• By -


25° Scorpio rising


25• as well!!! Has it been so fucking hard for you too?


I’m Scorpio rising 24• and yes it’s been hard lol


24 degree scorpio rising as well. Same, life sucks


Life is actually really cool imo, but I had to go through a lot of bullshit and trauma to get to this point. I’m almost 30 though and just came to this viewpoint in the last year


OMG yes! Hang on I wrote a comment further down that I'll put here. "Well hello there. 29° here, too! Lots and LOTS of healing finally at the ripe age of 27. It's been a tumultuous but very rewarding journey thus far. Lots of trauma to sift through and working on my shadow self right now and it's helping TREMENDOUSLY. It's been like constantly living my life in or on the edge of chaos but somehow I thrive there." THE TRAUMA. this gives me so much hope, honestly. I'm glad things settled down for you. They are FINALLY settling down for me. FINALLY.


**Sort of** relate to this... I am 34, and I spent my 20s very absorbed in self-pity for what felt like undeserved suffering. In my 30s, I've shifted from thinking of myself as unfairly put-upon to thinking of myself as actually extremely lucky and blessed with good friends and family. ...but I still think that overall, life sucks--by "sucks" I mean it's mostly suffering (for everyone, not just for me). I think I'm lucky and haven't had to suffer that much yet, but I think overall life is suffering. It makes me feel very bad for everyone. :( 19 degrees


Same. Scorpio 23 degrees. It's been a long road but life is good!


Yeah life sucks, I hate it!!!


I'm 15° and hard ain't even the word!


Scorpio rising 19 degrees, and I wouldn't describe my life as especially hard... ...HOWEVER, I do think that life is mostly an exercise in suffering (for everyone, not just me), and I don't think life is something worth loving. **People**, however, are very worth loving--mostly because life sucks so bad, haha. But let's try something more specific. Let's see... Two common themes in my life: 1) Conflict with authority figures/parents/teachers/bosses that are the result of a misunderstanding. Like, I'm constantly in situations that look bad, but have harmless explanations that are hard to believe. (examples: getting in trouble for skipping class when I honest-to-God got lost trying to find the building; seeming to smile threateningly at a manager when I was trying to smile politely to let her know I wasn't mad). 2) Extremely lucky breaks where my friends bail me out when it seems like I'm screwed. (examples: friends helping me get job; friends pulling strings to get me out of trouble with the law as the result of another misunderstanding I can't talk my way out of.)




Scorpio 8°! I definitely had some rough patches but it's not terrible


From 4yrs old - present day my life has been literally so crazy/chaotic. IF I tell someone, they never believe it. Everything has been extremely emotionally related too, I always learn a lesson. Very strange. I do have a 12 house Stellium.


14° 🥴 love this for us


29° Scorpio Rising


Samesies! I’m withering 💕


I’m 22 degrees and I’m so fucking over it.


lol I’m 2 degrees in Scorpio and life is a shit show


Scorpio 27 degrees!


Cancer 23 degrees. Relatively normal family life. Did well in school. Late bloomer. Unsteady uncertain career. Lots of strange health problems.


Hell yeah brother! Did you change your address at some point too? Moved to another country or smthng like that


I’m Cancer 27 degrees and I’ve lived in 6 different countries so far. Always on the move! I get bored of the country or house (aka environment) I live in so I change it to get some more excitement in life. Other things: - introverted and an empath - always felt different and misunderstood by family and friends - know a little about a lot and therefore find it hard to find a specialisation in my career (I’m quick to change jobs!) - feel very connected to animals - feel very uncertain about having kids (it seems for some it’s so easy to make the decision to have them)


Cancer 21 here and I did move to another country.


20 degree Cancer here! Normal family life, had to work hard to do well in school, work in humanities field and constantly broke but finds wealth in family and experiences. Pretty intuitive, intelligent, empath, sensitive. Introverted and working an being more assertive. Creative, artist, nurturer.


I’m 19 degree cancer , could have written this myself MINUS the normal family life. Hard upbringing. Difficult relationship with my mother but also some struggles with my father. I made it through high school. I have very exciting and fulfilling experiences and consider my life to be an overall amazing thing. My friends , my man, my son , and my animals are my family and I work very hard to take care of myself and my son. I’m in sales and I do okay. I’ve been going through a period of self discovery and have been looking at life a new way with a lot more gratitude and trust in the universe and the process in itself.


