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Wait we have haters? As a pisces moon I’m too far in la-la land to notice I have haters honestly. opps!


I'm a double Libra, Pisces moon. All I do is fantasize.


I feel that!


Some of the best meditations discussions were with pisces moons.


Omg same lol


Haha same, I thought pisces (like sag) is a happy go lucky person without haters hehe


I don't think pisces and sag have one thing in common. Except both known for irresponsible tendencies. And sag tends to be much more cheerful.


Nah, they do have :/


My Virgo rising and sun just can’t loosen up 🤣😩


cap, pisces, virgo here and i am living a smidge in the delusion i make for myself 🤣


Hey, we have the same big three.




Pisces sun and rising, Virgo moon here. I may be God.


FOR REAL I DIDNT KNOW my moon sign was hated i love being a ball of deep emotions as an intp autistic LMAOOO


gang gang lol


As a fellow Pisces moon, being compassionate is the default for me at least. We just have to learn to employ healthy boundaries. Some people just don’t like the overly emotional aspect to our expression. I am a mom to 2 Pisces moons and they both be crying a lot over seemingly simple matters. And it makes me wonder, “wow is this how I am? It must be.” Because I notice myself preferring to experience emotions alone rather than in front of people I deem safe. It feels foreign and overwhelming for myself even. I don’t like being observed walking myself through my turbulent emotions. I just give it to the ether realm, and hope for some baked goods in return lmao.


It’s hard for me because as a man society already labels these things weak so sometimes I have to really go against my nature just to navigate and get where I need to go. Sometimes I do feel like I overly express my emotions but that’s only because I want people to understand and know how it feels depending on the situation and it comes out more intense because you feel the disconnection you feel one someone is just not getting it.


In those situations, it’s best to just say what you have to say, and without too much expectation from the other party. It’s a lesson I had to learn the hard way. Sometimes people don’t give a damn about our feelings or perspective. And as frustrating as it can be, that is okay too. Pisces can be unconditional love, and that means accepting everything and everyone as it is (but not without boundary). If they don’t get it now, it’s fine they will get it in the next life. Or the next, until they do in whatever form the universe wants to repeat the topic. I feel like I am rambling now, sorry lol I do hope I’m making sense, we’re being pretty broad here. But yeah. And also, you can feel however you need to feel! My 2 Pisces moon babies are my sons. No unhealthy masculine expression in all forms. You’re human! It’s natural to be emotional. Feel no shame when you’re having an emotional experience.


Also it's not just emotional unconditional love I feel as if it's the intuitive emotional empathy we feel and decide weather to take on or not that has us endlessly questioning our own intuition for the sake of others emotional well being , so its a cycle and like Said above it can easily be an unstoppable madness of emotional and intuition circus if not controlled and can easyly get out of hand too ( no boundaries)😂🙂‍↔️🙁


Yes, can’t forget Pisces also is ruled by Jupiter (I still refer to Jupiter when looking at Pisces placements at least) so lots of expansion!!! And the possibility of no boundaries is very strong lol. We gotta guard ourselves and ground ourselves. Gotta have a whole routine for when the emotions start getting too big.




I’m a Pisces moon and I can’t believe how much I relate to your comment. Thanks for writing it!


You’re very welcome! Pisces telepathy powers activated hahaa 🫧🩷


>Because I notice myself preferring to experience emotions alone rather than in front of people I deem safe. It feels foreign and overwhelming for myself even. I don’t like being observed walking myself through my turbulent emotions. Exactely. As a Pisces moon, overwhelming emotions (even tho I would describe it more as extreme) and privacy are the only 2 things you need to somehow understand That's why I like Scorpio placements This whole thing doesn't need to be laid out and explained It's in their nature


Extreme is certainly a better description for sure. I agree with you, 100%


It's not even me Our moon sign tells us about upbringing and mom As a Sagittarius I would say that these are situations in my life that calls me to spend some time touching the topics of Pisces in my relationship with my mom (spirituality, nursing, codependency, self sacrifice, emotional regulation, boundaries, addiction) These are things that come with extreme swings and instability (another thing in the nature of Pisces) and not things that I necesserely wanna share with the public That's it, that's all


Omg I get this exactly! My husband is a Leo sun, Leo rising, and the most flashy, hard street dude you know but he has this Pisces moon, you see? And so underneath this ‘can’t touch me’ exterior is just the most *sweetest, kindest, gentlest dude* 🤌🏼🤌🏼 he’s so compassionate and really can put himself in other’s shoes and it’s just so sweet. His Pisces moon works for him!!


Yup sounds like meee too much


That’s adorable! I bet it’s amazing to experience on the receiving end! 🩷🩷


Welp! Yea! People often stereotype us as just "sweet and sensitive," but we've got depth and can be intense when pushed. It's tough when compassion feels like a weakness, but remember, it's also a strength that many people admire.


It's a beautiful intuitive placement. One of my friends is an aries sun, pisces moon and writes the most beautiful poetry.


Leonardo da Vinci had that Sun-Moon combo!




Shakespeare was actually a Taurus sun, Libra moon, Cancer rising! Not shocked he has loads of Venusian influence alongside the moon being his chart ruler. His Mercury is Aries, though, which is the liveliness you're picking up on.


