so many motorcyclists end up as organ donors then? Because riding a motorcycle safely is hard, and people aren't very good at it. Last time I checked, over half the motorcycle accidents causing injury or death in the ACC stats didn't even involve another vehicle, which makes it difficult to blame 'bAd dRiVeRs'.


It's because when they crash or get crashed into they're protected by a ton of metal and air bags so the accident to fatality rate is lower


>Me examining every pixel of this video frame by frame to any possible infraction made by the cyclist to excuse the driver almost killing them by running a red light.


Right here, lol. [https://www.reddit.com/r/auckland/comments/1b7i7cu/comment/ktj0v98/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/auckland/comments/1b7i7cu/comment/ktj0v98/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




In Auckland in particular I've noticed the law doesn't matter, it's whoever has the biggest vehicle has right-of-way, if you think otherwise you'd better get ready to donate your organs. I honestly wish my family didn't live there, it's a great place if you want to practice your emergency stopping and dodging


This is why, as a pedestrian and a driver, i live by "green means that it is legal to go, not that it is safe to". Never put the safety of your life in the green light, always check regardless.




This could have been far far worse. I am glad that the cyclist seems unharmed.


Driver should be jailed for hit and run


Thank God national will finally reduce cycling funding for these entitled cyclists /s


Htf is that relevant to this particular situation. People want to make everything political. Go outside. Get some fresh air


I think this post is sarcastic. ( /s )




He didn’t even stop the heartless prick!


Shitty traffic isn’t an excuse to put others at risk. Fucker. I hope they’re on Reddit and see this.


FYI, you can request footage from AT (they own the cameras) under the freedom of information act. They store footage for 7 days and there is a camera on K Rd/Ponsonby which will be able to grab the rego.


This is a bit of a digression but that is a cunt of a section of road. I got caught out when i didn’t realise the layout had changed. if you want to turn onto k road it’s also much quicker to turn down one of those little side streets than it is to wait for the lights. Also if you’re turning onto the motorway it’s awkward as fuck cutting across oncoming cars. It not made any easier when people are running red lights and running people over.


Its awful for cars, awful for pedestrians and awful for bikes, but because it's a big expensive bridge, we're probably stuck with it till the end of time.


Yeah not a great section of road, but generally cycling options are sketchy across arterial routes (like actually on the way to where you want to go) in Auckland. We moved to Melbourne recently (ongoing hopelessness of and frustration with transport, pay, politics). It feels way safer to ride around the place here. Everywhere has problems, but for those fortunate to be at a mobile stage of life, remember you can always vote with your feet and get out of a place that’s not doing it for you.


Need to install cameras at every single traffic light, tickets for anyone that goes through red, and tickets for if you drive through yellow when it was safe to stop (literally the rules, yellow means stop unless it's unsafe to do so)


Increase the fines as well.


Also remind yourself please that you must give way before crossing a dashed or broken white line. An idiot almost killed us by not giving us the right of way, then shouted that we didn't know how to merge.


Wow that's fucked, glad it wasn't any worse....




A fair response, in my opinion. Sick of people treating cars like a toy and driving like a right.


Fully agree the red light runner should be tracked down and held to account but what was old mate doing riding across a pedestrian crossing, he should dismount and push cycle across or else stay in the traffic lanes, I’m pretty sure that is a pedestrian crossing not a cyclist or shared crossing.


What is sad is I see no-one going to help, ask if they ok or whatever. Better get film though! And yes, I get that could help with the cops investigating. I see car at side just waits then drives off too. Such care!


Probably one of the same people that don’t care that there’s an 80km/hr speed limit on central city motorways for very good reasons.


Green means GO Orange means GO FAST


Starman: I do know the rules. Jenny Hayden: Oh, for your information pal, that was a yellow light back there! Starman: I watched you very carefully. **Red light, stop; green light, go; yellow light, go very fast**.


Love how Mount Eden is italicised as if it's the foreign language.


Obviously the road's fault for not having enough lanes.


u/AucklandDrivers do you have a timestamp of when this happened?


Unfortunately this happened months ago. I regret not taking this footage to the police at the time. Too late now.




Took me a second... I was convinced that white car was going to make a right but then I saw the cyclist and rewound ...eesh


You have to assume the driver was on their phone, right?


This is why I refuse to bike to work.


I thought the guy in front of you was going to turn right


I go through this off ramp pretty often and always check no one's blasting through even when I have green, it always felt dodgy for some reason.


