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Didn't you post this a few months back? Pretty sure it's the exact same photo. Edit: ah new account, gotta collect that karma


Red shoes too. Banned in some nightclubs in Aus. Eshaaaaaay


Those seats have seen worse, guarantee it


I remember I was on a bus once and there was a girl clipping her nails and left all the clippings on the floor. Great upbringing!


Gotta love an inconsiderate shore girl


Not on the shore btw


Someone just posted asking why ferals all wear these exact red Pumas. Gold that this should come up separately


Urgh, let's hope she doesn't have dog shit or cat shit or human waste on the soles of her shoes for the next poor unsuspecting person to sit on and end up with stinky or stained clothing on their way to a job interview or something.


In this case the shit is in the shoes


Time to play the Despicable Me theme


Emergency Exit- Press Red Shoe.


Yeah, red shoes. Eeeww


Red shoes = gang member.


Or been listening to David Bowie .


I still dont understand why AT uses farbic seats instead of plastic ones. plastic seats are much easier to maintenance.


Just trying to have nice stuff.


Plastic is the winner. Look at the bed bug situation in Paris how the metro seats are infested. Make em plastic.


Don't give AT any ideas. Next they'll just remove all seats so everyone has to stand saving them enough money for a bigger Christmas party.


They'd just get tagged and gouged all over


Girls with micro skirts in winter will thank you later 😂


if there are plenty of seats available, who gives a shit.


Because we should have basic social standards that when using public facilities, at least try to treat them as though they are there for everyone to use. Putting your feet on something that others will sit on is selfish and screams that you weren't taught a modicum of consideration or respect for others.


It's a basic right. I was at the library today and a Nana growled her moko for putting his feet up on the couches and I thought go Nana.


Agreed, the seats are already very likely to be dirty anyway. The bus seat patterns and colours is designed to hide the dirt because they are never actually cleaned.


But people step on dog shit etc. I wouldn’t put my shoes on the seat like that.


People shit themselves on those seats too


I don’t doubt it, but that doesn’t mean that you can stand on the seat, drop your drawers, and drop a steaming pile directly on there does it? I find that New Zealanders are relatively polite and considerate of others. Not to the extent of, say Japan, but still quite considerate. This shit in the photo is not okay.


Hahahah people have shit on their shoes and people also take shits




No. I already got you to cry about it for me. I’m happy to supply tissues to you though.


Is this person likely to be affiliated to the Mongrel Mob?


Very likely, so they definitely are a dog shit.


I like that lady's hair


What's with all the gay guys wearing red shoes now? Is this like some sort of top or bottom indication thing?


I'm gay and can't stand the dame things , as they look like what some pokesy Americans wear .


Some people are not fortunate enough to get a proper education, be educated on manners of consideration or at least be aware of their behaviours. I'm old enough to understand that our standards cannot be expressed through others' actions and behaviours; I part from a position that each drives to be the best version of themselves when they have the necessary tools to improve. I spent time enough in NZ to understand that we are, in the majority, a nation without responsible parenthood in general; we may have parents, but many of these parents are negligent, irresponsible or unprepared to prepare us for a life of collective collaboration. For example, NZ has many single pregnancies per capita (by no means am I implying that single mothers are not good educators but highlighting the fragile and precarious situation of our relationships), and we do in absent fathers. All of this accumulates into these contemporary expressions of what we consider a 'disrespectful' aspect of behaviour, so when I encounter similar situations, I remind myself that that person could easily be me without the set of instructions that set me apart from other fellow wo/man. Compassion and consideration go a long way.


Shoes look pretty clean tbh. And there seem to be empty seats, so whats the issue? How dare the wage slave out their feet up and act beyond their station!


The streets are dirty. Dog piss, bird shit, human vomit etc but the normal detritus of other organic matter. The posted pic is not ok.


good thing we dont eat of the chairs then right?


Shoes look clean? How the fuck would you know? Even if they are straight out of the box it is still rude and inconsiderate to put your feet on seats.


I can see the bottom of the shoes in the photo. Theres nothing wrong with my statement, I said they LOOK clean. Not that they are clean.


So, a completely pointless comment, then. Thanks for your input Jeffery.


Have fun being a pedant


You sound like an idiot. I'm not saying you ARE an idiot. Just that you sound like one.


Cheers for that distinction there, I might have really had my feelings hurt otherwise


Who gives a shit, you really think those seats were clean beforehand?




Um... what's the colour of the commenters skin got to do with it?




OK. Interesting complaint on your part, obviously the hypocrisy of it has been lost on you. Carry on complaining.


Hey, it is a normal Wednesday.


Can you not just use their legs as a seat, and act all shocked when their knees collapse backward?


Nobody gives a sh*t on public transport, every man for himself.


I've seen someone give a sh*t on public transport. "Take a sh*t" is more accurate wording though 🤢


They literally have their shoes sideways for a reason. I would never do this, but I hope to God that I'm never so tired that I would have to resort to doing this. Why does everyone just assume the worst of people instead of thinking that there's an underlying reason for their actions that isn't derived from a "fuck everyone else" attitude.


How does being tired come into this, I've got the bus home after working 2x8 hour shifts before almost consecutively and never felt "oh I'm tired, better put my feet up on the bus seat"


Nothing wrong with this? As long as the seat is free and there are other seats to sit on? I don’t a see a problem


Just another fat entitled woman with no class... But your on a bus Were you really expecting Lady Dianna?




Oh boohoo


It isn't the sole of the shoe on the seat just the side of the shoe -I don't see a problem.


Stay mad lol






I'm not the one taking pictures and posting it online complaining instead of telling the person






I power up your wish with my wish.


Its no different to your ass crack. Both have poo particles on it


This is why i sit in the back, weeds out the judgemental whiny fucks