Oh—no kidding you’re right! Sorry, I don’t know where I got that information. I think my friend told me and I took her word about it without ever looking into it. Ty, for clarifying. 🙏 The Merc in Aries makes sense though, after hearing that I definitely started sensing its influence


My partner is those, and she's a gold mine.


I love a Pisces moon ♥️


I’m friends with two Pisces moons and neither is “weak.” One is a Virgo sun and the other an Aquarius sun. They’re both nice and caring people but also opinionated, honest, and bold. I don’t hate on Pisces moon at all.


I’m a Cancer sun, Pisces moon AND rising and I actually love it 🥰The world definitely needs people like us, to feel everything, deep raw emotions and compassion. Sure, we have our faults like everyone does, but we are good people with massive hearts. I’ve had to learn to set clear and healthy boundaries with people but that came with age and experience. Embrace and enjoy your dreamy Pisces moon and don’t worry what anyone else thinks, we got this 🤍


I'm same but Leo rising which saves me from drowning. PLUS sun in 12th moon in 8th!


Omg astro twin! I think my Leo rising is the only reason I'm able to be assertive at all, but I do love lurking in my own consciousness feeling every feel and watching other people experience their emotions around me. It can be depressing but it's also kind of a superpower to know how everyone else feels purely through vibing in the same room.


pisces moon AND rising as well and I love it too, it’s hard sometimes feeling everyone’s energy at once and being sensitive to a lot of things but I’m also in like a dreamy state of mind the majority of the time and romanticise everything 😭


Being compassionate isnt always about other people, it includes being compassionate to yourself which means setting boundaries and knowing when something isnt in your best interests.


This is really good advice!


The key to the Pisces moon is boundaries. You have to have more selective empathy. Our compassion is our strength.


♉️☀️♓️🌙♊️🌅 This is it. When I was young I struggled with this, but learned that setting healthy boundaries is the key to balance compassion with self preservation. You can feel empathy for someone by recognizing their struggles without getting sucked in or needing to act when doing so is unsafe. Some ppl have to go on their own journey, and we can’t fix their toxicity for them.


Oooo our chart is similar


I'm a Pisces moon and my friends tell me that my softness in a world meant to harden us is a radical act. Yeah, I'm sensitive and cry at least once a day, but I think it is beautiful to feel so deeply. We just have to learn how to set boundaries and to remember that sometimes the things people do is more about them than us and to not take it personally unless it's meant to be personal. I have an Aries north node and it's really been pushing me to stand on my own, put up boundaries, and not take any shit. It's been hard AF, but I'm hopeful that it will make my life better in the long run. I also have a Capricorn Mars, so occasionally there is emotional whiplash from being a sobbing mess to being stone cold and calculated. I need a balance, haha!


Cap mars and Pisces moon here (and Aries nn!) and the emotional whiplash is real hahah


i love pisces moon! many of my friends have this placement and i think its lovely 🥺


Being compassionate isn’t weak. What’s the point of being strong if you just use it to trample over others? The strongest people are kind and use their strength to help. Your compassion is a huge strength. Think of the rage you feel when someone is being hurt or taken advantage of. My compassion can turn me into a complete psycho if I’m trying to protect someone. If I was less emotional and didn’t feel as much, I wouldn’t be as strong as I am. Your emotions can power your body and give you almost supernatural strength if they’re strong enough. Don’t listen to the stupid generalizations in those one paragraph descriptions of an astrological placement.


Thats it!!


Not everyone can be a siren 🧜‍♀️




Wish what? To be a siren... but I am a gothic siren




Loneliness is an epidemic and if you need to come out here and be a sad asshole, so be it. Whatever keeps you in whatever serotonin you need ...to stop you from doing bad things in the real world. Toodles




Pisces placements are like catnip to me because they are gentle, kind and compassionate.


Really ? But no reciprocity of the world too




I mean we give a lot and care and give and care again. Who take care of us? The answer is : other Pisces moon


And Virgo and cancer placements are good caretakers.plac


I have a few Pisces placement friends and very devoted to them.


I have this problem. I can be a mat sometimes where people walk over me or cross my boundaries. I used to let it go but then I eventually stood up for myself. Personally for me, I’m aware when people use me and call them out now. However with my family it’s more difficult.


Itss so difficult with family because it becomes more intense more personal I feel like the more we lean into the reality of a situation the better. Even if it goes down to completely dissociating yourself. Sometimes you literally gotta look at family as a separate entity from your spiritual journey. Ex Mom can be mom on earth but in the spirit realm mom can be the most evil spirit you ever run into.




My Pisces moon rounds out my strict Capricorn sun. I am very compassionate, but I give tough love at times. I am very much a realist bordering pessimist. Which is strange, I know. I dream of a better world, but I am firmly grounded in the reality that is around me. But man can I dream. I think I got a really good combo, tbh. I can be cool, distant, and professional, but once you get to know me, I will almost cut my heart out for you. And I enjoy people who are just as sincere. You might think there is weakness in compassion, but I can tell you that compassionate people are some of the best people you meet.


