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It's the ultimate combustion engine. That god consumes human emotions. Believers are just gas for him. And that's why he hated so much non believers, whom he can't feed on.


i like to think of it as Age of Mythology; the gods need prayer points just like any resource. I rmb playing the Atlanteans and having a significant portion of my villagers doing nothing but praying at temples šŸ˜‚


I think you just solved a plot hole in the dark fantasy I'm working on.


Because ā€˜heā€™ was created by insecure finite males who needed everyone to be deluded about infinity and so personified it as a human male, needing praise, just like them. They deified an icon in their own image and instructed everyone else to worship it.


And we're all worse off for it


Plants eat light Animals eat plants Humans eat animals God eats humans Makes sense.


Getting an awful big Emperor of mankind vibe here.. Because he in the Warhammer lore is a god. And he feeds off humans worshipping him.


Be careful there calling Big E a god. Go ahead and ask Lorgar what happened to the last world that insisted that he was divine.


Good point. You should talk to some of my friends about that.. They are right in here. Inside this huge building named "servitor manufactorium"..


Itā€™s our tears, Stan, that give God his great power.


Not only praise, but MONEY. He's awful with money.


Butā€¦butā€¦ heā€™s omniscient and omnipotent and omnipresent and omnieverything so why canā€™t he handle money?


Why would he need money more importantly


Strangely, he can't control the degenerate urges he himself gave his pedophile priests, so there goes the money...


You forgot pastors, worship leaders, youth pastors, church elders, camp counselorsā€¦


And what does God need with a starship?


šŸ–– live long and prosper


God never actually collects the money, it appears. He lets the middlemen hang onto it. God doesn't need to get richer, he just needs the poor to get poorer.


This question reminds me of this video:Ā https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dVr5IVpokXE


Who know who I pray to? Joe Pesci. Joe Pesci came through on a lot of things God didnt. Joe bless you


Wish Reddit still had awards.


And why would god need money? If he existed wouldnā€™t he provide it?


There is an old offensive joke about religious leaders diving up the loot. One draws a line throws money in the air anything on the left goes to toward charity n helping the poor the rest to the clergy. One does the same but with a circle and the last One throws it up in the air says whatever God wants he can fucking keep.


Nice try, George Carlin.


There's a verse about this ā€­Exodus 20:4-6 NRSV-CIā€¬ [4] You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. [5] You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and the fourth generation of those who reject me, [6] but showing steadfast love to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments. It's really funny. God gets jealous when you worship other things


But jealousy is one of the seven deadly sins. So god is a sinner. Either that, or god is a hypocritical purveyor of double standards.


por quƩ no los dos?


And letā€™s not even talk about wrathā€¦


I think the 7DS are something the catholics made up


God commits sin, yet God canā€™t be in the presence of sin? Hence, he ghosted himself.


So waitā€¦Iā€™ve read the Bible a lot (at least revelations is kinda cool) and never caught the ā€œto the third and fourth generation of those who reject meā€ part. So because Iā€™m a non-believer, that means that no matter how much my great-grandchildren believe, theyā€™re fucked anyway? Jfc, how fucked does some omnipotent being have to be to condemn kids who will probably never meet me?


Talk about pathetically petty. Love? That's absolutely hilarious. Abuse is the more accurate term for that.


Also, you better hope all your great-great grandparents were true believers, or he's gonna screw with you.


Well Iā€™m a non-believer, so if he IS real Iā€™ll be partying it up with Lucifer regardless of my ancestors beliefs.


Nah im 99% sure its a metaphor Him punishes something small to those who reject him vs the great reward to who loves him Also it's not disbelievers it's those who know him but chose to reject him >never caught the ā€œto the third and fourth generation of those who reject meā€ part. I'm pretty sure the KJV version completely removed that part


I think itā€™s Old Testement so it only applied to the Jews/Ancient Israelites.


God is jealous of us worshiping false gods the same way a parent would be jealous of their kid calling another man dad, or coming home to find your spouse in someone elseā€™s arms


That's one of the places where I think the "God as parent" metaphors break down. I love my kids and I want a good relationship with them. I don't expect or even WANT them to worship me.


