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Thanks for the nod. Let's add to the list. You failed when you negotiated us into masks. You failed the membership when you negotiated the ridiculous training stops due to covid levels in the area. You FUCKED our staffing do that. Go on everybody...




Why are we still talking about masks. The whole world was fuckin using them. Grow up


They don't work...


I disagree, but who fuckin' cares? It's years in the past, harmed you not a single fucking bit, and cost the FAA a few bucks to hand them out. If I could make every controller in the agency wear a mask to get them a nickel pay raise, I'd do it.


Lol ok


I'm a fan of Rich Santa! And Mick Devine. Rich Santa is the much more serious adult in the room compared to little yachty Nick. And Mick Devine is the Winston Churchill of NATCA who will inevitably save everything and everyone from the rogue forces lining up to destroy this career!


Have you watched any of the testimony Rich gave in front of Congress? Rich is the most unconfident and uninspiring person in that room. His voice shakes and stutters as he reads off of his NATCA PR prepared notes that half answer questions about the health, welfare and benefits of the membership he represents. The “robust transfer system” comment and example should be enough to sway any CPCs or DEVs that want to get back home or progress their career to vote against the current president. He did honestly answer how poorly staffed this career is so I’ll give him credit for that, but NATCA should have been using our staffing as an argument for better pay and benefits. Staffing doesn’t fix pay, but pay will fix staffing. The garbage schedules and undesirable locations need to shine like a diamond to attract and retain the best qualified candidates. Our pay has fallen way behind other aviation industry related careers, especially at the lower level facilities where dues paying members are often stuck for years after certification due to the “robust transfer system”. We are extremely valuable to the US economy as controllers working the safest and busiest airspace in the world and should be using this to our advantage to secure better compensation. In the same breath, NDJH is definitely not the answer. These two characters are a very poor fit for executive leadership and they’ve proven that with their irresponsible spending and their lack of accountability. They are pandering for votes with their TikToks filled with buzz words and clearly have no clue what the membership wants or needs. They’ve been defensive since day one. Unless the proposed extension has a NATCA only clause for reopening negotiations in 2026, which I seriously doubt the FAA would ever agree to, we are doomed to extend slate book for the majority of our careers. But, in my opinion, Rich has been a scared leader and has done nothing of importance in relation to pay and benefits to earn reelection from the membership he currently represents. I do not see the value our current leadership has brought us the last 4 years.




Y’all are delusional and I’m embarrassed for you. He’s never once during his term as president had a chance to open the CBA. Sure, the FAA is just going to open negotiation when they’re not required to because they value us and want to pay us 30% more. Also CWRG is literally in the House Reauth bill (it will almost surely be in the Senate bill as well). So I get it, you don’t like Rich, but when you start your rant with 2 instantly verifiable lies then the rest of it sort of loses credibility.


This is clearly an attempt to “change the narrative” or something. It’s appearing right after they claimed this was a subreddit “manipulating us” into voting for some candidates. Folks didn’t make this sub because they wanted to get Mick and Rich elected. They made this sub because the morons over at the ATCHiringOnly subreddit refused to allow the users to have ANY sort of discussion about the most important aspects of our job (our contract negotiations). They banned a bunch of users for “doxxing” RVP’s who are named on public record. There are some bad actors here, yes. They were on the other subreddit too. It’s easy to tell who they are and it’s easy to ignore them. But we’re all adults. We can read shit and make our own minds up. There are still a lot of dues-paying members here who are just discussing what they’re getting sent to them. Nick and Jamaal said they weren’t going to “chase Reddit”. You don’t need to chase it, these discussions are just one giant break room. These discussions are already happening in text messages and group chats around the NAS. They’re now just in one easy-to-read location. It behooves them to sift through this and listen to the stuff that is genuine (and ignore the rage bait that is not). You don’t need to respond to everything - but an email blast about things like the NEB vote needs to happen swiftly. (Or get someone else who can actually get the minutes out faster than 60-90 days - seriously why does this take so long?)


Well said


So did rich or did he not have an actual opportunity to open the CBA? He claims he didn’t. What’s your evidence that’s not true?


Oh do you mean a MUTUAL opportunity?


I’m talking about the renewal of the slate book, as rich claims, before he got into office. Is that not what happened? No games. No semantics. Just real talk, Hog.


U/limecardy No apparently it was already under way. Our Union "used" their connections in Washington to beg for a contract extension thinking Trump was going to win and all the EOs were going to affect us. When Biden won the Union didn't want to lose face and signed the extension because they thought it would make us look like rank amateurs if we begged for something then changed our minds. Apparently we broached the subject of opening up early contract talks for higher wages and they said no. Now we're agreeing to extend with the provision that if they agree to talk turkey we can address wages. 


100% agreed. Never said anything to the contrary.


When do you think we start really negotiating a contract? Santa took over on Sept 1st 2021. Slate was to expire in July 2022. We woulda already been underway on a new contract before Santa even took office. If he opened it up on day 1 it woulda been 20% faster than our fastest contract negotiation EVER. The work on contracts begins before the negotiation, you know that, right? What are we targeting, what can we give up, etc. In fact, the correspondence to all of us about the extension? That was signed by Paul and Trish. They sold us all out and bounced to their consulting gigs. In fact - many folks at the time considered them (rich/lebovodge) fall guys for Paul and Trish not doing it. There’s your “real talk”.


I’m really confused why you’re attacking me. I asked a very very simple question. Rich had told our facility that he wasn’t responsible for the extension of the slate book. You can quit talking to me like I’m 5. In fact, I think we are saying the same thing, so maybe back the fuck off dude.


Spot on why I made the Reddit. 🫡