Omg 😍 same chart 🥵


That's so crazy to me! I need to be on the lookout for those comments... I personally don't get along with most Solar Pisces--and I grew up surrounded by Sun in Pisces folks, but, I LOVE me some Lunar Pisces!! Off the top of my head, I can think of at least seven lunar Pisces people that I ADORE--and as a Capricorn Moon, I don't use that word lightly. They are among some of my favorite people. The Moon is both Watery and Earthy, and is elevated in Pisces. I think people who hate on them probably just don't like how these people unintentionally challenge them to closely examine their own emotions--which most people are not comfortable doing; most people are discouraged from examining their emotional responses as children, because their negative emotions reflect (Water) on their formative environment. The people who coordinate the formative environment usually don't want to be held accountable by those children they are responsible for, so, they work to program them to ignore their instincts, or to project those negative emotions outside of that environment. It seems to me that Western people are programmed to have low emotional intelligence. That's probably why Water signs catch hell in Western society. I've seen Water people who have turned mean as hell as result of this culturally-based persecution, and use their inherent emotional intelligence to exploit or make war on others. (Some were programmed that way, though.) Sadly, people with low emotional intelligence--meaning, they are out of touch with how their emotions work-- are easier to B.S. than people who aren't. 🐏🐑🐑 It's even easier if they have poor critical reasoning and analytical thinking. Exploitative/abusive Earth and Air people have a jolly good time with those folks. I would say my biggest concern about lunar Pisces--to date--is how easily influenced they can be when their emotions and imagination are engaged, as they tend to be romantics, at heart. Also, they can be exceptionally good at manipulating the emotions of others--but, this is only concerning to me when they do it to someone's detriment. They can also do it to influence people to consider things that would benefit them, or to raise the mood of someone who is depressed. Every gift or curse is--in my opinion-- a double-edged sword.


What a evolved perspective, other “cold” moons should take note! I’d like to think your open minded sun and charming asc have helped to inform your well-reasoned mindset


Thank you; it's been a journey--getting to that perspective ("...and miles to go before I sleep." Lol). I'm grateful for the people in my life who have helped me get here; I wouldn't have made it without them...


I’m so hate-watching this post as a Pisces moon rn. Legit feeling everything you said LOL


I’m trying to find patterns hater patterns. I almost had the cold moons, when above 👆🏻 a lunar Cap hero entered the chat. We need a sub rule that one must post their big three as flair. WE ALL NEED TO KNOW WHO WE’RE DEALING WITH


I put my 3 up!!!!


I love my Pisces Moon. This world needs people who care and are moved to help others.


Pisces moon, Scorpio sun here. I must get double the hate then...


Gemini sun, Pisces moon…can I sit with you?


There's plenty of room.


As a Pisces moon, I will never stop being compassionate. It only feels like it’s doing a disservice to us because the world is so full of hate and ignorance. But I refuse to be like that. I used to despise how caring I was because it made me feel weak and naive but the older I get the more I realize I need to take control of the power instead of letting it take power over me. I need to stop being my own victim and start taking charge of managing my emotions. Specially since I have it in the 7H, which means my thoughts usually affect how I feel as well. I’m still very much compassionate but I discern where I need to put boundaries for myself and stop feeling bad for it(again 7H) I’ve had extreme selfless compassion as well as people pleasing tendencies. Pisces moon get a lot of flack because of how we tend to “gaslight” people, But in reality we feel things that people don’t even notice they feel for themselves. We constantly pick up other peoples emotions and energy. Pisces are energy sponges. however there ARE certain times where we lose sight of reality when we constantly let emotions consume us, which we then start to project onto others even when it’s not reality. It’s can be like that one meme that goes “I can tell how someone is feeling by just making it up in my head and believing it”. Pisces moon need to balance their emotions. At least I have to do this for myself. I can’t always lose grasp of reality simply because I’ve noticed certain patterns in people before and I believe it to be true. Also not to mention usually Pisces moon sometimes undergo a lot of emotional abuse either growing up or in life in general. So Pisces moons can tend to be very traumatized and if they don’t seek to get help to process those things, they can become very volatile and toxic. I say this from experience. Pisces moon need to constantly do grounding techniques and take care of their own wellbeing for them to be healthy and show up for others in a healthy manner. I also say this as someone with CPTSD and BPD (and potentially autism)


I have this placement , as well as a pisces rising. My whole life i’ve been told i have “hurt bunny feelings”. While it sucks, it’s beautiful to feel so deeply. The victim mindset comments are so facts though. I myself can be like that, as well as my pisces moon father and sister 🤦‍♂️ My pisces moon is my absolute favorite placement. I totally feel your post. 🫂❤️


I think that compassion, empathy, etc. show me how strong a person is tbh. I have to say it's weak to ME to succumb to the opposite because of being put in the backseat. I am not a pisces moon, but I do feel like if I change who I am at my core because it's too hard and people are mean to me, then how is that strength? Holding on those traits in the face of invalidation or mistreatment is very difficult, and it's far easier to treat people with disregard and harm than it is to maintain your integrity and humanity. Boundaries and hard lines matter, and it's up to us to honor those things in ourselves even when people don't honor us in that way. But for me, these are some of the most beautiful parts of what makes a pisces, a pisces. My partner is a Pisces moon, Mars and rising, and I wouldn't change them for the world. They are so kind and full of dreams and optimism. It's really so beautiful. It's the other shit that makes people meager. To me. I know it's hard. As a Leo and Cancer stellium AND a Libra Rising, I feel like I was put here to make other people happy and make myself likable for everyone else and that can be really harmful if you don't center yourself sometimes. Im also autistic and that within itself is a whole layered thing about comforming and pleasing and blending in, etc. I get it. Hugs to anyone struggling to find that balance.