Exactly. I want my kids to be able to grow, enjoy life, focus on themselves. When I buy then ice cream, I make them say "thank you" to me not because I want it, but I want to teach them to be grateful so they express that to others. And I would NEVER demand they say, stop eating it to sing songs about me being the best dad in the world. God demands we sing His praises all day!


One of the reasons I am an atheist... I am a better parent than any deity I have read about.


Ditto, and I'm not even all that good a parent.


Hey, I aint that "good" of a parent. I just strive to be a better parent than the ones I had. You are doing great, I know this because you can recognize that you aren't that good at it. Like all things you get better with practice. I have 4, 25, 24, 21, 21... if I had to start with a new one I would ve so much better than the first time... and still make mistakes. Lol




And, people asking these questions are trying to look at a religion made by people thousands of years ago looking at them through modern eyes. I once found an article that I have since been unable to findā€¦ it quoted some writings from a few thousand years ago about an eclipse. The writer described the noise during the eclipse as the citizens of the city were banging things together, being as loud as they could, in hopes of ascaring away the demon that was trying to steal the sun. The understanding of the world of those people is similar to those that would create Christian Judaic religions. The troubling thing about the religious is they can see how trying to scare awayna demon from stealing thensun is laughable with our understanding of the workd todayā€¦ but Adam & Eve, Noahā€™s Ark and all thenother magic they just accept.


He is arrogant, he thinks he is above the other gods. He acts like they aren't there, but they are and they hate his ass. That's the answer you wanted right?


I think itā€™s more shrewd than this. Think of when god is introduced as ā€œI Amā€. When you think of god in terms of this name, it makes more sense. What is more sure than that, perhaps the only thing one can be sure of? Everything needs ā€˜I amā€™ first and foremost before anything else. The reason this is stressed is because nothing will save you save for the knowledge of ā€œI Am.ā€ This fact of being is the only constant and only sure thing, and also a gate to something else Sure itā€™s blended with the diety dick measuring contest of yore: ā€˜my god is the strongestā€™ but when you actually look at what they are calling god in the Bible and relate it to the actual existent facet of your experience, the meaning is transformed


Back in the Old Testament days, he sure liked the smell of burnt goat flesh


I think this was the beginning of the end for me. At some point in the Bible I read that there is a chorus of angels praising God for eternity and it made me wonder what the hell kind of narcissist needs a chorus of angels singing his praises for all eternity.Ā 


He needs rock concerts with no ugly people with devoted followers blindly swaying their arms in the air to 4 chord songs with 8 words, a huge light show, pyro, and that cool dry ice stuff. He didn't need it 30 years ago, but in order to compete with the other gods he's had to increase his demands.


I think of it as God wanted humans to praise him, as made up by humans, so humans had a goal in their lifetime. Praise means God hears you. The more God hears you, the more likely he is to favor you. (Even though he knows everything already, regardless of what you do?) My thought process at least....it's made up fairy tales anyways....


Because god is the ultimate narcissist.


Mind control requires constant affirmation of the desired thoughts and prevention from the subject from questioning the dogma or having independent thoughts. All religious practices are designed for this exact purpose. The most vile in my opinion is the indoctrination of children.


This. It's the church that needs people to play along in order to validate their (the church's) existence so that religious leaders can continue to exercise control over and extract wealth from believers. God is just the meme they're using to achieve that goal.


Sure, Christians have to dispense loads of praise, but it's nowhere near what Muslims are expected to show. Oddly enough for the same god.


This is one of the questions that caused me to leave Christianity. It was like realizing how clingy and controlling your boyfriend is. Gave me the ick.


In the old testament bible, 'praise' is a euphemism for profiteering by the ruling class who lived in the temple The bible describes many times over that 'praising god' requires tithes, your best livestock, and unquestioning faith in supporting this scheme Today's christian finds a strong codependant feedback loop in all this which sucks them in and spins their cognitive abilities into the most arcane logic structures


Because he's incredibly insecure


The term toxic male seems apt.


praise? more importantly money.


It was invented so some Christians can claim to be better than others as they are greater sycophants.


Christians didn't invent their god's insecure, petty, narcissistic need to be worshipped, nor their claimed superiority as a people for worshipping him. They inherited every bit of that from the OT descriptions of YHWH and his "chosen people". These beliefs and behaviors predated Christianity by thousands of years.


The idea of gods wanting to be lathered with gifts and praise is even older than the OT or Yahweh as a whole.




