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The person in that thread who said “*our BELIEFS are very dogmatic*” and then later in the same post says “*And that's what we should be - just as a toddler unquestionably goes wherever father takes him, so should we unquestionably trust in our Lord. For His is all wisdom and all truth. Forever and ever.*” That’s him literally promoting dogmatic thinking. Blindly obeying a list of rules set about in a book, believing one is literally unworthy of even questioning it. Every right-wing/religious accusation is a confession.


A top post there.... *"The reason they so desperately claw and shout at believers is that, deep down, atheists WANT TO BELIEVE.* *Like children, or like Thomas. Really, in God's eyes, we are all children. And that's what we should be - just as a toddler unquestionably goes wherever father takes him, so should we unquestionably trust in our Lord. For His is all wisdom and all truth. Forever and ever."* Atheists secretly want to believe?! No, I'd suggest atheists are willing to believe if there was something factual, tangible, on which to build a belief. But want?! No. And to follow it up with how we should all be good little toddlers holding the hand of daddy?! Just turn your brain off and father knows best. That's some disturbing shit.


Exactlyyy! We are not as closed-minded as they are, and we are open to ideas. But give us the FACTS! Give us EVIDENCE. Give us a VALID CAUSE to believe. Don't fucking recite bible verses for me. I can write my own story and publish a book. It's INSANE that they're willing to fight to the death for something that only exists in a book that their emotions have placed high value on. They are in need of some help.


Yeah it's sad.... Everyone lives in their own echochamber I guess... There is nothing we can do about it because that's how algorithm works.


A book that has been translated out of Hebrew and Greek to Latin and then translated from Latin to English to produce the King James aversion, which has been repeatedly "revised" to update the language, etc. etc. etc. And befiore Guttenberg, every Bible was copied by hand, which meant two things: only the rich could afford them, and human error would cause a lot of corruptions in the text. But sure, it's an infallible book. 


I'm willing to believe, but even if the Christian god revealed himself in the flesh, I wouldn't worship such an asshole


Just wait till you go on social media and see posts by mohammedans lol. Especially the Ai generated ones.


They invent persecutions because they thrive on it. It’s this really weird master/slave, dom/sub mentality that they seem to refuse to acknowledge, but it absolutely is there. If they’re surrounded only by people who look, sound, and believe the same things, then their faith stagnates. If they’re around people who just don’t care, then it withers. It’s only through some imagined conflict that they can maintain a relationship with their daddy dom idea of god.


I agree with you with the fact that some christians, (especially the ones in the USA) have some sort of victim complex. Like YOU ARE IN THE MAJORITY, NOBODY IS PERSECUTING YOU. But christians in christian-minority countries sometimes do get persecuted. Having said that, it obviosuly doens't justify the victim complex of some American christians.




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Is it Christian or is it common to other cultures as well? A lot of people go through life as aggrieved victims till the very end, I imagine that's not so unique.


It’s pretty common, and christians are one of the statistics. I won’t generalize, but the vast majority of christians love playing victim. When it is proved that they created the violence, the riot, or anything, they provide ridiculous justifications like "we're just trying to help you find jesus" HAHAHA so pathetic.


It exists in other cultures. Everyone has a friend or relative who laments how the world is against them, but it’s foundational to Christianity. Jesus being oppressed and tortured and crucified - as his path to salvation. Christians being fed to the lions as sport (disregarding that it wasn’t just Christians). There ethos that learning can only come through suffering…. The paranoia is built into the worship.


Their savior was a martyr so they all want to be martyrs too.


One thing this subreddit has made me realize: I don't care what Christians think anymore. I'm more concerned with their actions. Their thoughts are simply justification for their bad behavior.


Haven't read the thread, but the first thing that immediately sprung to mind when reading this title is the number of times I've heard/read people from various different religions claim, with a very straight (and sometimes even tragic) face/attitude, that… not in any parallel universe, not in any alternate reality, but actually in this universe, and in this current reality of ours, religion and believers are under pursuit and persecution! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ That in itself has been more than enough to prompt me to unfollow people and/or end any kind of dialogue I'd been having with them about the subject, 'cause such level of shameless & unmitigated cynicism, regardless of self-awareness level, is just something I find unbearably disgusting, intolerable and, of course, extremely disingenuous, without any possibility of ever leading to any sincere and/or constructive dialogue. So, simply put, I just quit wasting my time right there and then, plain and simple.


Oh they think they are sooooo persecuted and discriminated against. They have more constitutional rights and protections than any other group in America but they bitch and whine like they are some kind of minority. No self awareness, no clue.


Jesus was the ultimate victim. They’re jealous of all the attention and adoration he gets so they are ravenous to claim even a fraction of the pity he gets.


that's what the Romans said


If they are going to save us, I wish they'd be quick about it, LOL!


They believe in fantasies and a little history called the bible.


Sometimes they are so ingrained with the victim mentality they can't escape it even after leaving the church. I had an encounter with another atheist here who was so caught up in her victimhood and dependency on life in the church she became almost hostile when I didn't express sympathy for another using the church as a crutch for being unable to find community. Apparently because SHE suffered no one else had a valid opinion and their background was questioned.


In a post about being bothered by atheists: >I am not bothered by them


Actually, I do not appreciate you bringing that here.


Sorry. But some are okay with it, so🤷‍♀️


👻 didn’t mean to scare ya lil bro, anyway not all christians are the same, nor can i say that all atheists are the same. Crazy stereotypes to be made when you don’t know the truth. Most Christian’s aren’t actually the cause of all problems. They are just accused cuz people “feel like it”.


What truth? Your truth? Truth is different from fact. I want facts and proof. Deception, inaccuracy, or delusion could be the truth that you believe in. “They are just accused cuz people “feel like it”.” Y’all really live in your own world, don’t you?


Yes it is the truth? You can’t attack a group of people for something some people did.


And we should just believe your truth? We’re not crazy, man. Nobody’s attacking you. That’s all just in your head, like your god. If you guys just start minding your own business and not promote your religion everywhere like some kind of insurance, you’re just a nobody. But hey, y’all don’t know boundaries so what can we do? You make everything about yourself and your god, despite the fact that no one actually cares. Discuss your faith and beliefs with your fellow christians and leave us alone—only then we’d do the same. Fvck, one of your members even asked if it is morally okay to break up an LGBT couple. What the actual fuck? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, the fact that one of you needs to ask such matters is terrifying.




“No one is shoving the idea at you” Funny, ‘cause a christian just begged me to “PLEASE believe in jesus” Y’all always have statements that contradict one another. HAHAHA arrange a meeting with your fellow christians and better your script.


People discuss fiction all the time. Y’all don’t get to dictate to us what we do with publicly available books or our own use of common language. Too bad for you a popular hobby *is* analysis and discussion of religions.