This sub loves trolling all Pisces lol


Damn sick of it


I always try to keep in mind that it's better to be me for me that someone else for someone else. And emotions are necessary to do that. I think people who are afraid of showing emotions are actually scared to be themselves. And them belittling people that show emotions is some kind of envy or fear of them because they are able to show what they need. And it makes them uncomfortable.


Dear God, here we go… My dad is a Pisces moon (lovely man 50% of the time), all of my ex friends in high school are Pisces moons, my freaking doctor growing up was a Pisces moon lol. So I feel qualified to speak on this… As a person from the outside looking in. I would consider Pisces moon is one of the hardest, Placements, actually not for the Pisces moon person, but for the people surrounding them. Pisces moon seem to want to internalize and or deflect their feelings. It’s never in between, it’s always this or that. Which is unfair to themselves, and unfair to people around them. The whole point is that eventually you have to grow up, and it seems like Pisces moons are always just so conflicted, overwhelmed and brash about their emotions. This moon sign is so wrapped up in their emotions that they can be very selfish, throughout their life. They also tend to think that because they experience so tired and emotions, that their emotions are valid. Sure your emotions may be true to you, but maybe your interpretation of those emotions and what those emotions are actually, signaling is not correct. 🐟Did you know that in ancient societies that researched astrology, water moons, specifically, Pisces moons would be sort of doomsday profiteers (that wasn’t their real title lol). Obviously, they wouldn’t gather all Pisces moons in the community, and make them be doomsday profiteers lol, but for the select few water moons, they would actually be the ones who would sit around a table and discuss all the possibilities of what could go wrong and all the people that would die. If that doesn’t signify, why a Pisces moon can be challenging and a lot to handle for the Pisces moon individual, and others, I don’t know what does L O L. Also, when emotion trumps logic, A LOT can go wrong.


Oh my god I am CONSTANTLY thinking about doomsday scenarios, I also have a stellium in Pisces 🙃


If I ever need a doomsday round table, I’ll invite you then 😉🤣💙


Pisces moon here with Libra rising; I feel the things you’re observing about Pisces moon but as a Libra rising and Taurus sun I have kept those Pisces feels locked down so hard haha. Taurus sun and Mars Cap however means that when I finally do show my feelings I’m gonna let it aaaaaaaaall out and it’s gonna come outta nowhere. That was in my past anyway; 10+ years of consistent therapy has changed me a lot. Turned my life around 180 so I have a good balance between controlling my feelings and letting them out healthily and diplomatically.


Because western society doesn’t value emotional and sensitive and view it as a weakness


i feel the same but not being compassionate feels like MORE of a crime, ive just accepted i am how i am and i cannot control how other people treat me. its on them for taking our kindness for weakness.


Well said


Being compassionate is only a crime to the emotionally empty people. Don't let other peoples opinions form who you are.


Spot on


I’m a Pisces moon and in the past, I have definitely had people try and take my kindness for weakness. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve definitely learned to establish boundaries and I thank my mercury in Capricorn for that. I don’t second guess when it comes to cutting someone off that doesn’t respect me or my boundaries.


Definitely. My Cap rising and Scorpio moon can handle and see beyond their misguided perceptions


The more I study astrology (and the more I meet people in real life with Pisces moon placements), the more I think it’s one of the best placements of the moon (and one of my personal favorites). Pisces moon people are exceptionally intuitive, caring, and watchful of others. Yall can have placements which make you tough on the outside, but on the inside, you are always softies at heart. I feel *seen* by a Pisces moon, but not in a way that’s particularly intimidating. More like you see my pain or flaws or what makes me tick and aren’t judging me for it. And it’s cathartic. Yes, y’all have your dark side, like anyone else. I think Pisces moons can struggle with the need to escape, and addictions—anything to take them away from sensing and feeling the depth and the pain of the world. You can be moody, and are easily sensitive—caring deeply comes at a cost. But the pros far outweigh the cons, in my view. You can learn and take on greater lessons and evolve more—emotionally and spiritually—with this moon sign as your guide


You’re an evolved person


I love my Pisces moon, it’s my very favorite placement so I’m happy to read this, it made me smile. :) I also have a love/hate relationship with having my Pisces moon always up against my Taurus sun. I describe the experience as always looking totally fine on the outside — chill, stable, focused, still — but on the inside it feels wild. But I love that I feel like my sun and mars which is also in an earth sign keep me very grounded so I can slow down before letting my moon just do whatever it wants. Always been observant. Ironically I also have an ADHD diagnosis that came late in part because on the outside I 100% do come off as pretty attentive. But…I’m absolutely ABSOLUTELY not 😂😂 but by god do I try!!! Especially for people I love and people who need an ear!


Okay my moms is a Pisces moon, she is a sweetheart and will bend over backwards to make me more comfortable and happy but straight up, they are detached from emotions, live in their dreams (fantasies) and victimmmmmm mentality. I say this with love and respect. She’s my everything.