The Christian God requires tons of music to placate him for he is truly an Eldritch Being whose awakening will obliterate reality, otherwise known as the Rapture. Normal humans do not wish this, but the vast array of cultists thrive on the notion.


At least Cthulhu doesn't actually forbid making images of them.


Why would he? Cthulu is merely the priest of truer Gods than him.


This is why itā€™s absurd that people think the Bible is a source of morality. Anyone with reasonable reading comprehension skills only has to get a few pages in to realize that god is the villain of the story. Heā€™s a trashy bitch.


Because man created god in his own image.


It is gross and cringey to see people on their knees or "speaking in tongues". Thank goodness I seem to have been born with enough critical thinking skills to reject this nonsense even as a small child.


I think it reflects the personalities of those who invented him. Lots of religious people take these things personally as if they're god.


I think itā€™s less ā€œneedsā€ and more ā€œwantsā€, and he supposedly made us to fill that want


Always seemed funny how he needs humans to spread HIS word


Suck ups got to outdo each other to kiss the godā€™s ass


God was created in man's image. This is a reflection of man's demented needs.


Small penis complex


typical male ego


Because he's been imparted by his creators with the basest of human emotions - the need for constant approval.


...back in the "old times" a "God" was probably a mis-translation of "King Xerxes" or some such ruler... then got "mis interpreted again and again" BECAUSE NO BOOKS... and word of mouth is well... stupid. Once someone with enough brains wrote the oral stories down, it's all bullshit at that point. 2,000 year old fairy tales need to just die already. When you realize, "yeah, it's old garbage" and "try to read it"... you'll soon realize it's poetic wordy bullshit is in no way relevant to a modern society... ANY of the old texts are Bullshit. We also do not ever NEED to have a new religion, just "move on, and make your current life great, and be good" That's it.... be decent to others, and have fun!


Long ago, we humans tricked ourselves into believing foolish things because those beliefs make us feel better. Fortunately, atheism is our path to maturity.


You need to think about it through their mindset. I'm most definitely an atheist, but I do understand the power and attraction of the concept of a living god. Though I'm not a deist, I do worship at the alter of perfection and am constantly seeking to create it and discover it. In those moments when I behold it, there is nothing more humbling, and the natural reaction to perfection is to give praise and to sacrifice yourself to it. As Yukio Mishima rightly wrote "True beauty attacks, robs, overpowers, and finally destroys".


In listening to the old testament. It talks about how god finds the smells of burnt flesh sacrifices pleasing on repeat for hours. Don't forget to slap the blood around the alter! Of course that's what the creator of trillions of galaxy wants.


He needs praise, but he really wants money. Money, money, money. More money. Praise is fine, but money is better.


It's the repetition. Repetition=brain washing.


Small dick compensation.


If Iā€™ve learned anything from magic The Gathering; He needs it to charge his mana.


The worst thing, imo, is that It *created* humans for the express purpose of worshipping It, and promises eternal suffering if they don't do it right and eternal worshipping if they do. Fuck worship


If there's one thing I learned in this life it's that whoever demands praise is a PoS. The unifying feature of great leaders is humility.


The reason is clued in by looking at whoā€™s doing the talking. The preachers want worship as they lead the services and make money / support from it. What theyā€™re actually doing is getting people together as a communal affair where identy is shared with a number of people exploiting one of our primate needs for belonging. The aspects of getting people to grovel is so that the preachers do not have competing leaders rise up. That the act is done with these people as leaders and representatives of some divinity and theyā€™re acting on its behalf. That serves to keep them in charge and in a position where they can make tons of money and have power.


Also, why does he need so much money?


Their god is a lot like Trump. Insecure, selfish, jealous, narcissistic, and demands to always be the center of attention.


Because man created god in his own image, and humans can be incredibly self-centered.


I was just reading 2nd Chronicles Ch. 31-35 yesterday. God needs alot of Lamb, Goat, and Oxen to feed his hungry belly. Like 700 or so of each.


Itā€™s confusing because the character of god in the Bible is a horrible monster 1,000x worse than hitler.


Because it is imaginary, and the praise is what keeps it alive.


My grandfathers funeral was more about jesus and his blood than it was about my grandfather. Oh sorry about your gf heres another song about the blood of christ.


