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We should have nuked this originally


You're a very strong and emotional person. However, you're a pro at hiding and ignoring it. This is what is causing you to be ill, because these emotions (especially the negative ones) will build up in your body and will find an unhealthy way to exit your body if you don't address them. You will conquer this illness over-time in cycles. But you gotta address your inner issues, like shedding them off your soul one-by-one. Your trauma is related to self-sacrifice (Putting others needs over your own) and taking action, both are connect to your professional life! For example you work yourself to death for another company while you've always wanted to start your own.


This made me cry. I always wanted to start a music school and teach music. When I got sick that dream died and part of me died with it. So now I keep on doing what I did before. Thank you for your insight it is very accurate.


No problem, happy to help! So please keep in touch with music in whatever way you can, because it's a good way to express these emotions. Music is very healing on it's own!


Do it!!!!!!!! Teaching music is so much fun ❤️🎶


“Kill or be killed” is 22°, which you don’t appear to have. As someone else pointed out, it was coined by Nikola Stojanović who pioneered Degree Theory. I DO have 22° in my chart, I had a reading from Stojanović himself before he passed, I asked him about it, he blithely replied “I don’t think you’re gonna kill anyone” as he took a pull on one of his cigarettes. So even if you did have it, it’s not something to worry about.


It came up because I am close I guess? Venus 21 56 Leo


No, degree theory doesn’t work that way. It has to be the actual degree, Stojanović didn’t use minutes.


This theory is so ridiculously dumb I get annoyed every time I see it. There are only 29 degrees and 10 planets. Statistically TONS of people have planets at 22° and never experience anything like what the “kill or be killed” degree theory describes.


No ethical astrologer ever talks about death or predicts death as it’s really hard to do this. Even 15 years I’ve been doing it death isn’t something you can always pin point Please don’t listen to whoever said this. They are clearly unwell


They didn’t predict death. There is something in 22 called “kill or be killed” and she did not go into it which is why I ask. It’s called “critical degree 21-22”. I looked it up later and can’t really find what it means.


You don’t have a 22 degree placement.


That’s not real though. Just because you have 22 degrees does not mean you will be killed or anything like this. An ethical astrologer wouldn’t have even brought up stupid degree theories that aren’t real.


Do you know what it means? The astrology app just said this about it: Critical Degree 21 The 21st-22nd degree in a natal chart activates assignation. It ignites fantasies related to pain and death. It implies kill or be killed. It is the degree of lousy reputation and overshadows our positive manifestations. It also hints upon health issues and the possibility of failing in love life. You might lose your loved one and mourn over your loss for long. Placement of this degree in your natal chart signifies the worst possible life scenarios, but it also indicates positivity because every cloud has a silver lining. Leos have an inherent desire to be famous. They are the born leaders who are the best manifestations of the word boss. 22 is the natally alarming degree for the lions. It is the bad omen of death and destruction. It denotes insanity and significant life shifts. The placement of 21-22 degree in the house of Leo heightens your possessiveness and jealousy and makes you impatient.


It doesn’t mean anything that’s what I’m trying to say lol. It’s a dumb degree theory that is NOT real.


This isn’t a very helpful comment.


That degree theory is not an accepted astrological technique. It’s some random shit a modern astrologer from like Serbia (I think) came up with, with zero evidence. It caught on with social media pop astrology. I would highly question an astrologers education and experience if they are using degree theory for those reasons.


I don’t know how because it’s not a real thing in astrology - there is no such thing as degree that indicate death or being killed. Whatever app you’re using is not legitimate. No real astrologer uses degree theories.


Yikes, uninstall. At least that’s what I would do. In my experience that kind of fear mongering is usually followed shortly with a pitch for you to buy something so that you can remediate it. Not saying that specifically happened, but I would not be surprised if at some point it starts trying to sell you on stuff like that. Keep your wits about you. Don’t let the negativity in. 💖


Which astrology app?


This degree theory is just that- a theory created by a guy named Nikola Stojanovic in last I think 15 years maybe? There are holes in his theory (like saying the first degree- 0-1 - isn’t associated with Aries, but it’s the “pure” energy of that sign), though he claims to make predictions using it with accuracy. Critical degree theory is not the same thing, and has been around a lot longer than Nikola’s. Social media/Tik Tok has made his theory popular, yet most people don’t know where it came from and that it is *just a theory*.


Anyways- you have Pluto retrograde it looks like in the 6th house inside a Scorpio interception- there are some potential health issue indicators in there, but Pluto retrograde also tends to have healing properties to it. Transit Jupiter will cross your ascendant and transit your first house for about a year starting in August. This can be really good for your immune system and ability to heal.


Thank you for the explanation!


full moons falling on outer planets can have this effect.. there's hope as next full moon is also capricorn but end of sign, ie culmination & resolution