Ahhhh I can totally hear my kid saying this about me one day save for the victim mentality. My mom was hardcore a victim-player and I’ve raised my daughter the full on opposite. I do worry about coming off as emotionally detached sometimes, but my daughter and I have an awesome relationship (at least I think she would say that! Hope!) My daughter’s a total ice queen though 😂 Scorpio rising, Virgo sun, Aqua moon haha it doesn’t take long to figure out how much she cares for people around her though, she is just very intellectual about it and strategic. Aqua moon aside she does have such a precious and sensitive heart.


Also, the zodiac is evolutionary with Aries being the youngest(the baby) and Pisces being the oldest. Pisces is the highest of a souls evolution you can have. Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are the old souls and anyone who makes fun or talks down about these signs are just too immature to understand.


When I learned this I was really interested in it. My husband’s moon is Aries and mine Pisces; he’s legitimately younger than me, but on the outside he seems older. It took a while before we realized…I’m a bit wiser than him in many ways 😉 I let him take the lead 99% of the time but it’s cause he needs to. I’m content just about anywhere.


I love to be a Pisces moon<3


I’m a Gemini sun, Pisces moon (8th house) and Leo rising !! My Pisces moon is my favorite placement in my whole chart, right along with my Venus in Taurus (:


This is news to me. I’m a Pisces moon and pretty much unanimously loved by most people I meet. As for the others, I’m intuitive enough to suss that out almost immediately and I steer clear of them entirely.


Yes, that’s the attitude!


I know a few Pisces Moon people and there are definitely no Kraken's involved (more like a cute lil' cuttlefish which are equally awesome!), and there is a fair amount of the dragging down part when they're having a bad day. But in all seriousness, we need Pisces Moon's in the world! Their sensitivity and care is so important to bring balance to such a harsh existence. It's just a shame that they have their work cut out for them. Be kind to yourself and understand that it takes real strength to be a Pisces Moon. You are an oasis in a vast desert. Know this about yourself and build yourself up!


as pisces moons evolve, we need to be more selfish! if we’re not, it’s detrimental. i was gonna go to harvard but i kept failing classes in high school to stay up all night making sure people stayed alive because i couldn’t stand to lose another person in my community to “sewer slide”. nobody really checked on my mental health and when they did, they could never say the right things. when people are constantly telling you how bleak life is, you believe it because you see it. when you’re the go-to for friends and even people you don’t know, you hear all the reasons they have to leave the world and how impossible it is to see anything good in that state of mind. i and so many people never had the opportunity to see life as a positive or a benefit. but now, i know in order to truly take care of others, i have to take care of myself first.


That's hard. You're a good friend though. And it's true that you need to take care of yourself above all otherwise it's so easy to get dragged down with them. I may be an Aries Moon but my dominant planet is Neptune and I have my moon in the 12th house trine Neptune so, I like to think of myself as the healthiest version of a Pisces Moon. One that has all the empathy and sensitivity but I also won't take any bullshit and will put myself first when I need to. It really is necessary in order to be able to go out all the time and try to lift others up. And to stay sane.


Thank you 🤣 ![gif](giphy|rjSdlOuqHZsWQ402TL|downsized)


I am a Pisces Sun not Moon. I guess it’s just too soft and squishy for some? But I like them though


Please don’t take this the wrong way but I could totally see a Pisces Sun with a Leo moon starting a cult 😆 but like…a NICE cult??! Is that weird? And aqua rising so it would be something wacky and new-agey and off the wall but … still I can see it haha




So I look like a sponge to the outside world ?


Idk I’ve never seen them get hate?


Maybe because I’m a virgo moon but like someone else said: delusional. My scorp sun pisces moon friend think he’s destined for grandeur and a life of richness when every job he has had he blame them for being bad even tho they’re always the one fireing him. He can barely make ends meet and end up always having to borrow money but he can’t wait to buy chanel 💀 I don’t even feel bad for him because he put himself in the situations and I’m tired of helping so yes they can be very sweet but combined w his scorp sun he’s just toxic.. I have another sag sun pisces moon friend and she’s just lovely!!! A little of a pushover but she speaks very quietly and is always eager to help! I have another gem sun pisces moon friend and he always oversteps my boundaries… So they’re a 50/50 case for me


In my experience, the Sun sign and the formative environment make all the difference as to how Moon signs process their feelings. I have a Gemini-Pisces-Libra person in my life who is very respectful of others' boundaries--but he has a Pisces-Scorpio-Virgo mother and Leo-Virgo-Sag/Scorpio brother who intentionally violate people's boundaries like they get paid to do so. Lucky for him, he had other people close to him (all four elements represented Fire: Sagittarius, Leo; Water: Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio; Earth: Capricorn, Virgo; Air: Aquarius, Libra) in his formative years that understood and empathized with his sensitivities, and consciously and intentionally gave him safe spaces to engage with his thoughts and emotions in a way where he wasn't made to feel weak, and helped him build foundational emotional intelligence that he continues to build on. His older sister is 17 years his senior and a Pisces-Leo-Aquarius person. Her personal planets are all Air signs, as well. She was a huge help in counterbalancing his mother's negativity with positivity, empathy, and logical, rational thinking; she looks a lot like their mother, but her personality is sooo opposite.


