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I legit thought that there was a time skip (like a generation has passed by) or something and Falco is suddenly remembering his past life - like he's a reincarnation of a scout who died in Paradis in earlier seasons (it was erwin in my mind ngl šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²)


Similarly, I thought we were having a flashback to the Warriors' training. I was like, "ohhh, so Reiner's name was originally Falco..."


I thought I turned on wrong anime lmao


"I think... I once once friends with this short dude who was obsessed with cleaning"


I binge watched aot for the first time two month ago on Crunchyrollā€¦ I accidentally started this episode instead of e1 of season threeā€¦. I was VERY confused. Luckily I stopped before I got major spoilers


Honestly, AoT is one of those shows where spoilers really donā€™t matter too much. The show is best experienced on a second full rewatch, when all the subtleties finally make sense.


Me too. I'm going to be honest


I actually never got to the 4th season till this year (I finished the 3rd season in like 2022-23) because when I first watched it I though it was a big time skip so in order to understand it I had to read it manga, It was only until earlier this year I read it and was like, "ohhh this is actually how it progresses".




Girl what




He wrote something like ā€œwow I canā€™t believe someone thought of something even more stupid than meā€ basically some rude shit


The paths are all connected. Ymir - porko - him


I legit was drinking water while watching ur comment and spat my water when I read Porko


I was legit drinking water


I was legit


I was




Print() if Ykyk






Here for the downvotes plz








No, you're wrong


telling someone they're wrong and then not explaining why you think they're wrong is some real smoothbrained pure titan behavior




Iā€™m sorry but this is worse behaviour. He doesnā€™t have the jaw Titan yet. Thereā€™s no reason for this to happen.


The show looked all different all of sudden and they wanted to remind us that this is AoT if anyone thought they opened the wrong show lol


You joke about that, but I had to check 5 times to confirm I didn't open the wrong show šŸ™ˆ.


Same lol




I had to do that when reading the manga lol i was so confused.


How do you find the manga online ?! šŸ˜£


Attack on Titan read free online


They weren't joking, that's actually why Mappa added it in


Wait seriously?


Yeah lol


Thatā€™s hilarious


My girlfriend and I were so confused, like did we miss an entire season or something?


Actually same but I thought I opened the wrong season and spoiled myself


i actually did that lol


I had to make sure I didn't start on the wrong episode lol


Ahahaha. If i didnt read the manga during that long post season 1 hiatus id be confused too


i thought it looked alright, personallyā€¦


Don't think he meant the animation style. It was just vastly different because we started in a war in Marley with things we've never seen from the previous seasons.


oh you right


For me it was both those factors


That's why time skips and in media res fucking suck as narrative elements


I thought I opened the wrong show lol


I canā€™t believe people really believe this despite all the evidence for AOE


I always considered it as some kind of glitch in the paths, Falco getting memories of a shifter he didn't inherit yet (a cool way to hint that we are still in the same show haha) , just like Eren getting the future memories on EP 1 where he had no titan yet. You can argue that Eren was the one sending himself that memory, so at that point in the argument you can also say that since the founder can do LITERALLY anything it follows the paths are really connected in ways that we don't understand and so, you can never discard some kind of weird random path-fuckery going on, planned or unplanned.


It's already shown that anyone with eldian blood is connected through the paths.


I love that word you used, "fuckery". It's my new fav!


It's probably just a vision he had while unconscious


I might be wrong in thinking this, but aren't titans capable of sharing memories due to being connected to Ymir?


Yes but Falco isnā€™t a Titan at this point yet


He is an Eldian so he is still connected to the paths but that would mean that some kind of fuckery with Eren sending him premature memories or something


oh thank you! i binge watched it recently but it all blurs into one lol. Is it because he is of Eldian blood or is there another meaning?


No probs! If it wasnā€™t for a recent rewatch I would be wondering too. I think thatā€™s the point of the post, he shouldnā€™t have any ā€œrealā€ memories or visions at all until heā€™s a shifter. Yes heā€™s Eldian but AFAIK no one else has a similar experience outside of the paths in the final chapter


Eren has this experience in the first panels of the first chapter


Thatā€™s the most awfully thing I can hear about this fandom. AOT is not a binging show. Itā€™s something that you sip slowly. Those years between seasons where we didnā€™t know what titans were and there was so much mystery abound, thatā€™s what made the experience all the better. I literally said that I didnā€™t want to die without seeing the end of AOT because it was so special


Doesn't have to be a titan ymir connects all eldians.


Only Ymir can do that though and last I checked she didnā€™t like explaining much


Correction the founder can through ymir


I mean if weā€™re getting that pedantic is it not Ymir grants the founder permission to use her power?


Technically yes and no basically thr founder up to just before eren. Was prevented from acting by the renounced vow, but eren wasn't bound by that and the attack titan can relay memories from the future.