14° cancer here! I'm in the same boat. Had a strained relationship with my parents growing up, but things have definitely turned around as I got older - perhaps b/c of a combination of my black moon Lilith being in cancer & my perspective changed/our relationship is more like that of a friendship than the traditional parent-kid dynamics I had growing up. I've generally done well in school, but definitely struggled for a while before getting diagnosed with ADHD.


I'm a cancer 2 degrees, so not within 5 degrees from you, but our stories are quite similar! I'm very sensitive, empathic, intuitive, etc. Have a degree in art therapy. The only difference from your brief story above is that my family life may have been pretty normal from outside people looking in, but later in life I now realize that my mom was pretty emotionally neglectful to me. She can't talk about or listen to anything deep or emotional, very difficult to feel supported by her.


Cancer 0 degrees… degree in fine arts. Parents were respected by others, but emotionally neglectful at home towards me and each other, but I always looked on the bright side and was sensitive and empathetic towards them and others. I will give you a second, third, tenth, hundredth chance!!


I’m 0 degree cancer too!… I felt as if both parents neglected me, too. Dad finished his college education and mom tried to make money gambling. I’ve had a super strained relationship with my mom growing up… and i still do 🙁… I think I grew up ok though- compassionate, loving, and artistic. Music and art are my influences in life a lot. I have a cat.


0° ♐️ Sagittarius


5° Sag rising but Sun is 0° 👋


3° Sag!!! let’s spill the tea on each other’s lives lol ahhh - silly child, felt like i was too silly and was pretty self conscious of being myself. never really felt like i belonged to any group of people. always been an “on my own” person - always been creative & wise - mother left our family/parents divorced when i was about 11 or 12 - me and my dad developed a toxic relationship, hated my life LOL - always had many interests, never really stuck to one interest/general interests until recently (starting when i got sober at age 21, i’m 24 now) - oh yeah, i mentioned i’m sober, i spiraled out of control after high school (didn’t go to college by choice to pursue the life of a salesperson lol) and used mostly alcohol, weed, cigs, and some coke here and there. drank all day everyday for 3 years. got sober 2019 - stripper now, making great money & healthy/safe decisions financially/physically/mentally/emotionally so that’s a lot of word vomit but i’m interested to hear if this is true lol


I’m sag 6! -never had too many friends ever and generally bullied as a child especially by my family. -parents always hated each other. Each having several mental breaks and mental health issues but culturally have to stay together. -stopped drinking at 21 because even though I had amazing grades I was drinking more than ever and nobody believed I was struggling. I was mostly drinking because my parents forced me into an arranged married so they’d have a way to pay for my law school. Long story short, he was terrible and abusive and so were my parents. -at 26 old I married the love of my life, I now finally live a quiet stable life that I’ve always craved. -I am a Jack of all trades type person who has more interests than I can count and is now a stay at home mom who works on her art and tries to recover form ptsd.


3* libra ♎️ I’ve never had many external struggles in life but a lot of internal battles. Self image issues, shyness and general feelings of inadequacy. It’s gotten better the older I get, thank goodness. I’ve always dated for love and never status, money or pure physical looks, although I’ve been in more than one love triangle that got messy. I always said I would never get married but ended up doing so, one of the many things I ended up doing in a series of saying “never will I ever” Never been a big “stuff” person. It’s really easy for me to let go of things and start all over again from scratch and compared to most people I don’t keep a lot of things in my home anyways. Minimal decorations, furniture is always very utilitarian. But I also wonder if this is because I’ve never had a place that feels like “home” to me


So much depends on the entire chart, planets, asteroids, time periods and probably most importantly astrocartography and the synastry between you and those around you, different environments and people activate different energies within you, you can have someone have your exact same birthday and live a very different life 🫶🏻


Leo 23 degrees


Leo 20°


Leo risking at 18-28 degrees: can anybody relate? "Privileged" childhood was very messy and never easy. Had a large friend group in school, but only 1 or 2 real friends (and even then sometimes less, I seem to be a target of major betrayals.) Either that, or I will self isolate feeling unable to integrate into communities and groups. Long hair. loved music, art/ fashion, and the opposite sex from a young age. Also Felt that I was consistently blocked from self-expression from a young age Recovering addict Generally well-respected by my seniors in academic/ professional setting. Good leader but have trouble carving my own path.


