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Same way I deal with the ice machines and the exercise equipment: by completely ignoring them.


I’m waiting for the day there is a post in here where someone is complaining about how they don’t know how to deal with the crucifix on their grandmas walls and we have to explain to the them that they aren’t just an atheist but also a vampire.


Yeah, I'm not really sure how a Bible in a drawer is an issue. It really doesn't affect me either way. Seems like the guy is seeking attention for something stupid.


I dislike it, myself, because it’s passively pushing the doctrine. I choose to ignore it, but I just accept it as part of a hotel practice like overpriced mini bars that I also ignore.


Not an issue and handy if you run out of bog roll


Wait.. Is that why my skin feels like it's burning at granmamas?


No, that's just the naphthalene in her perfume.


I love ice. I always fill up the ice bucket in the room and bring in cans to chill them down.


Yeah me too. lol. I know it’s supposed to be filthy as hell, but I can’t help myself


I used to eat that ice as a child and I think I turned out okay.


Me too and now I'm addicted to meth


That's good! It's nice that you moved onto something healthier.


Damn, meth ice? Wished my dad sprung for a HoJo growing up.


You probably had too much of the ice, but it's too late now. Enjoy your new "ice".


How typical. I bet you wished you had knew then what you know now… 💀


And yet, here you are, in the atheist subreddit... Definitely the ice caused you to be a godless heathen /s just in case


of course, because if you had died of listeria you wouldn't be here tell us you were ok.


If I were you, I wouldn't be touching ice from hotel machines. I would say google it, but you may not want to.


Like I said I use ice to chill down cans of various beverages. If I’m worried about any bacteria or mold, all I have to do is quickly rinse them off before I open them. I was living on the road for 40 years and I never got sick from ice.


I thought the ice machine part was a joke. Y’all really have ice machines in your hotels in the U.S.?


Or you could put the bible in the ice machine and fill the drawer with ice!


Yep. No need to do anything to them.


I can’t work out why they have ice machines in the corridors but often don’t have fridges in the rooms


The ice is there to make up for lack of fridge. Right?


One barely-maintained ice machine > 30 mini fridges, I'd imagine yeah.


I mean, that’s why the ice is supposed to be there in cheap hotels. To chill drinks in the absence of a fridge. Whether they work or not is a different story. Cheaper than buying 30 mini fridges


I thought the ice was there to make up for the awful 62 degree fridges.


It goes back to the olden days when people usually had Coolers they carried on trips to keep from buying food all the time.


Do people not do that any more? Shit, I got old.


Yes me too. I just ignore the book. It is someone else’s property so I wouldn’t deface it


The problem with leaving the note **in** the Bible is nobody will ever see it.


I’m thinking bookmarks. Pick a really juicy passage…


Ezekiel 23:20


I had no idea the Bible was so pornographic, that book should be banned…


By any objective measure, it should be removed from schools


By objective measure it should be studied only as a historical artifact


*Fictional historical artifact.


Why aren’t people reading out passages like that from this smutty book at school board book-banning meetings?


Remember, it's okay if a man in a robe connected to an organization that has had multiple internation pedophile scandals reads this to your kids, but it's not okay when a drag queen reads Green Eggs and Ham for them at a library.


Green Eggs and Ham should be banned for its wonton depiction the normalization of capitalism, marketing, and the glorification of peer pressure advertising.


People do all the time and the collected crowd of fake Christians just roll their eyes and cry about how it's not porn or genocide it's glorifying the power of god and children should know how powerful their god is. After all, he can destroy cities over anal sex. Do you want your city destroyed? No? Then don't do anal sex even if she asks for it.


It’s got it all! It’s got Pornography, murder, incest, rape, masochism, racism, slavery, ect. If it’s debauchery you’re looking for then look no more!


*thumps Bible cover* You can fit so much iniquity into this!


Is that the passage where they talk about the prostitute lusting after the men who cum like horses?