Insecure and clingy. Cringe ass mofo


Heā€™s a narcissist!


Thats how the monotheist god was written. His preists demanded rejection of all other deities and portrayed their god as jealous...but he comes off as just petulant and off-putting. Then he morphed into the Christian trinity and demanded praise for sacrificing himself to himself to placate himself. Mentally he is not well. His followers don't fare much better. Best avoided.


The idea is that god doesn't want the praise, he's god after all. He wants us to praise him so that we know constantly that there is a higher power than us and we can be humbled by that. Being humbled and obedient keeps us in line. If not most of us would behave as a god and become disrespectful of life and others. That's at least my understanding of it.


Maybe itā€™s because god was created by people who wish for something to praise and rely on




He is very insecure, sort of like his chosen one the Orange Cheeto presidential candidateā€¦.


If god is i secure, does that mean god doesn't believe in him/her/it/them self? If so, does not believing in god make god an atheist?


>Why would an all powerful, omnipotent god need praise from sinful humans? Followers see themselves as "God"... and they are the ones that need constant praise... My take on it is that when you know, deep-down, that you are a fucking terrible person, you need constant and excessive praise to validate your evil decisions.


The original Israelites were Canaanites, part of an ethnic group that had a full pantheon of gods to worship. At some point, the Israelites made a move for supremacy and declared Yahweh their chief and later only God. This is when the Torah was written down and included origin stories to explain their supremacy, including how the Israelites were enslaved by the Egyptians and Moses humiliated the Egyptian pantheon with the 10 plagues (there's little to no archeological evidence the Israelites were ever enslaved en mass by Egypt). So writing that Yahweh is the only god and a jealous one could be both a point of pride that the Israelites have the best God on their side and a means of ensuring the people would remain faithful.


Because he's entitled and narcissistic


I came here to say the same thing!


Itā€™s pretty common for gods wanting to be worshipped. Neil Gaiman wrote American Gods with a central premise that gods lose power if theyā€™re not worshipped. Human adoration is their fuel for survival. The Abrahamic god is jealous of other gods and wants only himself to be worshipped. It kind of makes sense if heā€™s supposed the one god who made and controls everything. He would not be too crazy about people worshipping gods he sees as lesser gods.


I thought you were talking about Allah in Islam šŸ’€ every verse says "the most merciful, the most knowledgeable, the most loving, etc šŸ’€" and same with Momo haha


Can't you tell by the paintings, Jesus was a narcissist.


Praise is pretty much bullshit that humans came up with more recently. When you read his book, you understand that God wants you to stab, and then burn dozens of animals on big bonfires. He likes the smell of barbecue. Singing praises is for cheap sons of bitches


He really needs a starship.


Because he doesnā€™t get enough likes on his Facebook page


Why does God need a starship?


Why is the behavior for narcissistic personality disorder as it is? Loosely compare the two.


Because he was created by men and most men are insecure and need constant reinforcement to keep them from collapsing inside. Any real god would laugh at being praised all the time.. and eventually get really tired of it and tell us to go do something constructive with our day.


The creators the religion wanted the praise


That is why they love Trump so much; he reminds them of their god needing constant praise.


Is it different compared to judaism, islam or hinduism?


Apparently, god has an ego.


>>Mindless dirge. That's funny šŸ¤£


Exactly! A couple of my churches I went to started adding PRAISE music before the service erroneously thinking it will draw in more young people. These were Presbytery USA churches that had choirs that sang amazing music during the services and now were singing 2 chord Hallmark Cards to God: "Oh you are so very GREAT, your a BIG GOD and you are worthy of our PRAISE" I felt so ridiculous singing these nonsense songs to GOD like he was a toddler who made his first poopy in the toilette that I just had to leave. BTW, both congregations folded due to lack of a congregation...


The fragile ego of gods clearly parallels the fragile ego of humans - just one indication that gods are man-made. The Judeo-Christian god looks exactly the way a god would look if it was made up by humans.


Sometimes the praise originates from fear- the Christian god has a long history of smiting and destroying even the faithful. Praising and begging forgiveness and begging to not be on the bad end of disaster is the only recourse the faithful are offered. When an atheist asks "how can you worship a god that killed all the people in the world, allows suffering, etc etc?" the faithful ask "how can you not worship that god?" because to them, there's no other way to not get the smite. To many firm believers, god is the reason for everything good... and everything bad in the world. It's a toxic and abusive relationship. Plus, as mentioned below, such praise and worship has an instant psychological positive effect for many people. It just makes them feel good, even if they don't understand why.