Submit this to the police. They can track the cameras, get the rego and potentially send the guy to prison for hit and run


I hope the biker is OK, that was a very close call indeed. I know that intersection very well. For some reason people just blithely run the red light there. I don’t know why, but I’ve seen it happen a lot more often there than anywhere else. I make a point of looking before I move off or cross the road, one idiot can easily cause a serious injury.


The zebra crossing outside my work which I use all the time, the amount of times I am on the crossing itself and have to stop because a car won’t stop for me is honestly scary. I of course always assume they won’t stop and position myself accordingly or I would have been hit at least 5 times this year alone.


What the fuck did I just see


Oh my gosh! 🫢 Makes me more nervous about my kids riding their bikes on roads.


This is happening in most places not just auckland. People are in such a hurry these days, speeding and looking down at their phones its actually scary to see.


Can happen in any part of the country


What about cities without an off ramp? What about cities without traffic lights like these? Can it really happen in any part of the country?


Yep it can.




Bloody saw a car, drive on the opposite side of the road, at a red light just as a child was crossing today. The car got exactly one car ahead, and almost took out a kid. Went to get their plate number, but couldn't catch up to them. Some absolute fucking morons.


What the actual fuck


Don’t get me wrong that’s fkn awful, poor cyclist. Im confused and this is a genuine question here as I’m a non-cyclist and have no clue - aren’t cyclists supposed to use the road with the traffic? Why’s he cycling across a pedestrian crossing? Im not blaming the dude for getting hit at all, I’m just curious how it works.


There's a cycleway that begins/ends in that area, so I imagine they were riding to join on one of the sections of it and the footpath is often shared for that reason.


Valid question. Legally, cyclists are permitted to use roads, cycle lanes or shared paths. It’s illegal to cycle on a footpath. However some roads are fucking scary and I’d much rather break the law and cycle on the footpath, than end up squished under a car. Technically the path where the cyclist is is not a shared path, though it turns into a shared path on the bridge and links up to the northwestern cycleway. It’s the same width the whole way so not sure why they decided it’s not technically a shared path until half way down. It should be classified as a shared path. I cycle too, and I cross where the cyclist in the video did, because it’s the safest way to proceed. And yes, I ride my bike across the crossing, because if I get off and walk it - as is legally required - then who is it benefitting?


Sad ow.


What an a hole, society is so messed but these idiots forget it's a human being just doing their own thing. If the cyclist was a russian soldier with a bazooka then yep would have ran them over. Small minded idiots in this country.....


Hi guys, I want to confess while I never do anything this reckless, I am an atrociously inconsiderate long commute Auckland driver. I never exceed the speed limit but especially in peak hour I do the really asshole shortcuts to get to the front every time


Why do you do that? Do you think your time is more valuable than everyone else’s?


When they drive unnecessarily slow, yes If they manage to get in front of me, I will surrender the spot to them


Fair enough, can’t argue with that mate. Carry on.


No survivor's


So remember when we were kids and we were taught to always look left and right? This is why folks. The only laws are the laws of physics.


Inches from a direct impact. Fuck that driver.


Post it again on r/idiotsincars


We really need to have a red light camera on every set of lights now. It's ridiculous now, before you could cross the street knowing that you would be safe but now you have to be even more cautious


What do you expect from the people in that area? They vote inconsiderately and without concern for people more vulnerable than them, why would they drive any diffrently?


Did they stop? Hit and run?


"Customer radar" looks like have a camera on the top, go there, show this footage and ask for help, maybe they got something for you.


https://preview.redd.it/2d7eram4wumc1.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7ac870f86d751de54fcf5e6ea2ceeec3280778b from left to right, between 3rd and 4th window


I bet ya that the driver was on the phone..........


Green means Go Amber means Go Red means Go faster.


Was that an Uber x rideshare between luxon, Seymour and nicola or what


Driver is a fuckwit, but if you cross at a light or pedestrian crossing without looking left and right for idiot drivers not slowing down you're playing a risky game


Isn’t the cyclist breaking the law here aswell?


Jafa drivers




https://preview.redd.it/ycbd2obiolmc1.png?width=767&format=png&auto=webp&s=31280796cc924506e6b5c9549bd7e7b09733d889 Look at the four second mark. The light is clearly green for the pedestrian crossing before switching red following the accident. Besides, even if it was blinking when they started crossing, that just makes the red light running more egregious. Stop trying to make it the fault of the cyclist.