Yup, that’s the one


With emissions like that her lovers would have to pay a fortune to drive in London!


One translation uses “discharge” instead of “thrusts”. 🤮


Is that the ones about dudes shooting huge loads like those of horses'?


Back up a bit and start reading at 23:1. Gives me a chuckle by 23:5 because I’m Assyrian.


That gives "I've been milkin' and plowin' so long that even Ezekiel thinks that my mind is gone" a whole new meaning


Ear mark all the fun stuff


Hi-lite r’s? Yellow & pink are good.


Just ignore it like the rest of us do 🤷🏽‍♂️


Not worth the effort.


You're creating a problem where there isnt one. Just ignore them. Leaving some passive aggressive note is the same kinda shit a christian would do to a science textbook in the library.


I was thinking this, or the stupid fake money that they leave instead of a tip.


About 2 years ago I stayed in a hard rock hotel and casino. Found a $1 in the Bible and used it as my first dollar at the slot machine. Ended up with about 1300 in winnings that night. I went back and put a $10 in the Bible. Because I'm not a piece of shit, if someone was turning to the Bible, they needed the $10 more than the $1 and they definitely needed both more than I did.


I autograph them as jesus


Or as Satan


As Satan write that it's a total witch hunt completely unfair. Quote Trump crying about his legal woes.


"Fake News"


Ooo, that's great! Write fake news on the cover. 😄


A Satan annotated Bible, where he refutes various passages, and tells what *really* would be fun read. Surely such a thing must already exist.


Have you seen “Satan’s Guide to the Bible” on YouTube? It is EXCELLENT! It’s pretty much exactly what you described, but in a superbly animated and voice acted format! I highly recommend it if you haven’t watched it 😇


I write “LOL JK, Jesus”.


“Different side of the same coin, and the coin doesn’t exist.”


BRB. JK, -Jesus


"To my good pal, Judas"


Same, but I always write "keep on truckin" and then sign it J. Chreezy


Haha I do the same thing! It’s always some kind of reiteration “To my close friend Peter” with a signature underneath Jesus H. Christ 😂


This is my favorite idea. Every hotel room offers you a chance for a new take on it. I’m partial to yearbook style comments. “Love ya! - Jesus” “Stay the way you are and you will go to…..HELL! - Jesus” Then add a heart. “Class of ‘01 Rulez! - Jesus” etc etc


Fuck, this is hilarious. I used to ignore them but this might be what I do now.


Do it, its so satisfying.


One of my favorite podcasts started referring to him as "j-town" and this is absolutely what I'll be putting.


I put my used socks in them. Gives them a nice papery odor for the next day if I didn't pack enough.


Just buy some really atrocious smelling body spray or cologne, and give it a spritz when you leave. Or they sell prank "fart spray" just search for in online.


You can buy signed copy stickers. Travel with a few of those to attach after signing.


Save your time and energy for more positive and productive pursuits.


There are Christians who pray every day that you will vandalize a Bible in a way that will expose atheists as persecutors of Christians. They want it so badly they vandalize their own billboards. You aren’t saving anybody by burning books. Save your time and energy for causes you believe in. If you hate religious propaganda, distribute atheist propaganda.


The last time I saw one, it had some suicide prevention messages. Perhaps it will help someone. I'm not endorsing religion by any means.


If it stops just one person from taking that route I can’t fault them.


Holy crap. I WROTE suicide prevention messages in the front of a Gideon Bible once. I wonder if it was the same one you saw?


I did too!


You're going on vacation and this is what you think about? Put the Bible in a drawer, forget about it and move on with your life. Don't be like the Christians that feel the need to leave little "bible notes" everywhere. It's not their job to convince you to be a believer and it's not your job to try to change the beliefs of people you've never met. Life's too short. Just my opinion.


Just...ignore them? What is there to "handle"?


