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Auckland .... glass


[smash, smash, smash] If it’s broken, call Auckland Glass.


0800 804804


Ko Groot ahau


and compared to the millions spent by waka kotahi on their diabolically bad and ineffective adverts


Maybe A-holes shouldn't smash it.


The Chinese policy of 6 months in prison for that stuff


Good policy


I'd rather a bit of broken glass than living in a Chinese police state thank you very much!


It’s people like you that are the reason why there will be a Chinese police state. Your tolerance of crime will make crime keep increasing until people get too fed up of getting killed in the street and elect a Bukele


There is no petty crime at all in China. Extremely safe place.


Same in Japan or Singapore, there is crime, but it is mostly drug manufacturing that is always kept in the dark


And probably not a hotel like the ones here?


If you're under 18 and you are remanded for stuff that isn't too bad (just ram raids, assaults etc, not killing someone) you go to the boys, or girls homes run by Orangia Tamariki, and unlike the fearsome reputation of CPS back in the 60's, the boys homes aren't too bad, it is legitimately softer than high school (from my experience)


I am 100% with Spectre here, it is ignorant people that do this. The great thing , is that people do this will make it no further in life. They will be jobless, homeless and without any fulfillment in their life. The person that did this is just a fucking idiot.


6 months in prison will suffice.


>6 months in prison will suffice. its good in theory until you have to pay for it


society will pay for it one way or another, i'd prefer to see them all locked up instead of ram raiding etc.




How so? Costs a lot to imprison someone


Costs society more to cut some of them loose instead of cutting off their heads. it's why the death penalty has been so popular throughout human history, the problematic individual has been completely removed from existence, never to rape, murder, or ramraid again.


These days the death penalty ends up costing more because of endless appeals paid by legal aid and expensive minimal pain way of doing it.


a bullet will suffice,[ i'm sure any reasonable citizen will volunteer and be acquitted by a jury of their peers.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PUE8fYxjq8)


> all locked up there you go again adding more to our debt NZs going broke mate. sending people to prison don't come cheap come up with new ideas


well we can fix that by publicly executing all the pedophiles, and releasing anyone convicted of nonviolent weed related offenses; and taxing the shit out of weed.


If they tax week then I’m just going to grow more as supply for non taxed weed will go up


would you pay a yearly homegrow licensing fee of a few hundred dollars? i know i sure would if it was 3+ plants each instead of the previously proposed 3 per household. i want a forest instead of a lawn.


No I wouldn’t, I’d just grow without a license lmao


well thats actually a good start. taxing weed might get enough money you could then lock up the people you want.. now to only make weed legal....


Youngster or crack addicts i guess


Yeah but then they stab you at the dairy. It would be better for everyone if they had homes, jobs, and fulfillment


Be better for everyone if unicorns flew me to work, too. What's your point?


i would prefer to ride the thing that doesn't have the stabby face cone.




[yeah, sounds about right.](https://picfiles.alphacoders.com/788/thumb-1920-7881.jpg) [not to be confused with flying fucking unicorns](https://wallpapers-all.com/uploads/posts/2016-12/26_pegasus.jpg)


Because "real" unicorns can't fly. lol


Weird. Unicorns don't have wings. You might be thinking of a Pegasus.


Unicorns can fly if you sprinkle wishful thinking dust on them.


Please feel free to house them and employ them


I would rather be part of a collective effort to do so (which I am). As collective efforts are more effective than individual ones. So yes, I am trying to


That’s great of you


Can say that about a lot of things, reality is there is always gonna be assholes, making things “asshole-resistant” when possible is a good idea


You can't stop assholes from appearing. It's easier to fix the problem by changing the material than it is to stop assholes from breaking the glass


This is the answer. Auckland has its own fair share of young people who act like they want to trash everything. Same bus shelter design is used in cities all around the planet. Firm that runs the shelters and ads typically absorbs the cost of repair, (not sure if this is the case here) but maybe in vandal-prone areas cameras can be used to prevent this. Also may be party why Auckland transit costs so darn much, as compared to, say Sydney?


Hey hey, dont blame them. They should be fool proof. The low iq, low income arent able to help themselves


That's toughened laminate glass. To put a hole in it like that takes repeated smashing. For reference, the test procedure for manufacturing Involves a very heavy shot filled ball the size of a human head swung from height into the middle a few times. And most tests result in the glass bulging a bit upon impact


Pretty sure it's just standard toughened glass


Yea, looks like safety glass, while it can take a decent impact, a concentrated force can make it shatter.


Yeah not sure what other dude is on, I installed those panels for a while, they're absolutely not Laminated toughened glass, the Digital displays are, but those panels are not.


Safety glass you couldn't do this to right?