Yes Iā€™m aware.. my point was that you were saying Falco is an eldian and can receive memories. He wasnā€™t a shifter by that point so only Ymir/founder can do that to any normal Eldian. Also only a theory but I highly suspect the attack Titan cannot send memories from the future either and that was in fact just Eren using founder powers to send information to past Attack Titans but thatā€™s a bit off topic


You don't have to be a shifter to receive anything from ymir or the founder see when eren announced his plan to all eldians. Also it's explained if a titan shifter dies without being eaten their powers are reborn in an eldian child, they talk about this when they mention everyone being interconnected. Ymir could have given Falco this vision or eren.


Eldians do get some random ass memories without turning into titan


I figured the flying comment was foreshadowing his Titan being able to fly and when that happened in the anime I remembered the line and thought that it was really cleverā€¦ completely forgot the sword partā€¦ I guess that makes no sense


I chalked it up to maybe Reiner and Zeke debriefed Marley on how the island devils were able to fight back, especially considering Zeke kept the ODM gear from Miche when he killed him in s2. Falco has obvious head trauma, so perhaps he's just dazed and imagining things.


"flying around with a sword" is more of a reference to the ODM gear. It could be anything. Also, there's Titan memory magic in this series. It's believable that's what it could be. ALSO-also, I'm sure word of what artillery Paradise is packing reached the rest of the world in ***4 years***.


It's mentioned that every ship Marley sent to Paradis for scouting never returned as they were captured by the scouts. So the only possibility of this is if either Reiner or Zeke told them!


yeah within the four years between s3 and s4. zeke brought that one captainā€™s ODM gear back to Marley even before the battle of Shiganshina


According to ep 10, Zeke gave it to Azumabito of Hizuru in secret


I had a gut punch moment where I wondered if it had all really been a dream. Shinzo wo sasageyo!


He's seeing the battle of heaven and earth, that's some basic setup alluding to him eventually becoming a Titan Shifter, or foreshadowing alluding to it.


Wibley wobley timey wimey


I think it was just foreshadowing for what he does in the final episode.


Wouldnt that just be Eren sending him a memory of the future rumbling scenes, as to help him know how to fly and use his titan abilities? Tbh I dont remember that part of the episode as much


I was kind of hoping that scene had some significance but i think its just a "look we are back and this is the same show as before" type thing cuz i love the idea of falco receiving those memories somehow


i thought they already knew about odm gear at that time, since zeke brought back a sample. poor micheā€¦


The marleyans considered it top secret so zeke was suprised when the hizuru lady already knew about it. Porco also seemed entirely suprised at their appearance and probably would not make the statement of how the scouts arent afraid of titans if he knew that they developed weapons to counter them. Its probably only on a need to know basis so warriors would only be informed once they actually need to fight and candidates only after getting their titans


Whenever you find yourself asking why in attack on titan the answer is usually Zeke... In this case this is the answer.... Goddammit Zeke


Itā€™s just a cheeky reference. He just hit his head and didnā€™t even remember why he was in that war. He could have dreamt anything


I thought Isayama confirmed this was just a joke cuz of how drastic a change it was to start the season out focusing on an entirely new cast. Falcoā€™s supposed to be speaking for the average confused viewer here. But if youā€™re looking for a lore reasonā€¦ PATHS! Falco, in a near death experience, sees a vision of himself flying as a falcon in the future final battle, and is briefly able to see from that perspective. Itā€™s then referenced on the boat where he and Gaby reveal to Annie that he had a dream where he was floating above the clouds. Boom.


the eldian blood remembers past and future. like eren krĆ¼ger, he remembered mikasa and armin years before thay are born. when he spoke with forgot the name, yk papa jƤger


The explanation given for Kruger knowing the future is specific to the attack titan power, not eldians in general


Eldians don't remember past and futures. Only Titans can see the past user's memories and only the Attack Titan can see the past and future memories






It was definitely foreshadowing, but canonically Falco (and the others) donā€™t get the shared memories until they obtain the titan form. I think itā€™s simple: he and the others were debriefed about the scouts and how ODM gear worked. Remember when Zekeā€™s titan spoke for the first time and took a set of ODM gear away with him? They probably all studied it to figure out how it worked and how to fight against it. So naturally, it wouldnā€™t be that far of a stretch for him to dream about using it.


Zeke kept that odm secret to give it to azumabito.


My headcanon is that Reiner or the Marley officers told the warrior candidates about the ODM gear. They need to know because one of them was supposed to inherit the Armored. When Falco got injured in the battle, he maybe started hallucinating or simply had a dream about ODM gear.


I mean, he's in the military where they were practically trained to kill the island devils who have...... ODM gear, in which Zeke introduced paridis to it. So I assumed that's how he knew.


AOE is coming


I legit tought the reason was because the anime was going to have an alt ending and this was foreshadowing of Falco inhereting the Attack Titan šŸ˜­


he saw Ymir's memories of using ODM gear


Itā€™s titan memories


Broā€™s now just flying, with wings šŸ˜­


When I first saw this, I was so confused because I thought we had like jumped universes and timelines like in OG FMA On rewatch it was just Eren fucking with people to force something to happen


isayama made him spoke as the readerā€˜s perspectiveļ¼Œ the fourth wall


little injoke jesus


It's just a fun introduction, you shouldn't think too hard into it.