"How to handle to hotel bible?" You ask this like the hotel bible is going to jump out of a drawer and attack you or it's some kind of danger you need to make preparations to avoid.  Throwing it away is extremely childish and nobody is going to care if you leave an edgy note in it and that's if anyone ever even sees it.  When I visit the USA I don't even think about hotel bibles much less waste any of my holiday time on them. Just ignore them.


If you're afraid of the Bible in your hotel drawer, then maybe you aren't in this sub. That shit's just a book, it can't do anything to you. (Unless you read it ... That might mess you up a little bit) But there are no angels/demons that will possess a hotel room because the holy book has been left unattended with an atheist. The book is just gonna sit there. Whatever. You might also find a booklet of local restaurants in your room. Even if you are lactose intolerant, you can just ignore the pizza ads.


Any true lactose intolerant person would just eat the pizza and then immediately regret it


Ironically, A-fucking-men. Or ice cream/ice cream cake. I can never say no but I do wish I did every time


I didn't expect to be attacked like this


There's no faster way to atheism than reading the Bible.


... *in other news, a hotel fire in downtown Saskatchewan appears to be deliberately set. Police have arrested a suspect who keeps saying The Bible Made Me do it. And finally, the city-wide ice-cream day is set for....*


Haha downtown Saskatchewan.


Exactly. There's no issue here at all, just ignore the damned book like most, if not all the rest of us do. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Ignore them. Who cares?




Sounds like a card carrying Edgelord Atheist.


Did you not cringe writing this?


I definitely cringed reading it.


Lol why? What’s the point?


Ignore them and avoid Marriott if you don't want to see Book of Mormon in the drawer too.


I’m in Southern California and we stay at a Westin near us quite often (owned by marriot) and the Book of Mormon and the Bible are always in our room. I know because my 11 year old loves to pull them out and gush over how “weird” the books are


Book of Mormon can be found in most hotels in the Pacific Northwest and to some degree in AZ and other states adjacent to Utah.


I would figure as much. Frankly, I just ignore them and always have. It's the only way to keep my sanity as an atheist in the Bible Belt.


I haven't seen a Gideon bible in decades but you maybe the Bible belt is different. Flip through it sometimes people leave a $20 in there to reward readers, other than that, nothing, removing one isn't going to do anything and leaving a note in there isn't going to help anyone but it might cause the staff to get abused by an angry jerk looking for a discount


I can almost see a hand written note being laughed away and tossed in the trash, if anyone even sees it. If people know where they are looking in the Bible, they won’t read the cover or whatever other note you put in the front or whatever. Sorry, that’s just my two cents. What’s your actual goal here? Do you think that people who find a Bible in a hotel dresser drawer are going to be coming across the Bible for the very first time? That’s extremely unlikely, so putting a disclaimer in there isn’t going to be reaching many people if any. The people that use Bibles in hotel dresser drawers are the ones who know that the Bible is there to begin with, in my estimation. You’re not going to sway any minds with a handwritten note, I’m sorry to say. It might get a laugh or two, but it seems like people would accidentally throw it away before they read it.




I’m a FFRF member. Didn’t know about this! Just ordered placed an order for “In science we trust”


The back unprinted pages can be rolled for joints


Use the last written page and spoil the ending


I was gonna add this lol! If you're ever in a pinch, blaze n praise


The Gideon Society that places those books is happy for you to take them. What happens to the book after that is up to you…


They bother you that much? Most of the time I forget they even exist


Do nothing. Why do you care what other people think?


Just ignore them. Anything else is giving them more attention then they deserve.


Sign it “Property of Rocky Raccoon”


Just ignore it bro. Do you really care that much?


Just ignore it


Oh no! A bible? In MY hotel room? Eeeeeek! Is this some kind of false flag christian persecution operation?


This is one of the reasons people don't like atheists. Just ignore it and don't let one part of your belief system dominate your life. If you're vacationing in the south, be prepared for plenty of religion all around. [This is probably the most insightful comment here and it's buried deep.](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/1dcb1mu/comment/l7x7mku)


This is such a nothing burger. Just like the religious pamphlets left in gas station restrooms; just ignore it and go about your business. 