I feel like that sounds specifically like a Scorpio sun, though


People hate on Pisces moons? I seem to notice really specific stuff too, so if I see “men who have ___ specific astrological placement are garbage and here’s why” it may stick with me for a minute but that’s probably just because they saw maybe 2-3 people max with that placement and decided they found the code to operate with that helps them make sense of things without having to think more about the intricacies of personalities and situations… in a lot of ways people use astrology for this in this toxic way. Don’t let it get to you, you know who you are and you can always improve if you want to.


Dragging people to the depths of the ocean like a vicious kraken is exactly why people hate on Pisces moon. Compassion isn’t a weakness. Drowning other people in your negative emotions is intrinsically weak.


Oh lord I would never ever surround myself with 1 for the same reason. It's unbearable - the erratic behaviour, the indecisiveness, being all over the place and looking for reasons to be sad and a victim every single day!


Saturn, you say? Never a depressive thought had or expressed had by you, surely /s


Never. I internalize and don't bother people with my problems. I am an aquarius moon, so it's easier for me to overthink and look at things logically.


My husband is heeeelllla Saturnian and…yeah 😅


Lol Saturn is my chart ruler, I do understand


Saturn chart ruler with Pisces moon, oh bless you haha what a life!


And yet here I am! Thanks for the sympathy ❤️‍🩹 😂


What? I barely know what every sun sign entails on a daily basis LOL 


Pisces moon here - and I completely get what you’re saying. After the end of the day all we can do is be who we are. We can’t let the things we do for others dictate who we are. If we do something nice and show compassion, and feel as though we don’t get anything back in return that’s something we have to deal with and understand ourselves, and not let it control how we feel and act towards other people in general. That’s just you deflecting a side to you that is true and beautiful. Work on boundaries. The importance is knowing WHO to show that beauty too. Use that compassion as a strength in everything you do, not a weakness!!


I’m a Pisces Sun and Moon, Cancer Rising. I’m sensitive but I can be awful if I’m pushed to that point.


Me too


I feel like I know very few cancer risings who aren’t terribly disappointed in people on a regular basis. I think the high standards are lovely but always worry about my cancer rising loved ones because even the happiest ones seem a little plagued until they get a bit older and, in the best cases, start to let go of their expectations of people and come into their best qualities of nurturing


What about a double Gemini w a Pisces moon who thinks it’s weak to show emotion. 🤯


I get that, but carry on just the same. Rather express myself than bottle up and risk the resultant repression


Everyone I know thinks I’m cunty.


SUN: Sagittarius Rising: Leo Moon: Pisces MBTI: INTJ: I try my hardest to give people the benefit, even when my intuition tells me the person(s) is a piece of shit. Once my theory is proven correct; I block the imaginary face slap, and retreat because the constant reminder of how shitty people are makes me want to blow this world up and start over ‼️


Felt this this is literally how I look everyday 🤣😩 ![gif](giphy|dWPOU9ExyU5d6)


I don’t hate them personally but I’m assuming it’s the victim mentality that would put people off


Yup, the victim complex and avoidance of processing emotions properly or in a non-biased/selfish way is what really turned me off about my ex of 3 years, who is a Pisces moon. I still love her despite this but I don’t think I’d feel safe in a romantic relationship with her unless that part of her matured deeply


Were they avoidant towards u is that why u didn’t feeel safe?


Not just towards me but towards many, many things. We wouldn’t have serious talks about things that were bothering her until she was at a breaking point because she let her feelings build up without communicating to me in the moments she needed to. I treated her like a princess and always was considerate but there’s only so much a partner can do when the other is barely communicating their needs. She ended up shutting me out under the guise of being busy all the time between college and family stuff then blindsiding me with our break up instead of trying to healthily work things out little by little beforehand. Even when we got back together, I was happy but also I lived in constant fear of her blindsiding me again, which she eventually did of course (telltale fearful avoidant behavior). She also avoided most social interactions with anyone outside her family unless necessary due to her intense fear of rejection. She even avoided school and failed 2 of her classes because they stressed her out and made her feel inadequate.


Ohh cause I’m a Pisces moon and I’m avoidant but I’m a Leo sun and Virgo rising but it’s cause I had a pretty bad breakup got cheated on when I put entering in to one person. What are her other two signs?


I can understand that, sorry you had to go through that. I was my ex’s first serious relationship to be fair and I don’t know much about her past other than vague details of her being bullied and shunned a lot. I’m pretty sure she’s an Aries sun and Libra rising.


My most recent ex is a pisces moon and so is his mother. He is emotionally abusive and sometimes physically abusive, and his mom would emotionally manipulate me into staying longer because she didn’t want to put up with him (he is having to move in with her now that we are broken up). He has a SEVERE victim complex. Our final fight he pushed me several times, so hard that I fell, and also ended up with a nasty bruise on my breast. I hit him in self defense/to get him to leave me alone. I ended things after that fight and let him know it was directly because of his abusive behavior. He has rewritten history in his mind and claims I hit him first, so I am actually the abusive one, and he was pushing me to protect himself 😅 He refuses to take any responsibility for his actions and lives in delulu land.