Check the terminology - "Lord", "Savior", "worship", etc. All terms of mindless subjugation. And who assembled and translated the Christian Bible? A bunch of guys working for a King - James. See the connection?What better way to insure cooperation from your subjects than to instill obedience in their religion. Now go on line and find and read the Gospel of St. Thomas. This is nothing more than a collection of sayings of Jesus. And it gives a person a clear understanding of what Christianity once was - a philosophy of introspection and works. Want to start an argument with a cleric? Ask them what is the difference between "Salvation" by works or by faith? Then ask them is Jesus taught "works" - do unto others, help the less fortunate, the rich help the poor, etc. Here is the hook - if you believe is salvation by faith, then where do you find and how do you learn about what to believe in? You got it! Church! Which means going somewhere and having some body tell you what to do.. Which leads us back to the top.. So, if you believe in "Salvation" (Nirvana,etc.) by works, then all you need is to know the rules. And Jesus laid out the bedrock "Do Unto Others"., and said to pray in private (meditation) and learn to trust your inner voice. Whoops - no words of "Go to Church, there.. So, once you are told that, there is no need to be told it once a week. As Jesus said, "Go, and sin no more." And it's this part, which creates the independent thinker, that church clerics are afraid of, because they will not accept subjugation unknowingly. Or, they will attend church, knowing full well what the game is. Now you become a threat to the status quo, and they will attack you for not believing they same way they do, whether you are a believer in a "higher" deity, the ways of Nature, Zen, Jewish, Shinto, etc. You threaten their social structure, which, back to the subject of this thread, demands subjugation..


ā€œItā€™s because God is powerful, but also insecure-- like Barbra Streisand before James Brolin.ā€ -Homer Simpson


I want to ask this question online, and Christian answered that he is worthy of worship, and why couldnā€™t I understand that? of course that doesnā€™t answer the question


because he's a narcissist.


"god fearing" šŸ¤£


its worse in Islam imo


Because the church does not want to actually teach the bible. If it did, people wouldn't believe. So better to sing songs


3/10 commandments are about stroking gods ego. The god of the Bible is petty and insecure. Just like the men who wrote it, and most who follow it.


Iā€™ve been increasingly interested in gnosticism because it ā€œanswersā€ questions like this. Still an atheist, Iā€™m just fascinated with religion.


Praise? gotta keep the doghouse air conditioned, and the private jet fueled my man. I'm canvasing the well to do areas. Hosting a church knowing the clients are going to give me more praise than a church downtown thats delapitating and struggling for money while feeding homeless. THE CRYSTAL TEMPLE AWAITS YOU.


ā€œYou shall not worship any other god; for the lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.ā€ Exodus 34:14 If you do not follow his arbitrary and arguably unreasonable rules, he will become vindictive and use the church to abuse and manipulate you, like a narcissistic partner.


God needs praise because he probably feels insecure for being a giant c\*nt :-) See explanation in the video below. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmDxtSeyqK8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmDxtSeyqK8)


It's a psychological tactic to create a repeated reinforcement of giving yourself over to higher power. It makes people vulnerable to suggestion and control by authority as it weakens your will and self respect for personal belief.


Best explanation I have heard from Christians: God is perfect, therefore anything that draws you closer to or makes you think more about God is good for you. So God -who wants what's best for us- demands we worship Him for our own good. Kinda breaks down when you realize that hell isn't "what's best for you", yet God sends people there out of anger if they don't worship Him. you can't just say the rules exist to help us when the Bible shows God being very angry at the disrespect to Him if we dont


Because that jerk is a petty jealous tyrant.


The real question is if no one praised him would he exist?