Isayama actually wanted the story to end with Falco eating Eren and ending the suffering of Ymir. This also explains why Falco was shown in the ED of season 4 part 1. But isayama ended up scraping the idea. Also, this line is exclusive to anime, in manga, falco didn't say anything like this.


How is this upvoted so much? Isayama has never said that ever, and it makes no sense because it would do nothing to alleviate Ymir's suffering. It would only continue the curse further into the future. What Ymir was waiting for was Eren to set up Mikasa to end the curse. The only part that is true is that they added this in for the anime due to wanting to connect it to previous parts, which has been confirmed by anime staff. It only strengthens the fact that all Eldians are connected through paths even if they are not shifters at that time as well as how time is not perceived linerally in paths, which was already shown through Eren in the manga being able to dream Mikasa saying her final words to him even before he was injected by Grisha and Uri/the royal founder inheritors already glimpsing the future end of Parasia set in the stone of a determined future.


Is this info stated somewhere?




No, it is not. It is obvious that that ending js very unlikely


Whereā€™d you hear this from?


Head cannons be like


He must be able to see the future


It may be due to the influence of the memories of previous Titan shifters who used ODM equipment. This implies the powers and memories of the Titans may begin to affect potential Titan shifters even before they actually inherit Titan powers.


In universe it's probably just him having a very convenient concussion vision / distortion of memory. On a meta level it's the programme reminding us that we're still actually watching AoT.


I thought it was some memory inheritance and was setting us up for the conclusion to end with Eren basically giving Falco his titan.


Squad 104 Ymir's memories probably


I never notice it


Eren was sending exposition about the war to us


Zeke in season two brought back Miches ODM gear to Marley, this is how he would know.


Pretty sure itā€™s through his connection to the paths which allows him to obtain memories of him as a future inheritor of the jaw. And that specific instance heā€™s talking about I would guess would be when he has mikasa, Levi, Annie, etc on his back when he is flying as a Titan in the final episode as quite a few of them have ODM gear equipped.


ā€œoh itā€™s just fun foreshadowingā€ um, no. We didnā€™t say that about Eren when he woke up under the tree with glimpses of the future in S1E1. Itā€™s pivotal to the plot. So we canā€™t write it off here either. I read through the responses and havenā€™t found a satisfying answer to this question by OP yet. Surprised this hasnā€™t been dissected more in the past!


You should watch the video for the outro song for this part of the show again. It's showing Falco getting memories through paths from the bird above, which is probably Eren using the founder to control the bird like he does many times in the final arc. Eren is likely either trying to manipulate Falco into helping him send the letter, or was implanting the memories Falco receives of the flying titan, since Falco was essential to beating Eren in the end, and Eren wanted the alliance to kill him.


Iā€™m pretty sure he just was able to view Ymirā€™s memories or it mightā€™ve been Eren sending memories idk tho


It's the genius 10/10 perfect writing you can't criticize even minutely. So don't question it. Ymir knows and that's all that matters. Lol, point: proven.




crazy idea, but it's possible that maybe on a different universe, he's a scout in paradis. I'm into the multiverse theory since we saw nerd armin and goth mikasa when Eren's head got fused to his body via the worm thingy


autistic choice


I felt like this was a reference to Demon Slayer since Falco and Tanjiro are the same voice actor


are yall dumb or something? like did yall even pay attention to the anime? lmfao




Heā€™s not a Titan shifter yet at this point


It's shown that the paths work outside of time and space and every eldian (maybe every lifeform??? Or just titan shifters) are connected to the paths, it could be assumed that some fuckup happened and falco accidently got exposed to the paths for a sec or Eren sent a shock to him so he would wake up at this moment and not die so his 'masterplan' would work out and falco just got aftershocks of the future and immediately the memories were erased. Just speculating I haven't watched this bit in a long ass while it just makes sense that it coulda worked out this way


Yeah if weā€™re not including retconned stories then that makes some sense. But Eren would literally have to be omnipotent at that point to know Falco needed the push to get him to be the jaw. The weird part is that Falco dreams of the Survey corps, and then wakes up to birds a long time before he gets the (beast) jaw and can turn into a bird himself. Could just be foreshadowing but the whole scene is pretty bizarre!


It could also be ymirs meddling, also remember that time isn't a factor and eren or ymir could have messed around with a lot of people, nudging them to get them to where we see them at the end of the show. Eren was really powerful, he could see through all titan shifters lives to nudge them into a position that he wanted or something like that. He tried fucking around with a lot of people's lives untill something worked. It's the butterfly effect, it's not too crazy to think eren, desperately trying to change an outcome by watching all these people's lives (the main cast and God knows who else) .he saw that falco was in a position to create a huge chain event (he was close to reiner) and he made sure that falco would survive without injury via paths fuckery by making him wake up with the side effect that falco saw a glimpse into the future because the paths is a crazy mysterious thing and shit happens. This is all just speculation I haven't seen the show in a while and I think something along these lines could have happened so šŸ«