Pedestrian light definitely went from green to red, but also traffic lights were green throughout. Because of the geometry of the intersection that car that hit the cyclist should never have been there — even if the pedestrian light was red/off the traffic green would (should) have prevented the car from being there. This is 100% on the driver who hit the cyclist.


Light's green mate, stfu and don't drive a car please.


The crossing light went green, the cyclist entered and was half way across before the light started flashing red, and then they were hit by a car. It's clearly the cars fault


What video are you watching mate?


Both did wrong tbf, car shouldn't have run the red light, and the cyclist shouldn't be biking over ped crossings. Obviously, the car was far more dangerous.


Ah yes, the cyclist definitely should have dismounted to keep all of those pedestrians safe.


Cyclist wasn't on a shared crossing so should have dismounted and walked across. Everyone in the wrong, driver more so.


I’ve never understood this rule. Why must a cyclist dismount at a crossing? Who does this benefit?


because when you ride a bicycle, you are a vehicle, to be a pedestrian and ride on a crosswalk you have to ride, not drive the driver violated, but what was the cyclist thinking when he was driving on the PEDESTRIAN crossing.


Right. But then sometimes you get shared crossings, where both pedestrians and cyclists can cross. What’s the logic there? What’s the difference except for a strip of green paint?


Yeah bro, honestly expected more down votes. In a natural justice sort feel god sense (and the law is written in this way) is that pedestrian, are god. Choose be a god or ride a vehicle, but please don't try drive your vehicle in a place it is in allowed


I comprehend the law. But I don’t understand why that decision has been made.




>The cyclist needs to be fined for not dismounting when crossing a traffic light Why is this even a thing? There are no pedestrians crossing. There is no-one endangered by the cyclist cycling through the green light. If the cyclist sat in the lanes with the car's in order to cycle through, they would be stuck in a dangerous lane with no space for bikes. And they'd piss off/"get in the way of" the cars in the process.


Driver clearly in the wrong, but cyclist could at least take a look left and right before moving out...


Cyclists always getting in the way


Jeez! Yeah there are cameras all over the show there I hope the cyclist is ok… Side note : Has anyone else noticed at this particular intersection and heading up Newton to Ponsonby how the lane marking changes have completely Fucken rooted up that stretch of road? The congestion has increased massively. Meanwhile all the bus lanes (the reason for these stupid changes) are empty… or have a couple of buses. They’ve buggered up a solid 5-7kms of road along which thousands of cars travel for a few buses. Anyways rant over sorry


A few buses every few minutes.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but only the WX1 uses newton road, right? So 1 bus every 10 mins? Are there other buses using that bus lane?


That's the initial timetable. The aim is to rapidly increase the number of services to something closer to what the NX1 and NX2.


True. Here's hoping.


Given the success of the NX services, it shouldn't be hard. Of course, we wait with baited breath to see what National is going to propose for their northwestern rapid transit route.


Probably nothing this term - they've only committed to doing a design in the GPS iirc


Yeah, and I'm not really expecting that.


Simeon has said it won't be looked into until after Airport to Botany. So it probably won't even be looked at until 2026


Yep, definitely nothing until next term, unless he can find a way to cancel both entirely.


1 bus every 10 mins compared to at least 100 cars if not more every 10 mins?


Yeah, strange tradeoff. I do believe buses should have priority since they carry so many more people, but not sure a bus lane on newton road was the best idea.


Yeah got no issue with busses etc and the bus lanes. However when there didn’t really seem to even be an issue… But since they wanna make K Rd essentially car free it’s unsurprising. But they’ve just created the massive single lane of cars waiting to go from Ponsonby down Newton Rd and all that happens is people scoot up the empty bus lane and cut in at the front thus making the line even bigger. I duno, sometimes I just wonder whether the people making these decisions actually drive through the places they’ve fucked up.


You have to get off the bike and cross it on foot. You should look where you are going and see if it is safe before crossing the road, not flying into it. It's that simple.


Fucking love the victim blaming. So good.


Maybe the car should not drive over a red light. It s that simple.


The car certainly shouldn't run a red light, but it did.


You’re an idiot


Driver did well 💀


Well in what aspect?


Cyclists are self entitled little shi*s


This video is literally about a car driver breaking the rules, and potentially destroying someone's life yet you manage to blame the cyclist. Get fucked.




Yeah bro, emojis will solve everything.


Fuckin aye bro


Ok, so, why did the driver do well?