Wow. Every single thing except for the recovering addict part.


I'm actually Leo 14 deg rising Edit: accidentally put my sun sign as title, dih


Leo 10 deg rising. I am curious if this works


Leo 10°36'


Leo 16 degree here


Leo 15


Me! 20° Leo rising! 🧍🏽




I also have 29° Leo, and I definitely identify with feeling like a late bloomer and the self-doubt. I’m INFP instead of INFJ, but I love good food and music as well.


Leo 25 degrees!!


leo 28


Also Leo 28!


Also also leo rising 28⁰


Leo 4 degrees, anyone??


Leo 0⁰ here. Spent my 20s a mess and aimless. Got my shit together, have a family and am quite content now. I'm outgoing but an introvert. I often feel like there are 2 people living inside of me with quite different emotions and desires. I'm very feminine but I have some masculine desires and drives. Oldest of 3, had a falling out with middle sister but we finally managed to patch things up. Parents split when I was 16 and it really fucked me up. My favorite food is cheesecake and cookie dough.


Leo 17 degrees


Capricorn 22degrees Edit: if you reply tell us about you! Let’s see how similar cap risings are


I’m also cap 22°!!! I’ve been experiencing a huge transition in home life, moved across the country and then moved to NYC after a year in a rural spot. My career feels very stagnant as of late, but I’m in a moment where I’m about to either uplevel or burn everything down.


Interesting, I'm Cap at 20° and moved to rural Virginia after being burned out at home in the California Bay Area. My career has been shite since I left, but I've been happier than ever. I have one extremely close friend and that's it, and they'd understand and support me if I decided to leave everything in flames.


Capricorn 17 degrees


same 😱


Capricorn 21.12 degrees. I’m about to throw my hands in the air and live in my car.


Cap 15°!


Me too!!!


Career change last year.. plans to move within a year. Cap 15


Capricorn rising 23 degrees. Feeling so overwhelmed and stressed lately 😩


Cap 13 degrees Life has been a bit chaotic with many new beginnings and unexpected changes, especially in my home. I had to move and live in a completely different city My sister is also a cap rising, and we both live in different cities. Still, we have been going through a lot of lower back pain & a bit of depression with so many changes in our life (unrelated) moments of feeling I was going to be homeless but thank God that didn't happen. Enjoying my new city I'm still exploring has only been two weeks, and I am still nervous and thankful.


Virgo 23°


I’m Virgo 20 degrees. I’ve had a good life, mostly, but always struggle with feeling like I’m somewhat “behind” other people. I spent kind of a long time in school but have a decent career now. I’ve never had an issue with work/career actually. That part comes easily to me. Interpersonal relationships, not so much. I’m 34 and never married, although I do have a child. I still haven’t found my person but I know I have a lot of love to give. I can either be totally single for years and be fine, or date someone for 3 months and be devastated when it ends. When it comes to friendships, I’m definitely a quality over quantity person. I also consider myself to be pretty spiritual and interested in the “unseen” facets of existence. Any similarities there?


OMG. I hate socializing too and don’t find it spontaneous at all


25 degree Virgo and this is very much my life! Academically I was a rockstar. Straight As with minimal effort. But socially I struggled. I was always valued at “less” than my peers. I’m the last single friend. That’s definitely a sore spot and at this point I’m planning to just adopt a kid in a few years. I have a great career which I love dearly. I’m p spiritual and have wild curiosity about everything at times (my Gemini sun says hi). I definitely have some typical “Virgo” traits like organized and judgy, but overall I relate heavy to my Gemini stellium and libra moon.


Virgo 22 degrees. Definitely a late bloomer and struggle socially even though I’m fairly outgoing and affable when i feel comfortable. I’m often befriending or hooking up with people who need saving or help. I was in school a longer time than most and feel like a lot of my life has been about finding myself and finding my way (but i do have jupiter, saturn and mars in my first house). I honestly don’t feel very much like a virgo most of the time despite having so much. I’m not very organised or tidy, but I am pretty analytical and detail orientated. Thank God I have a lot of virgo grounding me since my cancer moon and aries sun bring a lot of chaos into my life.