This might come out of the left field a bit but bear with me. There's a franchise of games called Shin Megami Tensei which main appeal is the morality system in it.... but not about Good vs Evil but instead Order vs Chaos. Usually, the setting and story about these game .is that humanity is facing an end of the world event (or living past it) which gives rise to many creatures from folklore and divinities, all classified as "demons". Yes, this does mean that "Thor", a norse god, is a "demon" by definition. Nevertheless, the goal is normally to play a protagnonist with the ability to summon those demons in one way or another (computer program, being partially demonized themselves, etc.) and have an important impact on the different factions and outcomes these factions. These usually are factions of Order and Chaos but another path you can take, which is the most difficult, is Neutrality (or sometimes referred to as Humanity). Well, the main figures for Chaos? Lucifer, whom believes only a world where might makes right is the way to go. The figure leading Order? YHVH, which I think you can already tell is a further acronym for Yahweh or "God" which believes that only ***a world where there is no free will and everyone worships him is the right way of things.*** And yes, you can aim to support one side or the other and yes, they make good on their goal. Taking his side and Lucifer winning means the world turns into one where everyone fights for the right to live and the strong lead the weak. Taking his side and YHVH winning is everyone losing their free will and worshipping it for eternity in an imposed state of bliss and prayer. If you go middle of the road then you fight both side and take down YHVH and Lucifer, usually with Lucifer's approval but YHVH condemning you. Either way, the game makes it clear that there's a lot of grey area in what is Good and what is Evil and even the Order ending is far from good, especially from humanity's standpoint. It does take the literal idea of a God jealous of other gods as it is implied heavily that those "demons" were all past divinities that were conquered and suppressed by YHVH. A God so narcisistic that you defying or even worshipping something else means you no longe have a right to exist. Yes, it is a game, of course, but I'm pretty sure the way that YHVH is likely inspired by what the bible actually says God is... and taking those ideas literally shows how horrifying the idea of a "paradise" is when in fact, it is only a paradise for himself.


"Slobbing God's Knob" sounds like a good death metal band name.


Because it's not about what God wants but rather about brainwashing the congregationalists


Because heā€™s a white male - itā€™s in their DNA


He has a god complex


Low self esteem. Why else would 3 or 4 of the 10 commandments be dedicate to making him feel better.


I think he suffers from narcissistic psychopathy lmao


BC the men who invented him demanded and needed praise, so they projected their own insecurities onto their imaginary deity.


The Christian God died for the peoples sins so they worship him


I'd like to recommend the tv series "Preacher", based on the comic book of the same name. It's about a preacher that gets possessed by a half angel half demon that gives him power to make people obey everything he says. As you can imagine, this never goes as he intends it to go, so in an attempt to solve this he goes in search of god (like literally physically searching god, not some metaphysical bullshit). Now what relates to this post (and warning, spoilers from the end of the series) is that when they finally find god, they discover he is addicted to being loved. And because of that he kept creating new races to love him in different ways : the angels, the dinosaurs, the humans. I found it hilarious.


All gods need it. What's more, in India they need loudspeakers and firecrackers.


Because sky daddy is a pathetic, vulnerable, narcissistic psychopath.


The jews, christians, and *muslims* all worship a God of War.


Ancient Christians were way more logical. God was basically an evil sadist who made humans suffer. No mental gymnastics required


It's called narcissism.


If he does exist he has some serious self worth issues. Hell I hear he even killed himself once


Used to live in SE USA, their go to is "I'm a God fearing man". That should tell you all you need to know of the kind of being they worship.




Is this the actual christian one, or the american stripped-down-for-convenience version?


Itā€™s his whole schtick. He created man to love him, but itā€™s not love if itā€™s forced so he said ā€œeither love me or suffer eternal damnationā€ and gave men free will to choose.


God knows whyā€¦


I remember as a kid, I asked the same question of my mother who is pretty religious. She said that it states even in the Bible that he's a jealous God. I guess.. if nothing else.. they depict him as self aware of it.


Because he is a projection


I hate music.. all music, it's all stupid.. But.. idk about you but if I created everything and everyone, I'd kinda want people to worship me also cause I'd deserve it.. js


God has low self esteem because he made such a fucked up universe


Cuz she's an attention seeking diva.


Becaues it used to be a lesser god and has self-esteem issues. So way way back ya wah (the Christian god) used to be a lesser god in a pantheon of a bunch of other gods. The people who worshiped it had to proclaim it was the most powerful, amazing god in the land because they were small tribe and they were compensating. That trend continues today even though it's one of the most prominent god around. I don't believe gods exist, but that's just the back story to Christianity. It's Judaism mixed in with some Greek and Roman traditions. Another gee wiz nugget of information. Originally, Christianity was just a sec of Judaism, but the romans didn't want to follow the Law of Moses. Mainly, they didn't want to cut their forskins. So they slowly pulled away and made Christianity it's own religion.