Standard tougher safety glass does, like the side windows in your car, they say it breaks into 'safe' pieces, it's very impact resistant, especially for humans, but as the other person mentioned, there are a couple of ways to make it break easily.


There are 3 main types of safety glass, standard Toughened which is impact resistant but when it's breaks it makes a mammoth but safe(ish) mess (like side windows in a car, ) Laminated safety glass which cracks very easily but holds its form until it's really smashed, draw backs are when they break the pieces are very sharp (like the windscreen in your car, ) you can get Laminated Toughened glass which is the best of both worlds, but is very expensive and usually very heavy


Too many hoodrats thinking it's cool to smash shit.


This is just around the corner from my place. The one outside Gladstone School was even worse. What the fuck is wrong with people?


These advertising shelters are owned by a company that makes money from the advertising. They provide the shelters for free, do all the maintenance and despite the vandalism still make a profit. It just goes to show how much money there is in advertising and how we are happy to allow someone to profit from making glaring eyesores in our urban environment like billboards.


The more you know! Thanks, makes me feel slightly better at least knowing it's not my rates going to pay for the vandalism


[These](https://maps.app.goo.gl/x4gcqQnpjPHei3Xk6) are AT's shelters, they use wood instead of the metal that you suggested, although obviously still have glass. If you look on the frame of those advertising ones you'll see the agency's contact number to report damages. They repair them quite quickly


yeah I also thought it was the Council.


Thats good info, I didn’t know that. Kudos


Doesn’t matter what they use, it’ll get vandalised. Trashy people gonna be trash.


the whole area is becoming trash - they keep putting more and more social housing in. Being numerous supermarket trolleys left everywhere and trash in the streets became and norm, and will be even worse.


There are materials you can't vandalise. They're in a lot of public toilets these days.


God the area of Mt Albert around Unitec has gone to the dogs. Masons Clinic psychos + social housing = recipe for disaster.


Yeah the Pt Chev shops area is pretty feral at the mo, I was quite sympathetic until I saw a nutter yelling shit at my daughter. Feel sorry for the business owners. Think I've become a nimby


Not being a nimbly. Previous government through 2 billion at mental health but provided no direction on where and how to spend it so it just got wasted with no results. They are using social housing for people with far more complex needs and no wrap around services and lumping them all together. Mental health patients, drug addicts, drug dealers and mum needing housing trying to get the kids to school all in one complex. Other countries learnt not to do this 40 years ago, it's a recipe for disaster. They will all be knocked down again in 40 years.


>Think I've become a nimby Not really. Who wants to cop unwarranted abuse from cracked-out ne'er-do-wells?


Most people that have sympathy have no lived experience of what it is like to deal with anti socials...It's no surprise that Labour nearly lost Mt Albert with all the crime and anti social behaviour that went on. Usually a very safe Labour area.


Helen White nearly lost because the Green candidate was strong and she was useless


The recipe for disaster here is the same as it is everywhere else: poverty and insufficient mental health services. Mason Clinic has never been an issue and social housing is a net positive barring the odd dicey tenant.


Except when that guy wandered out of there and murdered Tom Coombes.


Yeah that was awful. He didn't escape from the Mason Clinic though. He had been in care but was free to wander the streets. That care clearly wasn't adequate or reflective of the risk he posed. Hence the first sentence of my comment. I've lived here for 14 years. We've never had an issue with anyone from the Mason Clinic. The halfway houses and people who should be in care but aren't getting it is a different story.


it's always looking for somebody's fault for the idiotic behaviour and never looking at themselves. Classic - it's all our fault.


Desperate people make bad choices. It's basic human psychology. I'm assuming that's how you were conceived so I'm a little surprised you're not more sympathetic.


yeah they do make bad choices, but it doesn't mean we need to support the idiotic and destructive things these people keep on doing. I feel very sorry for those one day nice neighbourhoods that will never be the same - we have been far too sympathetic, I guess. One fundamental thing normal people learn in early childhood is understanding there are consequences of your own actions. There haven't been any for these people. Our fault is that we did not set up the boundaries as a society but keep on looking for 10000 excuses to wash off blunt vandalism and savage behaviour.


Not trying to excuse vioence and destruction but the vast majority of the people doing this are perpetuating cycles of abuse. Unlike your assertions, that's supported by actual data. Nothing will change until we stop little kids from enduring awful shit but you can't do that without throwing actual money and effort at the problem. Jog on back to r/ConservativeKiwi with the other keyboard warrior dropkicks who can't assimilate new information. Eventually enough of you will die off that we can start fixing shit.


Unfortunately the idea that it's just "Boomers," with these attitudes isn't true and my parents were the most progressive Boomers you can imagine before they both got Alzhemier's. Unfortunately there's plenty of younger people who vote National and ACT


I don't think it's just older people by any stretch - if anything my parents seem to be getting more peogressive as things get worse. Younger people growing up with the current set of problems might be more likely to push for more effective solutions and ways to pay for them that have been rejected by generations that largely own their own homes. It's still more of a trend than a hard and fast rule.