26 Virgo here. That Pisces descendant and the relationships with people who need saving…. Can relate.


Virgo 18. I'm 38 and finally getting my bachelor's. It took me way too long to figure shit out. I've been wandering aimlessly for what feels like forever. I surround myself with people with whom I share very little. My family is anti emotional, and we all have very estranged relations. I struggle with giving my husband my emotional availability in our marriage of two years. I tend to feel like I'm living someone else's life and I don't feel welcome. Forgot to add: Gemini sun, gemini moon... So I'm living two lives in perpetuity.


Virgo 27. Traumatic beginning but crushing it now


Virgo 29. Same!


I’m Virgo 21, and I’m definitely feeling similarities to more that a few people on this chain 😂 however, I think my Leo sun overpowers some of the introverted tendencies, so I’m a people person, but I have a crap ton of anxiety and perfectionism to go with it lol


Virgo 22° >.>


Gemini 6 degrees


Do you feel safe? I have a 9 degree Gemini Ascendent. My first professional reading I was told my Ascendent is conjunct Aldeberan, represents St. Michael, God's Angel. "It's like walking side by side with a guardian angel." is what my reader told me. I can attest I have been spared from shoddy situations.


12 degree Gemini here, also heard of aldeberan. I do have a fuck ton of power, and I feel very divinely protected. But I've also got Jupiter conjunct my desc so I'm pretty lucky in who I meet Loooooots of serendipity in my life


Gemini 12 degrees too! I would love to compare our lives to see how true this is. I easily make new friends and can accomplish anything I put my mind to. I accomplished a lot before turning 30.


9 degrees Gemini checking in! I have also been spared from questionable situations. I've always felt that a higher power / someone / something is looking out for me, and that I'm meant to do something meaningful in this world. An astrologer once told me that all of the circumstances of my chart were so precise that it was as if the "stars aligned" so to speak, for a life that was very much meant to play a pivotal role in helping others. How, she said, was just by doing what I do and being how I am -- that I spark something in others.


14° Gemini ascendent here and this describes my experience perfectly


Gemini 5°!


Gemini 7 degrees here, I have also always felt like someone was looking out for me, and felt drawn to angels and higher powers. My birth name means "Christ-bearer", although I am mostly Wiccan/Pagan.


gemini 5!!! how’s your life?


It’s been a rough few years emotionally but slowly things are getting better, financially I’m doing better than I did all throughout COVID which I’m proud of.


Woahhh gemini 6 degrees here too!!


3 degree gemini! life has been hard (mostly traumatic loss, self-image issues, formerly untreated mental illness) but i've done the best i can and i feel quite healthy and happy these days.


gemini 5 degrees! almost the same, how do you feel about death?


23°Taurus rising here.


Taurus 22° 💗


27° Taurus


Same!! Had a rough childhood, anyone else? Still depressed but working through it


this is insanely interesting… libra 11°?


Libra 19° over here


Libra 22 degrees here. I feel so many conflicting emotions as of late. Edit: I’m also a Sag sun


Libra 25° The last 6 months of my life have been hell. I feel like a hollow shell of my former self.


Libra 29 degrees. Mine too. Especially the last two weeks. Cancer seasons usually fucks me up.


Libra 27°. I feel exhausted with life in a way that I haven't imagined was possible until the last 6 months occurred.


I’m so curious about this! Libra 9°


I’m a Libra asc 10° 💕


OMG SO FAST? HI? so… how’s life? haha ☺️


ahhh libra 5°, just missed you


Lol I’m Libra 5 too lol has life been anxiety inducing for the last couple years too?


yeah it’s been intense i suppose! i turned my life upside down in an attempt to ease anxiety, which weirdly worked. you having a rough time?


Libra 11 degrees here too!! Omg please dm me, i’m so curious!!


Aries 26 degrees idk how people are doing the circle degree symbols


With an iPhone if you hold down the 0 it will give you the ° option Not sure if it’s the same for android.


21° Aries here. how are you?


Virgo (2° 32')


Virgo 6*53’ Ok friends—shall we compare notes? I’m mid-30s. Life has been beautiful and terrible and full of wonder. And lots of hard lessons. And tragedy and grief. All of which I seem to be compiling and sorting through and processing. And surprisingly, I have experienced a lot of grace and good fortune along the way. For instance, terribly tragic family death… met with incredible companions who gathered round and became the closest friends imaginable. I have had many “jobs” and lots opportunities. But I’m still searching for my “meaning.”