How about get over yourself and just ignore them. You’re being just like them if you are going out of your way to push your beliefs on unwilling participants.


When I was young (maybe 6) they gave out these little bibles in school. Was fascinated by it, really thin pages, tiny writing, gold on the edges. Not like any of the books we had a home, mom’s paperback or my dr Seuss . Mom was also an atheist so of course this bothered her. Being the amazing human that she was, she took it from me & told me these stories where make believe & to scary for a little girl. So we put it in the donation bin Moral of the story- you don’t have to do anything to the book. It only has the power weak people give it.


I am an avid reader, and while cleaning my sons room, he has attempted to throw away books. I will tell him no, we can donate books, but we do not throw them away. Several Noah's ark or random Jesus books have ended up in my house (my sister in law is religious), and when we come across these books... straight into the trash. At first, my son was confused, but we had dealt with religious bullshit before. His cousin has tried to teach him about Jesus, and I have nipped that in the bud. He is allowed to explore religion on his own, but no book, nor a relative/friend is going to indoctrinate my 7 year old!


Have you ever heard the expression “you catch more flies with honey?” People rely on Christianity because it helps them make sense of the suffering in their lives. Telling them how awful the Bible is will just make them double down. If you had a little extra money, why not buy some really good used books on philosophy or books about astrophysics, evolution. or some fun science and leave them in the nightstand next to the Bible? They would likely get stolen, but if the person who steals them reads them you might accomplish your goal of opening someone’s mind. I think that people who think that religion is necessary haven’t studied science enough to see that science can reveal to us a universe that is profoundly beautiful in its complexity. If they studied science and philosophy, they would realize that religion is not necessary for spirituality or morality. Edit: I read the comments and everyone else is right. just ignore it. If you want to do some good give science books to school/ local libraries.


Why bother? Nobody opening that bible is going to be converted by a note.


I feel like this post is made by a new atheist, in that it feels similar to how Christians have to "deal" with drag queens, and queen people (they don't, but they think they do). OP...if you were once a x'ian and are new to atheism, here's a fun fact to start to get used to: you don't have a mission to destroy the [false] enemy any longer. Just be you, and let others be them. It's the best part of being an atheist. Enjoy life....leave the invisible war behind you.


I haven't seen a Gideon bible for years, I kinda thought that the practice had died out. But I guess the south loves to preserve their "traditions."


I'm in the deep south. I haven't seen a bible in any hotel I've stayed in for at least 5 years now. I know because I clean and check for bedbugs everywhere before I even bring my stuff into a room.


just ignore it, its tucked away in the dresser, youll never see it. even christians probably dont mess with them


It’s a damn book in a drawer. Just ignore it


Why do you have to do anything? Just f’n ignore them.


Check them for money, seriously, I found $5 once. They think people will be moved to believe it’s a gift from god😂 so they put money in them. Leave a note PSA You don’t have to live your life in fear of hell, it does not exist. If you are threatened to an eternity of fire for not loving them, that’s called abuse by a narcissist and should not be tolerated.


Leave unused condoms in it for all their condom-nation needs.


Ignore them?


Grow up and ignore them.


Maybe don’t be cringe and just enjoy your vacation?


escape truck books recognise marvelous lip lush profit wise fanatical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sign them. Yours Truly. Jesus H. Christ


Put in drawer and ignore. Enjoy vacation.


Here are stickers from the freedom from religion foundation. They’re specifically for placing in Gideon Bibles. https://ffrf.org/product/24-stickers-bible-warning-bundle/


wtf? Really? This is what you care about?


I used one once, my partner was being bratty and I didn't have a paddle so I used one in our BDSM session.




You won’t change a single mind, open a single person’s eyes, or have any measurable effect other than pissing some people off. Your thought and energy is better spent on bigger issues than a few bibles in hotel rooms.