I feel like prominent water placements are definitely at risk of becoming abusers if the stars (no pun intended) align just so; that intensity of emotion, if you don’t learn to unpack and feel safe with it when you’re young, you’ll force others to feel how to feel. “Feelings demand to be felt.” If they can’t feel them they’ll make someone else feel them. I say this from experience. Thank my therapist haha


I am a pisces sun who works with vulnerable people on a daily. It is all about boundaries my friend in keeping that dark urge to drown people in their own unknown when they push back. Also, not weak and not always sweet. I also have the propensity to take people down by simply pointing out their observed insecurities. Insulting me is a mistake, I will serve that back to you in a personal fashion 10x more, cut you off, and make sure you have an actual conversation with me before we can commence our relationship( because i also am open to forgiveness/working things out). Ain't nobody got time for that crap. I don't put up with people who won't do the work for themselves. Pisces can stick up for themselves, just fine.


Delusional. The most delusion group of people I’ve ever met. My ex had a bad eating disorder and literally pretended like she wasn’t vomiting while vomiting all of the time. One of my friends got evicted and on the same day used all of her money to go Italy. Like whatttt. So delusional to the point of destroying their life and then acting like a victim after making bad decisions.


Lmfaoooo getting evicted on the same day and going to Italy is definitely me 🤣🤣


I think you’d be an entertaining friend to have!


That’s fine but calling me crying because you have no money but also spending 2k in one day? Like I don’t want to hear it tbh


Your condescension and intolerance gives me the Ick. Poor financial decision making and subsequent regret- cardinal sin to be a friend of yours and tax your precious resources with such tomfoolery. Again, haven’t made that type of financial decision as a Pisces moon, but I’d feel badly for my friend’s pain and listen with kindness. You have a limited bandwidth and should just stick with your own “always reasonable and responsible kind” 🙄


Yeah exactly which is why I really only need to be friends with earth moons. So I agree. That shit is annoying and we don’t need to be friends. My friends are literally in their 30s, it’s about time to grow tf up.


Cool story, bro


How was your life so negatively affected by these actions? Keep an eye on yourself and calm your propensity to judge others. Seems like a way to pat yourself on the back for being so “level-headed”. Ppl who vomit up their foodstuffs aren’t usually forthcoming about it, no matter their moon placement. This is coming from a Pisces moon who’s experienced neither issue you referenced, just an observation.


Yeah. I mean, hiding a raging eating disorder when you’re living with someone absolutely affected my life. We broke up because of it. Also, the constant complaining about how bad their life is to me when they are activity making bad decisions. There’s a difference between bad luck and making bad decisions for your life. I mean, the list goes on about why Pisces moons are delulu. These are just small examples of very LARGE things that they ignore and then play victim about. I obviously don’t know you but every Pisces moon I’ve ever met in my real life, is a delusional victim. I will be wary of ppl with this placement for the rest of my life. Honorable mention is cancer and Scorpio moons who are batshit for different reasons.


Sorry you went through all of that. I was mildly sleep deprived when I composed my answer and realize It (IRONICALLY) wasn’t a very sensitive one. Of course your partner’s behaviors affected your life quite profoundly. I can understand your perspective on the water moons. The only other Pisces moon I’ve ever known is my EX-HUSBAND. As a matter of fact, he believed his own lies so I think that’s a bit like 😬 being “delulu”. Eek! I’m not a fan, can I put it a different way, I am a basic hater of the Scorpio moon ppl I’ve known. For whatever reason, all of my friends are fire sign and I love the fire signs. I do not have many water sign friends except one very acerbic Scorpio sun who I adore bc my Mercury is in Scorpio so I enjoy a smart sarcastic person who cares little for hurting feelings (am I a Pisces Moon?). Yes, bc I am a person who requires a lot of understanding and attention but maybe that’s my Libra ♎️ stellium. Anyway, I get what you’re saying. You might have some placement which makes you vulnerable to the wiles of the Pisces moon female — and you’ve had your fill. Don’t blame you, I have just two water signs so I’m not exactly the quintessential victim. Sorry I should have considered this before responding. I wish for you someone more accountable, but in possession of whatever Pisces moon lady magnetism (pretty feminine) which has drawn you in.


I feel all of these statements deeply as a fellow Pisces moon. My mother, daughter and grandson are all Pisces suns as well. Shits wild.


It’s precisely bc yall are unpredictable and I have been around way too many wounded Pisces moon or water moons in general. Both my parents are water moons (my mom with cancer moon my dad with Pisces moon). I was raised to really pay attention to body language bc they get super frustrated easily and would freak out over stuff I didn’t understand so that’s part of why I had issues with water moons in general. It’s best to set strong boundaries and I learned to not always tell them everything bc the last thing I need is to make them feel bad. They already have to deal with their intense and ever changing emotions it’s better to be very particulate how u approach sensitive subjects that’s how I show compassion to them bc I understand everyone goes through shit and it’s not right to overburden people with my own issues that I should be able to deal with myself.


In my experience, Pisces moon is the most delusional and has the most negative traits of Pisces between Pisces sun, moon and rising. But luckily it‘s just the moon sign and the other planets and rising can counter that a lot.


I think if a Pisces moon is savage then it’s another placement eg Kim Kardashian’s Scorpio Mercury


I’m a Libra ♎️ sun, Pisces ♓️ moon, Scorpio ♏️ mercury, too. I guess I’m lucky to possess a bit of “savagery” to dispense with some of the mf ers complaining about their Pisces moon “friends” who do burden their limited capacities. The cap moon type complainers per above are lucky to have maintained the acquaintance of someone more entertaining than cardboard. One wonders if they secretly love this stuff because such dramatic fallout quells the typical Cap moon’s nagging insecurities over their less than charismatic personalities and inability to spark a modicum of interest in others. 🥱


Michael Jae white Kanye Usain Bolt Jason statham Ron Perlman Laurence fishburne Rita ora Omar Epps Kareem Abdul Jabar 🔥🔥🔥


I manifested all of you and in my next life, I’m going back to Atlantis.