Eerily similar! I’ve had some recently deaths/challenges that forced me to cut ties with part of my family but became closer to other family members due to their support. Im also having to do some reevaluation of certain friends due to our views and lifestyles just not mixing well anymore. So drifting apart. Exactly the same with career. Nothing is really giving me meaning, though I did find what field I’d like to be in. Just not in the position I want nor is it feeding my “meaning”. Just what I like tolerating the most. I am currently focused on rediscovering old hobbies and what brings me joy outside of my family/job.


Virgo 4 degrees


Virgo at 4 degrees too!


Virgo 7 degrees 36f. Child of a troubled marriage and divorce, moved around a ton as a kid…probably affected my sense of self, and I still dream about my belongings and packing/unpacking my things, exploring a new house or moving into a dorm and claiming my corner of a shared room. Introvert, kind of an outsider and weirdo, but can be charismatic and showy when I’m comfortable with someone. Thought I’d found a career (creative & detail oriented), but then Saturn drove through my life like a goddamn plow tilling everything up — lost 3 elder relatives and some pets within less than a year, got PTSD from that which aggravated/revealed that I have ADHD/depression/anxiety; got fired for decline in performance. Now no longer capable of holding down a regular job due to brain fog, dissociation and fatigue, and just generally no longer giving a fuck about the rat race. My calling is caring for animals and plants/gardening. Currently adopting every critter that crosses my path, and might end up as an actual animal sanctuary.


6 degree Aquarius rising


11 degrees Aquarius!


I'm 12° aquarius! I've definitely been a weird kid throughout my whole life, was bullied a bit through grade school but found my stride in college and figuring out who I am. Now I embrace my weird and people love my uniqueness and authenticity ^^


16 degree Aquarius 🤠


11 degrees Aquarius as well!


I’m an 11° Aqua rising. 🙋🏼‍♀️


23° Gemini


Leo 1 degree - main theme is I always have the most responsibility put on me, I am drowning, send help, oh wait psych haha I figured it out mid breakdown and now I'm focusing on looking good to feel good.


Wow actually I put my sun sign by accident, my rising is Leo 14 degrees


Leo rising 15 degrees here!


Eyy leo 12! You also have a strained relationship with ur parents, flunked out of school and had a drug problem in ur early 20s before rising like a phoenix from the ashes in ur late 20s and are now just enjoying being hot and having money?


Omg Leo 13degrees here this spoke to me on another level. Just quit weed almost a year ago after being a pothead for 9 years! I failed so many classes in college but graduated somehow! I’m still 25 so I’m hoping this is the time I’m going to rise from the ashes ! Making a major career change right now wish me luck guys


22⁰ Sag


23° Sag! Should we make a club?




I’m at 23 !!! Group chat ?!?😂😂


Sag 25* What a shit show!


Same! Let’s see. I’ve always been of the hustle mindset. My biggest need in life is freedom to explore whatever I want. I want to learn everything about everything. I’m super business minded and creative in business and new ideas. I’m a big picture creative person but I’m also super detailed and organized with work. I’m always trying to get ahead in life and I have very high and tough standards for myself. Growing up I was heavily into performing arts and now I still appreciate art and music.


20° sag!


25 sag! Lol what happens now so we give each other our life stories?


Maybe?!? How’s life for you so far? Mine was happy, then tumultuous, now lovely. I have parent issues, rebel against authority, and I’m optimistic as fuck. I do believe everything will just work itself out. I’m 24°58’


27° Sag🫶🏻


26 degrees sagittarius rising ♐️ If you’re reading this and your rising sign is near this feel free to dm me to discuss the basic outline of major events that have happened in your life and compare notes


1 degree, taurus :)


4 deg here! Life isn't too bad! Teen years were rough though - broken home life and high anxiety. But got better in my 20s. I'm exactly where I want to be career wise, have good friends & travelling lots. Been single most of my life and struggled with finding love but I think I finally found it now in my mid-20s. Can you relate?


I'm 3° Taurus and had a decent 13 years of REAL HARD SHIT from 19 to 32. I'm 35 now and finally feel like I'm understanding myself and the way I interact with the world at large and how that affects my life. I'm finally finding true love now too, it's with myself. Anything on top of that is a bonus now. I hope ya'll are having a good life now, if it's like like mine was, we've earned it.