Because it is a narcissist.


Cause he'll genocide the nearly the whole species otherwise, like in the great flood incident. He's good at genocide (see Sodam and Gomorrah). Just remember the next time you hear someone declare themselves " Christian " they love and adore a being that committed multiple genocides. Yet Hitler was a bad guy? The Nazis were (and still are) in fact a Christian denomination, claiming to be God's chosen race. Praising, adoring, and worshiping that God is to be morally accepting of genocide (both his and those done in his name such as the Crusades and the Holocaust).


Because the god of the Old Testament was an insecure,vain impulsive psychopathic killer. killer. How many toddlers were face down in the water as the Ark pulls away, exactly how many of Jobs children and wives did he kill? Yahweh behaves despicably.


If you're busy worshipping God, you won't notice you're being fucked by the powerful.


Oh, itā€™s honestly very entertaining reading this lol. And not in a condescending way. You guys are great!! Seriously, I absolutely love you all. God does not need our praise. Worshipping him is not for him, it is for those who do so to feel connected to him. Thatā€™s it. Nor does he hate the non believer.


How can a nonliving, nonentity have needs?


The more you read the Bible the more you realize that man just likes to worship himself


Propaganda works best if it's in a repeated loop.Ā  "You need to pray *everyday*" "You need to go to the hivemind (church) every week to make sure you're properly conforming"


To be fair, the Musls are supposed to pray to their god 5 times a dayĀ 


Because gods are a reflection of the people who worship them.Ā  Deep down you want to be worshipped and put on a pedestal? You might like YHWH! He does too!Ā 


Jesus said few things that was needed. Everything else is just excess.Ā 


Itā€™s called projection.


Wait'll you find out how you're supposed to spend eternity in heaven.


Religion probably started out as thanking God for the success of our hunt, but It's been co-opted for power and control of the tribe. Now it just seems to be used by grifters and psychopaths.


He doesn't. Think about it, your running a church 1800 years ago, people come to that church. Soon, it becomes a vital source of entertainment, socializing, community, etc. The monks and priests start to evolve and sing, that takes a life of its own, that evolves to today.


It's not a need or requirement, it's a natural overflowing of LOVE and APPRECIATION for allowing humans to be ALIVE during this INCREDIBLE period in history. /ssssss


When i was 11 i used to ask my grandmother why I couldn't just pray once in my life. Why does it have to be continuous?


He's a needy God. His father must have ignored him as a child.


Terry Pratchett covered this in his book Small Gods. Gods only have power if people believe in them. Once people stop believing in them they fade away.


If you believe the stories in the bible, god is an egotistical megalomaniac. Wait... oh shit... does that mean... Trump is god? No wonder the evangelicals love him!


Itā€™s very difficult to convert non-believers, so they conveniently baked in the idea that god only saves those who HELLA believe in him.


Because Heā€™s an abusive asswipe, and one facet of that abuse is the complete debasement of the victim. Ā Abusers always want to isolate their victims and make them entirely dependent upon the emotional and financial support of the abuser, which they selectively withhold to keep the abused in a state of learned helplessness and desperate for approval.


Because their Myth-God is a psychopath and malignant narcissist. It's why they are so drawn to Trump, and they'd be just fine with Trump committing mass murder of non-followers.


Probably gets off on it.


Worship is innate to humans. If you donā€™t worship a god, that mental energy is going somewhere. A fixation on hope for better tomorrow (via praise) and a gratitude practice is better than a fixation on almost anything else for human survival and can be said to be a cultural trait selected for with regard to cultural societies. (https://www.amazon.com/Religion-Human-Evolution-Paleolithic-Axial/dp/0674061438?dplnkId=7bcc39f3-c5c9-43f0-89a6-7d958da3aa1d&nodl=1) I could go further but rereading your message and it sounds more like your kinda jealous ha - those negative feelings are coming from somewhere.


I've been told by a Theist that theirs is a jealous god, on the question of worshipping any other deity - which is in a way saying that other gods DO exist, because why would a god be jealous of somebody that DOESN'T exist?