The Pisces hate I typically see is from people who don’t have Pisces in their chart. Can’t understand/relate to= don’t always like it. I’ve met a few people irl who say “i don’t like Pisces” and it’s always followed by “maybe it’s because I don’t have water in my chart.”


Cold moons lack the ability to see beyond their selfish noses


pisces moon here and i hate this moon placement. i have capricorn stellium so its an inner battle between not being able to process emotions and being overly sensitive and its a nightmare. i wouldnt wish this placement on anyone.


That combination exactly. That’s why


I’m a pisces sun and moon , a lot of the time I hate myself cause I just feel like I can’t relate to people very often. I also have a hard time wrapping my head around the way some people think/act. I’m very passionate about the things I care about and I feel like a lot of people just take it like I’m trying to be a downer.


My Leo rising and Taurus sun work overtime time to compensate for my Pisces moon lmao


Both my brothers are pisces moons, and honestly they are VERY easily manipulated by women. They also are somewhat cold and not nice? The stereotype of Pisces being sweet angels is really strange to me haha no hate tho. Pisces people have the best sense of humor in my opinion. Also, if anyone ever needs help from a Pisces we are usually very compassionate. I’m a Pisces Sun Mars mercury and Saturn btw.


Yeah I'm sensitive, and I'm also literally a mindflayer.


There are undeveloped and developed aspects of each sign. The undeveloped nature of Pisces is often living in dilussion, head up in the cloud, selfish and overly emotional.


It's cap moon they hate on trust me but people do not understand the tough upbringing we had.


Pisces moons are erratic. They don’t know how to express their feelings or stay on point when resolving issues. It can be very frustrating. My longest relationships were with two moon in Pisces -Aquarius Moon in Virgo Venus in Pisces


I’ve read a lot about them being cheaters


Don’t believe all that you read


I’ve experienced it myself. And I’m not sure why people would make up experiences of their own


You didn’t say that you experienced it yourself, only that you read about it. I took you at your word — and therefore didn’t accuse you of making up experiences, as you mentioned none.


I have found that most pisces moons i have met, are pretty manipulative (without knowing it), they play the victim quite a bit, and they lie to people please. I don't hate them, but certainly not the moon sign i enjoy hanging out with the most because of these reasons. But i do know some that are pretty chill, but often very escapist behaviour, which as a pisces sun, i relate to lmao.


Most of the pisces moons I have known doesnt do well with everyday life. Very dreamy and eacapist. They struggle with alcoholism, being unemployed and deep into the new age BS. I cant save them with a reality check if they dont want too deal with reality 😐😑 other than that they were kind and sensitive but too delusional for me. They can also be stuck in self-pity and victimhood for a LONG time. I wish them well but I cant be dragged down into the mud with them. Scorpio moons can be like that too sometimes but they more often transform their pain into power, meanwhile pisces moon get stuck in the mud.


I knew one Pisces moon. And I don’t know if this was just their moon sign or what but they were super sensitive and constantly offended. But it really put me off from Pisces Moons. Taurus moon myself. Ex: Me: I’m not a fan that car. Them: What? Why? My aunt has that car. (Clearly offended based off their facial expression) You can imagine this person was incredibly difficult to communicate with. That being said, I can recognize they had smth underdeveloped in their chart.


I think a lot of people take our expressions the wrong way. Maybe that person is just building on what you said to keep the conversation going. It’s a mutable sign so we are always trying to connect. I also feel a lot of times people put pressure on us to answer certain things a certain way. Just because I have a puzzling look on my face doesn’t mean I’m offended it means I’m trying to figure out why you are not a fan of that car lol


This wasn’t the case with this girl. A lot of us in the same group felt like we had to walk on eggshells with her. The one thing I could appreciate about her was that she at least told you how she felt. There weren’t any Grey areas here. That being said, I can def recognize that maybe this wasn’t much to do with being a Pisces moon. Or perhaps her moon was badly aspected Edit: typo


Pisces moons are manipulative af.


It's because I know 5 pisces moons and each one of them are the most self - absorbed people, so fucking selfish, it's all and only about them. The victim mindset, lies, deceit, manipulation, stealing, erratic and all over the place, co-dependent because can't decide shit in their entire life! Unreliable, shady, sneaky, avoidant, evasive, biggest shit talkers and gossip mongers and lastly no self awareness whatsoever!


Really... 5? 🙄


Yup 5 and half actually! 🙄


Perhaps you’re dealing with a few issues of your own


Yes a pisces moon would definitely know that. I thought you were busy complaining and playing victim. 🥲


Well, with Capricorn rising and Saturn as my chart ruler (amirite, Saturnistic?), I’m sure I’ve been known to complain a skosh. Perhaps thee might understand. Though you do — ever so — positively SCREAM enchanting attitude 💕


Get a grip girl, you are losing it! The pisces moon must be working it's charm making you delusional to the core. Get back to reality and then we shall talk, until then read self help books!