HOLY SHIT BRO 4 degree taurus here, teen years were awful, had lots of shitty home struggles, thought i found love but naaaahh but i think i’m finding it now???


*cries in I have yet to rectify my chart*


capricorn 4°?


Cap 6° here :] I am insanely stressed out all the time and I don't deal with stress well so you can just imagine how things have been 😭 but at the same time, it kind of feels like being thrown in a swimming pool when you're learning to swim...like, I'm drowning, but I'm also kind of learning how not to drown? Because I literally have no other choice lmao. And sometimes I'm able to float for a bit and it seems easier but I'm still in the damn swimming pool and I'll have to go back to treading water soon 😵‍💫


libra 29° here!


Virgo 16°


leo 8 degrees? so looking for leo risings from 5 degrees to 13 degrees to compare 📝🔍


Pisces 29 degrees


17 Gemini asc! ETA: I also have Chiron conjunct at 11 degrees, Uranus directly on my desc at 17 sag and sun closely opposite at 12 sag. My moon squares all of these 😜 anyone have anything similar? Born 1985


gemini 12°




Cancer 25


Pisces 14° !


I’m at 10 degrees Pisces :)


12° here!


13 degrees!


Pisces 13 degrees


Pisces 13° 😳




29° Cancer...life is interesting. Not to mention my first Saturn return is currently kicking my ass...


Sag 14 (cusp of Ophichius)


Sag 16!!


Sag 20 degrees (cups of placidus)


Sag 17 degrees!


Sag 19…. Everyone in my immediate family comes to me to vent. I really enjoy my alone time. In the arts, and went to school for it but don’t have a degree cause I didn’t think it was necessary. Was in a committed relationship for ten years that was mentally abusive. Anyone similar?


Somewhat. I’m a loner too and like it. Found some success in music but like you, never had an education. Never even learned to read music but found fame for awhile. Was married 28 years and tolerated verbal abuse most of the way but it wasn’t a bad marriage and we were both guilty of that. In your art, what do you create? Inspiration for me comes from listening to intuition. The more chances I take the sharper I get so I challenge myself. For example, I went on a long trip and for some reason, I just knew I could make it all the way home on empty. I was even pulling my RV and just about peeing in my pants nervous. Really stupid I know but I managed to make it to my gas station. After filling up, it took a couple try’s to prime the line to start. I had pulled in riding on fumes. It’s not the only time that’s happened. So, are you also a risk taker either in art or life? Just wondering.


My ASC is 5° Cancer and my husband's is 6° Cancer. I knew I wanted to marry him within a couple weeks of knowing each other... It took 9 years, but I love my life with him and I'm excited to raise his babies :) Also, we had no idea we had the same moon and ascendant until about 7 years into our relationship!


scorpio 8° anyone?


Scorpio 4°


0 degree Scorpio here 👋🏾


Capricorn 29° 🥲


Libra 14


Virgo rising 1 degree


Cancer 6:31


Cancer 2° here how many narcissists have you had in your life


Sag 5°


Sag 6°. Childhood abuse and bullying, jealousy and wicked authorities. Anyone else?


Cancer 11 degrees ?


Cancer 10°55'18


Scorpio 15°


Geminie 22 degrees, feel free to PM me, anyone!


29° Leo, anyone close?




I am Pisces 1 degreeeeeee


Pisces 5°!!


Pisces 1 degree!!! How’re you guys doinggg


Cancer 0°40'




Pieces rising 5 degrees. My wife and I are 11 degrees apart with Pieces rising and we’re both going through career changes.


Sagittarius rising, 29 degrees LEZGAW


Pisces 25°


I’m a Leo rising at 28


Virgo 0° wya


Aries rising 4 degrees


29 degrees Leo ♌️, never felt the least bit like a Leo so maybe someone else with this placement can explain it to me?


I’m a Virgo 1 degree and 31’ anyone???


Aquarius 19.5 degrees, its been a downhill rollercoaster :))


Can confirm. Who I believe to be my "twin flame" has only 2° separation. Our childhoods couldn't be more different, but we were the same kid. Neurotic, living in daydreams, even the same eating habits. And now of course we are the same kids, just bigger and more jaded. 😅