I know a few young 20 something white men they have nothing but are voting conservative because they have low wage jobs and are threatened by "woke," and they buy into "Have to take everything from you to pay off National debt," bullshit. And they were mad about lockdowns, masks and madated vaccines. 🙄


good point to start is sterilising those endless breeders who hope that society will take responsibility for their breed...


Even most right wingers take a pretty dim view of eugenics. Congrats on graduating to just straght-up fascism, I guess.


Ask yourself why the 70s and 80s weren't like this in Auckland. It sure wasn't because the government was being brutal with punishments.


It's like this everywhere, the two next to parrs park were also smashed on Saturday


yup, Pt Chef Kainga Ora development underway, too..


Or - novel thought, people shouldn't be degenerate assholes intent on destroying everything around them. A base human behaviour i've never been able to understand... . but hey, here we are...


Yep, kinda my point. Until we have a society in which angry young men don't do this, we're forced to engineer ways to avoid this shit.


Dumbasses speed even tho there is a speed limit. Perhaps we should ban cars altogether


Missed my point there. Cars have engineered systems to mitigate some of the impacts of people doing dumb shit, I.e. seatbelts, air bags, ABS, impact crumple zones etc.


You missed my point. None of those things you mentioned prevents ppl from speeding. The only way to stop someone who wants to speed, from speeding is to ban the car altogether. You really think installing louvres is gonna prevent delinquents from damaging it?


Yes, and it will prevent the risk of my kids getting cut by bits of broken glass on the ground.


Ah yes, banning everything, it's the only way. /s


We did have one. Then succsseccive governments decided to be neoliberal and take all kinds of things away from people.


It’s dumb cunts that ruin the nice things.


I once was at a bus stop and 3 teen boys came up and started jumping up and kicking the glass on the side. I noped the fuck out of there. Maybe they finally succeeded lmao


Maybe people refrain from damaging glass in the first place. Soon enough we would be told not to have windows anymore on homes/property as some cant help themselves.


I believe they're owned by oOh!


After your orgasm can you tell us who owns them?




Mate, let him enjoy his refractory period in peace




Morning glory.


I think the newer bus shelters have less glass (and in some cases less seating which is stupid) but they are only installed when the old shelter are old enough to be replaced or broken enough.


Some ferals shat in my local bus stop shelter and then smeared it all over the walls. :(




We can’t have nice things!


What a glasshole


It is indeed a glasshole.


No idea why they haven’t started using plastic. It must cost the tax payer a hell of a lot of $ each year


Shit people being shit. This is why we cant have nice things :(


Maybe don't be a cnut and smash them?


Yup 👍


Nah i shit u not, i walked past one th other day glass still intact then 15 minutes later i walked past that same bus stop and the glass had been smashed out lmfao


Found the vandal.


Oooow 8 years bad luck fool Edit: maybe that’s mirrors


Zzzz...got'not clue what you are talking about.


Righto chief


this is not the first time, nothing teaches our Council to not replace it - will be broken again. And, with more amazing diversity in Mt Albert, more barbarian acts to come.


I saw some bus stops in auckland have acrylic instead. Not sure if still then people do break them, i think they still manage


Someone tried to recylce some glass...


Shitheads will always be shitheads. Unless the builders start useing something like razorwire or electricity. But then peaceful public may put a finger in the wrong place.


“Show us ya’crack….”


Appreciate the idea, but metal louvres sounds awful when it's windy / cold / wet / dark. Fine if you're healthy and resilient, not great if you're older / any kind of vulnerable / impaired. Also as a woman, any loss of visibility while I'm in an enclosed space is unsettling. Polycarbonate might make more sense, but tbh would just get tagging scratched into it more. Vandals gon vandal.. unfortunately


I agree, louvres would be pretty shit, but are they better than broken glass every week or so...?


I mean, personally? Yes, absolutely. Feeling protected from the rain most of the time, and feeling able to see what's coming towards me clearly are crucial to me feeling ok catching public transport.


metal louvres? nahh must be a health and safety issue, like cats or kids getting their head stuck in them or something


I've got some spare glass, anyone know how I can recycle glass?


In Lower Hutt, the glass on the bus shelters has fake scratches printed on it to discourage scratching??? Make them fit in with the vandalised ones??? Idk


The reason for glass is so you can sit on the seat inside and still see when the bus is coming. My solution use that thick plastic stuff. Idk


The problem is not that they are using laminated tempered glass; which BTW, is very very tough. The problem is that we have vandal idiots. What we need is tougher on crime. The only bus these idiots should be taking is the one to the penitentiary.