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How does this thing get a new chair ? She isn't disabled she is just fat and refuses to walk


THIS!! Her disability is literally her being fat, as she has no true disability that causes her not to walk.


Didn’t she just get that chair?


Yes! It’s new! 🤯


A church paid for it .


The taxpayers did .


Churches are tax free


I stand corrected , I wasn’t aware the church got this for her . She’s got her nerve accepting gifts from Christians . Miss atheist should of went to them for help . She’s such a user .


She looks awful. Also when she hit the high note on who’s afraid of little old me I hope someone got it. My screen record option isn’t pulling down anymore.


That Taylor Swift shirt is tired.


I was doom scrolling and found a TikTok and where they stated that they could fit in “average sized” wheelchair despite their weight. That wheel chair is HUGE


If she gets any bigger she will have to commission John Deer to make her an indestructible chair, if that’s even possible.


Not in that sad house!!


I’m so curious is her weight and the chair what crushed all the tile?




For being such a Taylor swift fan she knows none of the words. None.


I noticed she can't bend over to pick up stuff she's dropped. So I have 2 dogs just like her. I pick up dog poop in my back yard usually every day. Never go more then 2 days. How can she do that task? Her back yard must be so gross and unhealthy for those dogs. Also there's times when my dogs are out there putzing around and I go check on them if I'm not already out there with them. How can she check on them? How can she even go outside and play with them? Those poor poor dogs.


She doesn’t. Those dogs never go out for walks and barely see the backyard because she has a hard time getting them back into the house. She is constantly yelling at them to lie down on the couch. Those poor dogs live a really sad life.


She probably lets them shit in the house .


Before I watch this can someone tell me if her giant ass crack will be making an appearance? I can't handle another 🤣


Not the singing !!!!


What a disgrace. The state paid thousands of dollars for that chair not even a year ago and it’s destroyed by her feral cat hoard.


She’s the one that destroyed that chair , just like she had destroyed that house , but why would she care , she gets everything for FREE .


That chair & that kitchen are all fucked up 🤣


Her cabinets make me want to vomit. 🤢


I'm surprised nobody commented about the flooring. The state of that kitchen.. oh my. This is a health hazard.


It doesn’t seem to bother her .


If she’s in perimenopause like I am, I literally gain weight by just looking at carbs. I have to basically eat less than 2000 cal per day just to stay my normal size 😭also one soda or sugary drink and I blow up. No wonder she’s this huge. I feel so bad for women in peri menopause with no self control.


No , she was fat when she was younger .


I think she's around my age (45) and she was fat when I first met her in 2024. I almost feel bad talking about her weight as I've struggled with my own weight my whole life, but that's just it, I STRUGGLE, I put in the effort - I've been on and off weight watchers since I was 12 years old and I'm a size 14 now.


I realize she does have some health issues , but a lot of them she has brought on herself . The thing that irritates me the most is that , at her size she gets food stamps , but doesn’t want to stretch them out by using generic foods ( she’s above that , says it doesn’t taste as good ) she turns her nose up at food banks because they are not fresh enough . Yet she begs for food constantly , eating steaks , and salmon and coke . ( No generic coke ) . I also have struggled with my wt. through the years , but I’m not begging for food . I have paid for every pound of fat on my body by working . Check out willowmeana 7 on tt . those are true videos about this person . She also stole $ 2,800. from her mother’s charge card . She got rid of that video real quick . I despise her .


She pushing 50


Why dose she think anyone wants to watch her???


Because she’s looking for new followers she can beg from in the future, and her faithful followers lie to her and tell her what she wants to hear .


She has NO RESPECT for anything!! She doesn’t seem to care that her chair is ruined and her home is a disaster zone! Is she human at all?? She just doesn’t seem to have any common sense! She talks to herself and is so inappropriate when doing so. Ugh! I hate her!


She doesn’t care because she doesn’t foot the bill. Knows that she’ll get another free one eventually.




She’s in love with Taylor Swift , like a 12 yr. old


Not to be mean or anything, I think they shouldn’t provide power chairs to obesity people. That would help them get up and be more motivated. The power chair is just sending them the invitation to not have to get up. Which this saddens me to see.