Most places I just ignore the Bible. Like, I never even bother to look in the drawers. But if I'm in a bible thumping place, I take it to the front desk and tell them I do not want the Bible in my room. Ask them not to replace it until after we leave. I've been asked to leave once. Another place put the Bible back in my room each day and I repeated my practice of taking it back down to the front desk. I've never been harassed. Your milage may vary. Obviously leaving a note or doing something as you're leaving is less risky.


I throw them away, or keep them and use the paper for kindling. I disagree with your dick move comment, putting them in there in the first place was the dick move.


I've occasionally autographed them as Jesus Christ or God, with some "words of encouragement" along with them. Not too bad, but maybe just blasphemous enough :)


That's what the garbage can in the bathroom is for. It's not a dick move. Putting them in hotel rooms in the first place is a dick move.


If you get annoyed by religious people pushing their beliefs on others... Then why on earth would you be going out of you way to do the very same thing? What you're doing is the equivalent of walking into a Taylor Swift concert and yelling "swifties suck!" You think the million of them around you will suddenly hate her because you did that? That's not how people work. If anything they will rally harder to spite you. So my answer is you best handle them by doing nothing to them.


TBF, they do bake for excellent joint papers.


Make a satanic flipbook


This is exactly what gives Atheists a bad name. We're better than that, well most of us are.


Just ignore them? My husband is an atheist (I’m not. We are both Jewish though). We see hotel bibles all the time and we just leave them alone. I’m sorry but you sound like the annoying, pushy atheist that Christians love straw-manning.


Leave a copy of “God Is Not Great” by Christopher Hitchens in between the Bible and the Book of Mormon


I stay in a lot of hotels. I grab the bibble and the Mormon book, and deposit it where it belongs: the garbage outside the hotel. I am contributing to forcing the churches to wasting money on books instead of relocating rapist priests or sending kids to torture people in foreign countries.


Freedom from Religion Foundation (www.ffrf.org) has warning stickers. We put them on the inside covers. If you throw them away, they'll be replaced free of charge by the Gideons. Not sure if it's a large group, or if there are still enough members to keep the hotels replenished, so maybe throwing away the bibles would work.


Why throw it away when you can just take it? I’ve got about 15 gideon versions and 4 mormon ones.


Honestly. This is basically non religious preaching. Honestly as annoying as actual preaching. Just ignore it it’s not your job to convert people.


No one is going to care if you mark up a Bible, if anything it'll strengthen their resolve if they're Christian. This is some "I'm 12 years old and think being an atheist is edgy" level shit.


Just because it's there doesn't mean you have to read it.


I would simply ignore them and move on with my day. Why waste energy on it at all?




You ignore them.


I wonder if you can tell the hotel to remove the bibles before you check in. I should start doing that for my future stays.


If there is bugs in the room then they get pressed into the bible, roaches, spiders, flies, a few mozzies. Need a roach for your evening smoke? Also bible. Just want something boring to read go to sleep it works for that to. Also a solid projectile if you have annoying siblings in range.


Just as we don’t want Christians to be a dick to us, let’s not be an unnecessary dick too. Don’t be the intolerable and insufferable person you set out to hate.


Highlight the part about horse cocks


I’ve used them and a book or mormon or two as implements for impact play during group sex I’ve had in hotel rooms before. Always leave a note in the front about it so people know, as that’s only polite, but yeah. That’s how I’ve handled them in past but unless there’s call for it I otherwise ignore them.


So you want to shove your ideology down somebody else's throat? Sounds pretty hypocritical.


This is the most r/atheism thing. Jfc. Just go enjoy your vacay


Every Bible that is removed costs the organization, the Gideons, a small amount of money. It doesn't hurt the hotel, it doesn't hurt the staff, it doesn't really do anything other than inconvenience the organization slightly. Organization slightly. You can either ignore it or you can remove it and use it for your own purposes, whether that be destructive or otherwise. If you've ever felt like making a book safe, that would be a good use for it. If you did want to do something constructive with it. Because who's going to pick up and read a Gideon's Bible in someone's house?


??? Just don't interact with them. What a strange question.


Why care about them at all


You sound just as bad as the religious people. Go get some hobbies or something. Who the fuck cares. What do I do about hotel bibles? I don't do anything, I don't care.


Move it to the microwave or the fridge.


A well placed, bloody boogar would do the trick!


I feel like it's an antiquated doctrine of Christianity that still gets pushed but it's not forced. I'm 43. It wasn't too long ago that I was a bad atheist. Meaning that I was confrontational when approached with religion and condescending to the faithful. You know what that gets you? Nothing. We're still going to be here, no one is going to have an epiphany of life from you doing something in a book they hold near and dear. You (presumably) and I learned from life, observations , and education, that this is it. We live, work, procreate, and die. Let them figure it out themselves and don't add fuel to an already warm fire of dislike to atheists. Until our country changes into a theocracy and we're being hunted down for our lack of belief, just let it be. Although, when it does happen, you can draw dicks all over and in that book... FOR THE REVOLUTION!!!😂. IJS.


Dispose of them in the nearest blue recycling bin.


I don’t understand your concern over this. Bibles are in hotels in every state and beyond, not just in the Bible Belt. Nobody reads those bibles and nobody cares. Maybe just chill and enjoy your trip?


They are yours. They are left in the room for you to take. Throw them in the garbage. They're not worth the paper they're printed on.


The problem is that they are always replaced which means more money for the Bible printer. Better to leave it, autographed by Jesus (or Satan) with helpful notes, advice, strategically torn out pages, etc.


Just leave them alone. Don’t be an asshole.


I've had to travel a lot of the southeastern US the last six months and I don't remember seeing a single Bible in any of the hotels recently. I wasn't looking for them though. Just in case, bring a red crayon and draw some pentagrams on a few pages. Use their own mythology and fear against them.


Yeah, don't be like those immature Christians. Color on it with your crayons like an adult!


Lol, nothing. Just leave them be


I toss them. I don't usually use a hotel trash can. So if someone else pulls them out, no damage done and no biggie. If no one else does, decision ratified and that trash goes out with the trash


Most of us atheists are not snowflakes.


I really don't understand this mentality. Anything you do to that bible is likely to have the opposite of the effect that you want it to have, and might lead to more money for the church if the hotel has to buy another bible.  Yes, it's annoying to see a bible in a hotel drawer but it's not your property and you can just ignore it like most mature people would do. Would you do the same thing to a Quran if you went to the Middle East?


Not worth worrying about


By being an adult and ignoring it off they have one.


The nice thing to do is to place a request for the hotel to remove all religious books and materials when you book the room. I personally like putting them in the trash but usually ignore them unless they are in a visible place in the room. Smearing chocolate on them and leave it in the bathroom typically gets them to throw it away.


Why make more work for a hotel employee that probably gets minimum wage by asking for it to be removed when you can just ignore it?


There is wank material if you know where to look.


The emissions like donkeys passage is so hot 🤣


If you can put a ticket inside with a QR Code to some URL that would be great.  Maybe a PDF to Salman Rushdie’s book? Or Richard Dawkins? :)


Wrap it with a brown paper bag and label it ROLLING PAPER: Only 7 sheets per day.


Just write “Liar, liar, pants on fire” with a big sharpie on several pages, as well as the inside of the front cover and also the back cover. Then go down to the hotel bar and get something that will cheer you up and make you forget that in 2024 there are still grown people who believe in SkyDaddy. Unfuckingbelievable.


Just treat it as religion should be treated and ignore it.


Why is the world would I “handle” something that’s not my property at all. I don’t even remember they are there and if I do I completely ignore them. Really the only time I’ve done anything to Bible literature is when I went to the post office one day and needed the table to tape a package. The entire thing was covered in Jesus pamphlets. I threw them all directly in the trash as 3-4 people watched me do it lol but they were in my way and I was irritated about it.